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Chapter 10 and 11.4 Review Questions:
Explain how cell division in bacteria is different than eukaryotes.
Draw and label a chromosome, chromatid and centromere.
3. What is the definition of crossing-over? When does it occur?
How does the DNA compare from the parent to daughters when an organism is asexual?
5. In most animals, meiosis produces gametes, which are the _______ and __________ cells.
6. How does DNA” fit” into a cell?
7. What are homologous chromosomes?
8. If an organism has a diploid number of 20 chromosomes, how many haploid chromosomes
would there be in the gametes?
9. What is a karyotype and how is it arranged?
10. Write the steps of the cell cycle in order.
11. When does the separation of homologues occur?
12. What occurs during interphase?
13. How do normal cells become cancerous?
14. In which phase of mitosis does the nuclear envelope disintegrate?
15. In which phase of mitosis does the chromosomes line up in the equator of a cell?
16. Explain what happens during cytokinesis.
17. Draw a sketch of prophase.
18. Draw a sketch of metaphase.
19. Draw a sketch of telophase.
20. List 3 differences between mitosis and meiosis.
21. What is meant by a malignant tumor and a benign tumor?
22. What is cancer?
23. How many chromosomes are in a human sperm and egg?
24. Compare the genetic information (DNA) of daughter cells to the genetic information in a parent
25. Define diploid and haploid.
26. Most of a cell’s cycle is spend in which phase?
27. A spindle fiber is a specialized form of __________________. What is the role of spindle fibers
in cell division?
28. Draw cells at the end of meiosis I and meiosis II.
29. The first 3 phases of the cell cycle is collectively known as ____________.
30. A type of human cell that undergoes mitosis, but not cytokinesis is which cell?
31. What happens during the S phase?
32. How is Down Syndrome identified by a karyotype?
33. The study of cancer is known as__________________.
34. What are the two main reasons cells need to divide?
35. What is the role of a centriole?
36. What are the two main stages of cell division?
37. What is a difference in cell division between plant and animal cells?
38. Cyclins are proteins that _________________________ the cell cycle.
39. Why are stem cells important?
40. Gametes are produced by the process of ____________________.
On the back, practice writing out your short answer possible
questions from the notebook check sheet.