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Is Nutrition Really Important?
Hold the cheese! Wait hold the Mac-n-Cheese! Say what?
Our bodies amazingly can live for a long time on little
nutrition but over time the nutrient reservoir in our body
shrinks if we don't refill it. At some point because your
cells are not being fed adequate nutrition or because your
cells no longer have the nutritional reserves to protect and
repair themselves they become sick and then replicate in
a sick or diseased state. Eventually the cell can mutate
into a cancerous cell. Normally a body with plenty of
nutrition will have cells that can repair themselves or they will self-destruct. Additionally, you will
have an immune system that is able to recognize the sick or mutated cell and kill it. This is why
nutrition and nutrient absorption is so important. Vitamins, minerals, enzymes, essential fatty acids,
amino acids and antioxidants are vital for building a healthy body. Every tissue and bone of your body,
every chemical that your body makes, every blood cell, every hormone and immune system
compounds, EVERYTHING requires a certain amount of nutrients.
Cells don't live on French fries, cheeseburgers and mac-n-cheese. The body breaks down what we eat,
searching for macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients are carbohydrates, fats and
protein. Micronutrients are vitamins, minerals, enzymes, essential fatty acids, amino acids,
antioxidants and other phytonutrients. Hold up, you just said macronutrients are carbohydrates, fats
and protein and that is exactly what French fries, cheeseburgers and mac-n-cheese provide, right? Well
yes, it is in fact very rich in these but has very little of the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, essential fatty
acids and antioxidants which are in fact what makes cells function. Think of carbohydrates, fats and
proteins as part fuel and part nutrient delivery system. The job of carbohydrates, fats and proteins is to
provide calories for energy and provide vitamins, minerals, enzymes, essential fatty acids, amino acids
and antioxidants are vital for building a healthy body that the body needs to operate, build and repair.
The average adult has approximately 100 trillion cells and every cell in your body operates like a
miniature city or country. Wow that's hard to comprehend! Each cell has it's own waste removal and
trash disposal system (lymphatic system) It has it's own defense system (immune system) with Army's
to destroy invaders and internal threats (cancer cells) and it's own engineers and maintenance system to
rebuild and repair what ever needs it. In addition, it has it's on monitoring system (endocrine system) to
sense when any part of your body has a need and direct the action. It has workers (enzymes) that make
every task happen.
Cells make up organs and tissues in our bodies. And even though they are in a most amazing way selfsufficient they also work in harmony together to make organs, muscles and tissues work. Just imagine
making a fist with your hand. All of those muscles in your arm and hand had to operate together and in
perfect harmony to make that fist. Additionally, your brain had to send signals through the nervous
system to tell every cell exactly what to do. This requires your body to have healthy nerve cells and
have the ability to make neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) that make those signals happen.
Your body has power plants in each cell that deliver the needed energy to sustain life and operate it's
own internal systems while fueling the bigger picture of muscles, organs and systems. It takes many
vitamins and minerals to make energy possible. It takes the vitamin's A, C, D, K2 and the minerals
magnesium, boron and strontium to make healthy bones. Follow me so far?
Body-building, protecting and repairing nutrients come from real foods and the richest foods in
nutrients is by far and away plant foods. Processed and refined foods are absent enough nutrition to
support and build a healthy body. In fact processed and refined foods are anti-nutrients. They rob
much-needed nutrients from our nutritional reserves. The SAD (standard American diet) is the biggest
cause of disease and illness across our planet. Our diet has migrated across the globe and is now
inflicting its participants with alarming rates of disease and illness.
It's never to late to make your body healthier if you are willing to make the change. Many times
disease and illness can even be reversed through a highly nutritious diet and being more physically
Vive is full of nutrition from plants that build healthy bodies. Vive supports healthy body functions.
Making Vive a daily part of your diet can enrich your life by helping you build a healthy body with
plenty of energy.