Download FROG LAB - Sardis Secondary

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Name: ____________________________ Block: ____ Date: ______________________
Follow the dissection procedure in the lab manual on pages 183-186.
PART 1: Mouth (7 marks)
Label the diagram of the frog’s mouth with the following terms: vomerine teeth, maxillary
teeth, openings to the vocal sac, openings to the Eustachian tubes, gullet opening, tongue,
and glottis.
PART 2: Hind Leg Muscles (5 marks)
Sketch a diagram of the dorsal muscles of the hind leg. Label an extensor (contraction
causes a joint to straighten) and a flexor (contraction causes a joint to bend).
Name: ____________________________ Block: ____ Date: ______________________
PART 3: Internal structures (17 marks)
Label the diagrams of the internal anatomy below.
Name: ____________________________ Block: ____ Date: ______________________
PART 4: Functions of the Internal Organs (17 marks)
Digestive System
pharynx __________________________________________________________
esophagus _________________________________________________________
stomach __________________________________________________________
liver _____________________________________________________________
gall bladder stores bile_______________________________________________
pancreas __________________________________________________________
small intestine _____________________________________________________
mesentry __________________________________________________________
large intestine ______________________________________________________
cloaca ____________________________________________________________
Reproductive, Circulatory, & Excretory Systems
left atrium _________________________________________________________
right atrium ________________________________________________________
ventricle __________________________________________________________
glottis ____________________________________________________________
lungs ____________________________________________________________
kidneys ___________________________________________________________
bladder ___________________________________________________________
Name: ____________________________ Block: ____ Date: ______________________
PART 5: Discussion Questions (14 marks)
1a) What is unusual about the attachment of the tongue? __________________________
b) What is the advantage of this attachment? __________________________________
2. What might be the function of the vomerine teeth?______________________________
3. How are the positions of the eyes and external nostrils appropriate for life in the water?
4. How are the relative lengths of the frog’s small intestine and large intestine related to
their functions?
Name: ____________________________ Block: ____ Date: ______________________
5. Which three body systems does the cloaca belong to and what is the function in each?
6. How is the frog’s heart different from the hearty of a fish? _______________________
7. The ventricle has thicker, more muscular walls than the atria. Relate this difference in
wall structure to the functions of the two types of heart chambers.