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Name: ________________________________
Living Environment
Date: _________________________________
2nd Marking Period Quarterly Exam Study Outline
The Quarterly will count as your last test grade for the 2nd marking period
The Quarterly will cover the following topics:
Unit 3 Important Topics: Cell Processes
Aim # 14: Cell Membrane
How to Study:
Aim # 15: NYS Diffusion Lab
1) COME TO EXTRA HELP! Dates and times
will be announced in class
Aim # 16: Photosynthesis
2) Review THIS quarterly exam study outline
Aim # 17: Plant Structure/Adaptations
Aim # 18: Cellular Respiration
3) Complete the “#10 Quarterly 2” Castle
Learning (REQUIRED)
Aim # 19: Comparing & Contrasting Photosynthesis
& Cellular Respiration
4) Review Quizlet
Unit 4 Important Topics: Genetics
Aim # 20 DNA Structure and Function
Aim # 21 DNA Replication
5) Review your Unit 3 and Unit 4 Study Guides
6) *** Review all of your Unit 3 and 4 tests,
quizzes, and practice questions ***
Aim # 22 Transcription
Aim # 23 Translation
Aim # 24 Mutations
Test Format:
75 Multiple Choice Questions
Aim # 25 Karyotypes and Gel Electrophoresis
Aim # 26 Genetic Disorders
Aim # 27 Gene Expression
Aim # 28 Selective Breeding
Aim # 29 Genetic Engineering
Aim # 30: NYS Biodiversity lab
*The following information is the most important information you should review from each Aim. It would be beneficial
to make sure that you can thoroughly answer ALL of the following questions*
Unit 3 Cellular Processes: What to Know
Aim # 14: Cell Membrane
What is the difference between the diffusion of molecules and the active transport of molecules?
What is the difference between diffusion and osmosis?
When is energy used to move molecules?
Why do molecules need to be digested before diffusing through a membrane?
Name a molecule that can pass through the membrane easily and readily
Name a molecule that cannot pass through the membrane easily
What are the two components that make up a cell membrane?
What is the job of a cell receptor?
Aim # 15: NYS Diffusion Lab
What happens to a plant cell when it is placed in salt water?
What happens to a plant cell when it is places in distilled water?
In the beginning of the lab, which molecules were inside of our cell membrane?
In the beginning of the lab, which molecules were outside of our cell membrane (in the beaker)?
At the end of the lab, which molecules were inside of our cell membrane?
At the end lab, which molecules were outside of our cell membrane (in the beaker)?
Aim # 16: Photosynthesis
Which organisms perform photosynthesis?
Where does photosynthesis occur?
What is the formula for photosynthesis?
What breaks the bonds in photosynthesis? (always represented by the “arrow” in the equation)
What raw materials are NEEDED (reactants) for photosynthesis?
Why does photosynthesis result in a reduction of CO2 in the atmosphere?
If a plant was placed in water and left under light, which gas would be found in the greatest amount in the bubbles?
Aim # 17: Plant Structure/Adaptations
What cell organelle is the stomate most similar to?
What is a reason why guard cells open and close the stomate?
Be able to identify the stomate and a guard cell on a diagram (stomate is the pore and the guard cells are the cells
surrounding the pore)
Aim # 18: Cellular Respiration
Which organisms perform cell respiration?
Where does cell respiration occur?
What is the formula for cell respiration?
What substances must be present in the mitochondria for cell respiration to occur?
What are the raw materials (reactants) in cell respiration? Where do these reactants come from?
Where is energy released from during cell respiration? (hint: they hold the atoms of the molecules together)
What substances would be released from the mitochondria while cell respiration is being carried out?
Every single living thing performs cell respiration in order to create ATP. Why does every living thing need to produce
If yeast was placed in a test tube with glucose and water, what substance would you test for to determine is cell
respiration occurred?
Aim # 19: Comparing & Contrasting Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration
Which process uses energy to combine inorganic molecules to synthesize organic molecules?
