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Key terms
• Heterotrophs/Consumers
• Decomposers
• Ecological Community
• Community-level interactions
• Keystone species
• Trophic level
• Limiting Factors
• Know the difference and be able to compare:
Biotic factors vs. Abiotic factors
Food chains vs. Food webs
Niche vs. habitat
Learning Objectives/questions:
What defines an ecosystem?
How to classify and explain the interactions w/in an
Levels of Ecological Organization:
Life on Earth
Life on earth depends on 3 interconnecting factors:
1. The one-way flow of energy (high-quality)
Cycling of matter or nutrients (round – trip)
Sun to earth and living things
Photosynthesis (low – energy)
Can not be recycled
Only certain amount of matter and nutrients on earth.
Required for life sustainability
Depending on the cycle, takes seconds to centuries.
Allows us to hold onto the atmosphere surround the
earth, which allows life to be sustained.
Abiotic Factors
Non-living components:
• Water, air, nutrients
• Rocks
• heat, solar energy
• Salinity
• Temperature
• pH
• Wind
Biotic Factors
All components that consists of living and once lived.
• Plants
• Animals
• Microbes
• Dead organisms and parts of organisms
• Waste products from organisms
Ecology – study of relationships in the natural world.
• Ecologist – the person or scientist that study these
• Applied ecology – Uses information from ecologists
to better understand issues like developing effective
vaccination strategies, managing fisheries or large
ranches without over harvesting, depleting genetic
diversity, designing land/marine conservation
reserves for threatened and endangered species
(spp) and modeling how ecosystems may respond to
global climate change, natural and human disasters.
A collection of ecosystems that share similar climatic
conditions, vegetation and animals.
In relation to ecosystems
• Most changes in ecosystems are caused by climate
change, species movement in and out of the ecosystem
and ecological succession.
• Species basic physical conditions for survival also play a
role in an ecosystem.
• Geography has an important impact on ecosystem
changes because of climate circulation patterns
(atmospheric and oceanic) and climate zones.
Factors include:
• Temperature ranges, moisture availability, light and nutrient
availability, and altitude (height above or below sea level).
Climate Zones:
• Divided into 4 distinct areas •
Tropics – warmest, wettest regions
Equator - where the sun’s heat and energy are the strongest.
Subtropics – high-pressure creates dry zones @ 30° latitude North
and South.
Poles – Driest and coldest zones @ 60° latitude.
Reason for climate zones –
The angle of impact of the sun’s rays on the earth
• Equator = 90° Angle
Latitude and altitude change the ambient heat energy the further
you move away from the equator or away from the surface.
The Earth is tilted at a 23.5° angle creating seasons as it orbits
around the sun.
broad geographical areas that stretch the globe which
contain many ecosystems with a wide range of diverse
groups of organisms that are adapted for those specific
temperatures and precipitations.
Division of biomes (with subdivisions)
– swamp forests, lakes, ponds, streams, rivers
and bogs
Marine – rocky shore, mud flats, coral reefs, mangrove
swamps, continental shelf, deep ocean
Deserts – hot and cold
Forests – Tropical, temperate, and boreal(taiga)
Grasslands – Tropical or savanna and temperate
Tundra – arctic and alpine
Aquatic Biomes (Freshwater and Marine)
• Covers ¾ of the earth’s surface.
• Include – open ocean, coral reefs, estuaries, lakes,
• Large bodies (oceans & lakes) are layered
• Surface – warmest with most amount of light
• Depends on the movement and mixture from deep
to surface for nutrients.
Biomes - Aquatic
Wetlands – Freshwater and saltwater swamps,
marshes, bogs
• All
have standing water, water table is at the surface, ground
is saturated
• Little oxygen creates special soils and decay takes place
• Creates the coal we use today over a geological time period.
• Bogs
– no surface water but have a layer of vegetation
that lays on top of the water.
• Bacteria found here carry out chemical processes that
produce methane and hydrogen sulfide.
Biome - Aquatic
Freshwater – lakes, rivers, ponds, streams,
• Very
small portion of the Earth’s water supply.
• Used to supply water to homes, industry, recreation,
and agriculture.
• Rivers and streams are used to transport materials
from land to ocean.
• Abundant in biotic factors.
• Estuaries – mouths of rivers where ocean water and
freshwater mix. – rich in nutrients, impt. in breeding
sites for fish (salmon).
Biome - Aquatic
Intertidal zones:
• Areas
exposed to the alternation of air during low tide
and ocean waters during high tide.
• Constant movement of water transports nutrients in
and out of the zone.
• Major economic resources found here, i.e. seafood
• Susceptible to pollution from land and freshwater
• Extreme variations in environmental conditions occur
Biome - Aquatic
Open Ocean:
• Called
pelagic region
• Tend to be low in nitrogen and phosphorus
• Benthos – bottom portion
Primary food source is dead organic material that falls from above.
• Upwellings
– Deep ocean waters
Cold and dark, life is scarce
• Rich in nutrients – dead organic material (organisms) fall from surface
• Upward flows of waters brings those nutrients to the surface allowing
abundant growth of algae and animals at the surface.
• Commercial fishing occurs in these areas because of the abundant and
diverse fertile organisms found here.
• Hydrothermal
vents – occur in deep ocean where plate tectonic
processes create vents of hot water with a high concentration of
sulfur compounds.
Chemosynthetic organisms live here
• Water pressure is high, and temps range from boiling to frigid.
Large continuous areas
Varies in size, mostly isolated from other
water sources.
Organisms have a more free range of
movement through areas, Less need to
adapt to changes in conditions
More adept to a wider range of changing
conditions and able to change habitats.
