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CHAPTER- 6 ANALYSIS OF MARKETING STRATGIES Stratgy is vital to exccute plans for acheivingpre-defined goals and objectivessetby any business.Here the analysisof variousmarketingstrategies which are useful to win the rural conumers in comparision to other competitors,described. Marketing Strategy Planning Marketing strategy planning means findings attractive opportunities and developing profitable marketing strategies.But firs it is necessaryto understand meaning of "marketing strategy". These words are rather casually so far. Now let's see what thev reallv mean. Marketing strategy A marketingstrategyspecifiesa target market and a relatedmarketing mix. It is a big picture of what a firm will do in somemarket.Two interrelated parts are needed: 1. (similar) goup of customer A Target Market: A fairly homogeneous to whom a companywishesto appeal. (144) 2. A Marketing Mix: The controllable variables the company put together to satisfli this target group. Fig 6.1 A MarketingStrategyShowingthe four Ps of a MarketingMix. Fig. 6.1 Marketing Mix Product Place Promotion { The customer is surroundedby the controllablevariablesthat is called 1 { as "rnarketing mix". A typical marketing mix includes some product, offered at a price, with some promotion to tell potential customersabout the product, and a way to reach the customer's place. Selectinga Market-Oriented Strategy is Target Marketing Note that a rnarketing strategy specifies some particular target customers. 'inass This approach is called "target marketing", to distinguish it Ilorn marketing". Target marketingsays that a marketingmix is tailored to fit some specific target customers.In contrast,massmarketing- the typical productionorientedapproach- vaguely aims at "everyone" with the sarnemarketing mix. I (145) Mass market.ingassufilesthat everyoneis the same and it considerseveryone the to be a potential customer. lt rnay help to think of target rnarketing as "rifle approach" and mass marketing as the "shotgun approach"' Cornmonlyused terms can be confusinghere The terms massrnarketing and mass marketers do not means the same thing. Far frorn itl Mass rnarketing tneans trying to sell to "everyone", as well explainedabove. Mass marketers like Kraft Foods and wal-Mart are aiming at clearly defined target markets The confusion with rnassmarketingoccursbecausetheir target rnarketsusually are large and spread out. Target rnarketingis not limited to small market segrnents only to fairly homogeneous ones. A very large market even what is sometimes called the "mass market" - may be failure homogeneous, and a target marketer will deliberately aim at it. For example, a very large group of parents of young chilclrenare homogeneouson many dimensions including their attitudesabout changing baby diapers. In the United States alone, this group spends about $4 billion a year on disposablediapers so it should be no surprise that it is a major target market for companies like Kimberly-clark (Huggies) and Procter & Gamble (PamPers). The basic reasonto focus on some specific target customersis so that one can developa rnarketingrnix that satisfiesthose crtstomers'specific needs better than they are satisfied by some other firm. For example E* trade uses an internet site (www.etrade.com) to talget knowledgeable investors who want I (146) a convenient,low-costway to buy and sell stocksonline without a lot of advice (or pressure)from a salesPerson. I ', \ When a firm carefully targetsits marketingmix, it is less likely to face clirectcompetitors.So superiorcustomervalue is achievedwith the benefits providedby the whole marketingmix ratherthanjust by relying on a lower price Whole FoodsMarket(WFM) is goodexample.Most grocerystoressell the sarnebrands - so they cotnpeteon price and profits lend to be weak' ln oontrast,WFM rnakesattractiveprofits with a differentiatedrnarketingrnix that delightsils target custolners.WFM seesitself as a buying agent for its customers and not the selling agent for manufact.ures- so it evaluated the ingredients, {ieshness, safety, taste, nutritive value, and appearanceof all the products it carries. It hires people who love food. They don't just sell fooc - but rather help their customers appreciate the difference natural and organic products can make in the quality of their lives. Service is attentive, friendlyand oflered with some flair, which helps make the store fun and inviting. Customers often socialize while they shop. Note everyone wants the marketing rrix that WFM offers; but its target customerslove shoppingthere - and they spread the word to others. Developing Marketing Mixes for Target Markets: There are many possibleways to satisf, the needsof target customers. servicelevelsbefore A productrnighthavernanydifferentfeatures.Customers or after the sale can be adjusted.The package,brand name,and warranty can -t l (147) be changed.Various