Which process captures light energy?
Which process stores energy in organic molecules?
Which process uses organic molecules?
If a cell is supplied with more oxygen, which process will increase its rate of activity?
If oxygen levels are decreasing while carbon dioxide levels are increasing in air, which process is most likely occurring?
What molecule needs to be present in both the mitochondria and the chloroplast in order for photosynthesis and cell
respiration to happen?
Unit 4 Genetics: What to Know
Aim # 20 DNA Structure and Function
Where is DNA found?
What are the building blocks of DNA?
Name the three parts of a DNA nucleotide
DNA contains the instructions that code for the production of which molecule?
A binds to _______ and G binds to _______
What base is not found in DNA?
What is the complimentary DNA strand to ATGTGGCTAC: ________________________
DNA condensed and coiled up is called a?
Chromosomes are composed of many______________?
The arrangement of molecules from smallest to largest: Bases  Gene  Chromosome Nucleus Cell
A segment or portion of DNA that codes for a specific trait is called a?
The order and arrangement of _________ determine the traits of an organisms
If 32% of a DNA molecule is made of A, what percentage is G?
Aim # 21 DNA Replication
What is the result of DNA replication?
What is broken between the complimentary bases during DNA replication?
Aim # 22 Transcription
What are the three components of an RNA nucleotide?
What bases are found in RNA?
The molecule _______ is created from DNA during transcription. This happens in the ________________
What would be the complimentary RNA sequence from this DNA sequence?
DNA = TTGCATGCT RNA = ___________________________
Aim # 23 Translation
What is a sequence of 3 bases called?
Every 3 bases codes for an _________________?
Once mRNA molecules carry the DNA instructions from the nucleus to the ribosome, _______________ are made by
linking together amino acids
Aim # 24 Mutations
Explain why a trait controlled by DNA is not always changed when a mutation occurs
If a person sunbathes at the beach, which cells may undergo a genetic change in the DNA, skin cells or sex cells?
Changes in the DNA are only passed from parent to offspring if the bases of which cell are changed? (body cells or sex
Is a cell is exposed to a mutagenic agent that causes a mutation (UV rays, X rays etc.), their cells can divide
uncontrollably. What can this cause or lead to?
If the sequence of bases in a chromosome change, what might happen to the protein’s shape and function?
If the Normal DNA = GTCATTA and the Mutated DNA = GTCTTAA, what type of mutation is this?
Aim # 25 Karyotypes and Gel Electrophoresis
The smallest DNA fragment travels the _____________(speed) and the _______________(distance)
What is a karyotype?
Describe the process of gel electrophoresis
Identify a reason for performing gel electrophoresis
How can you tell if a person is a male or female when looking at a karyotype?
What are karyotypes used for? Give two reasons
Aim # 26 Genetic Disorders
Which cells are abnormally shaped in a person with sickle cell anemia?
Aim # 27 Gene Expression
Understand that environmental factors (such as temperature, pH etc.) can affect how genes are EXPRESSED.
It is NOT CHANGING THE DNA, it is just changing the EXPRESSION of the gene
What can prevent a boy from being tall even though he inherited the gene for tallness?
Although all of our cells have the same DNA, why do we have so many different cell types?
Although identical twins have identical DNA, why might they develop slightly different characteristics?
Aim # 28 Selective Breeding
Explain how you can use selective breeding to create a tomato that is resistant to cracking and is also very large
Explain how you can create a cow that is resistant to heat and also produces very lean meat
Aim # 29 Genetic Engineering
Define genetic engineering
If you inserted a human gene that codes for insulin into a bacterial plasmid and inserted the recombinant DNA plasmid
into a bacterial cell, what will each bacterial cell now be able to synthesize?
What molecule is used to cut and rearrange DNA?
Aim # 30: NYS Biodiversity lab
What lab technique is used to separate pigment molecules form one another?
What is the purpose of comparing DNA between organisms or species?
Be able to determine how closely related organisms are based on evolutionary trees