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Government and Society:
Roman Government- Plebeians complained about Rome's government in
400s BC. To calm them, they created new offices that could only be held
by plebeians and protected their rights and Intrests. Soon faded.
Developed a tripartite government, or government with three parts. A. Magistrates- officials. Elected yearly to run city and army. Each had
own duties and powers. Some judges. Others managed finances or
games and festivals. 1. Consuls- two most powerful magistrates in Rome
B. Senate- 2nd part of Rome's government. Originally created to advise
kings. Senate became most powerful. Gained influence over magistrates
and took control of city's finances. Served for life. 1. Roman Senate- council of wealthy and powerful Romans that advised
the city's leaders. C. Assemblies and Tribunes- third part of Rome's government. Part that
protected common people, had two branches. First branch: assemblies.
Patricians and plebeians took part in assemblies. PRIMARY job was to
elect magistrates who ran city of Rome. 2nd branch made up of group of
elected officials called tribunes. Only remained in office 1 year. 1. Veto- prohibit 2. Latin- Roman's language
D. Civic Duty- Worked with participation of people. Participated cause
Felt like civic duty, or duty to the city. Included doing what they could to
make sure city prospered. Not everyone was allowed to vote. Those who
could had to. Wealthy and powerful citizens felt it was their duty to hold
public office to help run city. In return, admired by all. Checks and Balances- Methods to balance power. Restrictions to
leader's power. Laws proposed by Senate had to be approved. Made
government very complicated. Quarrels arose when officials had different
ideas or opinions. Written Laws Keep Order- Officials responsible for making laws and
making sure that people followed them. Only people who knew all the
laws are the patricians who made them. 1. Forum- Rome's public meeting place
The Roman Forum- Where Law of the Twelve Tribes was kept, heart of the
city of Rome. Site of important government buildings and temples.
Popular meeting place. Lay in the center of Rome, between two major
hills. One side was the Palatine Hill, where Rome's richest people lived.
Across it was Capitoline Hill where Rome's temples are. Leaders used this
area delivering speeches to the crowds. As a result, the forum usually
packed with people.