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Name: ________________________
1. Is the following sentence true or false? A water molecule is
2. Why is a water molecule polar?
3. Write the letter of each sentence that is true about
hydrogen bonds.
a. A hydrogen bond is ___________ than an ionic bond.
b. The attraction between the ___________ atom on one water molecule and the
___________ atom on another water molecule is an example.
c. A hydrogen bond is __________ than a covalent bond.
d. They are the ___________ bonds that form between molecules.
Image source
4. Complete the table about forms of attraction.
Form of Attraction
5. Why is water extremely cohesive?
6. What is the rise of water in a narrow tube against the force of gravity called?
7. How does capillary action affect plants?
Acids, Bases, and pH
Image source
13. Water molecules can
dissociate to form what?
14. Why is water neutral
despite the production of
hydrogen ions and hydroxide
15. What does the pH scale
16. On the pH scale, in
which direction do solutions
become increasingly acidic
and in which direction do
they become basic?
17. How many more H+ ions
does a solution with a pH of
4 have than a solution with a
pH of 5?
18. Complete the following:
a. Acidic solutions have pH values below___.
b. An acid is any compound that forms _____ ions in solution.
c. Strong acids have pH values ranging from ____ to ____.
d. Acidic solutions contain _________ concentrations of H+ ions than pure water.
e. Alkaline solutions have pH values _________ 7.
f. A base is a compound that produces ____ ions in solution.
g. Strong bases have pH values ranging from ____ to ____.
h. Basic solutions contain _______ concentrations of H + ions than pure water.
20. What are buffers?
Notes: Macromolecules
There are ____ classes of
large molecules that make up
the majority of living things. They
are called
________________. Since they
are generally made up of many
smaller molecules and atoms,
they are referred to as
___________, which are made
up of smaller units known as
The macromolecules of life
• _______________
We will look at each to determine the make-up, functions and examples as found in
living things.
Carbon compounds are found in all living things and are called ____________
compounds. Several properties of carbon contribute to its versatility:
Carbon has ______ electrons in its outer energy shell and thus can form
________ covalent bonds with other elements or with other carbon atoms.
These bonds can be _________ bonds, _________ bonds, or _________
Carbon can also form long __________ of molecules as well as ________ and
other complex structures.
Inorganic compounds are those that ________ contain carbon; many are also
essential to life. Some exampes are:
Exceptions to the 'carbon' rule are ________________ and ________________. They
contain carbon, but are not considered organic.
____________ (solid), ____________ (gas), ____________ (gas), and
____________ (gas) are among the four most common elements found in living
organisms (just remember ____________). These four elements are also notable for
being the least massive (and having the lowest atomic number) in their group in the
periodic table.
Carbohydrates - macromolecules composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in a
ratio of ____________.
Example: ________________ Formula:
Carbohydrates are __________ which can be simple ____________, such as glucose
or fructose, or complex polymers, such as ____________.
________________ are large sugar molecules composed of many smaller units,
linked together in complex arrangements. ____________ and ____________ (as
depicted in the 3D model below), made by plants and glycogen found in animals are
types of polysaccharides. Starches and glycogen are used to store energy; cellulose is
the structural component of cell walls.
Disaccharides are sugar molecules with only ________
__________ sugar is an example of a
disaccharide. These types of sugars are
generally used as a source of ___________.
This is sucrose, a common
this figure:
Image source
Monosaccharides are the monomer units of carbohydrates; they are glucose, fructose
and galactose.
Lipids are macromolecules composed of mostly ___________ and ___________
chains; primarily ___________, ___________, ___________ and ___________.
____________ (single) units of lipids are made of fatty acids attached to a glycerol
molecule. They usually combine in a ratio of 1 glycerol to 3 fatty acids. What you see
below is ball and stick model of glycerol. Glycerol is a type of alcohol with a hydroxyl
group on each of its three carbons.
