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, SO
Josephine Richstad
Daniel Berdichevsky
the World
Scholar’s Cup®
AUTHOR’S NOTE………………………………………………………… 2
INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………. 3
MOLECULAR GENETICS………………………………………………. 45
VI. CONCLUSION……………………………………………………………… 69
VII. POWER LISTS……………………………………………………………… 70
VIII. PRACTICE TEST ANALYSIS………………………………………….. 139
IX. ABOUT THE AUTHOR………………………………………………….. 141
ABOUT THE EDITOR…………………………………………………..... 142
© 2013 DemiDec. DemiDec, The World Scholar’s Cup, Power Guide, and Cram Kit are registered trademarks of the DemiDec Corporation.
Academic Decathlon and USAD are registered trademarks of the United States Academic Decathlon Association.
Science Power Guide | 2
Welcome, fellow Decathletes and future geneticists! By opening this Science Power Guide, you have ventured
on a journey that will cover two fascinating centuries of scientific discovery in the field of genetics, filled with
twists, turns, and the occasional dead end.
I’m Eric Yang, resident science nerd and Honors Decathlete at The Colony High School. Ever since I was a
toddler, genetics has captured my curiosity1. I’ve always been amazed that the diversity of Earth’s 8.7 million
species results from such tiny differences in DNA from one to the next. I hope this Power Guide can help
you learn more about why those differences make the difference that they do.
Throughout the Power Guide, I will be bolding key people, processes, structures, and other important terms.
All of the terms USAD bolds in the Resource Guide will be bolded here as well. A comprehensive list of these
bolded terms can be found in the Power Lists, at the end of the Power Guide. When USAD mentions a
concept in passing without explaining it fully, I will add context and background through footnotes. This
information will not be tested at competition, but will improve your understanding of the material. Footnotes
may also contain supplementary facts, mnemonic devices, or my attempts at genetic comedy. I have signed
those attempts, so feel free to skip those if you’d like to avoid any unnecessary ROFL moments.
Please don’t be daunted by the sheer length of the Power Guide. I’ve rearranged the information in the USAD
Resource Guide to improve learning flow and added plenty of charts, tables, diagrams, and visuals to break
up the endless walls of text that often greet Decathletes when they begin their AcaDec journey.
How to Use This Power Guide
As per USAD, Section I explores the structure of cells and the process of cellular reproduction. Section II
analyzes Mendel’s laws of inheritance and other contributions to the field of genetics, while Section III tackles
genetic research and discoveries in the 20th and 21st centuries.
When reading USAD’s guide, ensure you
understand the techniques used for genetic
analysis (Punnett squares, Hardy-Weinberg
equation, Mendel’s laws of inheritance). This
basic knowledge will help clarify the applications
of genetics found in Section III. I also
recommend using the timelines found in the
back of the Power Guide to study the history of
genetics—it’s crucial to be able to match the
scientists with their discoveries and to remember
the order in which they occur.
Section 3:
Section 1:
Section 2: The
Pattern of
As the days before competition draw near, focus
your studying on Section II. Not only is it the
section most familiar to high school students, but it also accounts for 1/3 of the test while taking up just ¼
of the resource guide. Also be familiar with the terms in the USAD glossary and in the Power Lists at the
back of this guide—they’re a gold mine for test writers.
I was also resident science nerd in my family.
Science Power Guide | 3
Gregor Mendel laid the foundations of genetics 150 years ago,
but not until the early 1900s did scientists make major
breakthroughs in our understanding of genes and the
inheritance of traits from generation to generation. Today,
scientists apply genetic knowledge in a wide range of fields,
ranging from cancer treatments to criminal suspect
 According to the USAD outline, 0
questions should come from the
 0 questions come from the Introduction on
the USAD Science Practice Test
 The Introduction covers pg. 5 of the USAD
Science Resource Guide
Why Genetics?
 A Brief History
 The Austrian monk Gregor Mendel launched the field of genetics
 He sought to understand why purple flowers could produce white offspring
 Few scientists were aware of Mendel’s work until the first decade of the 20th century
 Today, genetics has affected many areas of our society
Cancer and heart disease treatment
Drug production
Expansion of agricultural yields
Criminal suspect identification
Study of evolution
 Section I explains basic cell structures and processes
It covers cellular evolution and the life cycle of a cell
Cellular division is the foundation for more complex concepts, such as the replication of
genetic material
 Section II focuses on Mendelian genetics and its rediscovery around World War I
 Sexually reproducing multicellular species have a wide range of inheritance patterns
 Knowing these patterns can help scientists predict the inheritance of defective genes in
 Section III discusses the modern synthesis of genetics and evolution
 This section also examines genetics at the molecular level
 Finally, the guide takes a closer look at current frontiers in genetics
 These frontiers include epigenetics and modern applications of genetic information
Science Power Guide | 4
The field of genetics originated in Greek philosophy over two
thousand years ago, but the combination of Gregor Mendel’s
and Charles Darwin’s studies brought it to the forefront of
modern science. In order to understand genetics, we must fully
grasp the complex structure and functions of prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cells, the processes that make up the cell cycle, and
the biological principles of reproduction that are the
cornerstone of Mendelian genetics.
 According to the USAD outline, 15
questions (30%) should come from Section I
 11 questions (22%) come from Section I on
the USAD Science Practice Test
 Section 1 covers pgs. 6 - 29 of the USAD
Science Resource Guide
A Not-So-Brief History of Genetics
 Genetics Before Mendel
 Many scientists and philosophers have speculated about reproduction, embryonic
development, and heredity2
Aristotle (384-322
Hippocrates (460-370
Socrates (469-399
Plato (428 - 348 B.C.)
 Aristotle hypothesized that the male parent passes a miniature individual to the female
parent through blood3 transmission4
Perhaps teenagers would spend less time on TMZ and more time on cool science experiments if they could all grow devilishly awesome
beards like the Greeks. - Eric
That would probably make The Talk less embarrassing for everyone. –Josephine
Aristotle isn’t referring to the blood in your arteries, but to semen (which he considered a purified form of blood) and a woman’s
menstrual flow.
Science Power Guide | 5
Once inside the female, the individual grows and
matures in the womb
 Aristotle explained his hypothesis in both the History of
Animals and Generation of Animals
 The idea lasted for over 2,000 years, despite the
invention of the microscope5
 Nicolaas Hartsoeker reinforced the idea with his
drawing of miniature men (homunculus) within a
sperm cell
 Hippocrates developed the theory of pangenesis6
 In Greek, “pangenesis” translates to “whole birth”
 The theory explained why parents and children
had similar traits
 He suggested that human organs came from organ
seedlings called gemmules
 He thought gemmules migrated to the
reproductive organs at sexual maturity
 Organ gemmules from each parent mixed to
form offspring
 Joseph Kolreuter demonstrated the theory of blending
inheritance7 in the 1760s8
 He conducted the first genetic crosses in scientific
history using tobacco plants
 Charles Darwin incorporated blending inheritance
into his theory of evolution
 Mendel and Beyond
 Gregor Mendel radically altered scientists’
understanding of genetics
 In 1847, he entered a monastery in Brno, AustriaHungary
 Brno is located in the present-day Czech
 He would receive an education while training as a
 Mendel wanted to become a teacher
He had prior experience as a substitute
However, he failed his licensing exam9
 The monastery sent him to the University of Vienna for further education
 He later returned to Brno and embarked on his breeding experiments
Microscopes allowed scientists to see the cell and its contents for the first time in history. Unfortunately, the cells that 17th century
scientists Hooke and van Leeuwenhoek studied were noticeably devoid of miniature human individuals.
Pangenesis was Charles Darwin’s preferred explanation for the heredity of traits:
According to blending inheritance, the range of traits in the parents randomly determined the offspring’s traits. For example, if the
mother was short and the father was tall, the child would have to be shorter than the father and taller than the mother. However,
eventually all the members of a generation would have the same height.
USAD does not clearly explain the difference between pangenesis and blending inheritance in the resource guide. After external
research, I’ve come to believe that pangenesis is a “sub-theory” that biologically explains blending inheritance.
Science Power Guide | 6
While at Brno, Mendel cross-fertilized 30,000 pea plants10 from 1856 to 1864
 His experiments led him to develop the three laws of genetics
 Mendel published Experiments on Plant Hybridization in 1866 in a local journal
 In his paper, he theorized that a “heritable factor” controlled every trait
This “heritable factor” would later be called a gene14
 The scientific community overlooked Mendel’s article during his lifetime
 Mendel’s contemporary Charles Darwin developed his theory of natural selection in the
 Darwin jointly presented his theory with British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace at the
Linnean Society of London151617 in 1858
 Wallace studied Asian and Australian animals in the East Indies
 Mendel's work gained new relevance when scientists discovered chromosomes in 1878
 “Chromosome” means “color body” in Greek
 This name arose when scientists found that certain dyes could stain them intensely
 Three European scientists independently developed a method of staining chromosomes
and the nucleus18
Eduard Strasburger (Poland)
Edouard van Beneden (Belgium)
Walther Flemming (Germany)
They sought to understand the process of cell division
Walther Flemming termed this process mitosis
This word came from a Greek word meaning “thread”
 Genetic Discoveries of the Early 20th Century
 In 1900, three scientists independently confirmed Mendel’s work
Apparently he began with animal breeding, but his superiors thought that was too racy for a monastery. –Josephine
These are the law of segregation, law of independent assortment, and law of dominance. USAD explains these laws in Section II of the
Resource Guide, so I will do the same.
Specifically, the Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Brno. They had wild parties.
Mendel himself called this heritable factor an “allele”.
Hugo de Vries used the word "pangen" for particles of hereditary in 1889, while Wilhelm Johannsen used "gene" in 1909.
USAD mentions on page 7 of the Resource Guide that Darwin presented his ideas “at the prestigious Royal Academy of Science”, also
known as the Royal Society. Darwin was elected a fellow of this society in 1839, but most external sources point to the Linnean Society
of London as the correct target audience.
Neither Darwin nor Wallace presented their ideas in person, as Darwin’s infant son had recently died of scarlet fever and Wallace was
travelling in the East Indies. Instead, each wrote a paper detailing their theories that was to be read aloud. Today, they'd deliver their
talks through Skype.
In a now–infamous statement, the president of the Linnean Society later wrote that the year 1858 contained no discoveries that would
“revolutionize science”. Oops.
Each of these three scientists discovered chromosomes in a different way. For example, while experimenting with cells from the fins
and gills of salamanders, Walther Flemming discovered a basophilic (base-loving) cellular structure that absorbed the basic dyes he
stained them with (thus the name “color body”). He called this structure chromatin.
Science Power Guide | 7
Carl Correns
Hugo de Vries
Erich von
Tschermak (Austria)
These scientists linked genetics and evolution through studies of hybridized plants
 All three scientists reached the same conclusions as Mendel did
 De Vries first studied the role of mutation in evolution in 1890
De Vries acknowledged Mendel’s legacy when he published his work in 1900
 Correns investigated the effect of extra-chromosomal factors on phenotypes
Like Mendel, Correns experimented with pea plants
He confirmed Mendel’s laws of segregation and independent assortment in a
January 1900 paper
 Tschermak-Seysenegg confirmed Mendel’s 3:1 phenotype ratio through plant
breeding experiments
He published his work in June 1900
Coincidentally, Tschermak-Seysenegg's grandfather taught Mendel botany at
the University of Vienna
 Walter Sutton (United States) and Theodor Boveri (Germany) observed the segregation of
chromosomes in the nucleus during meiosis21
 These two scientists first recognized the role of chromosomes in inheritance
 In 1905, William Bateson and Reginald Punnett discovered linked genes23 and epistasis24
 Bateson previously studied the genetics of sweet peas
 He coined the term “genetics”
 In Greek, “genno” means “to give birth”
 He also translated Mendel’s works into English
 In 191026, Nettie Stevens and Edmund Wilson
discovered that human males and females have
XY (male)
different sex chromosomes
 Females have two X chromosomes
 Males have one X and one Y chromosome
 Sex chromosomes control traits such as color blindness and hemophilia
Phenotypes are an organism’s physical traits. They will be explained in further detail in Section II.
