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Unit 6 Test Date:
A Day –______________ ________________
B Day –______________ ________________
Part One: _____
Please use your notes to fill in this study guide.
You also need to study EVERY page in your binder from Unit 6 to
help you be successful on your test!
History of Space Exploration
 Fill in the following chart with the missing information :
Geocentric Theory
Heliocentric Theory
Definition: The Earth is the center of our universe and the
solar system.
Definition: The Sun is the center of our universe and the
solar system.
Astronomer: Aristotle
Astronomer: Copernicus
Astronomer: Ptolemy
Astronomer: Galileo
 Look at the time line on your page # 3 in your binder and be able to understand how space exploration
has changed over time.
Our Solar System
 Study ALL of your vocabulary words from your word wonders pages
 Write out the definition of 1 AU : The average distance between the Earth and the Sun.
 1 AU = _____150 million kilometers _____________________
Fill in the following chart with the missing information:
Our 8 Planets
Distance from the Sun
Mercury (My)
.4 AU
Venus (Very)
.7 AU
Earth (Educated)
1 AU
Mars (Mother)
1.5 AU
Jupiter (Just)
5.2 AU
Saturn (Served)
9.5 AU
Uranus (Us)
19.2 AU
Neptune (Nachos)
30.6 AU
Pluto (Don’t forget, Pluto is still
out there past Neptune, it’s just
now considered a Dwarf Planet!)
Rocky or Gas Giant?
39.5 AU
 What force keeps all of the planets in orbit around the Sun? ____________________________
 Where is the asteroid belt located?
It is located between Mars and Jupiter.
 Which planet in our solar system is the HOTTEST planet? WHY?
Venus is the hottest planet because of its thick atmosphere that is able to hold and trap heat.
 Which planet in our solar system is the largest planet?
 Which planet in our solar system is the only planet that can support life?
 Which planet in our solar system spins horizontally on its axis (like a rotisserie chicken)?
Part Two: _______
Earth’s Rotation and Revolution
 Earth spins on an imaginary line called its ______Axis _________________.
 Fill in the following chart with the missing information.
How Long it
Earth spins on a
24 hours
tilted imaginary line
called an axis.
365 Days = 1 year
Day and Night
The Seasons:
Winter, Spring,
Summer, Fall
This means Earth
moves in a regular
path around the
 What TWO things cause Earth to have seasons?
An Example
Earth spinning on
its axis is called
Earth orbits, or
revolves around
the sun.
This Causes…
Orbit of Earth
Tilt of Earth
Electrons orbit around
the nucleus of an atom.
 Be able to understand what season is happening in the different hemispheres when Earth is at
different locations around the Sun.
 What would happen to the movement of the planets if all of a sudden, there was no Sun?
The planets would fly out in to space because there is no gravity, or force to hold them in place.
Tides and Moon Phases
 Define tides: The daily rise and fall of Earth’s waters on the shorelines.
 What causes the tides?
Caused by the gravitational pull between the Earth, moon, and Sun.
 Which has a greater affect on the tides, the Sun or the Moon? Why??
The Moon has a greater affect on the tide than the Sun because the Moon is much closer to the Earth
than the Sun.
 What is the difference between a spring tide and a neap tide?
During a neap tide, the sun and the moon are at right angles to each other. During a spring tide, the sun
and the moon are lined up.
 In the spaces below, draw a diagram of a spring tide and a diagram of a neap tide.
Spring Tide
Neap Tide
 Why do we see different phases of the moon?
As the Earth revolves around the Sun, the Moon revolves around the Earth.
The phase of the Moon you see depends on how much of the sunlit side of the moon is facing
 Complete the following sentences:
o A solar eclipse happens when…the moon passes between the
Earth and the Sun. The moon is blocking sunlight from reaching the
o A lunar eclipse happens when… the Earth passes between the
Moon and the Sun. The Earth is blocking sunlight from reaching the