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Frog Dissection
Name ____________________________________________ Period ______ Date ____________
Pre Lab: Use the dissection guide to identify the following organs/structures and then summarize their functions.
Small Intestine
Frog External Anatomy
1. Dorsal side color ______________________
Ventral side color ______________________
2. What is the relation between the frog’s coloration and its natural habitat? (Why is the frog this color??)
3. How many toes are present? Are the toes webbed?
4. Is your frog male or female?
5. Is the frog’s skin scaly or slimy? Why do you think this is?
6. Does the tongue attach to the front or back of the mouth? Why might this be a useful adaptation for a frog?
Frog Internal Anatomy- As you are going through your frog dissection identify the structures labeled using the
following terms: right atrium, esophagus, large intestine, stomach, lung, ventricle, left atrium, artery, pancreas, liver,
pyloric sphincter, rectum, small intestine, gall bladder.
A. __________________________________
B. __________________________________
C. __________________________________
D. __________________________________
E. __________________________________
F. __________________________________
G. __________________________________
H. __________________________________
K. __________________________________
L. __________________________________
M. __________________________________
N. __________________________________
1. The membrane holds the coils of the small intestine together: ___________________________________________
2. This organ is found under the liver, it stores bile: ______________________________________________________
3. There are _________________ lobes in the liver.
4. The organ that is the first major site of chemical digestion: ______________________________________________
5. Eggs, sperm, urine and wastes all empty into this structure: ______________________________________________
6. The small intestine leads to the: ____________________________________________________________________
7. The esophagus leads to the: _______________________________________________________________________
8. Yellowish structures that serve as an energy reserve: ___________________________________________________
9. After food passes through the stomach it enters the: ___________________________________________________
10. A spider-web like membrane that covers the organs: ___________________________________________________
11. The largest organ in the body cavity: ________________________________________________________________