Now that’s a mouthful - Eric
During segregation, the two alleles responsible for a trait separate during gamete formation. This concept will be explained in more
detail in Section II.
This, conveniently enough, is known as the Boveri-Sutton chromosome theorem
Linked genes … wait for it … will be explained in further detail later.
Epistasis occurs when multiple genes control one trait, but one pair of alleles modifies or hides the effect of the others. Epistasis is
similar to polygenic inheritance, but in polygenic inheritance each gene is expressed equally:
It also gives us such words as "generate," "general," "genealogy," and "Eugene."
USAD states that the sex chromosome was discovered in 1910, but Steven Brush’s article Nettie M. Stevens and the Discovery of Sex
Determination by Chromosomes, published in Isis in 1978, points to 1905 as the correct date.
Science Power Guide | 8
Mendel’s law of independent assortment27 does not apply to sex-linked traits
In 1902, Archibald Garrod investigated and described
alkaptonuria, or black urine disease
 The disease results from a faulty amino acid
metabolism enzyme
 The enzyme accumulates in blood and urine
It causes patients' urine to turn brown when
exposed to air
It also damages the heart valves, kidneys, and
 Alkaptonuria was the first disease linked to genes
 Garrod called this disease “an inborn error of
metabolism” in a 1908 report
 Genetic diseases such as alkaptonuria are carried
on recessive alleles
Thomas Hunt Morgan was the first geneticist to study
 Mendel had only conducted studies of plants
They bred easily and could be experimentally manipulated
However, the genetics of animals more closely resemble human genetics
 Morgan concentrated his efforts on the pattern of eye color inheritance in fruit flies
 He discovered fruit fly eye color was a sex-linked trait
Estella Elinor Carothers presented the first cytological29 evidence of Mendel’s law of
independent assortment
 She observed cell division in grasshopper testis
Geneticist and statistician R.A. Fisher published a 1918 paper uniting evolution and
Mendelian genetics
 Fisher also studied population genetics, sexual selection, and fitness
 He is best known today for launching the era of modern evolutionary synthesis
 He worked alongside Sewall Wright and J.B.S. Haldane in this endeavor
R.A. Fisher
(Great Britain)
Founders of
Sewall Wright
(United States)
J.B.S. Haldane
(Great Britain)
Fisher controversially supported eugenics in the early 1900s
This law states that alleles for different traits are distributed to offspring independently from one another. Mendel’s three laws will be
further explained in Section II.
What do you call a Drosophila who likes to drink? A bar fly—Eric
Cytology means “the study of cells”, so Carothers discovered the first cellular evidence
This was the union of numerous scientific ideas that provided a concrete basis for the theory of evolution.
Science Power Guide | 9
Eugenics grew out of the Social Darwinist31 movement in the late 1800s
Social Darwinists argued that selective breeding could “improve” the genetic
composition of certain populations
They often sought to achieve racial purity and supremacy
Thomas Morgan showed that that environmental factors could alter fruit fly genes
 His experiments undermined eugenicists' strict focus on "nature" rather than
 Most scientists discredited eugenics after World War II
Morgan's experiments played a role
However, it was used as justification for widespread genocide32
Scientists were wary of eugenics'
association with genocide
 The Discovery of Cells
 In order to investigate inheritance, scientists first needed
to understand the fundamental structures of life
 Advanced laboratory instruments and technologies
boosted new biological discoveries in this area
 The microscope has been particularly important
 In the 18th century, Carolus Linnaeus (Carl von Linne33)
first categorized and named living organisms
 He classified all living things into the animal,
vegetable, or mineral kingdoms
 He did not include eubacteria or archaebacteria
 Linnaeus is considered the father of modern
 Today, scientists categorize all 1.8 million species on
Earth into three domains36
Domains of Life
 The cell is the fundamental unit of life
The human body alone holds 50 trillion cells
 10 to 20 times more microbes inhabit our bodies
These microbes can be any of over 1,000 different species37
 Robert Hooke first observed the cell in 1665
According to Social Darwinism, only the strongest members of human society deserved to live and reproduce. Otherwise, the human
race would slowly degenerate.
i.e. the Holocaust
Linnaeus changed his last name when the Swedish king Adolf Frederick granted him nobility in 1761.
Today, scientists divide life into six kingdoms: Eubacteria, Archaebacteria, Fungi, Protista, Animalia, and Plantae.
As mentioned earlier, taxonomy is the scientific discipline concerned with naming and describing species.
The domain is the highest taxonomic rank, above the kingdom. All life on Earth can be categorized into one of the three domains,
depending on the structure of their ribosomal RNA,
As Michael Pollan puts it, we're only 10% human. Check out his NYTimes article on microbiomes here: Gross + cool. –Josephine
Science Power Guide | 10
He saw the cell wall of dried cork cells38
 In 1674, Anton van Leeuwenhoek saw live cells
 He observed many organisms in a sample of pond water under a microscope
Mammalian Cells
 Robert Brown named and described the nucleus39
He studied van Leeuwenhoek’s drawings extensively
 In 1831, he presented his findings about the nucleus to the Linnean Society of London
 Three scientists jointly developed the cell theory in 183840
Cell Theory
Cells are the basic
units of life
Matthias Schleiden
Cells make up all
living organisms
Theodor Schwann
All cells come from
pre-existing cells
Rudolf Virchow
German physician Robert Koch made numerous breakthroughs in microbiology
 He isolated the causative agent for anthrax in 1875
 He also identified microorganisms as the cause of infectious diseases
Germany developed and deployed anthrax and other biological and chemical weapons
in World War I42
 The 1925 Geneva Protocol banned the use of microorganisms in warfare
It prohibited combatants from using infectious diseases as weapons
All You Need to Know About Cells, in a Nutshell
 The Evolution and Diversity of Cells
 Life began on Earth 3.8 billion years ago
Unfortunately, as the cells were no longer living, Hooke missed out on all of the good stuff.
Anton von Leeuwenhoek had first observed the nucleus in 1682.
USAD issued a correction on July 25, 2013, stating that Rudolf Virchow’s work on the cell theory came much later than Schleiden
and Schwann’s work.
This discovery discredited the popular miasma theory
USAD states that “it was alleged that the German Army had [used] anthrax”, but most historians today accept that claim as fact,
though it is not well-documented: and
Science Power Guide | 11
Scientists believed that simple molecules formed organic molecules under the
conditions of the early Earth
Carbon Dioxide
Hydrogen Gas
Water Vapor
Organic Molecules
Amino Acids
Inorganic Molecules
In the 1950s, Stanley Miller and Harold Urey verified this hypothesis by forming
simple biological molecules in an experiment43
 Prokaryotes are single-cell organisms that exist alone or in clusters and chains
 The word “prokaryote” means “before nucleus”
 Prokaryotes have no nucleus
 These organisms are grouped into either
Archaebacteria or Eubacteria
 Archaebacteria can tolerate hostile living
Such environments can include hot
 Eubacteria are more common than
Therefore, scientists have attended
more closely to Eubacteria
 Prokaryotic cells descended from nucleic acids
enclosed by a plasma membrane
 This membrane consists of a phospholipid
 Each phospholipid consists of a hydrophilic phosphate “head” and two
hydrophobic fatty acid “tails”
The molecule's “head” faces the bilayer’s extracellular surface
It is exposed to an aqueous external environment
The molecule's “tails” face the bilayer’s intracellular surface
The fatty acids cannot exist in an aqueous solution
The environment between the two phospholipid layers differs from the
external environment
 The plasma membrane serves as the cell’s border
 It also helps maintain equilibrium
 Most prokaryotes have cell walls for protection
When the Earth was formed, its atmosphere consisted of methane, hydrogen, ammonia, and water. Miller believed that the Earth also
experienced continuous lightning storms, so he ran an electric current through the set-up.
A phospholipid is a type of fat molecule.
Science Power Guide | 12
Chlorophyll-containing bacteria can carry out photosynthesis
 This group includes cyanobacteria
 Other types of bacteria feed on chemicals
 The bacteria rely on them for nutrients and energy
 More complex eukaryotes evolved from prokaryotes
 “Eukaryote” means “true nucleus”
 Eukaryotic cells store DNA in the nucleus
 Unlike prokaryotes, eukaryotes contain membrane-enclosed organelles
 Each organelle carries out a specific function
 There are four kingdoms of eukaryotes
Surrounded by a
plasma membrane
lipids, proteins,
and nucleic acids
Contain genetic
Contain subcellular
structures with
distinct functions
 The Architecture of Cells
 All cells share certain characteristics
 Different molecules make up subcellular structures
 Lipids are nonpolar and hydrophobic
 These molecules physically separate subcellular structures
 Carbohydrates provide cells with energy
 As cell "workers", proteins participate in many processes
Nucleic acids contain genetic information
 They are located in the nucleus
 Cells also contain minerals, salts, and vitamins
 These are stored in the cytoplasm
 Prokaryotes contain a variety of cell structures
 The semi-permeable plasma membrane separates the cell from its environment
 However, cells must be able to interact with their environment
Scientists believe the oxygen produced by early cyanobacteria led to a dramatic increase in biodiversity and the near-extinction of
oxygen-intolerant forms of life. Thanks to cyanobacteria, humans can flourish on Earth.
Nonpolar molecules share electrons equally among the atoms in the molecule. Fats, oil, and gasoline are nonpolar.
Water repels hydrophobic, or “water fearing”, molecules. Most hydrophobic molecules are also nonpolar.
And most hydrophobic dogs end up ruining our childhood. –Josephine
Science Power Guide | 13
Molecules travel in and out of the cell through several channels
Each of the channels is a protein embedded in the plasma membrane
The plasma membrane encloses a fluid-filled space known as the cytoplasm
Most cell activities take place in this space
The watery (aqueous) part of the cytoplasm is called the cytosol
The cytoplasm refers to the cytosol itself and to all subcellular organelles
floating in the cytosol
The nucleoid contains prokaryotic cell DNA
 This region is circular-shaped
 Several thousand genes control reproduction
and cellular processes
Ribosomes produce proteins
 These organelles consist of ribosomal DNA and
around thirty six proteins
 Thousands of ribosomes exist in the cytoplasm
of prokaryotic cells
Plasmids are circular DNA molecules that exist
outside of the nucleoid
 They can replicate independently of the main
DNA molecule
 Plasmids can house foreign genes
These genes often benefit the host 49
They can jump across bacteria and even
other species
The cell wall provides protection from
environmental changes
 However, they also allow molecules to pass in
and out of the cell relatively freely
 The composition of cell walls varies by cell type
Prokaryotic cell walls consist of a mixture of
peptides and carbohydrates
This mixture is called peptidoglycan
Plant cell walls are made of cellulose
 In certain bacteria, capsules can attach to the
cell wall
For example, foreign genes can provide bacteria with the ability to fix nitrogen, provide resistance to naturally-occurring antibiotics, or
degrade recalcitrant organic compounds when nutrients are scarce.
