... systems used in Louisiana and surrounding states, and they are frequently found in the same water body. Though the abundance of one species may vary among and within culture ponds from year to year, red swamp crawfish most often dominate and are the desired species in the marketplace. It has been hy ...
... systems used in Louisiana and surrounding states, and they are frequently found in the same water body. Though the abundance of one species may vary among and within culture ponds from year to year, red swamp crawfish most often dominate and are the desired species in the marketplace. It has been hy ...
Nursery and Grow-out Techniques for Giant Clams
... land-based nursery until they are at least 4 mm in length or for a period of 3-5 months. Some clam farms raise their animals entirely on land while others transfer their stock to the ocean at the earliest possible time. Advantages and disadvantages of land-based versus ocean-based nursery of giant c ...
... land-based nursery until they are at least 4 mm in length or for a period of 3-5 months. Some clam farms raise their animals entirely on land while others transfer their stock to the ocean at the earliest possible time. Advantages and disadvantages of land-based versus ocean-based nursery of giant c ...
associations between the hermit crab dardanus pedunculatus and
... influencing anemone placement by Pagurus pollicaris seems to be balance (Brooks 1989). With Dardanus venosus crabs, large anemones seem to be preferred over small anemones, with small anemones often eaten by the crab (Brooks 1991). In the Aegean Sea, larger species of crabs carry a greater biomass o ...
... influencing anemone placement by Pagurus pollicaris seems to be balance (Brooks 1989). With Dardanus venosus crabs, large anemones seem to be preferred over small anemones, with small anemones often eaten by the crab (Brooks 1991). In the Aegean Sea, larger species of crabs carry a greater biomass o ...
Resurrecting the Ecological Underpinnings of Ocean Plankton Blooms
... The springtime co-occurrence of rising phytoplankton concentration, increasing sunlight, and shoaling mixed-layer depths (MLDs) naturally led early investigators to assume that the subarctic Atlantic spring bloom is a consequence of rapid cell division triggered by increasing light. In particular, a ...
... The springtime co-occurrence of rising phytoplankton concentration, increasing sunlight, and shoaling mixed-layer depths (MLDs) naturally led early investigators to assume that the subarctic Atlantic spring bloom is a consequence of rapid cell division triggered by increasing light. In particular, a ...
Hoffmann`s Two-toed Sloth, Choloepus hoffmanni
... Until geologically recent times, ground sloths such as Megatherium[2] lived in South America and parts of North America, but along with many other animals they disappeared immediately after the arrival of humans on the continent.[3] Much evidence suggests that human hunting contributed to the extinc ...
... Until geologically recent times, ground sloths such as Megatherium[2] lived in South America and parts of North America, but along with many other animals they disappeared immediately after the arrival of humans on the continent.[3] Much evidence suggests that human hunting contributed to the extinc ...
Ontogenetic Shifts and Symbiont Succession in a
... succession in which symbionts colonize and become extirpated during particular life stages of the host (Fonseca and Benson 2003). Alternatively, symbiont populations could disappear for other reasons (e.g., disease, active removal by host, changes in environmental conditions) leaving a host open to ...
... succession in which symbionts colonize and become extirpated during particular life stages of the host (Fonseca and Benson 2003). Alternatively, symbiont populations could disappear for other reasons (e.g., disease, active removal by host, changes in environmental conditions) leaving a host open to ...
Determining the relative importance of dilution and detection for
... vigilance in zebra-only versus mixed-species herds, and (3) determine whether the magnitude of the mixed-species effect varied with total herd size. We also tested for a site effect by using ‘site’ (iMfolozi or Kruger) as a covariate, but found that it was nonsignificant. Thus, we removed it from fur ...
... vigilance in zebra-only versus mixed-species herds, and (3) determine whether the magnitude of the mixed-species effect varied with total herd size. We also tested for a site effect by using ‘site’ (iMfolozi or Kruger) as a covariate, but found that it was nonsignificant. Thus, we removed it from fur ...
Differences in feeding adaptations in intertidal and
... CR = V Loge C0 −Loge Ct − a /t where V is the volume of suspension, C0 is the initial concentration, Ct is the final concentration, a is the rate at which particle concentration changed in the control suspension, and t is the duration of the experiment. At the end of the CR experiments, all snails w ...
... CR = V Loge C0 −Loge Ct − a /t where V is the volume of suspension, C0 is the initial concentration, Ct is the final concentration, a is the rate at which particle concentration changed in the control suspension, and t is the duration of the experiment. At the end of the CR experiments, all snails w ...
Invasion Dynamics of a Non-indigenous bivalve, Nuttallia obscurata
... varnish clams. Dashed line represents zero preference (0.5). Values above dashed line indicate varnish clam preference and values below indicate littleneck preference. Where CI does not overlap the dashed line preference is significant. (B) Littleneck ({) and varnish (z) clam handling times for larg ...
