Download On the move - Discovering Antarctica

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On the move
Each picture below shows a stage in the break-up of the
super-continent, Gondwana that began 180 million years
Use what you already know to add captions to the
pictures to describe what is happening.
If you are a bit stuck on what to write, you could use
these captions to get started.
'India and Australia, and Africa and South America
moved apart following more eruptions from deep inside
the Earth'
'Movements of the Earth’s plates eventually separated
New Zealand and Australia from Antarctica.'
'Mantle plumes pushed up onto the surface, forming
new oceanic crust between the chunks of land. This was
the beginning of the break-up of Gondwana.'
'Africa and Antarctica split apart, and Antarctica shifted
On the move 1
On the move 2
On the move 3
On the move 4
On the move 5
On the move 6