Science Power Guide | 14
These capsules consist of long carbohydrate molecules known as
Capsules trap nutrients from the environment
They also protect the bacteria from the host’s immune system50
 Certain appendages control cell movement
 Whip-like flagella allow bacteria to freely move in fluids
 Pili allow bacteria to attach to surfaces
These short, fine appendages are also known as fimbriae
 Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells differ in specific ways
 Their plasma membranes have different protein structures
 Membranes enclose most subcellular organelles in eukaryotic cells
 Several non-membrane-bound structures exist in the cytoplasm
These structures include ribosomes and the cytoskeleton
 Eukaryotes contain a wider variety of cell structures than prokaryotes do
 In eukaryotes, this organelle specialization increases cell efficiency
 The three parts of eukaryotic cells
 Eukaryotic cells contain plasma membranes
 Their structure and function are similar to
prokaryotic plasma membranes
 The cytoplasm is located between the plasma
membrane and nucleus
 Some metabolic processes occur directly in the
 One such process is the initial breakdown of
 The cell uses glucose to make ATP
 Most reactions occur in the organelles within the cytoplasm
 The nucleus stores and transmits genetic information to
the rest of the cell
 It is enclosed by a membrane
 The nuclei of all human somatic cells have 46 chromosomes
 Somatic cells include all body cells except egg and sperm
 Each chromosome consists of a compressed DNA molecule bundled with proteins
 Most eukaryotes contain multiple DNA molecules
 In contrast, prokaryotes usually have only one DNA molecule
 Each DNA molecule contains hundreds or thousands of genes
 Each gene consists of a defined sequence of nucleotides
 Inside the nucleus is the cell's nucleolus
 This organelle manufactures ribosomal DNA
 Ribosomes consist of ribosomal DNA strands and
more than 70 types of protein
 Protein synthesis takes place in the ribosomes
 This process of translation occurs after
DNA has been transcribed in the nucleus
 Ribosomes occur in various places in the cell
Eukaryotic cell
Capsules can be found in the dreaded E. coli, Streptococcus, and Salmonella bacteria.
Recall that prokaryotic cells do not have subcellular organelles.
ATP stands for adenosine triphosphate. It is the main energy source for all known organisms.
Science Power Guide | 15
Some float freely in the cytosol
They manufacture cytosolic proteins for immediate use
 Others attach themselves to the rough endoplasmic reticulum
They produce non-cytosolic proteins
The endomembrane system modifies and specializes these proteins
It then sends the proteins to organelles, membranes, or the external
 The endomembrane system consists of four main organelles53
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a group of interconnected membranous vesicles
 It synthesizes, folds, and transports biological molecules
 Rough ER contains many ribosomes
These ribosomes give it a “rugged” texture
Proteins travel to the rough ER after synthesis
 Smooth ER (sER) synthesizes lipids, steroids, and carbohydrates
It also detoxifies poisons that enter the cell
 Vesicles are membrane pockets that transport and temporarily store proteins
The ER, Golgi apparatus, and plasma membrane can form vesicles
The cell first absorbs an external molecule through endocytosis
The portion of the membrane that surrounds the molecule forms a vesicle
 The Golgi apparatus modifies proteins
 This organelle is also called the Golgi
complex or Golgi body
 Membranous sacs receive proteins from the
rough ER
 Then, the Golgi apparatus edits, packages,
and ships proteins to their final destination
Proteins can travel to other organelles
They can also leave the cell through
 Lysosomes digest nutrients and eliminate waste
 Digestive enzymes packaged in the Golgi
apparatus head here
 Lysosomes consume food through
 They also eliminate old, worn structures
 This self-eating is called autophagy
 Only animal cells contain lysosomes
 The cytoskeleton has several roles within the cell
“Nuclear envelope” (used by USAD on page 16) and “nuclear membrane” are interchangeable. They both refer to the membrane that
encloses the cell’s nucleus.
In exocytosis, a vesicle fuses with the plasma membrane and releases its contents into the environment.
In the process of endocytosis, cells engulf and absorb molecules that cannot pass through the plasma membrane.
Science Power Guide | 16
Support and
maintain cell shape
Ease protein
transport within
the cell
Ease cellular
Roles of the
Interact with
anchor structures
Anchor internal
It consists of three main parts56
Intermediate Filaments
Largest of the
cytoskeletal elements
Cage-like filaments
Akin to strings of beads
Act as the cell s skeletal
system and provide
intracellular support
Configured similarly to
the steel cables of
suspension bridges
Thinnest of the
cytoskeletal elements
Transport molecules
within the cell
Stabilize and maintain
the position of
Provide strength,
mobility, and shape for
the cell
Serve as spindle fibers
during meiosis
Produce cellular
movement by acting as
cilia and flagella
In the illustration, both phagocytosis and pinocytosis are specialized forms of endocytosis.
Involved in phagocytosis
(cell eating), pinocytosis
(cell drinking), muscle
contraction, and cell
Science Power Guide | 17
 Cilia and flagella participate in cell movement and surface adhesion57
The cell moves when bundled microtubules slide together
projections from
the cell's surface
Used by cells in
the trachea and
fallopian tubes
One or two tails
Move by lashing
back and forth
Used by sperm
 Mitochondria and chloroplasts produce a cell’s energy
One theory suggests that mitochondria and chloroplasts descended from ancient
 Some early prokaryotes may have lived symbiotically within eukaryotic cells
 Konstantin Mereschkowski proposed this endosymbiosis theory in 1905
Mitochondria and
Found in animal
independently and
survive on their
Found in plant and
protist cells
Produce adenosine
triphosphate (ATP)
through cellular
Contain their own
circular DNA
separate from the
Transform solar
energy into ATP
Enclosed by a
 In plants and protists, central vacuoles perform the duties of the lysosome
USAD mentions that cilia and flagella play a role in surface adhesion on page 17. However, specialized adhesive molecules “allow cells
to maintain contact…with structures in the extracellular matrix”. (Nature)
Science Power Guide | 18
Support the cell
Eliminate excess
Maintain cellular
Vacuole Jobs
Ensure balanced
levels of salt in
Store wastes,
toxins, and
 Certain organelles perform four key tasks during cellular reproduction
DNA replication
Relocation of
Distribution of
Centrosomes serve as microtubule organizing centers
 A pair of centrioles within each centrosome anchors the microtubules
 Microtubules produce spindle fibers
These fibers pull the chromatids and centrosomes further apart
 In plant cells, microtubules attach to other organelles instead of centrosomes
 Genetic Material and the Life Cycle of an Organism
 Most cells of a given species have identical genetic information
 For example, almost all human cells have 3.1 billion
nucleotides contained in 22,000 genes
 Each gene has about 3,000 nucleotides
 One gene codes for a protein with less than 1,000
amino acids
 However, not all genes are expressed or activated
 Only a few genes in the adult human body control
cell formation
 These cells make up less than 5% of the entire human
 Reproduction transfers genetic material from parent to
 This process ensures the survival of the species
 Asexual reproduction can occur in both prokaryotes and
 This type of reproduction produces offspring identical to
the parents
 Prokaryotes reproduce through binary fission
Science Power Guide | 19
creates two
DNA loops
The parent cell clones itself, forming an identical daughter cell58
The loops
attach to the
The plasma
pinches and
The cell
expands and
Two identical
daughter cells
are formed
Scientists consider binary fission a simple form of reproduction
Simple cytoplasmic structure
Absence of membrane enclosing
Single DNA molecule
Binary fission
In an optimal environment, a bacterium can divide in 20 minutes
Over 10 hours, one bacterium can become 1 billion
 However, eukaryotic cell division is more complex than prokaryotic cell division
Presence of nuclear envelope surrounding
Presence of multiple chromosomes
What makes eukaryotic cell division
Larger number of subcellular organelles
Creation of a new cell wall in some organisms
Eukaryotes reproduce asexually in a variety of ways
 All eukaryotic cells follow the cell cycle
In unicellular eukaryotes, the cell cycle creates a new generation of individuals
Let's hope the Kardashians don't figure out binary fission. –Josephine
Science Power Guide | 20
It also enables many important biological processes
Replacement of
dead cells
The cycle begins with the synthesis of molecules
 It ends when two daughter cells are formed
 One full cycle lasts 20 to 24 hours
 During the cycle, the cell constantly grows and
Gaps occur between the phases of the cell
 The cell cycle takes place in two main stages
 The cell spends 90% of its life in interphase
 During interphase, the cell replicates each
organelle and DNA molecule
 The cell seeks to maintain homeostasis
 A cell spends the other 10% of its life in mitosis
 The three stages of interphase occur first
 Organelles replicate in the G1 phase
 The G1 phase involves constant RNA and
protein synthesis
These processes produce the proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates required to
assemble organelles
 The cell’s genome replicates in the S phase
 During this phase, the cell’s 46 chromosomes double to 92
The cell’s 6.2 billion nucleotides increases to 12.4 billion
 Each chromosome becomes two sister chromatids
The centromere and other adhesive proteins link the two chromatids
 The replicated organelles assemble during the G2 phase
 The four stages of mitosis occur after interphase62
Homeostasis allows the cell to maintain a stable internal environment in a changing external environment.
The G stands for “gap”
The S stands for "synthesis"
The kinetochore is a protein structure where spindle fibers attach during late prophase.
Science Power Guide | 21
Early Prophase
The dispersed sister
chromatids condense
The nuclei disassembles
rRNA production stops
Spindle microtubules from
the microtubule organizing
center push away the two
The centrosomes migrate
towards the poles
Late Prophase (Prometaphase)
The nuclear envelope
breaks into vesicles
Spindle microtubules
interact with the
Each sister chromatid
builds a kinetochore near
the centromere
The kinetochore
microtubules separate the
sister chromatids
Polar (or non-kinetochore)
microtubules begin to
elongate the cell and push
the centrosomes to the
opposite ends of the cell
All chromosomes line up in the metaphase
plate in the middle of the cell
The kinetochore microtubules pull the sister
chromatids towards the cell's center
Polar microtubules continue to elongate the
Adhesive proteins bonding the
sister chromatids turn off
The centromere splits in two, and
the chromatids are now two
The kinetochore microtubules
pull the chromosomes towards
the poles
Polar microtubules continue to
elongate the cell
The cell seeks to return to
Chromosomes unwind and
The nucleolus and nuclear
envelope reassemble
The spindle microtubules and
centrosomes break down
Science Power Guide | 22
Cytokinesis is the final stage of mitosis
 “Cytokinesis” means “cell move”
 During this stage, the plasma membrane
splits in two, forming two separate cells
In animal cells, cleavage breaks the plasma
membrane apart
 First, microfilaments and microtubules
This contraction creates a cleavage
 Then, the cleavage furrow moves inward
The plasma membrane breaks in two
 Finally, the cell becomes two daughter
In plant cells, vesicles containing cellulose
assemble and fuse together
 This process forms a cell plate
 The cell plate then adds on
polysaccharides and proteins to form a
cell wall
 Sexual reproduction
 Sexual reproduction allows natural selection
 A species in a constantly changing
environment requires genetic diversity to
 99.9% of eukaryotic organisms reproduce
 Cells first exchanged genetic material
two billion years ago
 This gene shuffling spreads beneficial
traits and eliminates disadvantageous
 Protists were the first organisms to reproduce
 Several modern prokaryotes divide by
mitosis under ordinary conditions
 They switch to sexual reproduction in a hostile or unstable environment
 When a multicellular organism reproduces sexually, germ cells transfer genetic material
from parent to offspring
 These immature germ cells contain 46 chromosomes
 This number makes them diploid cells
 Most somatic cells are also diploid
 Germ cells move to the gonads when the organism is an embryo
 Once in the gonads, the cells are called immature or gonadal gametes
Also one of the Jean Grey's lesser-known superpowers.
The genetic diversity produced by sexual reproduction would help ensure the species’ survival.
