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April 27, 2015
The Renaissance
Renaissance Quiz Wed
Dinner Party due Wed
S & C America Map due
Florence was…
the cultural center of the
But Why?
Three ideas the Renaissance used
from Rome/ Greece and Humanist
•Open space so they could socialize
(good citizenship)
How did Brunelleschi build
the dome?
•He used 8 arches that met in the
middle that supported the most weight
Briefly describe how classical
cultures and humanism influenced
Renaissance painters.
Realistic with emotions – Classical
Showed real people of all social
classes and self-portraits - Humanism
Advances in paintings
•Perspective – making the painting look 3-D
•Making objects smaller and larger
•Lines that meet in the middle of a painting
•Oil painting
•Careful shading
•Geometry divides up the spaces
Botticelli painted
Adoration of the
Magi in about 1482.
In the left column of
the chart
below, list at least
two details from the
image. In the right
column, identify the
technique Botticelli
used for each.
How were the Renaissance
sculptors influenced?
•Realistic like Rome
•Free standing like Rome & Greece
•The statues had personality
Some great sculptors of the
time were:
• Beautiful
Shows emotions
• Life-sized & natural
• Shows personality
• Shows emotions
Dante Alighieri, a
Renaissance author in
Florence, wrote a long
narrative poem called
The Divine Comedy.
This plaque in Florence
shows Dante with
scenes described in his
poem. The city of
Florence is shown on
the right.
Two ways in which Renaissance
Literature differed from Medieval
Secular topics and personal experiences
that expressed personal thoughts and
emotions and wrote in local languages –
Religious, and very impersonal Wrote in
Latin – Medieval
How is Dante’s “The Divine
Comedy” an example of
It includes real people and shows
emotion while talking about the
experience of individual people.
Advances in Science
& Math
Leonardo is said to have painted in the church of
Orsanmichele. But his skills and interests took
him all over Florence. No matter where Leonardo
was, he constantly searched for knowledge. He
kept detailed notes and complex drawings on
hundreds of subjects. Many of these drawings
anticipated inventions long before their time.
Most of the 4,200 pages of notes he kept were
written in reverse script, or backward, so that they
could only be read easily if held up to a mirror.
Some historians think Leonardo did this to
prevent people from stealing his ideas.
How did the study of science
change during the
•They questioned old ideas, made
observations, performed experiments,
and analyzed results
(does this sound familiar)
Who was one of the most
influential thinkers of the
•Leonardo da Vinci
Flying Machine
armored tank
Proportions of a
human head
Physics and
The Quotes are on the table
directly in front of this one!
Make sure to comment!
How were the Medicis able to
rule for so long?
•They built a powerful army, involved of every
aspect of city life, sponsored all types of arts,
and defeated their enemies
One day a revolution broke out and the Medici went
into temporary exile….in the mean time a man
named Machiavelli wrote The Prince
Machiavelli’s The Prince
•It was really important because it
showed how the government of Italy
really worked during the
Renaissance and how governments
could make themselves stronger
•Very real (somewhat cruel) –
separated religion and government
Commerce & Trade
During the Renaissance,
florins, the coins of
Florence, were the most
valuable coins in all of
Europe. This one features a
portrait of Lorenzo de
Medici, known as "the
What industries helped Florence
become the center of the
Woolen Cloth
What were 2 differences between
Florence’s Old Market & New
Crowded & Smelly with everyday
goods (food,etc) – Old Market
Clean & Orderly with cloth and
banking – New Market