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Name: _____________________________
Cell Division Review Quiz
1. Chromosomes:
a. How are the terms DNA, gene, and chromosome related?
b. The two sides of a b_______________________ chromosome are called
s____________________ c____________________.
c. All chromosomes have tips on their ends (called t________________________) that
get shorter with each cell division. When these tips get too short, the cell stops
d_________________________. This leads to some of the symptoms of aging, but
prevents c____________________.
d. How many chromosomes are found in a typical human skin cell? ________; in a
human gamete? ________
e. Are gametes haploid or diploid? ______________
f. Dogs have 78 chromosomes. What is their diploid number? ________; what is their
haploid number? ________
g. How many chromosomes do kids with Down’s Syndrome have? _______
h. At the end of mitosis in a human, how many chromosomes should the cells have?
i. At the end of meiosis in a human, how many chromosomes should the cells have?
2. Mitosis:
a. Cross out the wrong answer: Mitosis occurs to
• produce gametes.
• help the organism grow/repair/replace somatic cells.
b. Mitosis produces ____ (number) cells that are: identical / unique (circle one)
c. The cells at the end of mitosis are: haploid / diploid (circle one).
d. The stages of mitosis can be remembered using this mnemonic device: ___, ___, ___,
___, ___
e. True / False: Homologous chromosomes line up side by side during metaphase.
(Careful, this one’s tricky…)
f. True / False: Sister chromatids are pulled apart during anaphase.
3. Meiosis
a. Meiosis produces ____ (number) cells that are: identical / unique (circle one)
b. The cells produced the end of meiosis are properly called
c. The cells at the end of meiosis are: haploid / diploid (circle one).
d. The stages of meiosis can be remembered using this mnemonic device: ___, ___, ___,
___, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___
e. During Prophase I, the homologous chromosomes find each other and trade sections
of DNA. This trading of DNA is called c_________________ o__________.
4. Cancer
a. Cancer is really uncontrolled m_____________________.
b. In a healthy cell, the g__________________ a__________________ gene (p53) helps
the cell correct mutations and directs the cell to suicide if the mutations are
irreparable. In most cancers, the p53 gene is malfunctioning (due to a mutation in
THAT gene).
c. A gene that leads to cancer (because of a mutation) is called a: proto-oncogene /
oncogene (circle one).
d. A b_______________ tumor is not called cancer because it cannot spread to other
parts of the body.
e. A m____________________________ tumor IS cancer because it can