... varnish clams. Dashed line represents zero preference (0.5). Values above dashed line indicate varnish clam preference and values below indicate littleneck preference. Where CI does not overlap the dashed line preference is significant. (B) Littleneck ({) and varnish (z) clam handling times for larg ...
- California State University
... We also suspected that recruitment patterns of barnacles (S. balanoides), rockweeds (A. nodosum and F. vesiculosus), and mussels (M. edulis) to clearings within stands of A. nodosum were spatial scale dependent and here we report the results of experimental tests of this hypothesis. We expected that ...
... We also suspected that recruitment patterns of barnacles (S. balanoides), rockweeds (A. nodosum and F. vesiculosus), and mussels (M. edulis) to clearings within stands of A. nodosum were spatial scale dependent and here we report the results of experimental tests of this hypothesis. We expected that ...
Gopher Tortoise Facts
... 34. Hatchling gopher tortoises will temporarily live in adult burrows before creating their own burrows. 35. Adult tortoises have few enemies besides humans. 36. Young tortoises are vulnerable to predation by raccoons, armadillos and hawks. 37. The gopher tortoise is the only species of North Americ ...
... 34. Hatchling gopher tortoises will temporarily live in adult burrows before creating their own burrows. 35. Adult tortoises have few enemies besides humans. 36. Young tortoises are vulnerable to predation by raccoons, armadillos and hawks. 37. The gopher tortoise is the only species of North Americ ...
Exhibition catalogue coexisting with large carnivores
... as researchers, conservationists and wildlife managers. The views are therefore those of the LCIE. The basic message that we are trying to communicate is that large carnivores represent a uniquely challenging group of species to conserve in a crowded continent like Europe. However, if people are wil ...
... as researchers, conservationists and wildlife managers. The views are therefore those of the LCIE. The basic message that we are trying to communicate is that large carnivores represent a uniquely challenging group of species to conserve in a crowded continent like Europe. However, if people are wil ...
A Biogeographic History of the Plains Bison
... In recent history humans have drastically influenced the population and distribution of bison in the United States. When the first European settlers came to the new world, many of the Native American groups they saw were sustained by the bison. The hides, hooves, sinews and virtually all other parts ...
... In recent history humans have drastically influenced the population and distribution of bison in the United States. When the first European settlers came to the new world, many of the Native American groups they saw were sustained by the bison. The hides, hooves, sinews and virtually all other parts ...
Evolutionary Conservation Biology
... As anthropogenic environmental changes spread and intensify across the planet, conservation biologists have to analyze dynamics at large spatial and temporal scales. Ecological and evolutionary processes are then closely intertwined. In particular, evolutionary responses to anthropogenic environment ...
... As anthropogenic environmental changes spread and intensify across the planet, conservation biologists have to analyze dynamics at large spatial and temporal scales. Ecological and evolutionary processes are then closely intertwined. In particular, evolutionary responses to anthropogenic environment ...
the Beluga Whale Fact Sheet in PDF format
... Belugas have good vision both above and below the water (Balsiger, 2003; Mass and Supin, 2002). Like other odontocetes, they can focus in either air or water, an adaptation made possible by their specially adapted lens and cornea (Mass and Supin, 2002). For belugas, which are sometimes hunted by the ...
... Belugas have good vision both above and below the water (Balsiger, 2003; Mass and Supin, 2002). Like other odontocetes, they can focus in either air or water, an adaptation made possible by their specially adapted lens and cornea (Mass and Supin, 2002). For belugas, which are sometimes hunted by the ...
Size-dependent predation by snakes: selective
... position. Thus, larger (and faster) lizards may have less chance of being attacked by pursuing snakes but be equally vulnerable to ambush predators than are smaller lizards. In this study, I examined size-dependent predation within a single prey taxon, the common garden skink (Lampropholis guichenot ...
... position. Thus, larger (and faster) lizards may have less chance of being attacked by pursuing snakes but be equally vulnerable to ambush predators than are smaller lizards. In this study, I examined size-dependent predation within a single prey taxon, the common garden skink (Lampropholis guichenot ...
predation of juvenile crassostrea virginica by two species of mud
... have a significant influence on survivorship of juvenile oysters. To assess the relative contribution E. depressus and R. harrisii have on spat mortality, results were compared with predation rates of two other important crab predators of spat: C. sapidus and P. herbstii. Daily predation rates by C. s ...
... have a significant influence on survivorship of juvenile oysters. To assess the relative contribution E. depressus and R. harrisii have on spat mortality, results were compared with predation rates of two other important crab predators of spat: C. sapidus and P. herbstii. Daily predation rates by C. s ...
Finney, Suzanne K. (2002) The dynamics of gull
... colony was significantly higher in the areas of the island where gull nest density was low. This suggests that, by reducing the density and spatial distribution of nesting gulls, the control programme successfully increased the attractiveness of the colony as a potential breeding site for puffins. M ...
