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DNA and Cells
The questions that follow cover the role of cells in inheritance
Question #1 (1 point)
Why is cell division by mitosis important?
To reduce DNA in the nucleus
To supply new cells so the organism can grow and replace old ones
To create hair and fingernails
To fight off invading DNA
Question #2 (1 point)
What happens to DNA in a cell in order to prepare for cell division?
DNA leaves the nucleus and goes to the ribosome
DNA looks for exact copies in the nucleus
DNA dissolves and reappears after cell division
DNA replicates (copies) itself in the nucleus
Question #3 (1 point)
How does the DNA in the two cells at the end of mitosis compare to the DNA in starting cell?
The cells at the end each have their own blend of the starting cell DNA
The cells at the end have half the DNA of the starting cell
The cells at the end have an exact copy of the starting cell DNA
The cells at the end have a blend of the starting cell DNA
Question #4 (1 point)
Which of the statements below is NOT part of the Cell Theory
All matter is made up of cells
Cells are the smallest unit of function in a living thing
New cells only come from exisiting cells
All living things are made up of cells
Question #5 (1 point)
Why is Meiosis important for living things?
Meiosis organizes the DNA of the organism
Meiosis can produce new liver, muscle or kidney cells
Meiosis creates cells for reproduction
Meiosis produces the structure that cells can't provide
Question #6 (1 point)
How are reproductive cells different than other body cells?
Reproductive cells are like red blood cells and have no genetic material.
Reproductive cells have 1 copy of each chromosome needed for the organism to function
Reproductive cells have 2 copies of each chromosome needed for the organism to function
Reproductive cells have 4 copies of each chromosome needed for the organism to function
Question #7 (1 point)
Where does a new cell get the genetic material (DNA) needed to function?
Genetic material is built into the cell membrane
A copy of the needed DNA is made after the new cell is created
A copy of the needed DNA is made before mitosis
Genetic material is one of the organelles in the cell
Question #8 (1 point)
Fully grown adults are much larger inside than young children. What happens to the cells of the body
during the growth of a child?
The size and number of cells in the body of a growing child stay the same.
The cells of a growing child divide to make more cells
The cells of a growing child make copies to make more cells
The cells of the body of a growing child grow, but the number of cells stays the same.
Question #9 (1 point)
In sexually reproducing organisms, such as humans which of the following is TRUE about how many of
a son's body cells (any cell in the body except a sex cell) contain DNA from his mother?
A little less than 50% of a son's body cells contain some DNA from his mother.
100% of a son's body cells contain some DNA from his mother.
50% of a son's body cells contain some DNA from his mother.
A little more than 50% of a son's body cells contain some DNA from his mother.
Question #10 (1 point)
Like most animals, mice reproduce sexually. The skin cells of a mouse each contain 40 chromosomes.
How many chromosomes does a sperm cell contain?
Question #11 (1 point)
In some kinds of organisms, reproduction occurs asexually (without the combining of two sex cells).
Which of the following statements is TRUE about the information that is passed in DNA from a parent to
its offspring in these kinds of organisms?
Half of the information in the DNA of a parent and the DNA of its offspring is identical.
The information that is identical in the DNA of a parent and in the DNA of its offspring varies from
organism to organism within the same species.
The information in the DNA of a parent is identical to the information in the DNA of its offspring.
The information in the DNA of a parent is completely different from the information in the DNA of
its offspring.
Question #12 (1 point)
Humans reproduce sexually, but many organisms reproduce asexually. The most siginificant difference
for asexual reproduction is
Reproduction involves one organism and the environment
Reproduction involves more than one species
Reproduction involves no sex
Reproduction involves the genetics of one individual