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Review sheet for test B5 – B8
DNA review
1. What bonds hold complementary bases between 2 strands of DNA together?
2. What bonds exist between sugars and phosphates?
3. Describe how DNA is like a ladder.
4. Explain the 3 steps of DNA replication.
5. Why is DNA replication termed “semi-conservative”?
6. What role does DNA polymerase play in DNA replication?
7. Define recombinant DNA.
8. What is a transgenic organism?
9. What are 3 uses for recombinant DNA?
10. Explain how gene therapy is used to help those with genetic diseases. What are some problems?
Protein Synthesis review
11. Describe the process by which mRNA is formed for protein synthesis
12. What is the process called?
13. What enzyme is responsible for unzipping DNA for mRNA to be assembled off of it?
14. What is the process by which a protein forms at a ribosome called?
15. What is the function of the following in protein synthesis?
a) DNA
b) mRNA
c) tRNA
d) rRNA
16. Where are the following usually found in cells?
a) mRNA
b) tRNA
c) rRNA
17. What is a polyribosome and what is its function?
18. Give one role of each of the following in the process of translation
a) Ribosome
b) tRNA
c) mRNA
19. Describe the difference between a codon and an anticodon
20. Describe anticodon to codon complementary base pairing.
21. What bonds form between amino acids?
22. What mRNA sequence signals the end of an amino acid sequence?
23. If this is the strand of DNA ….complete the rest:
24. Give one example of an environmental mutagen and explain how it could cause a change in the
production of mRNA in a cell
25. What is the anticodon for tryptophan.
26. Describe one way in which each of the following pairs of molecules are functionally related in the
process of protein synthesis.
a) DNA and mRNA:
b) mRNA and tRNA
c) tRNA and amino acids:
d) Protein and rRNA
27. What is the purpose of transcription during protein synthesis?
28. What occurs during translation?
29. In an experiment conducted to study protein synthesis, radioactive thymine and radioactive uracil
were added to a culture of human cells. A few hours later, the culture was analyzed and
radioactive mRNA was found.
a) Explain how an mRNA molecule is produced
b) Explain why the mRNA produced is radioactive
c) In a different experiment, radioactive uracil was added to a culture of human cell
undergoing DNA replication. What will be the characteristic of the resulting DNA in terms
of radioactivity? Explain
30. Name the process shown above and explain how the molecule that is produced is used to
determine the sequence of amino acids in a protein.
31. A segment of hemoglobin has the following sequence of amino acids:
The same segment of hemoglobin found in people who have sickle-cell anemia has the following sequence:
Using the codon chart in your text, explain how DNA is different in people with sickle-cell anemia
32. Complete the following table.
What is the specific function of ribosomes?
What organelle is involved in producing rRNA – which is used to make ribosomes?
How do polyribosomes and ribosomes differ in their structure and function?
The heredity material found in cells is
a) DNA
c) mRNA
b) rRNA
d) ATP
Which is not a major function of the genetic material?
a) Store information
c) Replicate itself
b) Catalyze chemical reactions
d) Undergo mutations
In the Watson-Crick model of DNA, the “steps” of the ladder are composed of
a) Sugars
c) Two purines
b) A purine and a pyrimidine
d) Two pyrimidines
That amount of adenine is always equal to the amount of ___ in DNA
a) cytosine
c) guanine
b) uracil
d) thymine
Which of the following have nitrogenous bases correctly paired in DNA?
a) Adenine-guanine; thymine-cytosine
b) Adenine-uracil; guanine-cytosine
c) Adenine-cytosine; guanine – thymine
d) Adenine- thymine; guanine-cytosine
The enzyme used to join complementary DNA nucleotides together is
a) DNA polymerase
c) Helicase
b) RNA polymerase
d) Lipase
Which of the following is not true about DNA?
a) Has a double helix
b) Bases are held together by hydrogen bonds
c) Contains adenine, cytosine, guanine, uracil
d) Has a deoxyribose sugar
Which of the following statements about DNA replication is not correct
a) Unwinding of the DNA molecule occurs as hydrogen bonds break
b) Each base is paired with another exactly like it
c) The process is known as semi conservative replication because the old strand is