... colony was significantly higher in the areas of the island where gull nest density was low. This suggests that, by reducing the density and spatial distribution of nesting gulls, the control programme successfully increased the attractiveness of the colony as a potential breeding site for puffins. M ...
effects of temperature on the population dynamics
... conditions. In two experiments, I exposed P. caudatum and C. striatum to relatively low or high temperatures for 22 months (at least 130 generations) and measured the intrinsic growth rate r, approximate carrying capacity K̂ , and competitive ability of the resulting cold- and warm-adapted populatio ...
... conditions. In two experiments, I exposed P. caudatum and C. striatum to relatively low or high temperatures for 22 months (at least 130 generations) and measured the intrinsic growth rate r, approximate carrying capacity K̂ , and competitive ability of the resulting cold- and warm-adapted populatio ...
sloth source 3
... Until geologically recent times, ground sloths such as Megatherium[16] lived in South America and parts of North America, but along with many other animals they disappeared shortly after the arrival of humans on the continent.[16] Much evidence suggests that human hunting contributed to the extincti ...
... Until geologically recent times, ground sloths such as Megatherium[16] lived in South America and parts of North America, but along with many other animals they disappeared shortly after the arrival of humans on the continent.[16] Much evidence suggests that human hunting contributed to the extincti ...
Final report on Effects of environment on
... Since this project report is limited to a total length of 20 pages, and over 20 full published papers have resulted from the project, we have reported a selection of our results. The results of the research programmes are reported under general titles, as most research programmes were intended to pr ...
... Since this project report is limited to a total length of 20 pages, and over 20 full published papers have resulted from the project, we have reported a selection of our results. The results of the research programmes are reported under general titles, as most research programmes were intended to pr ...
Age at Capture - Ministry of Environment
... Because dispersal strategies vary among species, and are related to their risk of extinction, this behaviour has relevance to conservation of species at risk, especially when their distribution has become fragmented into a multiple local populations. The objective of this study was to appraise exist ...
... Because dispersal strategies vary among species, and are related to their risk of extinction, this behaviour has relevance to conservation of species at risk, especially when their distribution has become fragmented into a multiple local populations. The objective of this study was to appraise exist ...
Timing of fledging is influenced by glucocorticoid physiology in
... at a time during development. Unlike the majority of bird species (primarily Passerines), when albatross chicks leave their natal island on their first flight, they become completely independent of parental care and must learn to forage on their own as they spend the entirety of their first 3–5 years a ...
... at a time during development. Unlike the majority of bird species (primarily Passerines), when albatross chicks leave their natal island on their first flight, they become completely independent of parental care and must learn to forage on their own as they spend the entirety of their first 3–5 years a ...
Attack risk for butterflies changes with eyespot number and size
... the Lepidoptera [3,10]. The first is the deflection hypothesis, which posits that small, peripheral eyespots draw the attention of predators to the wing margin, thus deflecting attacks away from vital body parts and towards the edge of the wing [16]. This confers a higher chance of survival because ...
... the Lepidoptera [3,10]. The first is the deflection hypothesis, which posits that small, peripheral eyespots draw the attention of predators to the wing margin, thus deflecting attacks away from vital body parts and towards the edge of the wing [16]. This confers a higher chance of survival because ...
Associational plant refuges : convergent patterns
... the sea urchin, Arbuciu punctulutu. These slow moving, nonvisual herbivores differ greatly from fishes in the way they search for, and feed on, algae (Ogden 1976; Gaines and Lubchenco 1982); it is therefore possible that plant associa- ...
... the sea urchin, Arbuciu punctulutu. These slow moving, nonvisual herbivores differ greatly from fishes in the way they search for, and feed on, algae (Ogden 1976; Gaines and Lubchenco 1982); it is therefore possible that plant associa- ...
In terrestrial zoology, megafauna (Ancient Greek megas ""large"" + New Latin fauna ""animal"") are large or giant animals. The most common thresholds used are 45 kilograms (100 lb) or 100 kilograms (220 lb). This thus includes many species not popularly thought of as overly large, such as white-tailed deer, red kangaroo, and humans.In practice, the most common usage encountered in academic and popular writing describes land animals roughly larger than a human that are not (solely) domesticated. The term is especially associated with the Pleistocene megafauna – the land animals often larger than modern counterparts considered archetypical of the last ice age, such as mammoths, the majority of which in northern Eurasia, the Americas and Australia became extinct as recently as 10,000–40,000 years ago. It is also commonly used for the largest extant wild land animals, especially elephants, giraffes, hippopotamuses, rhinoceroses, and large bovines. Megafauna may be subcategorized by their trophic position into megaherbivores (e.g., elk), megacarnivores (e.g., lions), and, more rarely, megaomnivores (e.g., bears).Other common uses are for giant aquatic species, especially whales, any larger wild or domesticated land animals such as larger antelope and cattle, as well as numerous dinosaurs and other extinct giant reptilians.The term is also sometimes applied to animals (usually extinct) of great size relative to a more common or surviving type of the animal, for example the 1 m (3 ft) dragonflies of the Carboniferous period.