advertisingmedia - newspapers,magazines,cable, the Internet- rnay be used.A company'sown salesforce or other salesspecialist can be used. The price can be changed,discountscan be given, and so on' with so many possiblevariables,is there any way to help organizeall these decisionsand simplifi the selectionof marketingmixes ? The answeris yes. It is useful to reduce all the variablesin the marketing rnix to four basic ones: PRODUCT PLACE PROMOTION PRICE It helps to think of the fbur major parts of a marketing rnix as the "four Ps." Ernphasizes their relationship and their common focus on the target customer - "C". as exhibited in fig. 6.1 earlier. Customersis not Part of the Marketing Mix by the four Ps.Somepersonsassurne is shownsurrounded The custorner that the customeris part of the marketingmix - but this is not so. The customer should be the target of all marketingefforts. The customeris placed in the centerof the diagramto showthis. The C standsfor somespecificcustomers the tarset market. l (148) ln short contentsof each P are depictedin table 6 l as below Products Place Physical good Servtce Features Benefits Quality level Accessortes Installation Warranty Product lines Packagrng Brandrng Objectives Channel type Market exposure Kinds of middletnen Klnds ano locations of stores How to handle transporting and stortng Service levels P I ""'. 'itino rniddlernen Managing channels Promotion Price Objectives Promotion blend Salespeople Kind Number Selection Training Motivation Advertising Targets Kinds. of ads Objectives Flexibility Level over product life cycle Geographic tenns Discounts Allowances Media rype Copy thrust Preparedby Whom Sales Promotion Publicity Product The product area is concerned with developing the right "product" for the target rnarket. This offering may involve a physical good' a service, or a blend of both. Keepingin mind that productis not limited to physicalgoods. For exarnple,the productof H & R Blockis a completedtax form. The product of a politicalparty is the set of causesit will work to achieve.The irnportant thing to remember is that goods or servicesshould satisfu sorte custotners' ,t needs. (14e) Along with other product-areadecisions like branding, packaging and warranties, any company about developing and managing new products and whole product lines. Pluce Place is concerned with all the decisions involved in getting the "right" 'i product to the target market's Place.A product isn't much good to a customer if it isn't available when and where it's wanted. A product reachesupto customersthrough a channel of distribution. A channel of distribution is any series of firms (or individuals) that participate in the flow of products fiom producer to final user or consumer, Sometimes a channel system is quite short. It may run directly from a producer to a final user or consumer.This is especiallycommon in business rrarkets and in the marketingof services.The channelis direct when a producer uses an online website to handle orders by target customers,whether the custolner is a final consumers or an organization. So direct channels have becorne much more conunon since the development of the Intemet. On the other hand, often the channel system is rnuch more complex - involving rnany different retailersand wholesales.When a marketingmanager has several different channels of distribution may be needed. Also it is seen low physical distribution service levels and decisions concerninglogistics (transporting,storing, and handling products) relate to the other place decisions and the rest of the marketins rnix. l (150) Promotion 'l'ltc thir.rl P I)rorrroti0rr is conoerrrcdwith tcllirrg tlrc titrgct ttt:trkcl or others in the channel of distribution about the "right" procluct. Solnetinles prornotion is focused on acquiring new customers, and sometimes it's focused on r-etainingcurent customers. Promotion includes personal selling, rnass selling, and salespromotion. It is the marketing manager'sjob to blend these rnethodsof communication. Personalselling involves direct spoken comrnunicationbetween sellers and Potential oustotners.Personal selling usually happens face-to-face,br.rt sometimesthe Intemet. Personalselling lets the salbspersonadapt the hnn's rnarket.ingmix to each potential customer. But this individual attention comes at a price; personal selling can be very expensive.Often this personal effort has to be blended with mass selling and sales promotion The rnain form of mass selling is advertising- any paid form of non personal presentationof ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor. presentation of idea, goods or Publicity - any unpaidform of nonpersonal services- is anotherimportant form of rnassselling. Mass selling may involve a wide variety of rredia, rangingfrom newspapersand billboardsto the Intemet. Sales promotion refers to those promotion activities - other than advertising,publicity, and personal selling - that