Download Nucleic Acid Purification RNA purification kits

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Nucleic Acid Purification
RNA purification kits - miRNA
RNA purification kits, FastTrack™ MAG micro mRNA isolation kits
High yield, high quality mRNA using oligo(dT)-based magnetic bead technology
P ure mRNA in less than 1hr when starting from total RNA and less than 1.5hr when isolating directly from cells or
Three kit formats are available, depending on the amount of starting material
The FastTrack™ MAG mRNA Isolation Kits isolate significantly higher mRNA yield, in less time, than any other mRNA
isolation kit. Using oligo(dT)-based magnetic beads, your mRNA yields are as high as 3% of total RNA and more than
1µg when directly isolated from 1 x 10e6 cells. In minimal time you can go from cell or tissue to highly pure mRNA with
minimal contamination from ribosomal RNA or genomic DNA.The FastTrack™ MAG mRNA Isolation Kit elutes mRNA in
small volume for concentrated samples that are ready to use for many applications, including cDNA library construction,
microinjection, in vitro translation, subtraction, primer extension, RT-PCR, and northern blotting. Some downstream
applications may not require elution from the magnetic beads.This kit includes all the necessary reagents for the
number of preps listed and requires the use of a magnetic accessory.
mRNA kits
Catalogue No
FastTrack MAG micro mRNA isolation kit
FastTrack MAG maxi mRNA isolation kit
FastTrack MAG 96 mRNA isolation kit, optimised for
12 preps
6 preps
2 x 96 preps
RNA purification, microRNA, PureLink miRNA isolation kit
The novel enrich/bind/elute procedure efficiently isolates small RNA molecules including ~21nt to 22nt microRNAs
Purification from a variety of sample sources including cells and tissues
Purifies cellular small (200 nt) RNA molecules, including tRNA, 5S rRNA, and 5.8S rRNA, and regulatory RNA molecules
such as microRNA (miRNA) and short interfering RNA (siRNA). Purified RNA is suitable for northern blot analysis and
microarray analysis.
The kit utilises a silica-based two-column system to enrich small RNA from various sample sources. From sample lysate,
RNAs greater than ~200nt are bound to the first column. The flow-through, enriched with small RNA molecules, is mixed
with a higher concentration of ethanol to increase the binding affinity of small RNA to the glass fiber membranes of the
second column. Bound small RNA molecules are then eluted, ready-for-use, and free of large RNA molecules such as
28S rRNA, 18S rRNA, and mRNA that can inhibit expression analysis of small RNA molecules.
Catalogue No
PureLink miRNA isolation kit
25 preps
RNA purification, transcriptome RNA, RiboMinus™
The RiboMinus™ Human/Mouse Transcriptome Isolation Kit constitutes a novel purification system that enriches the
whole spectrum of mRNA species by depleting large ribosomal RNA molecules in a total RNA sample.
The kit removes >95% of 18S and 28S rRNA molecules from human or mouse total RNA without relying on current
polyA+ purification methods. This increases the representation of mRNA species, including non-polyA-tailed,
fragmented mRNA or other regulatory RNAs that cannot be purified via polyA-selection methods. Purified RNA is
suitable for several downstream applications, including, library construction, RT-PCR, and microarray.
Catalogue No
RiboMinus™ transcriptome isolation kit (human/mouse)
6 preps