Add a few things to glycerol (like fatty acids) and you have the
ingredients for substances that are extremely useful to living things. For example,
____________ is glyceride in which the glycerol is esterified with three fatty acids.
You'll find it in stuff like _______________ and animal _________.
Fatty acids can be saturated or unsaturated.
Saturated fatty acids contain the ___________ number of hydrogens. These
molecules are 'flat' and tend to pack __________ like bricks. Thus saturated
fats are usually ___________ at room temperature. ___________ fat and
___________ are typical saturated fats.
Unsaturated fatty acids contain 1 or more __________________. These
prevent them from holding the maximum number of hydrogens. This causes the
carbon chain to bend into odd shapes so that they will _____ pack solidly. Thus
unsaturated fats are generally ___________ at room
temperature. ___________ oil is usually unsaturated.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids contain more than ______ double bond.
Lipids have a lot of important jobs in living things. Some of
these are:
They form ________________ and act as
chemical messengers (___________),
store ___________ (fats and oils), and
form cell ___________ (phospholipids).
Nucleic acids - macromolecules containing hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon and
___________ and are associated with organism's ___________ code.
Monomer (single) units of nucleic acids are called ___________. One nucleotide
consists of a
___________________, a ___________ group and a ___________ base.
Two examples of nucleic acids are _____________________ (_____), and
____________________ (_____).
The function of nucleic acids is to store and transmit ___________ information
(chemical ___________ about how living things should form and operate).
Proteins - macromolecules containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and
sometimes ___________; proteins are considered the ___________ ___________ of
tissue. .Monomer units of proteins are called ________________. They can link
together and form molecules called ___________.
Proteins perform several critical jobs in cells. Functions of proteins include:
• ______________________________________________________
One of the most important types of proteins is called an enzyme:
Enzymes act as biological ____________ (a chemical that speeds up chemical
reactions within the cell.)
Enzymes are able to ___________ up the rate in which chemical reactions
occur by reducing the ___________ energy (energy needed to start a chemical
Enzymes work by providing a place for ___________ to come together at a
lower energy level so the products can come together ___________.
The reactants are called ___________ and when they join together with the
enzyme, an ___________ ___________ complex is formed; it is here that the
substrates are converted into ___________ and then released. The enzyme will
remain ___________ after the chemical reaction occurs and can be used over
and over to complete the same reaction.
Enzymes can be synthetic (they can build up) or hydrolytic (they can breakdown or
digest). They are very specific for their substrates. Most end in -ase .
Protein... Protease...> Amino Acids
Lipids... Lipase...> 3 Fatty Acids and Glycerol
Maltose... Maltase...> 2 Glucose molecules
Enzymes must have the best environmental conditions to operate most efficiently.
This is called their optimum enzyme activity.
The three (3) conditions that limit enzyme activity are:
_____________: Conditions can't be too hot or too cold. Just like Goldilocks, the
temperature has to be just right!
_____: Conditions can't be too acidic or basic. They have to be just right.
Remember pH measures the Hydrogen Ion concentration in a solution (the more
H+ the stronger the acid).
__________________________: The amount of each that is present must be-you guessed it--just right! There has to be sufficient amounts of each for the
reaction to work.
Study Questions
Here are a few questions and concepts that you should be familiar with as you explore
what living things need. All of the questions are related to macromolecules.
1. All organic chemical compounds possess one thing in common.-all of them
contain the element ____________.
2. Carbohydrates are made up of three different elements in a ratio of 1:2:1. In
order, these elements are __________, ________, and _______________.
3. A simple sugar called _____________, whose chemical formula is C6H12O6 is
broken down during glycolysis.
4. Creating larger molecules from smaller molecules is
5. What three elements make up lipids?
6. What is stored in the chemical bonds of lipids?
7. Proteins are made up of chains of simple molecules called__________.
8. What is the job of an enzyme?
9. Nucleic Acids are made up of chains of simple molecules called__________.
10. What holds your master set of instructions that control both the day to day
operations and the reproduction of cells?