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Catastrophic Events End of Book Review Game Questions (unedited):
1. How did the model vortex’s water get from the top container to the bottom
2. What substance –soil or water- absorbs heat faster? Soil
3. What substance retains its heat longer? water
4. When we investigated the temperature of air, why did the steam stay away from
the crushed ice, and fog up the hot water?
5. What happened when the cold fluid touched the water, and what happened to hot
fluid when it touched the water?
6. How does s and p- waves travel?
7. How doe the distance away from seismographs affect the readings on the
8. What is an epicenter?
9. Where are earthquakes most common?
10. What is brittle V.S. Ductile?
11. Name the earth’s layers in order.
12. When we were modeling the mantle, why did the liquid move around when it got
13. Does cool magma or hot magma erupt quicker out of a volcano?
14. What happens to lave when it hits water?
15. What causes a tornado to form? A. cold fronts meeting warm fronts
16. Where do thunder storms occur most? .the Gulf Coast, especially in Florida.
17. Which will heat faster, water or soil? Soil
18. What are some of the effects of an earthquake? Fires, fault lines, home loss, life
19. What state states experience the most earthquakes? Alaska and Florida.
20. What is the difference between lava and magma? Lava forms land, is molten rock
and Magma is molten rock that travels underground.
21. How and where do Hurricanes form? Form over tropical waters and forms when
warm moist air travels over tropical waters.
22. What is a P.O.E.S.? A: Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellite.
23. Name the cloud types. A: Cumulonimbus, Cirrus, Cirrocumulus, Altostratus,
Cumulus, Stratocumulus, Stratus.
24. Explain the different soil types. A: Bedrock, compact soil, loose sand.
25. What is the Richter scale? A: The Richter scale measures the earthquakes.
26. What is triangulation? A: Pinpointing a location based on information from three
separate points.
27. Who was the inventor of the first earthquake detector? A: He was Chang Heng.
28. When was the first earthquake detector invented? A: It was invented in 132A.D.
29. What are the layers to Earth? A: They are the Crust, Mantle, Outer Core, Inner
30. What is the difference between a tornado and a hurricane? A. Tornados occur
over land, and hurricanes occur over tropical waters near the equator.
31. How do S-Waves and P-Waves travel? A. Secondary waves come after the
Primary waves P waves go up and down, S waves go side to side
32. Which is best to build a house on Water, loose sand, compact sand, or bedrock?
A. Bedrock is the best to build a house on.
33. Which travels faster S-waves or P-Waves? Why? A.P-waves because they travel
with compression so there is less distance to move.
34. What are the layers of the earth’s interior in order? A. Crust, mantle, outer core,
inner core.
35. How does weather move across the world, why? A. The weather moves east
because of the jet stream that moves that way.
36. What would you expect if you were under a cumulonimbus cloud?
A. You
would expect thunder, lightning, and/or rain.
37. What do the triangles on the weather maps mean, what do the half circles mean.
A. A cold air front is triangles, and a half circle is a warm air front.
38. How does a vortex form? A. cold dry air meets warm moist air.
39. What is a convection current? A. A circulation caused by hot air rising and cold
air sinking.
40. What is a vortex, and how is it formed? A. Spinning air caused by uneven
41. What is G.O.E.S.? A: Geostationary Orbiting Environmental Satellite.
42. What are the steps to the water cycle? A: Evaporation, Condensation,
Precipitation, collection, run-off, (Transportation).
43. How do hurricanes form? And where do they occur? A. Most warm air meets
cool air over tropical water. And they most occur in the tropics such as pacific and
Atlantic ocean and near the equator.
44. Where do Tornadoes most often occur? A. Tornado alley Central U.S. between
the Rockies Mississippi.
45. How does cold air act? How does hot air act? A. Cold air lowers temp (ground
level) dense. Hot air is fast and it rises.
46. What are the two types of earthquakes body. A. Pull and push (P-wave) , side to
side (S-wave)
47. What is the Earths center made out of and how large is it? A. Its a solid iron rich
sphere having a diameter of 2432 k.( 1,511 mi)
48. What is the definition of brittle ? A. Hard, rigid, and breaks into smaller pieces.
49. What is the definition of ductile? A. Solid but flexible (may bend or break)
50. What makes a Hurricane? A: warm tropic waters,
51. What makes uneven heating A: High pressure in the equator that makes the poles
colder and global warming (burning fossil fuels)
52. How are tornadoes formed and where are they most oftenly formed. A: warm
humid tropic air meets dry cold air, also is formed in tornado ally.
53. How do clouds form? A: Dust, low pressure, Air, Heat, Water/Vapor.
54. What are the earths interior? A: Crust, Mantle, Outer Core, Inner Core.
55. What is the scale called that measures earthquakes? A: Richter/Mercalli scale
56. Maggie the dog is eating a chocolate bar. It is frozen, so it breaks quite easily.
Maggie says the chocolate bar is ductile. Do you agree? Why or why not?
