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Endocrine system review
Know WHAT THEY DO and WHERE THEY ARE MADE for the following hormones
1. Testosterone- Testes- Promotes development of male secondary sex characteristics
2. Estrogen- Ovaries- regulates menstrual cycle
3. ADH(antidiuretic hormone)- Posterior Pituitary- promotes water reabsorption in kidneys
4. Oxytocin- posterior pituitary- involved in milk production and uterine contractions
5. PTH(parathyroid hormone)- Parathyroid- raises blood calcium levels
6. Calcitonin- Thyroid-reduces blood calcium levels
7. Insulin- pancreas- reduces blood glucose levels
8. Glucagon- pancreas- raises blood glucose levels
9. Epinephrine- adrenal medulla-released in response to stressors, increase blood glucose, increase
rate of metabolism, constrict certain vessels
10. Norepinephrine- Adrenal medulla- see above
11. Melatonin- pineal gland- controls body rhythms
12. Thymosin- Thymus- programs T-lymphocytes(immune system)
13. GH(Growth hormone)- Anterior pituitary- stimulates normal growth and development
14. TSH(Thyroid stimulating hormone)- Anterior pituitary- stimulates Thyroid
15. Prolactin- hypothalamus- stimulates milk secretion
16. ACTH(Adrenocorticotropic hormone)- Stimulates adrenal cortex
17. LH(Luteinizing Hormone)- Anterior pituitary- stimulates ovaries/testes
18. FSH(Follicle stimulating hormone)- Anterior pituitary- stimulates production of ova/sperm
19. T3 and T4 –(Thyroxine and triiodothyronine)- Thyroid- Stimulates metabolism
20. Aldosterone- adrenal cortex- reabsorption of water in kidneys
21. Cortisol- adrenal cortex- glucose metabolism
22. Progesterone- ovaries- promotes growth of uterine lining
23. What are the 3 ways Endocrine glands are stimulated and how do they work?
Hormonal –gland is stimulated by a hormone to start production
Neural- neural signal straight from the nervous system stimulates hormone to start production
Humoral- a change in blood levels of a particular substance stimulate the gland to start production
24. Label the diagram
A. Pineal
B. Adrenal
C. Pituitary(anterior and posterior)
D. Thyroid
E. Thymus
F. Pancreas
G. Ovaries
H. Testes