Science Power Guide | 23
Germ cells:
Gonads: testes
Germ cells: Oogonia
Gonads: ovaries
The cells remain inactive in the gonads
until puberty
 However, in some organisms, female
gametes may begin to divide while still
in the embryo
This early division occurs in
Once the offspring reaches puberty,
reproductive hormones signal the
immature gametes to start dividing
Germ cells mature into gametes by
dividing twice in a process called
 The newly created gametes are haploid
They contain only 23
During fertilization, two gametes unite to form a fertilized egg
 This zygote contains half of the father’s and half of the mother’s genome
The zygote turns into stem cells after it has divided by mitosis five or six times
 These cells can become any of the 260 types of adult human cells
The zygote continues to divide, creating the 50 trillion somatic cells found in adult
Haploid sperm and
egg cells merge
during fertilization
The diploid zygote
contains genetic info
from the male and
female parent
Through mitosis, the
zygote creates the
50 trillion adult
human somatic cells
 Gametogenesis requires gametes to divide by meiosis67
The interphases of mitosis and meiosis are nearly identical
 However, mitosis involves the random movement and distribution of chromosomes
 In contrast, chromosomes that carry the same type of genetic information will move
together in meiosis I
These chromosomes are known as homologous chromosomes
They come in pairs, one from both the maternal and paternal sides
Meiosis has two major phases, meiosis I and II
 Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase each take place twice
Scientists estimate human females produce as many as 700,000 “primary oocytes” by the time they are born. Only 400 of these oocytes
will go through meiosis II and become fully developed egg cells—about 30 years of ovulation for women, give or take a few pregnancies.
Think of “hap” as half, as haploid cells have half a full set of chromosomes. “Di” means two, as diploid cells have 23 pairs of matching
Coolest Crash Course videos ever: (mitosis) and (meiosis)
Science Power Guide | 24
The events of prophase I differentiate mitosis and asexual reproduction from meiosis
and sexual reproduction
 It is the longest phase of meiosis
This phase can take up to 90% of the total time required for cell division
Chromatin condensation
Nucleoli disappearance
Cellular processes in meiosis prophase I
Nuclear envelope fragmentation
Spindle fiber formation
During prophase I, homologous chromosomes
pair up
Each chromosome consists of two
connected sister chromatids
The two pairs of sister chromatids form a
“double X” pattern called a tetrad
 Non-sister chromatids intertwine at regions
known as synapses
The chromatids break and reconnect,
During this process, they exchange
This random “crossing over” of genetic
information fosters genetic diversity in the
daughter cells
In metaphase 1, the pairs of homologous
chromosomes move to the metaphase plate68
 One chromosome faces each pole of the cell
 The tetrads orient randomly
 Microtubules attach to the kinetochore of each
In anaphase I, the pair of homologous
chromosomes split and migrate to the poles
 Spindle fibers pull them
 Sister chromatids are still attached by the centromere
Therefore, they move together
In telophase I, chromosomes move towards the poles
 The nucleus of the daughter cells will later form at this site
 The nuclear envelope reforms briefly
 Chromosomes begin to disperse
 Cytokinesis initiates
 At this point, each pole can be classified as haploid
However, the chromosomes do not re-replicate before moving on to meiosis II71
Meiosis I and II are nearly identical
This is a region of the cell equidistant from the two spindle poles. Think of the metaphase plate as the cell’s equator.
Recall that cytokinesis is the final stage of cell division, when the plasma membrane splits in two.
Remember that haploid cells have 23 chromosomes, or half of a full set.
This lack of re-replication causes the four daughter cells to be haploid.
Science Power Guide | 25
Spindle fibers
form and
attach to
Prophase II
However, the sister chromatids in meiosis II are not identical
Crossing over in meiosis I results in non-identical sister chromatids
align at the
towards the
Anaphase II
Telophase II
Meiosis II
ends with
four haploid
daugher cells
 When male and female gametes join, they form a zygote
This zygote divides into increasing specialized cells through mitosis
During its first five or six divisions, the zygote divides into totipotent cells72
 These cells can become any of the 260 types of human cells
 Further cell division produces pluripotent cells
 These cells can form any of the three germ layers
 The three germ layers can form any type of human tissue
 As cells continue to differentiate, they can form only certain types of specialized cells
 These cells are described as multipotent
For example, multipotent bone marrow stem cells can become any of the 12
types of blood cells
They cannot differentiate into as many cell types as embryonic stem cells
By this point, multipotent cells are migrating to their future organ location
 All multicellular organisms contain stem cells
 Unlike regular cells, these cells can divide infinitely
 They can also become one of many types of cells
 Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent
 Adult stem cells are multipotent
 Daughter stem cells can either remain stem cells or specialize
 Stem cells can continue dividing or enter the pool of inactive, reserve stem cells
 Scientists have recently identified certain genes that control stem cells
Totipotent comes from the Latin word “totus”, meaning “entire”, and “potential”, or “power”. The zygote has the ability to become
any cell—effectively demonstrating its full extent of power.
This comes from the Latin “plurimus”, meaning “very many”.
These are the endoderm (stomach, intestines, lungs), mesoderm (muscle, bone, and blood), and ectoderm (skin and nervous system).
Biologists can differentiate between animal phyla (the taxonomic classification directly under kingdom) by the number of germ layers in
the embryo. For example, chordates have all three germ layers, but sponges only have one.
Note that both totipotent and pluripotent cells can produce all 260 human cell types. However, totipotent cells can become the
placenta or other supporting cells in the mother’s uterus. Therefore, they can give rise to a whole new organism if placed in another
uterus, while pluripotent cells will not.
When DNA replicates, around 100-200 nucleotides are lost at the tip of the chromosome. During the first several replications, noncoding regions known as telomeres are eliminated, ensuring that the coding regions of DNA remain intact. After thousands of
replications, the chromosome will run out of telomere and cease to divide further. Stem cells have an enzyme known as telomerase that
continually add fragments of telomeres to chromosomes, ensuring their ability to replicate indefinitely.
Science Power Guide | 26
They hope to discover a method of transforming adult somatic cells to pluripotent stem
 This transformation would allow doctors to “create” new cells to replace worn
For example, in the future scientists may be able to stimulate stem cells to
become cardiac muscle cells
These cells would replace damaged cells in patients with heart disease
 Four Sources of Genetic Variation
 Mutation drives genetic variation
 A mutation is a change in the order of nucleotides
in the DNA molecule
 Some mutations are harmless, while others can be
 Some may eventually form a new species
 Crossing over also leads to genetic variation
 During meiosis prophase I, similar chromosomes
exchange genetic material
 This process allows the mother and father to
each pass on certain traits
 Crossing over can occur up to 60 times in a human
germ cell during meiosis
 Meiosis metaphase I produces even more genetic
 In this phase, chromosomes shuffle around and
combine randomly
 With 46 chromosomes, humans can produce 64
trillion possible chromosomal combinations
 Random mating and fertilization also produces
genetic variation
 Male gonads make 50 million sperm cells per day
 Female ovaries hold one million reserve egg cells
 Any of these can fuse together during conception
 Somatic cells grouped by frequency of division
 Certain cells do not need to divide as frequently
as others
 The human body cannot produce enough
energy to keep 50 trillion cells dividing
 Dividing cells continually undergo interphase
and M phase
 Cells of this type die frequently
 Only 10% of these cells divide at a given
point in time
 This low percentage means the tissue can
continue to function normally
 Non-dividing cells exist permanently in the G0
Mutation types
Science Power Guide | 27
This phase is not part of the cell cycle
 These cells do not undergo division under normal conditions
 They must function continually for the body to operate properly
 If heart and brain cells ceased to function in order to conduct cell division, the entire
human body would shut down
 Reproductively dormant cells normally reside in the G0 phase
 Under certain circumstances, these cells can re-enter the cell cycle
 For example, wound healing activates dormant cells
Dividing cells
Reproductively dormant
Non-dividing cells
Skin cells
Nerve cells in the brain
Intestinal epithelial cells
Hair cells in the ear
Uterine endometrial cells
Heart muscle cells
Liver cells
Lens cells in the eye
Other organisms contain reproductively dormant cells
 For example, plant embryos in seeds do not actively divide
 These cells will only reproduce in a favorable environment
Increasing levels of sunlight
Possible conditions for a favorable
reproductive environment
Presence of chemicals
Favorable environmental conditions will stimulate hormones within the cell
 These hormones signal the cell to re-enter the cell cycle
 Control of the Cell Cycle
 Checkpoints in the cell cycle ensure that cells reproduce only in a suitable environment
 The cell monitors certain characteristics
 These characteristics have to pass inspection before the cell can enter the next
phase of the cell cycle
G1 phase
Cell Size
Nutrient availability
DNA damage
G2 phase
M phase
Cell size
Spindle fiber attachment
to chromosomes
DNA replication
Science Power Guide | 28
Checkpoint malfunctions lead to
uncontrolled cell growth
 Uncontrolled cell growth is better
known as cancer
 Most human cancers form when genes
related to the cell cycle mutate and
 Without checkpoints in the cell cycle,
cells will proliferate rapidly77
 The cell cycle is missing “roadblocks”
that regulate cell division
 Proteins that inhibit mitosis can fail to
function properly
 Proteins that promote mitosis can be
Protein overexpression can
transform regular cells into
cancerous cells
 Normal genes can also mutate into oncogenes
 These genes stimulate excess cell growth
Interestingly enough, a cancer cell is the only other type of cell that can activate telomerase, allowing the cell to divide indefinitely (see
footnote 65).
The root “onco” comes from the Greek word “onkos”, meaning mass or bulk (i.e. a tumor). Thus, oncology is the study of cancer.
Science Power Guide | 29
Mendel’s groundbreaking research on pea plants, based on the
principles of probability, provided the foundation of modern
genetics. The scientific world applies his three laws widely,
especially in the study of genetic diseases. Punnett squares
allow scientists to calculate the odds of inheriting a trait from
parents, while genetic testing enables quick detection and
treatment of inherited diseases and disorders.
 According to the USAD outline, 17-18
questions (35%) should come from Section
 21 questions (42%) come from Section II
on the USAD Science Practice Test.
 Section II covers pgs. 30-49 of the USAD
Science Resource Guide
Mendel’s Grand Experiment
 Mendelian Genetics
 Charles Darwin observed and collected data in the Galapagos Islands for several years
 He grew to doubt the prevailing theory of blending inheritance
 19 century scientists most commonly accepted blending inheritance as an
explanation for inherited traits
 Darwin's contemporary Gregor Mendel sought to solve the mystery of genetic inheritance
 Mendel’s career goal was to become a teacher
 He held a part-time position as a substitute teacher in a Brno monastery
 At the same time, he was preparing to become a priest
 After Mendel failed the teacher certification exam once, his abbot sent him to the
University of Vienna81
Mendel studied numerous
subjects at university
After failing the teaching
exam for the second time, he
remained at the monastery
for the rest of his life
In 1868, he was elected
 In 1854, Mendel embarked on a
plant hybridization experiment
Cell theory
 He first had to gain the abbot’s
 Mendel’s study had two main goals
Remember this theory all the way back in Section 1? According to the theory of blending inheritance, offspring inherit a mix of their
parents’ traits.
Recall that Brno was a city in Austria-Hungary.
For chronological reference, Mendel failed the certification exam for the first time in 1850, entered the University of Vienna in 1851,
and failed the exam again in 1856.
Prelates are high-ranking church officials, such as bishops and abbots, who have the power to execute ordinary laws.
The abbot is the head of a monastery.
Science Power Guide | 30
Study transmission of traits
over generations
Produce a profitable crop
for the monastery
Medel used the garden pea (Pisum sativum) for his experiments
 This seemingly wise decision may or may not have been intentional
Easy to grow
Reproduce quickly
Why pea plants?