A. No. Ductile is flexible, and breaks with more force. The chocolate is brittle,
because it breaks easily.
57. Mr. Jez took a walk one day. A volcano exploded, but he ran away just in time as
a red, hot, goopy substance flowed out of the volcano. What is the substance, and
is it a liquid or a solid?
A. The substance is lava, which is magma that has come above ground.
Depending on the temperature of the substance, it is both a liquid and a solid.
When it is warm it’s a liquid, and when it is cold it is a solid.
58. Marry Magma got depressed because she wasn’t able to do the things Lorie Lava
could. What is Lorie Lava able to do that Marry Magma can’t?
A. Lorie Lava can make pillow lava, cool, and form mountains, hills, and even
new land forms like islands.
59. Bob the Pacific plate gets angry at Marty the Nazca plate one day. Bob thinks
about ramming Marty. What would happen to Bob and Marty if they collided?
A. Bob and Marty would either collide then both go up, down, or one would go
up and the other would go down. Also, a piece of either one could break off or
crumble if one of them is ductile.
60. Mrs. Pie poured maple syrup all over Johnny because he was being bad. Then, she
poured water all over Sally because she was being bad too. What is viscosity?
What is the viscosity of the syrup Mrs. Pie poured on Johnny? What is the
viscosity of the water Mrs. Pie poured on Sally?
A. Viscosity is the measure of how thick or thin a liquid pours. The syrup
Mrs. Pie poured on Johnny was high viscosity because it was thick; it
poured and ran off slowly. The water Mrs. Pie poured on Sally is low
viscosity because it poured and ran off quickly.
61. What is Magma? A. Magma is under the ground where it gets hundreds even
thousands degrees C, the hot temperatures Inside the earths mantle can melt rock,
this is Magma.
62. What is a P-wave? What is a S-wave? A. A P-wave is a push, pull wave. An Swave is a side, to side wave.
63. What is Aftershock? A. Aftershock happens after an earthquake happens.
Aftershock is a earthquake wave that fallows the trail of the main earthquake.
64. What is a Fault? A. Fault is a fracture in bedrock, along which rocks or blocks on
opposite sides of the fracture move.
65. What is Sea Breeze? A. Sea Breeze is a flow of air from water to land.
66. What is Land Breeze? A. Land Breeze is the flow of air from land to water.
67. What is a Flash Flood? A. A flash flood is a sudden rush of destructive water that
usually runs along a gully.
68. What is the difference between magma and lava? A. Magma: hot, molten rock that
is underground. Lava: molten rock that is above ground cools and forms new land.
69. Give three examples of soil houses can be built on? A. Bedrock, compact soil, and
loose soil.
70. Why do earthquakes occur? A. When two tectonic plates collide.
71. What does viscosity mean? A. measure of how “thick” or “thin” a liquid pours.
72. What are two different ways tectonic plates create earthquakes? A. Converse and
73. When two tectonic plates meet, how do they move to form a volcano? A: They
move in an upward position.
74. What is the difference between magma and lava? A: Magma is found beneath the
ground and lava is found above the ground.
75. What is the first earthquake detector named? A: A bronze vase
76. Name two different cloud types. A: Cirrus, cumulonimbus, cirrocumulus,
altostratus, cumulus, stratocumulus, and stratus.
77. What happens to lava when it reaches water like oceans with cold water and
lakes?A: the lava forms pillow lava and new land like islands or just land form.
78. Elvis Presley lived in a house with no foundation on sand above a river. Arnold
Schwarzenegger lived in a house with a foundation on bedrock. Trash-man Eddie
Murphy lived in a house with a foundation on soil. They all live over a fault. Who
would you rather be? A: I would rather be Arnold Schwarzenegger because he
lives with a foundation with bedrock.
79. Tommy the kid was reading Journey to the Center of the Earth. He read that there
were layers in the earth. Can you tell him what they are? A: inner core, outer core,
mantle, and crust.
80. What is a hot spot? A: a localized zone of melting in the mantle that is fixed under
a plate.
81. What is a Cinder Cone? A: A Small (Less then 400 meters high) cone-shaped
made of broken rocks or blobs of hardened lava, called cinders that accumulate
around volcanic vents. (answers may vary)
82. Which four continents surround the Mid-Atlantic Ridge? A: Europe, North
America, South America, and Africa.
83. Cliff was working as a___________ on King 5 news to tell us about the weather
today? Answer: meteorologist
Answer: lava
84. When magma reaches the surface what do we call it?
85. What happens when lava hits water? Answer: it cools down rapidly and forms
new earth and is very shiny.
86. What happens when the sun is shinning and it has different degrees on the earth
the earth surface? Answer: uneven heating of the earth’s surface.
87. What type of cloud creates tornadoes or very severe storms? Answer:
cumulonimbus cloud