stimulate interest, trial or purchaseby final custorners l (151) Price: and promotion' In addition to developingthe right product' place Price While price setting the rnarketingmanagers,must also decidethe right the cost of rnarketingmix must kincl of competition in the target market and forecast ctlstomer reaction about be considered.A manger must also try to reach of purchasingpower of target the possible price, lt must be with in the customer-Besidesthismanagermustbeaware-aboutcurrentpracticesasto sale An if Customers won't accept rnark-up, discount and others in terms of wasted So' Price is most important and the Price, all the planning effort is for making successful any rrarketing sensitive segment o1' rrarketing rnix strategytoo. strategy both part of rnarketing For rnaking a successful marketing manner (target rnarket and marketing strategy must be tied together in a rational and developing a rnarketing lnlx are rrixl. The selecting a target market must be evaluated against the company's interrelated. It is strategiesthat objectives. Limited is in centre of focus' For this research work Hindustan Lever professionalcompany of India in FMCG Hindustan Lever Lirnrted is leading fbr adopting separaternarketing strategy sector. Hinduslan Lever Limited is is making and implernentingthe rural taping mral rnarket of lndia Company of micro and macro tevel Sign of sucess rnarketingstrateglessuccessfullyat tlresestrategiesisncreaseofruralshareinthetotalsaleofcornpany'Company blend of marketing mix by utilising all is focusing target market with a right ]atestKnowledgeofworldclassprofessionalsofallfieldsalongwith.latest (152) by treating technology for making result orientedfruitful marketingstrategies each product, Product line as separateProfit centre ForgettingtheresultfiomthisstudythatthestrategiesadoptedbyHLL : inMeerutarefiuitfulornot'Theonlyyardsticktomeasuretheel}.ectiveness ofcurentruralmarketingstrategiesiswhetherthesalesisincreasinginall t,. Seglnentsandproductlinesornot.Hereanalysishasbeenmadeonthebasis lines' which zre most popular' of five-year data of Salesof HLL of all product products in Rural belt of Meerut and HLL wants to lncreasesales of those I 1 district. Table 6.2 revealed following data' Table6.2 Sales Data of HLL in Rural Meerut 2t)01 Salcs in Toncs 2[ll2 2003 2llll4 GroNth 2005 I ln tl "/o I'roducts ll llutg Soll l.l ?31 \\ ashitu llat .t001.i 2665.1 1t12.45 1282.1 l92l.9l 1372 1i50.6 624.95 120.5 TotAl Sales 1.415232t9.4720Er 5 3 5 3 . 8 6 15.34334 u.ntoozl 4l8l 47X5 t2.23165 |.2211( 11.4755 t2.53289l y 0 l 3 . I 842.1 944.l r6.31305 t5.28922t6.90493 12.085963669.15 DislrNashingBar 537.1 \\'aslin! Powder n112 2h62 2441.9 2899 16.6Q22813106.2 1s.42804 1960.1 t8.69615 18.71484 Sh||Inpoo l(,1l 111\ 11r9 4t4.1 505.06 3.01835936.712131l.1ttl272l.r{1681 lli24.ll6 23lt.4 212.1 2 0 9 . 1 I 211.67 9.52.1591t.l.2l9ll ll12.,lll 7.2158r74.0v151' Ir rhPi,.rt.l'i,\der l9i 291{ t2tt ('9 78t 915 1 7..]]931t0.i60iI 1 0 . 0 6 ? l l103.9634 2995 l . t u r | , , \i l \ I1 508 611 139 16.32653 t91|16 2l.45669 t r . 7 ?I l ?182 t47 above with the % growth with On the basis of sales data as given "t" test has been used for judging the reference to previous year- paired adopted by HLL in Meerut district. effectivenessof rural marketing strategies (153) Null Hypothesis: There is no difference in sales before and after the using spocial rural marketing strategies. Alternate Hypothesis: The increasein rural salesis due to implementingthe new marketing stratesiesin rural belt of Meerut. PariedDifferences std. Std,f,rror NIean Deviation Mean 95% Consfidence Int€rval of the Difference Loiver Upper Irft Tail Pair-l VAR 2001-02-151.2162 165.8853s8.6493 -289.959E-12.5927-2.579 (Sale$ Pair-2VAR 2002-03-269.1200 176.124662.4816 -416.8654-121.3746-4.037 (Sale$ Paid-3VAR 2003-04-t7s.3350 167.944359.3773-315.7400-34.9300-2.953 (Sale$ Paid-4VAR 2004-05-337.8463 367.9[4 130.0763445.4279 -30.2646-t {q7 1l l I df 7 7 7 7 't' is > I .90 therefore we Here the calculatedvalue of each year of reject the null hypothesisand acceptthe alternatehypothesisthat the sales increaseis the result of implementationof specialrural marketing strategies by HLL every year. For showing performanceof each category of product comprative sales graph in depicted in annexure. i- .ll -- f Products' Comparative SalesTable - Salesin Ton Years Products 200: 2004 2001 3't72.4! 3282.7 3921.91 2001 2002 2311.1 2665.7 3004.5 3372 3750.t 537.3 624.9{ 720.4 1737.i 2062 2447.4 289! 3960.1 263.3 271.! 370.! 414.3 505.06 19t 209.11 .217.67 238.4 272.1 298 328 66! 147 17'l 508 t BathingSoap WashingBar 4191 4703 DishWashingBar 944.1 WashingPowder Shampoo Ioothpaste-Powder ig- Fairn Lovely 91t Vaseline 617 ,ti I Sales(ln Ton) t , { * o o o o r o o o o l o o N o o o N q ( o o r ' o o o N' o N o o l\) F ! o CL E o d o $s o 3 ! D E+ ID to g o o I\) o o o J D a N (rl -\ t++*+++t -tpuEfrEs f{dfffEfg = r g! d = < = 5'