Easy to manipulate pollination
Easy to describe and
distinguish traits
He chose seven out of 34 traits
These traits vary from strain to strain
Pod shape
Flower color
Flower position
Plant height
Pod color
Pea shape
Pea Plant Traits
Pea color
Each trait comes in two easily distinguishable forms
Using these traits simplified Mendel’s large-scale experiment
He could easily interpret and analyze the results
Mendel analyzed plants that differed only in one trait over multiple generations
 He performed the first documented monohybrid cross
Dihybrid crosses analyze two traits simultaneously
Mendel was also the first scientist to apply mathematical modeling to genetics
 Principles of probability allowed him to predict and analyze the traits of future
He had learned these principles at the University of Vienna
In this case, the abbot may have “encouraged” him to experiment with pea plants to ensure the monastery’s economic survival, or
Mendel may have chosen the pea plant because it was the only plant available at that time. Mendel may have also known that pea plants
possessed traits conducive to scientific experimentation. Ultimately, we just don't know.
For the math nerds out there: Mendel used the binomial theorem to expand    with n=2.
Science Power Guide | 31
Multiplication Rule
If two events are independent, then the probability that
they both occur is the product of the probabilities of each
•     ∗ 
Addition Rule
If two events are mutually exclusive, then the probability
of either event occuring is the sum of the individual
•    
Binomial Theorem
•    ∗       2   
Using thousands of pea plants provided enough experimental data to draw
statistically significant conclusions
Mendel observed three generations of pea plants
 The first generation is the true-breeding variety
This is the P generation
 The second generation is the F1 generation
The “F” stands for “filial”, which derives from the Latin for “son”
If the F1 plants self-fertilize, they produce the F2 generation
P generation
F1 generation
F2 generation
Mendel noticed that the F1 generation only inherited one trait from the
 The F2 generation, however, displayed both traits
The F1 trait occurred in a 3:1 ratio
Mendel suspected that one trait could be dominant over the other
In one of his experiments, Mendel crossed a purebred white flower plant with a
purebred purple-flower plant
 He sprayed the pollen from the purple flower’s stamen on the white flower’s stigma
All of the F1 flowers were purple
When Mendel reversed the experiment, the F1 flowers were still purple
This result showed that flower color was not a sex-linked trait
Mendel noticed that his experiment results contradicted the commonly accepted theory
of blending inheritance
 The purple F1 flowers were identical to the parent purple flower
They did not display a blend of traits
 He concluded that the purple flower color trait was dominant over white
By the binomial theorem88, purple flowers will occur ¾ of the time and white flowers ¼
of the time
True-breeding means purebred, or an organism that has a homozygous genotype.
The stigma and stamen are the plant’s male and female reproductive organs, respectively.
The binomial theorem is also the basis for the all-so-important Hardy-Weinberg theorem, which will be discussed in the next section.
Science Power Guide | 32
Mendel counted 705 purple-flowered
and 224 white-flowered plants in the
self-pollinated F2 generation
This resulted in a 3.1:1 ratio89
These results held for the other
six traits of Mendel’s experiments
Mendel died in obscurity in 1884
 He was convinced that his work
would “be appreciated before long
by the whole world”90
 Today, we recognize that Mendel’s
work demonstrated the principles of
the scientific method
Make initial
Draw databased
testable and
analyze results
An Overview of Mendelian Genetics
 The Basics
 Chromosomes occur in the nucleus of most sexually reproducing species
 Each cell in a species contains a specific number of chromosomes
 Each chromosome is a DNA molecule that houses many genes
Each gene codes for one or more proteins
Each protein controls the expression of a trait
This trait can be expressed externally or internally through metabolic
Two main categories of chromosomes
Non-sex chromosomes (autosomes)
Sex chromosome
Chromosomes 1-22
Chromosome 23
But any mathematician and physicist will tell you the oh point one makes such a big difference - Eric
Quoted also by USAD, this phrase comes from the 2008 edition of Biology, by Robert Brooker, et al.
Metabolic reactions are chemical processes that allow a cell to sustain life.
Science Power Guide | 33
 Diploid cells contain paired chromosomes
These pairs are called homologous chromosomes
 They contain corresponding genes at any given
 However, the sequence of nucleotides does not
have to be identical
 The two corresponding genes are alleles
Alleles determine the organism’s
 Alleles can be dominant or recessive
Capital letters represent dominant alleles
Lowercase letters represent recessive
 Recessive alleles indicate malfunctions in the
coded protein
The physical trait controlled by that
protein is not expressed correctly93
 Alleles can also be homozygous or
Homozygous alleles have identical nucleotide sequences
Heterozygous alleles have different nucleotide sequences
Genotypes control the external expression of traits
 These traits are known as phenotypes
 If the chromosome contains at least one dominant allele, the organism will express a
dominant phenotype
 If the chromosome has two recessive alleles, the organism will express a recessive
Mendel’s Laws
According to the law of dominance, only dominant traits will appear in the F1 generation
According to the law of segregation, the pair of alleles that determine a specific genotype
separate and re-combine during fertilization
 The law explains the process of meiosis
 Mendel proposed that pairs of alleles segregate during gamete formation and
recombine during fertilization
Gamete Formation
Homologous chromosomes
separate during anaphase I
Alleles are split
Spem and egg cells become
If the genotype for pea color is given by the letter “A”, then a capital “A” would represent the dominant allele (yellow), while a
lowercase “a” would represent the recessive allele (green).
For example, albinos inherit a recessive allele that causes the skin-producing pigment melanin to be produced incorrectly. I’ll explain
the molecular basis behind this statement in Section III.
If the letter “a” represented an allele, then “AA” would be a homozygous dominant genotype, “Aa” would be a heterozygous dominant
genotype, and “aa” would be a homozygous recessive genotype.
Meiosis was first observed in sea urchin eggs by the German biologist Oscar Hertwig in 1876.
Science Power Guide | 34
For example, if a spermatogonia carries the genotype AA, then each sperm cell will
end up carrying an A
 According to the law of independent
Probability of
assortment, alleles for different traits segregate
3 3
Yellow and Round
∗ 
 To test this concept, Mendel conducted a
1 3
dihybrid cross96 of pea shape and color
Green and Round
∗ 
4 4 16
 From previous crosses, he knew that
1 3
Yellow and Wrinkled
∗ 
round and yellow were dominant over
4 4 16
wrinkled and green, respectively
1 1
Green and Wrinkled
∗ 
 Mendel first crossed purebred plants
4 4 16
with round, yellow seeds and plants
with green, wrinkled seeds,
The entire F1 generation had
round and yellow seeds
 This dihybrid cross resulted in an
approximate 9:3:3:1 phenotype ratio
The results convinced Mendel
that the alleles for the two
traits behaved independently
 Mendel developed his three laws long
before modern understanding of genetics
 His results disproved the theory of
blending inheritance
 Genes, not traits, pass from parent to
 Mendel also realized that alleles usually
come in two forms97
 However, mutations and
evolutionary adaptation allow
populations to develop multiple
form of alleles
He predicted that one allele would
dominate over the other
Dominant alleles produce
functioning proteins, while
recessive alleles do not
Proteins ultimately determine how traits are expressed
Mendel theorized that alleles for different traits sort into gametes independently
Coincidentally, all seven of Mendel’s selected traits were on different
The law of independent assortment does NOT hold true for linked genes
Linked genes are found in close proximity to each other
The 9:3:3:1 phenotype ratio does not apply for linked genes
Mendel crossed a maximum of three traits at the same time, or a trihybrid cross. Just try filling in that Punnett square.
This refers to the dominant and recessive forms of the allele.
Science Power Guide | 35
Mendel developed
his three laws before
scientists knew that
genes exist
genes have multiple forms
chromosomes sort during meiosis
meiosis transforms diploid germ cells to haploid
genes are found in chromosomes
So What?
 The Significance of Mendel’s Laws
 Most human traits controlled by a single gene are harmless
Earlobe attachment
Widow's Peak
Hitchhiker's Thumb
However, many gene mutations can cause disease or death
 At the 2003 conclusion of the Human Genome Project , scientists agreed that all
diseases were linked to genetics
 Understanding these diseases enables scientists to develop effective genetic
screening, diagnosis, and treatment
“All diseases have a genetic component, whether inherited or resulting from the body's
response to environmental stresses like viruses or toxins.”
- The Human Genome Project
Cystic fibrosis affects one in 2,500 people of Northern or Central European descent
 It is the most common deadly inherited disease in America that affects Caucasians
A gene that
codes for a
channel protein
on the cell
surface mutates
The protein
channel ceases
to function
Thick and sticky
mucus lines the
lungs and
digestive system
Lung infections
and digestive
problems result
 One in 400 African-Americans suffers from sickle cell anemia
It is the most common genetic disease in the United States
This multi-year project brought together the work of many scientists to map the human genome. We'll discuss it in Section III.
The mutation that causes cystic fibrosis primarily affects the lungs, pancreas, and exocrine glands.
Science Power Guide | 36
A point
mutation occurs
A protein in the
molecule folds
Red blood cells
form a sickle
rather than a
Red blood cells
can no longer
Lack of oxygen
leads to
multiple organ
 Tay-Sachs disease affects one in 3,500 Ashkenazi Jews100
Single gene
mutation alters
a lipid
Abnormal lipid
coats surround
brain cells
The brain
cannot transmit
neural impulses
blindness, and
deafness can
 Cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, and Tay-
Sachs are all homozygous recessive
 Carriers are heterozygous for the
required gene
 They do not have the disease but
can pass it on to their children
 The ratio between normal
diseased individuals is 3:1
 Genetic counselors seek to identify
parents’ genotypes before the parents
choose to have children
 If the parents are carriers for a
genetic disease, the counselor can inform
them about the risk of passing the disease
onto their children
 Diversity in the Pattern of Inheritance
 Complete dominance occurs when the
heterozygote dominant phenotype matches the
homozygote dominant phenotype102
 When homozygous purple and white flowers
cross, they produce only purple offspring
 Purple dominates over white
 A homozygous and heterozygous dominant
purple flower will produce the same purple
flower offspring
 On the other hand, incomplete dominance occurs
when no single trait is dominant or recessive
Ashkenazi Jews trace their ancestry to Central and Eastern Europe. 80% of Jews worldwide are Ashkenazi, including both DemiDec's
Editorial Director and Alpaca-in-Chief.
USAD uses “normal” to refer to individuals with a homozygous dominant or heterozygous genotype.
In other words, there are only two possible phenotypes (dominant and recessive). For example, complete dominance controls the
inheritance for human earlobe attachment. Offspring can have either free (dominant) or attached (recessive) earlobes, but not semiattached or partially attached earlobes.
Science Power Guide | 37
The offspring’s traits represent a “blend” of both parents103
 For example, when homozygous white and red flowers are crossed, they produce a
range of pink-colored offspring
 In this way, incomplete dominance is similar to blending inheritance
 Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) passes through genes controlled by incomplete
 FH results in abnormally high levels of blood cholesterol
 Patients can have heart attacks in their twenties
 One in 500 Americans carries this recessive allele
 Cholesterol is a lipid molecule found in all cellular membranes
Gonadal cells use cholesterol to synthesize sex steroids104
However, cholesterol is not blood-soluble
The liver must package it with a protein for transport to the rest of the body
This protein-cholesterol molecule is called low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
 Each cell contains LDL receptors that recognize and process LDL
Once an LDL molecule reaches the cell, it clusters near coated pits and is
absorbed by the cell
 If the LDL receptor gene mutates, the protein product cannot bind, group, and
absorb LDL for transport to cells
Instead, LDL remains in the bloodstream, clogging arteries
Hypercholesterolemia and cardiovascular disease result
 Certain regions of the LDL molecule are responsible for the individual steps of LDL
Mutations in any part of the LDL receptor molecule will prevent LDL uptake
The protein product will be unable to bind, group, and absorb LDL for
transport to cells
 In 1970, the Southwest Medical Center in Dallas admitted 14-year-old J.D.
