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ENTRY POINT (and door display)
The children are all climate change scientists. They
will plan a journey to the base in Antarctica and
once they are there carry out a challenge related
to collection of rain water and interpretation of
the information they gather from each continent
“Running Wild” – Michael Morpurgo
GR book – Life in Antarctica (nonchronological report)
Examples of balanced arguments
Narrative – Adventure story where
character faces a dramatic situation (2
Non-chronological Report – Antarctica
(2 weeks)
Instructions – To make a weather station
(1 week)
Persuasive letter (2 weeks) – Palm oil
Right to a voice
Balanced Argument (2 weeks) – Tourism
Value – Honesty
Proverbs + Wisdom
Value – Fairness
Repentance and Salvation
Celebration of Easter
Weather and Climate
Year 5 Spring Term 2017
Interpreting weather patterns they are
presented with following the entry point
Using instruments to measure rainfall,
temperature, wind speed and direction
Explicit teaching about weather patterns
and microclimates (London as an example)
Learn about how climatic processes lead
to similarities and differences between
places (linking to housing and
communities learning from Y4)
Identify elements of human practice
throughout the world that impacts
negatively on climate change
To be able to explain how the lives of people in one country are
affected by the actions of people in another – Tourism.
Describe the differences in the life cycles
of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect
and a bird (2 weeks)
Describe the life processes of
reproduction in some plants and animals
(2 weeks)
Describe the changes as humans develop
to old age (2 weeks including RSE week)
Compare and group together everyday
materials on the basis of their properties
(1 week)
Give reasons, based on evidence from
comparative and fair tests, for the
particular uses of everyday materials,
including metals, wood and plastic (2
Listening to and appreciating national
anthems from around the world,
including home countries
Compose and perform national
anthem for Antarctica
Measurement (length etc.), conversion,
area and perimeter
Scaling (Creative Maths week)
Data and statistics (within IPC
geography lessons)
Reflection and translation
UNCRC ARTICLES (ref in subjects)
Right to clean water
Right to a voice (Article 12)
Make an igloo with recyclable materials.
Make an Orca puppet
Design and make a communication device
Creating scale plans and models for a
weather station
Invasion games
ICT & Computing Tasks 2-5: Cyber
Bullying, Computer Networks, Digital
Theatre Company (Fresh Water) to
be booked for a whole day –
Weather and Climate – 24th March