Download Ch. 9 Notes Magma that has a ______ of water, carbon dioxide, or

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Ch. 9 Notes
 Magma that has a ____________ of water, carbon dioxide, or silica tends to erupt
 Lava hardens into _____________ features that range from smooth to jagged, depending on
how thick the lava is and how quickly it flows.
 Ex: ____________, pahoehoe, _________, and pillow lava.
Pyroclastic material, or __________________,
Pyroclastic Material:
Volcanic Effects
 The effects of ________________________ are felt both locally and around the world.
 The large _____________of gas and ash released from ________________ can affect climate.
3 types of volcanoes
 __________________________ can be classified according to their composition and overall
 ___________________ result from many eruptions of relatively runny lava
 ____________________volcanoes result from mildly explosive eruptions of pyroclastic
 ______________________ result from alternating explosive and non-explosive eruptions.
 In the largest type of volcanic eruption, ___________________ pours from long fissures in
the Earth’s crust to form ____________________.
 ___________________________________________________ are volcanic landforms.
 Volcanoes result from ____________________________ in the mantle.
 When ____________________________, some of the solid rock of the already hot mantle
melts to form magma.
 Because it is __________________ than the surrounding rock, magma rises to the Earth’s
surface. It either erupts as lava or __________________________
 ______________________________________ influence magma formation.
 Most volcanoes form at __________________________________.
 As tectonic plates separate, ________________________ to fill the cracks, or rifts, that
develop. (______________________________)
 As oceanic and continental plates _________________, the oceanic plate tends to subduct
and cause the _______________________________________.
 To ___________________________, scientists study the frequency and type of earthquakes
associated with the volcano as well as the changes in ______________, gases released, and
volcanoes ____________________________.