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1 of 4
Instructor: Nicole Stevens
Winter 2008
Chemistry 100
Quiz 6--Part 1
You may write on this part of test, but mark your final answers on a separate bubble sheet.
Which of the following is NOT a type of carbohydrate?
a. glycogen
d. polysaccharide
b. cellulose
e. amylose
c. monosaccharide
f. all of these are types of carbohydrates
Consider the pictures below for questions 2-3.
Which picture best represents a protein's secondary structure?
a. A
d. D
b. B
e. B, C and D
c. C
f. all of the above
Which structure(s) would contain amino acids?
a. A
d. D
b. B
e. A and C
c. C
f. B and D
B, C and D
all of the above
For questions 4-6, match each item on the left with the description on the right that best fits.
Descriptions may be used more than once!
A sugar molecule, part of the DNA backbone
An amine base, bonds with guanine
An amine base, bonds with thymine
An amine base found only in RNA
An amine base, bonds with adenine
A polyatomic ion, part of the DNA backbone
A sugar molecule, part of the RNA backbone
A fat molecule, part of the DNA backbone
Which of the following is NOT a type of fat we discussed in class?
a. fatty acids
d. glycogen
b. waxes
e. fat-soluble vitamins
c. steroids
f. all of these are types of fat
2 of 4
Instructor: Nicole Stevens
Winter 2008
Chemistry 100
Quiz 6--Part 1
You may write on this part of test, but mark your final answers on a separate bubble sheet.
Which of the following is true of fats?
a. they are made of saccharides
b. they are all more dense than water
c. they are classified by number of nitrogens
they are all soluble in water
they are also called lipids
all of these are true of fats
Mark the following statements true or false.
Catabolism is the process of breaking down molecules, and anabolism builds molecules up.
10. An enzyme catalyzes a reaction by increasing the activation energy (energy needed for a reaction).
10 points total on Part 1
Instructor: Nicole Stevens
3 of 4
Winter 2008
Chemistry 100
Quiz 6--Part 2
Write directly on this part of the test. Please write neatly and SHOW ALL WORK!
For the following DNA sequence, write the amino acid chain it would encode. Use the 3-letter
abbreviations for the amino acids, as shown in the chart in Part 1 of the quiz.
3 pts.
DNA sequence:
First, I need to translate the DNA sequence into an RNA sequence.
Then, look up what each codon (set of 3 bases) codes for in the chart.
Amino acid chain:
(-1/2 pt. for each wrong amino acid)
Met - Ala - Tyr - Trp - Leu - Ser - Gly (termination)
Now that we have an amino acid chain, we can begin to shape an actual protein. Discuss how a simple
amino acid chain is folded into various structures. Include information like bonding, shapes, levels of
6 pts.
organization, etc. Draw pictures if you'd like!
The amino acid chain represents the protein's primary structure. The amino acids are held together by
+1 peptide bonds, also called amide linkages.
For the protein's secondary structure, hydrogen bonds would shape the amino acid chain into either an
alpha helix ( α-helix) or a beta pleated sheet ( β-pleated sheet). Sometimes both types of secondary
+1 structure can exist on the same amino acid chain.
For the protein's tertiary structure, the protein would begin to take on a 3-dimensional shape. It is held
together by disulfide bonds (covalent bonds between 2 sulfurs), ionic bonds (also called "salt bridges,"
+3 between a negatively-charged group and a positively-charged one), and dispersion forces (mostly present
in non-polar side-chains).
Finally, a protein takes on a quaternary structure when the tertiary structures of multiple amino acid chains
+1 are bonded together using disulfide bonds, ionic bonds, dispersion forces and some hydrogen bonds.
This allows many unique protein structures to be built from just a few amino acids.
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Instructor: Nicole Stevens
Winter 2008
Chemistry 100
Quiz 6--Part 2
Write directly on this part of the test. Please write neatly and SHOW ALL WORK!
Look at the picture below, representing a DNA molecule.
a. On the picture, circle a single nucleotide.
1 pt.
b. Name the item in the picture represented by #1:
Phosphate (group)
1 pt.
Description of this item:
Phosphate polyatomic ion, formula PO43-
2 pts.
Linked to sugar to form backbone of DNA
c. Name the item in the picture represented by #2:
Amine base
Description of this item:
1 pt.
3 pts.
Molecule that includes an amine group (--NH2)
Purines: adenine and guainine, contain 2 carbon rings
Pyrimidines: thymine, cytosine, uracil (in RNA), 1 ring
Purines bond with pyrimidines to keep DNA uniform width
A bonds with T, C bonds with G
Amine bases bond together using hydrogen bonding
What is the name of the enzyme used to
build DNA during replication?
DNA polymerase
+1 pt.
d. Name the item in the picture represented by #3:
Deoxyribose (Sugar)
Description of this item:
1 pt.
2 pts.
5-carbon sugar (pentose), contains 1 less oxygen than
20 points total on Part 2
ribose which is found in RNA
Linked to phosphate to form backbone of DNA