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2017 Chapters 11 and 12 MC Test - Mr. Stearns
1. When people read from the Torah, they are reading from
A. the Prophets and the Writings.
B. the first five books of the Hebrew Bible.
C. an ancient Egyptian book about the Hebrew people.
D. a collection of prayers and poems used by the early Jews.
2. How does the Torah say that Abraham first came to the land of Canaan?
A. He guided the Israelites out of Egypt.
B. He moved with his family from Mesopotamia.
C. He passed through the area as a wandering shepherd.
D. He led an army that won the land from the Philistines.
3. To complete the diagram, which phrase best belongs in the empty box?
A. Israelites move to Egypt
B. Israelites start herding goats
C. Israelites wander in the desert
D. Israelites break into warring tribes
4. How did ancient Judaism differ from other religions at that time?
A. more elegant temples
B. rules for how to act
C. famous leader-heroes
D. belief in one God
5. According to the Torah, the faith that would become Judaism began with a covenant, or
A. holy dream.
B. written contract.
C. sacred agreement.
D. religious gathering.
6. According to Jewish teaching, what did God promise by changing Abram’s name to Abraham?
A. to save Abraham's son
B. to guide Abraham to Canaan
C. to help Abraham build a temple
D. to protect Abraham's descendants
7. What place did the Jewish people believe was the promised land?
A. Ur
B. Egypt
C. Canaan
D. Babylon
8. Find Isaac on the family tree below. According to the family tree, Isaac was Sarah’s
A. son.
B. brother.
C. husband.
D. grandson.
9. Suppose that you were to arrange the following events in order. Which event happened second?
A. Abraham moved to Canaan.
B. Moses climbed Mount Sinai.
C. The Israelites moved to Egypt.
D. David was king of the Jewish people.
10. The word exodus means “departure.” In the history of the Israelites, the Exodus was the departure from
A. Ur.
B. Egypt.
C. Canaan.
D. Babylon.
11. According to the Torah, what did Moses bring to his people from Mount Sinai?
A. food to eat in the desert
B. the Ten Commandments
C. most of the Hebrew Bible
D. directions for building a temple
12. Which of these conclusions does the map support about the Jewish people’s trip from Egypt to Canaan?
A. It was largely by boat.
B. It followed a direct route.
C. It cost many people their lives.
D. It took many years to complete.
13. Who unified the Israelites into a single nation?
A. David
B. Moses
C. Solomon
D. Abraham
14. What did David provide for the Jewish people that they did not have before?
A. a strong army
B. a famous temple
C. a set of commandments
D. a strong central government
15. Why was Jerusalem considered a holy city?
A. David built his first palace there.
B. Religious ceremonies were held there.
C. The Ark of the Covenant was kept there.
D. The Israelites believed God told them to live there.
16. For which achievement is Solomon most famous?
A. uniting a nation
B. winning a battle
C. starting a school
D. building a temple
17. What weakened the land of the Israelites after the death of Solomon?
A. It suffered from a serious famine.
B. It fell to attacks by the Philistines.
C. It split into two smaller kingdoms.
D. It formed unwise foreign alliances.
18. Why did many Jews move to Babylon?
A. They were fleeing from attack by the Assyrians.
B. They were taken there as captives by Nebuchadrezzar.
C. They were hoping to spread the idea that there is one God.
D. They were looking for a land with a more stable food supply.
19. Why did the Jewish Diaspora threaten the survival of Judaism?
A. Jews became scattered over a wide area.
B. Jews paid heavy taxes to pay for a new temple.
C. Jews began to learn from rabbis instead of priests.
D. Jews depended on oral tradition to remember their history.
20. Which common feature of most ancient religions did the Jews reject (refuse, say no to)?
A. ritual
B. morality
C. tradition
D. polytheism
21. According to Judaism, standards of right and wrong come from
A. God.
B. Abraham.
C. priests.
D. prophets.
22. What is the best title for the chart below?
A. Hammurabi's Code
B. Holidays and Holy Days
C. Teachings of the Talmud
D. The Ten Commandments
23. Which of these phrases best describes the Talmud?
A. another name for the Torah
B. record of conquests of the Jewish people
C. ancient Jewish writings about the Hebrew Bible
D. list of names of the priests of the Temple of Jerusalem
24. The festival of Passover celebrates the
A. Jewish Diaspora.
B. Exodus from Egypt.
C. rededication of the Temple.
D. end of the Babylonian Exile.
25. Which of these is the best example of a question of ethics?
A. What shall I eat for dinner?
B. When should I brush my teeth?
C. Should I help a child who is lost?
D. Which color shall I paint my room?
26. Which major belief of Judaism does the photograph show?
A. the importance of study
B. equality and social justice
C. the celebration of holy days
D. presence of God in daily life
27. What change of events led to the building of the Second Temple?
A. Nebuchadrezzar realized the need to reconstruct Judah.
B. Solomon brought the Ark of the Covenant from its tent.
C. The Jews drove Antiochus and the Greeks from Jerusalem.
D. The Persians conquered Babylon and let the Jews go home.
28. Why do Jews consider the Western Wall in Jerusalem a sacred place?
A. It was built by King Solomon.
B. It was part of the Second Temple.
C. It was where many Jews died in rebellion against Rome.
D. It was constructed with the stones that held the Ten Commandments.
29. What was the result of Yohanan ben Zaccai’s meeting with the Roman general?
A. the building of a temple
B. the founding of a school
C. the betrayal of the rabbis
D. the destruction of Jerusalem
30. How was the city of Yavneh important to the survival of Judaism?
A. as the site of a temple
B. as the political capital
C. as a center for learning
D. as a source of rebellion
31. Why did Jews in the Diaspora have to develop new forms of worship, such as a synagogue service?
A. They spoke several languages.
B. They mingled with other cultures.
C. They came under the rule of rabbis.
D. They could no longer use the Temple rituals.
32. Jewish forms of worship and ways of life were taught in many different countries by
A. rabbis.
B. priests.
C. prophets.
D. professors.