Biomes - Terrestrial
Tundra – treeless plains that occur in the harsh
climates of low rainfall and low average temps.
• Dominant
vegetation – grasses, mosses, lichens,
flowering dwarf shrubs
• Two types
• Arctic
– High latitudes, Antarctica and N. Canada/Greenland
• Alpine – High elevation, Himalayas, Rocky Mountain Ranges,
Swiss Alps
• They differ by the types of animals found
• Permafrost
– permanently frozen ground, extremely
Biomes - Terrestrial
Boreal (Taiga) Forests:
• Forests
of cold climates
• High latitude and High
• Dominated by conifers (trees), form dense small trees.
• Spruce,
• Biological
firs, pines, aspens and birch to name a few.
diversity is low
• Commercially valuable resources
• Include large mammals, small rodents, many insects,
birds, raptors
• Contain some of the Earth’s largest remaining
• Conservation is important (Yellowstone)
Biomes - Terrestrial
Temperate Deciduous Forests:
• Climates
are somewhat warmer than Boreal.
• N. America, Eurasia, Japan
• Dominant vegetation
Maples, beech, oaks, hickory, chestnuts
• Taller trees than Boreal
• Dominant
Smaller mammals that tend to live in trees (squirrels), birds,
rodents, insects
• Larger mammals tend to live in the younger forests where tree
population is smaller
• Long
dominated by humans
Important nature preserves (Yellowstone, Yosemite)
• Very few remaining uncut, old growth forests left
• Fire
is natural and recurring, but not as dominant as in
Biome - Terrestrial
Temperate Rain Forests:
• Temps
are moderate and precipitation exceeds
• Rare but spectacular
• Dominant vegetation –
Coniferous and evergreen trees
• Redwood, Sequoia, Douglas Fir, Western Cedars
• Northern
Hemisphere –
California, Oregon (Redwood, Sequoia)
• Canada
• Southern
Hemisphere –
New Zealand
• Major
source of Timber crops, esp. in N. America
• Low diversity of plant and animal species because of the
low sunlight available on the forest floor.
Biome - Terrestrial
Temperate Woodlands:
• Temp
patterns are like deciduous forests, but climate
is slightly drier.
• N. Hemisphere –
• New
England, Georgia, Caribbean islands.
• Dominant
veg –
• Samll
trees – pinion pine, evergreen oaks, ponderosa pine
• Stands are open and wide allowing plenty of sunlight to
reach forest floors
• Fast
growing and used for timber crops
• Animal species –
• Deer,
small/med mammals, birds, rodents
Biome - Terrestrial
Temperate Shrublands:
• Mediterranean
climates, low rain fall and cool
seasons, Drier climates called Chaparral
• Coastal
California (mid to lower), Chile, S. Africa, Med region
of Europe (Ancient Greece and Rome).
• Miniature
woodlands with dominant shrubs
• Highly modified by humans because of the climate
and is conducive for ranching and farming.
• Young tree/shrub lands – conducive to fires
• Used to decorate many streets and gardens
Biome - Terrestrial
Temperate Grasslands:
• Too
dry for forests, too moist for deserts.
• Dominant plants –
• Grasses
• Soils
and flowers
have a deep organic layer, perfect for farming
• i.e.
– Midwest, Kansas, Wyoming
• Covers
areas from Canada down to Northern
• Abundant animal species
• Large
mammals – horses, American Bison, Kangaroos
(Australia), antelope and other large herbivores (Africa)
• Small mammals – rodents (prairie dogs), foxes
Biome - Terrestrial
Tropical Rain Forests:
• Avg
temp is high and relatively constant the whole
year, rainfall avg is high and frequent.
• Northern South America, Central America, Western
Africa, N. Australia, Indonesia, Philippines, Borneo,
Hawaii and parts of Malaysia.
• Diverse plant and animal species –
• Approx
2/3 of all flowering plants live here.
• Mammals tend to live in trees – Monkeys, sloths, etc.
• High diversity of bird species and insect species
Biome – Terrestrial
Tropical Seasonal Forests and Savannas:
• Low
latitudes, avg temp is high and constant
• Rainfall is abundant but seasonal
• Location –
• India,
• Savannas
SE Asia, Africa and N & S Americas.
– grasslands with scattered trees
• Large mammals – Lions, Tigers, Herds like Zebras,
Giraffes, Pandas, Elephants, etc.
• Abundance of plant species.
Biome – Terrestrial
• Driest
regions where vegetation can survive.
• Rainfall is typically less than 50cm a year.
• Sahara (Africa), Mojave (Ca/Az), Whitesands (N.M), Mexico
and Australia occur at low latitudes.
• Cold deserts – Utah, Nevada and W Asia
• Specialized vegetation
Joshua tree in Ca/Az.
• Cacti
• yuccas,
• turpentine bush
• prickly pears,
• false mesquite,
• agaves and brittlebush.
• Specialized
animal species
Vertebrate – lizards, snakes, jackrabbits, foxes, rodents,
burrowing animals, birds, kangaroo mice
• Invertebrates – insects, beetles, arachnids
Food Webs and Food Chains
• Food
• shows
the complexity of relationships and
energy flow between organisms within an
• Food
• Shows
a simple one-way relationship and
energy flow between a set group of
Arrows represent the way the energy flows
through a system. (eaten to eater)
Food chain –
Grass  grasshopper  sparrow  Fox  Cougar
Food Web
Tertiary consumer
Secondary consumer 2
Secondary consumer 1
Primary consumer
Pyramids of Ecosystems
Trophic level pyramid: