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Ancient Rome: Struggle for Power (United Streaming Video- 46 min)
1. a) In 82 BCE, the Roman Republic struggled to control Sulla, a brilliant politician and
military general. Sulla met with the Roman Senate and demanded that they give him
_________________ for his _________________ for their successful conquests.
b) How did the Senators respond? _________________________________
c) How did Sulla respond?
d) What implications or effects did these actions have on the Roman Republic?
In 509 BCE, Rome became governed under the Roman Republic.
Characteristics of the Roman Republic
Problems or Contradictions
3. a) Who were the Gracchus brothers and what were their ambitions?
b) What happened to both Gracchus brothers?
4. Describe the characteristics and accomplishments of each of the following individuals:
Ancient Rome: Fall of an Empire (United Streaming Video- 50 min)
1. What were the benefits of Roman rule and the accomplishments of the Roman Empire?
2. What were Roman’s greatest problems? What was Rome’s “fatal disease”?
3. Describe the social hierarchy of the Roman Empire. What was its “tragic flaw”?
4. How did Rome deal with religious diversity? What impact did this have on the Roman
5. Describe the factors that contributed to the growing chaos and instability of the Roman
Empire during the 3rd century CE.
6. Complete the following chart:
Reforms / Changes / Impact on Roman Empire
7. How did Christianity change the Roman Empire?
8. How did the barbarians threaten the survival of the Roman Empire? Could this threat
have been prevented?
9. What legacies have endured from Ancient Rome?