His cholesterol level was over 800 mg/dl (milligrams per deciliter)
This level was four times higher than the cholesterol level of a typical young
J.D.’s family had a history of high cholesterol
However, not all family members had high cholesterol levels
Doctors suspected that a certain gene could directly control cholesterol levels
They discovered that no LDL cholesterol could enter J.D.’s cells
J.D. died before he turned 30
FH indicates that mutations of a single gene can lead to a wide range of trait
 Co-dominance occurs when neither allele dominates over the other
 Both alleles will be expressed as a result
 Co-dominance can control the inheritance of certain blood types
 The surface of red-blood cells contains a membrane protein with two different forms of
sugar molecules attached to the protein’s exterior
 This extracellular part of the protein is known as glycoprotein
 Doctors once thought that all human blood was identical
 No one could explain why blood transfusions caused acute reactions and death
Just think of black and white mixing to produce different shades of grey.
Steroids do have a good use after all, I guess, much like mothballs and global warming - Eric
Science Power Guide | 38
The Austrian scientist Karl Landsteiner105 (1868-1943) discovered the ABO blood
typing system in 1900
 Landsteiner noticed the red blood cells of
certain people clumped with the serum106 of
This clumping is known as agglutination
 Landsteiner developed the ABO blood typing
system based on the agglutination of different
types of blood
He won the 1930 Nobel Prize in Medicine
for this discovery
Blood compatibility depends on the relationship
between antigens and antibodies
 The surface of red blood cells can contain Aantigens, B-antigens, both, or neither
 Blood also can contain anti-A antibodies, antiB antibodies, both, or neither
 Anti-A antibodies will attack A antigen
Red blood cells with A antigen will clump
together, triggering cell destruction
This agglutination also occurs when
anti-B antibodies107 and B antibodies
A antigen
come into contact
In both cases, clumping will lead to
severe anemia108, oxygen deficiency,
and death
Four blood types lead to eight total possible genotypes
Antigens in
Red Blood Cell
in Serum
Can Donate
Blood To
Can Receive
Blood From
AA or AO
A, O
BB or BO
B, O
A and B
Anti-A and
A, B, AB, O109
Type AB blood is an example of co-dominance110
Both the A and B antigens are expressed on the red blood cell surface
When blood transfusions occur, blood types must be matched correctly
Check out his facial expression. I would not want to be running into this guy in a dark alleyway at night. - Eric
Serum refers to plasma (the liquid part of blood) without any clotting proteins
What's a pessimist's blood type? B- . –Josephine
Individuals with anemia have a lower-than-normal red blood cell count
This is why people with type O blood are known as “universal donors”
In ABO blood typing, A and B both dominate over O. In order to have type O blood, an individual must inherit two recessive (O)
Science Power Guide | 39
A patient who receives incompatible blood may suffer transfusion shock or death
 Courts used ABO blood typing to identify specific phenotypes in paternity legal cases
 DNA testing superseded this technique in 1984
 The famous 1943 Barry/Chaplin case involved blood testing
Joan Barry accused actor Charlie Chaplin111 of fathering her child
Blood tests excluded Chaplin as the father
The court refused to accept this evidence
Chaplin was forced to pay child support
Public outrage at this trial led to new laws
allowing blood tests as court evidence
 The Rh factor is also an important surface antigen
 It was first identified in rhesus monkeys
 This factor determines the “+” or “-” sign after
the ABO blood type
The “+” factor dominates over the “- ” factor
Individuals that are Rh- receive one “-” allele
from each parent
 Mismatch between antigens can endanger a
If the mother is Rh- and father Rh+, the baby will have a heterozygous +/- genotype
However, the mother has a -/- genotype
During pregnancy, the uterus is an immunologically privileged site
Even though half the baby’s alleles are foreign, the mother’s immune system
will not attack the baby
However, the placenta pulls away from the endometrium112 during labor and
At that moment, the baby’s red blood cells encounter the mother’s immune
The immune system produces anti-Rh+ antibodies
If the mother carries another Rh+ baby, the mother’s anti-Rh+ antibodies will
attack the Rh+ molecule on the fetus’s red blood cells
This reaction can kill the fetus
Blood tests can determine the presence of anti-Rh+ antibodies
If they are present, the mother can receive an injection of anti-Rh antibodies
to prevent fetal death113
 Pleiotropy occurs when a single gene contributes to multiple, unrelated traits
 Mendel had identified examples of pleiotropy in his pea plant experiments
 He noticed that all plants with colored seed coats had colored flowers and leaf
 At the same time, plants with white seed coats had white flowers and petioles
 Mendel did not understand this result
 One example of pleiotropy is albinism
 Pigment molecules produce color in humans
Check out Chaplin's 100-year-old pratfalls: http://charliechaplin2013
The endometrium is the inner membrane of the uterus.
One (contested) theory proposes that Henry VIII's wife Anne Boleyn (and maybe even his first wife Catherine of Aragon) was Rh-,
leading to a series of miscarriages and stillbirths—and, consequently, the English Reformation.
The petiole is the stalk attaching the leaf blade to the stem.
Science Power Guide | 40
The body requires certain enzymes to produce each pigment molecule
If the gene that codes for an enzyme fails, then the body does not produce any
pigment molecules
 Albinos suffer from a defective melanin -producing enzyme
This single gene mutation affects pigment production in all parts of the body
 Pleiotropy also controls the inheritance of the gene responsible for sickle cell anemia
 Polygenic inheritance occurs when multiple genes control a single phenotype
 The phenotype is often quantitative
 In other words, it appears as a range rather than
either/ or
 Traits controlled by polygenic inheritance include
height, weight, and skin color
 People are not either "short" or "tall"
Height appears in a range of continuous
 Scientists have identified over 180 genes controlling
human height
 Environmental influences such as nutrition and
hormone levels can also affect height
 Polygenic inheritance also affects the genetic factors for
breast cancer
 A women has a higher risk for breast cancer if more
than one close relative has had breast cancer at a young
 The two mutated genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 increase
the risk for breast and ovarian cancer
 However, a carrier of these genes will not necessarily develop cancer
Fewer than 10% of breast cancer cases arise from BRCA1 or BRCA2
Less than one percent of the general population carry either of these genes117118
 The combination of lifestyle factors and small genetic mutations are the
fundamental cause of most cancer cases
 William Bateson, Reginald Punnett and Edith Rebecca Saunders collaborated to study
linked genes
 They crossed purebred flower color and pollen grain shape in sweet peas
 Purple flowers (P) dominate over red flowers (p)
 Long grains (L) dominate round grains (l)
 As expected, the F1 generation consisted of purple flowers and long pollen grains
 However, the F2 generation produced strange results
 The phenotype ratio was 15.6:1:1.4:4.5 instead of 9:3:3:1
 Many more plants than expected developed purple flowers and long pollen grains
Recall that melanin is a natural pigment that gives color to hair, skin, and the iris.
USAD does not define “young”, but many cancer experts recommend that women who carry the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene begin
clinical breast examinations at ages 25 to 35.
According to new estimates from the National Cancer Institute, 55-65% of BRCA1 and 45% of BRCA2 carriers will develop breast
cancer by age 70, compared to 12% of women in the general population. For more, check out
It appears nature holds a grudge against Ashkenazi Jews, as members of this ethnic group have a higher prevalence of BRCA1 and
BRCA2 genes than people in the general population. Recall that Ashkenazi Jews are also prone to Tay-Sachs disease.
Remember that linked genes do not follow the law of independent assortment.
Science Power Guide | 41
Plants with red flowers and round pollen grains were three times more common
than Mendel’s laws had predicted
 Bateson, Punnett, and Saunders hypothesized that the flower color and pollen grain
alleles were linked
 Thomas Hunt Morgan proved the existence of linked genes
 Morgan did not accept Mendelian genetics and Darwin’s theory of natural selection
 He induced fruit flies to produce a new species in three ways
Morgan also raised fruit flies in the dark to see if their eyes would eventually disappear
 He noticed one morning that one male fly had white eyes instead of red
 He bred the white-eyed male with the red-eyed females
The F1 generation was entirely red-eyed
This result showed that red was
dominant to white
However, the F2 generation did not
White eyed males
generate the expected 3:1 ratio between
Red-eyed males
red and white
 Morgan theorized that the inheritance pattern
White-eyed females
of X chromosomes and autosomes differed
Red-eyed females
He believed that white eye color in fruit
flies was linked to an X chromosome mutation
To verify this hypothesis, he crossed white-eyed males with the heterozygous F1
As Mendelian genetics predicted, some of the offspring were white-eyed
 Morgan’s studies confirmed the physical presence of alleles in chromosomes
 He won the 1933 Nobel Prize for his studies of mutations
 Morgan and his student Alfred Sturtevant argued that genes were arranged linearly on
 Linked genes are more likely to cross over if they are far apart
 Likewise, neighboring genes are unlikely to cross over
 The distance between two genes is known as a genetic map unit
 Sturtevant analyzed recombination data from different crosses to predict the relative
position of genes
 He successfully produced the first linkage map by studying Drosophila
 Numerous scientists built on Morgan and Sturtevant's studies to map the genes of
other species
 Reginald Punnett identified
linkage groups in pea plants
Social Structure
 Many factors determine an
offspring’s sex
 As in humans, fruit fly sex
Factors that
chromosomes determine
influence an
an organism’s gender
embryo's gender
 Fruit flies will be female if they
have two X chromosomes
Science Power Guide | 42
Fruit flies will be male if they have only one X chromosome
 The Y chromosome does not affect the fruit fly’s sex
 In humans, the Y chromosome ensures that the baby will be male
 A gene known as SRY (sex reversal Y) controls human male traits
 This gene occurs on the Y chromosome
 Before sexual differentiation occurs, the embryo has a pair of gonads and both male
and female reproductive tracts
 These organs co-exist during the first two months of gestation
 The SRY turns on genes that signal the gonad to become testes rather than ovaries
 Without a Y chromosome, ovaries will develop
 Female sex hormones promote the development of the female reproductive system
while ignoring the male reproductive system
 In humans, several traits link to sex chromosomes
 Colorblindness is one such trait
 John Dalton first described this disorder in 1794
 The opsin gene occurs on numerous chromosomes
This gene and its variants allow the eye to detect different wavelengths of light
Mutation of this gene causes color blindness
This defective gene is found on the X chromosome
 The most common form of colorblindness is red-green
Individuals suffering from red-green colorblindness lack red, green, or both
pigment molecules needed for color vision
Colorblind females must inherit a faulty X chromosome from both parents
Colorblind males only need one faulty X chromosome
 Most of the Y chromosome’s genes control
sex determination and male fertility
Y chromosome
 The Y chromosome is significantly smaller
reveals male
Mitochondrial DNA
than the X chromosome
reveals female
 It contains fewer than 200 genes
 Traits determined by the Y-chromosome
will pass down through the male family
 Thus, the Y chromosome can be used to track male
 The pattern of inheritance in mitochondria and chloroplasts
do not follow Mendel’s laws
 Mitochondrial DNA is only inherited from the mother in
humans and most mammals
 Male mitochondrial DNA never enters the oocyte
during fertilization
Thus, mitochondrial DNA can be used to trace the
female lineage
 Punnett Squares
 Geneticists use Punnett squares to find the probability that
an offspring has a particular genotype
 The parent’s genotypes must be known
 First, draw a four-box square
Unlike humans, fruit flies can survive with an XXY set of sex chromosomes.
