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Atoms, Matter & Energy
The periodic table
 First periodic table organized by _____________________________________ in 1869
o Recognized patterns based on ___________________________________________ of the
elements that have been discovered
o Also included:
 atomic mass: ____________________________________________________
o The periodic table is organized by _____________________________________.
Element: a substance that cannot be broken down into ________________________________ by
ordinary chemical means.
Atom: The _________________________________ from which all elements are made.
Molecule: two or more atoms that are ____________________________________ to form a larger
The Atom
 An Atom is made mostly of ______________________
 Atoms have two main parts
o _______________________
o _______________________
The Nucleus is made up of two smaller parts:
 Protons – _________________________________ particles
 Neutrons – particle having _________________________________
Are contained in “shells” that surround the nucleus
_______________________________ particles that orbit around the nucleus
Valence electrons – electrons found on the _______________________________
and aid in bonding atoms together
How to read the Periodic Table
 Atomic number (the number on top of the chemical symbol)
o The number of ___________________________ found in the nucleus of an atom
 Atomic mass unit (amu) (the number under the name/symbol)
o Mass of the atom including ___________________________________________
 Fun Fact: There are always the same number of __________________ as ________________ in
each element!
 Periodic table today organized by the atomic number
Atom, Molecule, Compound Review:
Examples of an Atom: _____________________________________________
Examples of a Molecule: ___________________________________________
Examples of a Compound: __________________________________________
Changes in Matter
 Physical Change: you have the same ______________________ both before and after a
physical change. The object changes in size, shape, or form.
o Ex:
 Chemical Change: a change in the composition of materials creating a
_________________________________ with totally new properties. (you can NOT get the old
substance back)
o Ex:
Indicators of a Chemical Change:
 Gas Liberations: _________________ is formed and you observe bubbles
 Heat and/or Light is Given off: usually observed as _____________________
 Color Change: The substance changes color
 Precipitate Forms: _________________________ form in a liquid and sink to the bottom of the
Definition of Matter
Matter is anything that 1. _____________________ and 2. ___________________________
Mass – amount of ________________________
Volume- amount of _____________________________________________
The study of matter is _________________________________
Law of Conservation of Matter
 Matter cannot be ___________________________________________in a physical or
chemical change it can only be transformed.
 Chemical equations have to “balance” on either side of the equals sign…
Energy Changes: All changes in matter, physical and chemical include a change in energy.
The types of energy that can change are:
Thermal, Electromagnetic, Chemical, Electric and Nuclear
Thermal Energy
 Thermal Energy: is all of the energy of all of the
o This is the _____________________________________ in energy when you
have a change in matter
o __________________________ is used to measure the average energy of the
motion of particles in an object. The faster they move, the hotter the object
o The flow of thermal energy will always be from _________________________
o The energy will continue to move until it reaches ________________________
 Two types of thermal change
o Endothermic: energy is taken in or absorbed. (The matter being changed
absorbs the heat so it feels cold.)
o Exothermic: energy is _______________________________________.
Combustion is an example. (The matter feels warm or hot.)
Chemical Energy
 Chemical energy: this is energy _____________________________________________
that hold the atoms of a substance together. When a chemical change occurs, bonds are
broken and new bonds form. _______________________ is released in the process.
Electromagnetic Energy
 Electromagnetic energy: this is energy that travels _______________________________
_______________________. Examples: visible light, microwaves, and x-rays.
Electrical Energy
 Electrical Energy: this occurs when ___________________________________________
Particles (electrons) move from one location to another.
Chemistry: Intro to Elements and Atoms
The periodic table
 First periodic table organized by Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869
o Recognized patterns based on physical and chemical properties of the elements that have
been discovered
o Also included:
 atomic mass: average mass of an atom
o The periodic table is organized by physical properties.
Element: a substance that cannot be broken down into smaller substances by ordinary chemical means.
Atom: The basic particle from which all elements are made.
Molecule: two or more atoms that are chemically combined to form a larger particle.
The periodic table today
 Background on the structure of the atom
o Nucleus
 Contains protons and neutrons
 Protons – positively-charged particles
 Neutrons – particle having no charges
o Electrons
 Electrons – negatively-charge particles that orbit around the nucleus
 Valence electrons – electrons found on the outer ring and aid in bonding atoms
 Atomic number
o The number of protons found in the nucleus of an atom
 Atomic mass unit (amu)
o Mass of the atom including protons, neutrons and electrons
 Periodic table today organized by the atomic number
Compound vs. Mixture
 Compound:two or more elements combined chemically in definite proportions. The properties of
the compound are different from the properties of the element.
 Mixture: combination of two or more elements or compounds, which are NOT combined
chemically, and NOT in definite proportions. Each substance keeps its own properties.
Types of Mixtures
 Heterogeneous Mixture: you can easily see the different substances.
 Homogeneous Mixture: it is so evenly mixed that you can NOT see the different substances
that make it up.
o Examples
Changes in Matter
 Physical Change: you have the same substance both before and after a physical change. The
object changes in size, shape, or form.
o Ex:
 Chemical Change: a change in the composition of materials creating a new substance with
totally new properties.
o Ex:
Law of Conservation of Matter
 Matter cannot be created or destroyed in a physical or chemical change.
Energy Changes: All changes in matter, physical and chemical include a change in energy
Thermal Energy
 Thermal Energy: is all of the energy of all of the particles in an object.
o This is the most common change in energy when you have a change in matter
o Temperature is used to measure the average energy of the motion of particles in
an object.
o The flow of thermal energy will always be from warmer object to cooler objects.
o Temperature is used to measure the average energy of the motion of particles
in an object
 Two types of thermal change
o Endothermic: energy is taken in or absorbed. (The matter being changed
absorbs the heat so it feels cold.)
o Exothermic: energy is given off or released. Combustion is an example. (The
matter feels warm or hot.)
Chemical Energy
 Chemical energy: this is energy stored in the bonds that hold the atoms of a substance
together. When a chemical change occurs, bonds are broken and new bonds form. Energy is
released in the process.
Electromagnetic Energy
 Electromagnetic energy: this is energy that travels through space as waves
Examples: visible light, microwaves, and x-rays.
Electrical Energy
Electrical Energy: this occurs when electrically charged particles (electrons) move from
one location to another.
Indicators of a Chemical Change
 Gas liberation: a gas is formed and you observe bubbles
 Heat and/or Light is given off: usually observed as burning
 Color change: the substance changes to a different color.
 Precipitate Forms: solid particles form in a liquid and sink to the bottom of the container.