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Heart Anatomy
Approximately the size of ___________________
In the mediastinum, the _________________________________
On the superior surface of ___________________________
_____________________ to the left of the midsternal line
__________________ to the vertebral column, ______________
to the sternum
Enclosed in pericardium, a ______________________________
Pericardium and Layers of the Heart Wall: see foldable
Chambers, Atria: The Receiving Chambers, and Ventricles: The
Discharging Chambers: see foldable
Pathway of Blood Through the Heart
The heart is two _________________________________________
Right side is the pump for the _______________________ circuit
receives oxygen-poor blood from _______________ through
the large superior and inferior ______________________
and pumps it out through the _________________________
pulmonary trunk splits into right and left pulmonary _______
that carry blood to the ______________ where
___________ is picked up and _____________ is unloaded
oxygen-rich blood drains from lungs and is returned to
______ side of heart through the four pulmonary _______
Left side is the pump for the _______________________ circuit
pumps blood out of heart into the ___________ from which
systemic arteries branch to supply ____________________
supplies oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood to all body organs
thus walls are ______________ than right side
Pathway of Blood Through the Heart
Right atrium  ___________________ right __________________
Right ventricle  pulmonary ______________________ 
pulmonary ____________  pulmonary ____________  lungs
Lungs  pulmonary _______________  left _____________
Left atrium  _________________ valve  left ________________
Left ventricle  ______________________ valve  _________
Aorta  _______________ circulation
Cardiac Circulation
Blood supply that oxygenates and nourishes the heart is provided by
the right and left _________________________________ that branch
from the base of the ________________ and encircle the heart in the
coronary sulcus (atrioventricular groove) and the junction of the atria
and ventricles
Coronary arteries and their major branches are _________________
when ventricles are contracting and _______ when heart is relaxed
Myocardium is drained by ___________________ that empty into an
enlarged vessel on the posterior of the heart called the coronary ____
Coronary sinus empties into the right _____________
Heart Valves
Ensure _____________________ blood flow through the heart
Atrioventricular (AV) valves
Prevent backflow into the ________ when ventricles contract
Tricuspid valve (____________)
Bicuspid valve (____________)
Chordae tendineae anchor AV valve cusps to papillary muscles
preventing them from ___________________________________
Semilunar (SL) valves
Prevent backflow into the ______________ when ventricles relax
___________ semilunar valve
____________ semilunar valve
AV valves are open during heart relaxation and closed when
ventricles are contracting, SL valves are opposite
Microscopic Anatomy of Cardiac Muscle
Cardiac muscle cells are ________________, short, fat, __________,
and interconnected
Connective tissue matrix (_________________) connects to the
fibrous skeleton
Numerous large _____________________ (25–35% of cell volume)
Intercalated discs: junctions between cells ______________________
__________________________ prevent cells from separating during
__________________________ allow ions to pass; electrically couple
adjacent cells
Heart muscle behaves as a functional __________________
Cardiac Muscle Contraction
___________________ of the heart is rhythmic and spontaneous
Depolarization opens voltage-gated fast _______________________
in the sarcolemma
_____________________ of membrane potential occurs
Depolarization wave in T tubules causes the SR to release _______
Depolarization wave also opens slow ___________________ in the
Ca2+ surge _______________ the depolarization phase (plateau)
Ca2+ influx triggers ___________ of Ca2+sensitive channels in the SR,
which liberates bursts of Ca2+
E-C coupling occurs as Ca2+ binds to _______________ and sliding of
the filaments begins
Duration of the AP and the contractile phase is much ____________
in cardiac muscle than in skeletal muscle
____________________ results from inactivation of Ca2+ channels
and opening of voltage-gated K+ channels