conserved in the new molecule
d) Complementary base pairs are held together by hydrogen bonds
A nucleotide contains
a) DNA and RNA
b) A sugar, phosphate, and a nitrogen base
c) Complementary purines and pyrimidines
d) RNA, protein, and lipids
DNA serves as the template for the direct synthesis of
a) DNA
c) enzymes
b) tRNA
d) proteins
46. Which of the following is not true about RNA?
a) RNA transfers messages from DNA to ribosomes
b) RNA contains the sugar ribose
c) RNA forms a double helix
d) RNA is single stranded
47. Prior to protein synthesis, the DNA
a) Attracts tRNA’s with appropriate amino acids
b) Serves as a template for the production of mRNA
c) Adheres to ribosomes for protein synthesis
d) Contains anticodons that become codons
48. Which of the following nucleotide bases is found only in RNA, not in DNA?
a) Guanine
c) Thymine
b) Adenine
d) Uracil
49. The function of transfer RNA is to
a) Carry amino acids to ribosomes
b) Transfer nucleotides to the nucleus
c) Turn DNA on and off
d) Act as a site for protein synthesis
50. The genetic code consists of___ bases that stand for one amino acid
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
51. Messenger RNA is produced in the
a) Cytoplasm
c) Nucleus
b) Ribosomes
d) Endoplasmic reticulum
52. In modern biochemical genetics, the flow of inherited information is from
a) proteinRNADNA
c) DNAproteinRNA
b) DNARNAprotein
d) RNADNAprotein
53. Which is directly responsible for the sequence of amino acids in a protein?
a) The sequence of anticodons
b) The number of codons in mRNA
c) The sequence of codons in mRNA
d) The enzyme that attaches the amino acid to tRNA
54. Transcription of part of a DNA molecule with a nucleotide sequence of A-A-A-C-A-A-C-T-T results
in a mRNA molecule with the complementary sequence of :
a) G-G-G-A-G-A-A-C-C
c) T-T-T-G-A-A-G-C-C
b) U-U-U-G-U-U-G-A-A
d) C-C-C-A-C-C-T-C-C
55. During the process of transcription, the information in
a) Protein is converted into RNA information
b) DNA is converted into protein information
c) DNA is converted into RNA information
d) RNA is converted into DNA information
56. If one strand of DNA has the base sequence AAGCAA, the complementary DNA strand has which
of the following sequences?
57. For translation to take place, which of the following would not be required to be present?
a) DNA
c) ribosome
b) mRNA
d) rRNA
58. Which of the following processes does not take place during translation?
a) Attachment of ribosome to rRNA
b) Growth of a polypeptide chain
c) Binding of tRNA molecules to the ribosome
d) Production of mRNA
59. Which is the process that synthesizes mRNA?
a) Translation
c) Transposition
b) Transcription
d) Transformation
60. In the diagram to the left, if adenine is located on strand 4, then on strand 2 at the same location
___ must be present
a) Adenine
c) Cytosine
b) Thymine
d) Guanine
61. In the diagram to the left, when replication is finished, strand 1 and 2 will have the same base
composition as:
a) Strands 2 and 3
c) Strands 3 and 4
b) Strands 1 and 3
d) Strands 1 and 4
62. If a mutation occurred, then
a) The code would change
b) Some particular codon or codons would change
c) Some particular anticodon or anticodons would change
d) All of the above
e) Only a and b
63. The___ of a tRNA molecule will attract the codon of a mRNA molecule.
a) DNA sequence
c) Amino acid binding site
b) Anticodon
d) RNA polymerase
64. How does the anticodon differ from the codon? The anticodon….
a) Contains thymine, but the codon contains uracil
b) Attaches to ribosomes, but the codon attaches to amino acids
c) Is a sequence of three bases complementary to the bases of a codon
d) Stands for a particular amino acid, but the codon codes for nucleotide bases
65. Which of the classes of RNA molecules is linked with proteins in forming the large and small
subunits of a cytoplasmic structure?
a) rRNA
c) mRNA
b) tRNA
d) complementary RNA
66. All nucleotides are made up of _____ parts: a base, a sugar and ____________________
67. In DNA the base adenine is always paired with a base ____________
68. DNA is double stranded. It is made up of two ____________strands
69. In RNA the base thymine is replaced by _______________
70. A mutation is a change in the sequence of _________ within a DNA molecule
71. Each tRNA has an __________ at one end and a specific ___________ at the other
72. DNA contains a _________ for protein synthesis; it is a _____________code because three bases
indicate one particular ____________. During transcription, _______ RNA is produced having
bases that are ____________ to the bases in DNA. Thus it is said that DNA serves as a
_________ for mRNA production. The bases in DNA are called the code, and the bases in mRNA
are called _____________. mRNA moves into the cytoplasm and becomes associated with the ___
which contain ___________ RNA molecules. Also in the cytoplasm there are ______ RNA
molecules with an _________ at one end and one of the twenty amino acids at the other. During
translation the tRNA molecules bring amino acids to the ribosomes in the order dictated by the
DNA code; thus the original sequence of bases in DNA orders the _______________of amino
acids in a protein.
73. Which of the following pairs in not a valid comparison between DNA and RNA
a) double helix
b) replicates
c) deoxyribose
d) thymine
74. Put phrases 1-6 in order to describe protein synthesis.
1) mRNA is produced in the nucleus
2) ribosomes move along mRNA
3) DNA has a code
4) polypeptide units
5) tRNA brings amino acids to ribosomes
6) mRNA moves to ribosomes
75. Use the table of mRNA codons to answer the questions below.
a) The codon for tryptophan is ________
b) For leucine, there are __________ different codons
c) The codon GAU is for ____________
d) In a stop codon, if the second base is G, the first and third bases are ______ and _______
76. Label (1) to (4) in the diagram below. Put the following phrases in the correct order, and write them
in the correct area on the diagram
_______ recombined plasmid is reintroduced into the bacterium
_______plasmid is removed from E. coli
_______recombined plasmid functions and replicates normally
_______foreign DNA is incorporated into the plasmid