Science Power Guide | 43
Then, write the genotype of one parent at the top of the square
 Place one letter above each smaller box
Write the genotype of the second parent on the left side of the square
 Place one letter next to each smaller vertical box
Next, write the letter from the side of the square in each box
 To its right, write the letter from the top of the square
These boxes represent the probability of each genotype for four offspring
When conducting a dihybrid cross, use a 16-square box
 The remainder of the process is the same as for a monohybrid cross
 Genetic Testing
 Genetic counselors use a pedigree to identify genetic disease carriers
 This diagram allows them to determine the probability that children will inherit a
certain trait
 Doctors can perform chromosomal analysis on babies in utero121
 They perform most of these tests on mothers older than 35
 The odds of having a baby with a chromosomal abnormality increase dramatically
past this age
 Doctors perform chromosomal analysis through karyotyping
 This test involves removing fetal cells from the womb
This Latin phrase means “in the womb”.
Don’t worry, guys: your risk of fathering a child with chromosomal abnormality also increases with age. Gender equality FTW. –
Science Power Guide | 44
There are two main ways to extract these cells
 In amniocentesis, doctors insert a long needle into the fluid compartment within
the fetal membrane
 In chorionic villus sampling (CVS), doctors remove a piece of fetal membrane
CVS is the more invasive method of the two
 Genetic testing can even occur before the embryo attaches to the uterine wall
 In vitro fertilization produces a zygote outside the body
 Doctors can isolate, remove, and test
one cell in an eight-cell embryo
Chromosomal analysis
 The other seven cells are then inserted
into the mother to develop normally123
 If genetic disorders are diagnosed early,
treatment can begin at birth
Possible Embryonic
 The discovery of fetal cells circulating in the
Genetic Tests
mother’s blood may lead to simpler and more
accurate genetic testing
 However, new genetic
technologies lead to ethical
DNA testing
Biochemical testing
and moral implications 124
This process is known as preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD, or embryo screening. If doctors detect an embryonic cell with a
disease-causing mutation, they can eliminate that cell and re-implant the normal cells in the mother’s uterus. For more information,
check out
We'll get into this when I discuss the Human Genome Project in Section III.
Science Power Guide | 45
Early 20th century scientists made tremendous breakthroughs
in the study of genetics and cellular reproduction, bringing
together Mendelian genetics and Darwinian evolution
through modern evolutionary synthesis. In the second half of
the 20th century, scientists turned to studying DNA, RNA,
and protein synthesis. The Human Genome Project and
modern genetic techniques have had widespread implications
on our society, with applications in law enforcement,
agriculture, and the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
According to the USAD outline, 17-18
questions (35%) should come from Section III.
18 questions (36%) come from Section III on
the USAD Science Practice Test.
Section III covers pgs. 50-81 of the USAD
Science Resource Guide.
The Modern Synthesis of Evolution and Genetics
 Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
 Charles Darwin travelled to the Galapagos
Islands during his voyage aboard the H.M.S.
Beagle from 1831 to 1836.
 He observed many species on the islands
 He paid particular attention to 13
species of finches
 His travels and observations led him to develop
the theory of evolution
 Darwin’s theory contained three main parts
 Each generation produces more
offspring than the environment can
 All individuals in a species have different
heritable traits
 Only individuals with favorable traits
survive and reproduce
Excess offspring in each
Natural selection of
favorable variations
Descent with
Theory of
In 1859, Darwin published On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection
 The scientific community greeted Darwin’s ideas with both acceptance and controversy
Science Power Guide | 46
At that time, few scientists understood how traits were passed from one generation
to the next125
Darwin could not explain the genetics behind evolution
Darwin also could not reconcile his theory with other ideas about inheritance
his ideas challenged three main theories
of the nineteenth century
The 2000-year old Greek idea of
pangenesis still held weight
Blending inheritance continued to
serve as a hypothetical model
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
hypothesized that individuals inherit
traits their parents had acquired
during their lifetime126
 The Post-Darwin Era
 By the end of Darwin's lifetime, scientists were cracking
the mystery of inheritance
 Cytologist Walther Flemming described the process of
mitosis in 1878
 In the 1880s, developmental biologist August
Weismann linked meiosis, sexual reproduction, and
genetic variation
 Weismann hypothesized that crossing over during
meiosis fostered genetic variability and natural
 He tested Lamarck’s theory of acquired traits
 In one experiment, Weismann removed the
tails127 of mice
 The resulting five generations still had tails
 Weismann concluded that somatic traits
could not be passed from parent to offspring
 Based on his experimental results, Weismann
proposed the germ plasm theory of heredity
 He posited that all germ cells are made of germ plasm
Germ plasm is the hereditary material that parents pass on to offspring
 Each organism has two distinct types of cells that separate early in embryonic
Somatic cells develop independently of germ cells129
Germ cells are part of the germ line130
Darwin published On the Origin of Species seven years before Mendel even published the results of his pea plant experiments.
Epigenetics has partly redeemed Lamarck's hypothesis, which he'd be glad to hear if he hadn't been dead for over a century.
Mice all over the world remember him as their very own Jack the Ripper.
Somatic simply means “of the body”. In this context it refers to externally expressed traits
But germ cells can give rise to somatic cells (remember stem cells in section 1?)
This is the sequence of cells that contain the genetic material to be passed down to offspring.
Science Power Guide | 47
Weismann’s radical theory rejected the three previous theories of pangenesis,
blending inheritance, and Lamarck’s theory of acquired inheritance131
 By the early 20th century, scientists realized that they would need to analyze the genetic
composition of entire populations to understand evolution
 Darwin recognized that natural selection acts on populations rather than individuals
 However, he could not study entire species
on the islands
 Many scientists felt that field observations were insufficient to study entire populations
 Instead, they favored rigorously controlled laboratory experiments
 These scientists included Thomas Morgan and Hugo De Vries
 Through his fruit fly studies, Morgan developed the chromosome theory of
 Morgan had noticed that almost all traits mutated over time
 He experimentally proved the chromosome theory of inheritance
Modified, this theory formed the backbone of both Mendelian genetics and the
Darwinian idea of descent with modification
 Population geneticists made observations that reflected Mendel's findings
 Both Mendel and population geneticists experimented with heritable variations
 Mendel’s controlled experiment environment replicated the same conditions as a
non-evolving population136
Large population
No migration or
random events
Random mating
Mendel’s ideal 3:1 phenotype and 1:2:1 genotype ratio will always hold true in this
type of population
Genotype Results
 In 1902, Udny Yule observed that the sum of
the two allele frequencies always equals 1
 This equality only holds true for a non100 purebred PP
evolving population
200 heterozygous Pp 0.5
 Take a situation where purebred
purple (PP) and white (pp) flowers are
100 purebred pp
 We then cross the F1 generation ( ∗ )
 First, we add the total number of alleles
Phenotype Results
100 ∗ 2  200 ∗ 1  400 P alleles
200 ∗ 1  100 ∗ 2  400 p alleles
300 purple
 The frequency of the P allele is
 0.5
100 white
The frequency of the p allele is
 0.5
Though Weismann’s theory has been modified over time, its “premise of the continuity of hereditary material is the basis of the
modern understanding of…physical inheritance”. (Encyclopedia Britannica)
The Beagle anchored in the Galapagos for just over a month, not enough time to chase down entire islands’ worth of finches.
Remember: Thomas Morgan proved gene linkage through fruit flies and Hugo de Vries “re-discovered” Mendel’s work in 1900.
USAD implies that Morgan developed this theory, but you may recall from section I that Walter Sutton and Theodor Boveri had first
identified chromosomes as the carriers of genetic material in 1902-03.
Remember that Mendel experimented on pea plants without any knowledge of Darwin’s theory of evolution.
These conditions are also identical to the conditions for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.
Science Power Guide | 48
We can then sum the two allele frequencies
0.5  0.5  1
 In 1903, William Castle theorized that a
population’s allele frequencies would remain
stable without natural selection
 This insight into evolving populations led to
the development of the Hardy-Weinberg
 The Hardy-Weinberg theorem states that a
population’s allele frequencies will not change
over time if equilibrium is reached
 Mathematician G.H. Hardy and German
physician Wilhelm Weinberg proposed this
theorem in 1908
 If any of these five conditions for
equilibrium are unmet, the population's
allele frequency will change over time
 The population undergoes microevolution
 For example, a population may have two alleles,
p and q, for a gene
 In a purebred p population,   0, and vice
In other words, in a purebred
population, the entire population
expresses only the dominant or
recessive trait
 An population’s genotype frequency can be
represented by the equation   2 1
 This statement shows that the genotype is
the combination of one allele from each
 The Hardy-Weinberg equation offers another
way to express genotype frequency
 This equation is written as   2    1137
Conditions for Hardy-Weinberg
Large population
No new mutations
Random mating
No natural selection
the frequency of the homozygous dominant phenotype
the frequency of the heterozygous dominant phenotype
No migration
the frequency of the homozygous recessive phenotype
 The Union of Genetics and Evolution
 By the 1930s and 1940s, scientists agreed that Mendelian genetics and evolution by natural
selection could coexist
 This agreement created the modern synthesis of evolution
 In the early 20th century, scientists filled in key gaps between evolution and genetics
Look familiar? The Hardy-Weinberg equation is identical to the equation Mendel used to find the genotype ratio of his pea plants.
Science Power Guide | 49
Fields of major discovery in the
early 20th century
population genetics
 British geneticist R.A. Fisher was trained in mathematics and biometry138
This expertise separated him from Mendel and Darwin
 Fisher applied statistics to analyze genetic variations in a population
 This research helped him write a groundbreaking 1918 paper explaining the inheritance
of quantitative traits
 American plant geneticist G. Ledyard Stebbins studied the formation of new plant species
 He discovered sympatric speciation
 In this process, new species form through either meiotic errors or polyploidy
 Many flowering plants undergo this method of speciation
 Nearly a century earlier, Darwin had had proposed the idea of allopatric speciation
 In this process, a new species develops when a population is reproductively isolated
 For example, different species of finches evolved on the isolated islands of the
 Theodosius Dobzhansky published Genetics and the Origin of Species in 1937.
 Dobzhansky worked as an evolutionary biologist under Thomas Morgan in the 1930s
Dobshansky helped
shape the modern
synthesis of evolution
defined evolution as a change in allele frequency within a
gene pool
suggested that mutation was the main force behind
evolution by natural selection
 Evolutionary biologist Ernst Mayr proposed the “biological species concept”
For Mayr, a species is a group of organisms that can naturally interbreed
both male
and female
are viable
and fertile
In The Evolutionary Synthesis, Mayr argued for the development of a modern synthesis
of evolution
 He also explained that variation and selection lead to evolutionary change in species
 Together, Fisher, Stebbins, Dobzhansky, and Mayr built on Darwin’s theory of evolution
Biometry refers to the application of statistics to biology.
This process involves the creation of new species from an ancestral species while both inhabit the same geographic region
Polyploid cells contain more than one pair of homologous chromosomes. Most cells are diploid, meaning they have just one pair of
homologous chromosomes.
