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- The Energy Producing System
1) What is the pathway taken by air in the respiratory system? illustrate
with a labelled
Ans: The pathway taken by air in the respiratory system:
oles→Alvolus→ Blood
1). Air enters the body through the nostrils.
2). Air is filtered in the nasal cavity and its temperature is also
brought close to that of the body.
3) Pharynx is the Junction of respiratory and digestive system.
Epiglottis-a flap-like muscular valve controls movement of air and food
towards their respective passages.
4) Larynx is also called sound box. It contains vocal cords. When
air passes out of the lungs and over the vocal cords, It causes them to
vibrate. This produces sounds on the basis of our speech, song,etc.
5). Trachea is also called wind pipe. It channels air to lungs.
6)Trachea at its lower end divides into two bronchi one leading to
each lung.
7) The bronchi further divided into smaller and smaller branches
called bronchioles.
8) Bronchioles finally terminate in clusters of air sacs called alveoli
in the lungs which are very small and numerous.
9) Gaseous exchange takes place here as blood capillaries take up
oxygen and expel carbon dioxide here.
10).Blood carries oxygen to each and every cell of the body and
collects CO2 from them. The whole passage from nostrils to alveoli is
moist and warm.
1) State two similarities between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
Write two similarities between respiration with oxygen and without
Ans: Two similarities between aerobic and anaerobic respiration:
1) Both aerobic and anaerobic respiration release energy by
breaking down glucose molecule.
2) The energy produced by these two processes will be used to
carry out various functions of the body.
3) Both aerobic and anaerobic respirations take place in a cell.
02) Why does the rate of breathing increases while walking uphill at a
normal pace in the mountains? Give two reasons.
Ans: The rate of breathing increases while walking uphill at normal
pace in the mountains.
1) It is because as we go up the hill above sea level the concentration of
oxygen is greatly reduced. So we have to breathe more to get required
amount of oxygen.
2) while walking up hill a lot of oxygen is used by our body to release
energy from glucose.
3) This leads to lack of oxygen in the cells.
4) we take in oxygen when we breathe.
5) Hence to increase the amount of oxygen intake there is an increase
in breathing rate during walking uphill.