Science Power Guide | 50
All individuals have different traits
 The variability in these traits come from mutation
Mutation leads to the creation of new genes, alleles, and phenotypes
During gamete formation, chromosomes segregate and sort independently
 This sorting produces new genetic combinations
Parents pass on their intact genes to their offspring
 This process occurs independently for each gene
Most generations will produce more offspring that can survive
 Individuals with traits suited to their environment will survive and reproduce
Microevolution will eventually lead to speciation, or macroevolution
Evolution can occur for numerous reasons141
Natural selection
Genetic Drift
Causes of
Genetic Material
 The Discovery of DNA
 Despite the growing acceptance of Mendel’s work, most nineteenth-century scientists still
believed that genetic material passed from parent to offspring via proteins
 The nucleus contains many proteins
 The many possible combinations of 20 amino acids could account for many traits
 However, discoveries in the late 19 and early 20 centuries pointed to DNA as the
genetic material
 Swiss biochemist Friedrich Miescher discovered nuclein in 1869
 This molecule is a mixture of nucleic acids and chromosomal proteins
 Miescher was studying white blood cell proteins from the pus of infected human patients
 He noticed that a substance from the white blood cell nuclei had different chemical
properties than proteins did
 Enzymes that normally broke down proteins did not affect this substance
 He named this substance nuclein
 Between 1885 and 1901, German chemist Albrecht Kossel studied nuclein
 He discovered that nucleic acid consisted of four nitrogenous bases
Nitrogenous Bases in
Nucleic Acid
Genetic drift occurs when a population’s allele frequency randomly changes
Science Power Guide | 51
Adenine and guanine have a double-ring structure
 Cytosine and thymine have a single-ring structure
 Kossel won the 1910 Nobel Prize for this discovery
 Russian-American biochemist Phoebus Levene discovered the monosaccharide
 Levene had worked closely with Kossel
 In 1919, Levene concluded that DNA is a one large polynucleotide that consists of a
long chain of mononucleotides
 It has three major components
Components of
Pentose sugar
Four nitrogenous
Levene incorrectly believed the four nitrogenous bases appeared in equal proportions
 His faulty belief became known as the “tetranucleotide” hypothesis
It dominated scientific thinking until the 1950s
This hypothesis convinced scientists that DNA structure was too simple to hold
genetic material
 Studying Streptococcus pneumoniae bacterium led to further breakthroughs in discovering
the genetic material
 This bacterium caused most of the deaths during the Spanish influenza pandemic
 The pandemic began in 1918 and killed between 50 to 100 million people
 Often, bacterial infections finished off influenza victims with weakened immune
 Scientists knew that different strains of S. pneumoniae had different pneumoniacausing potencies144
 English microbiologist Frederick Griffith studied two strains of the bacterium
 The virulent S-strain contained a smooth polysaccharide capsule
This capsule protected the bacteria from the body’s immune system
 The non-virulent R-strain lacked this capsule
 Griffith inject mice with different strains and observed surprising results
 Griffith theorized that the S-strain transferred heat resistance to the R-strain
The R-strain then became virulent
In 1928, he named this transferred substance the “transforming principle”145
A nucleic acid composed of deoxyribose = deoxyribonucleic acid
“Pentose” refers to a sugar molecule with five carbon atoms. "Pent" means "five," and "-ose" refers to sugar. (Think "fructose,"
"sucrose," and my personal favorite, "glucose."
This is also known as a virulent property
To clear up any confusion, the “transforming principle” refers to DNA.
Science Power Guide | 52
 Michael Dawson and Richard
Sia of Columbia University
observed Griffith’s “transforming
principle” within test tubes146
 Using test tubes made the
process of isolating and
chemically analyzing the
principle simpler, better
controlled, and more reliable
 Scientists could then isolate
and chemically analyze the
transforming material
 Biochemist Oswald Avery of
Rockefeller University chemically
analyzed S. pneumoniae
 He concentrated on the
carbohydrate section of the
bacteria capsule
 The virulent S-strain had
this capsule, while the non-virulent R-strain did
 Avery believed that the carbohydrates caused
an immune response
The capsule’s polysaccharides trigged an
immune response
The patient’s body then produced
antibacterial antibodies
 In a 1933 work, Avery argued that the capsule
polysaccharides stimulated antibody production in
infected individuals
The polysaccharides essentially served as
 Avery aimed to identify the mysterious transforming
 First, he sought to prove that the transforming
principle was biologically active
 He created an assay
to calculate the success
of transforming the R-strain into the S-strain
This procedure also determined if different
concentrations of the R-strain extract
would inhibit the cell’s growth
 When he observed this transformation, Avery made several important observations
 The transforming activity was very strong
 The level of activity decreased as he diluted the mixture of S-strain extract and nonvirulent bacteria
Saving those poor little mice from a slow and painful death, I suppose
An assay is a scientific procedure used to determine the level of a substance in a cell or other organic sample
Science Power Guide | 53
However, the transforming activity was still present even when only 0.01
microgram148 of substance was added to the R-strain
 Next, Avery needed to identify the chemical properties of the transforming principle
 Avery noticed that the transforming principle had the physical properties of a
nucleic acid
 In 1944, Avery and his colleagues Colin MacLeod and Maclyn McCarty described
the purified transforming principle as a “viscous and slightly cloudy solution”
They noticed that the principle “formed fibrous strands when mixed with
The three scientists also observed that the transforming principle had high levels
of phosphorus
Phosphorus is found in DNA, but not proteins
 The transforming principle also absorbed light in the same manner as DNA
 Finally, Avery observed that enzymes that normally digested proteins, carbohydrates,
and RNA could not destroy the transforming principle
 DNAse , however, could break down the substance’s structure and activity
 The stronger the dosage of DNAse, the more dramatic the inactivation of the
transforming principle
 Avery concluded that DNA was the
genetic material
 The scientific did not receive this
conclusion happily
Most scientists still believed
that protein carried hereditary
 In 1952, Alfred Hershey and Martha
Chase studied the process by which
bacteriophages151 infected bacterium
 They sought to identify the molecule
that the bacteriophage transferred to
the bacterium
 Bacteriophages reproduce by
injecting their material into the
The virus’s genetic material
embeds itself into the host
When the bacteria reproduces,
the virus does so as well
 Hershey and Chase decided to use E.
coli as the target bacteria
 They injected radioactive
Pand 35S (phosphorus and sulfur) as tracers into the
In other words, one hundred billionth of one gram
You can do this at home! Here’s the experiment:
This is an enzyme that digests DNA
A bacteriophage is a virus that infects and replicates within bacteria
Science Power Guide | 54
If phosphate appeared in the bacterium, then the bacteriophage had transferred
DNA as its genetic material into E. coli
 If sulfur appeared, then the bacteriophage had transferred protein rather than DNA
 After infecting the E. coli bacteria, the two scientists forcibly separated the
bacteriophage and bacteria
They sheared off the virus from the protein with a high-speed kitchen
Then, they separated the virus and bacteria through centrifugation154
 The sulfur remained in the bacteriophage
 The phosphorus entered the bacteria
 The experiment showed that DNA was the
genetic material transferred between the
bacteriophage and bacterium
 However, the scientific world did not realize the
importance of this finding until 1952
 Hershey finally received recognition when he
shared the 1969 Nobel Prize with two other
 In the 1940s, Edwin Chargaff compared the DNA
composition of numerous prokaryotes and
 He used paper chromatography
to organize
DNA molecules based on chemical properties
and size
 Then, Chargaff used enzymes to digest the DNA
of different organisms
 He noticed that different organisms had
different DNA compositions
The ratio of the four nucleotides was unequal157
(% of DNA)
(% of DNA)
(% of DNA)
(% of DNA)
However, Chargaff observed a consistent 1:1 ratio of adenine to thymine and
cytosine to guanine
He suggested that adenine paired with thymine and cytosine paired with guanine
This pairing is known as Chargaff’s rule
Chargaff’s discovery of base pairing was critical in the construction of the DNA
Note to self: do not try this experiment at home - Eric
Mmmm, bacteria smoothies.
In centrifugation, scientists spin a sample at high speeds to separate its components
Apparently the absence of a Y-chromosome disqualified Martha Chase from winning the Nobel Prize - Josephine
Scientists use chromatography to separate mixtures into their individual components. For more information, check out this excellent
Remember that Levene proposed that DNA had an equal proportion of the four nucleotides in his “tetranucleotide” hypothesis
Science Power Guide | 55
James Watson and Francis Crick developed the
double helix model of DNA in 1953
 This model proposes that deoxyribose and
phosphate form the backbone of DNA strands
 These strands hold the complementary
nitrogenous bases together
 They hired scientist Rosalind Franklin to study
and improve X-ray crystallography
 In this technique, X-rays produce a “shadow”
image of a molecule
The image reveals the size, shape, and
spatial relationship of the molecule’s
internal structure
 Franklin successfully produced a 3-D doublestranded twisted ladder image
Sugar and phosphate seemed to form
the backbone of the DNA strands
Nitrogenous bases clustered near the
center of the two strands
 Watson and Crick also used a molecular
model building technique developed by
Nobel laureate158 Linus Pauling159
 Nature
published their paper on DNA
“[We have awarded Crick, Watson,
structure in 1953
and Wilkins the Nobel Prize] for
 That same year, the journal also
their discoveries concerning the
published Maurice Wilkins’ paper on
molecular structure of nucleic acid
X-ray crystallography
and its significance for information
 Wilkins was one of Franklin’s
transfer in living material.”
- The Nobel Prize Committee
 Watson, Crick, and Wilkins shared the
1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology or
 The Organization and Replication of DNA
 Typical prokaryotic DNA contains one million nucleotides within three thousand genes
 Prokaryotes only carry one copy of each gene
 They contain little non-essential genetic material
 In comparison, eukaryotic DNA is complex
 The DNA molecules are wrapped around histone
 Exons are regions of the DNA molecule that actively code for proteins
Oh, this old thing? Pauling won the Nobel Prize 1954 for his work on chemical bonds. Going for a matched set, he won the Peace
Prize in 1963 for his efforts at opposing nuclear war.
He’s also the reason your mom made you take vitamins you probably didn’t need:
Nature is the People magazine of scientists: anyone who’s anyone is in it.
Histones are protein molecules that help condense DNA so it can fit inside the nucleus. Since histones are positively charged and
DNA is negatively charged, DNA can easily wrap around the histone.
Each human cell has 1.8 meters of DNA. If all of the DNA in a single human adult were unwound, it would stretch from the Earth to
the Sun and back 70 times.
Science Power Guide | 56
In contrast, regions of noncoding DNA are known as introns
 Introns and exons form messenger RNA molecules
 The genetic code consists of four letters
A group of three letters is a codon
Each codon codes for a unique amino acid
 tRNA transports this amino acid to ribosomes
Once in the ribosome, the amino acid joins proteins
 The letters of the genetic code can form 64 possible codons
 However, protein synthesis uses just 20 naturally occurring amino acids
 Multiple codons can code for a single amino acid
However, UGG only codes for trytophan
Three codons act as stop codons
These codons halt the process of protein synthesis
 AUG acts as a start codon
 This codon initiates the process of protein synthesis
 It also codes for the amino acid methionine
 Watson and Crick realized that the structure and function of DNA are closely related
 They suspected that DNA’s base pairing pattern provided clues to the process of
replicating genetic material
 In the 1950s, scientists proposed three possible models for DNA replication
Conservative replication
The new DNA molecule consists of two new strands
Semi-conservative replication
The new DNA molecule consists of one old and one new strand
Dispersive replication
The new DNA moelcule consists of a mix of old and new strands
Watson and Crick favored the
semiconservative model
 In this model, the original DNA
strands “unzip”
Then, each strand serves as a
template for the replication of a
new strand
The new DNA molecule then “zips”
itself back together
This process occurs every time
DNA replicates
Molecular biologists Matthew Meselson
and Franklin Stahl confirmed this model
Science Power Guide | 57
They studied the DNA replication process in detail
 Before DNA replication, they tagged the individual components of DNA with
nitrogen isotopes 14Nand 15N
N would be heavier than molecules that
 Molecules that synthesized with
synthesized with N
N has one more neutron than 14N
 Meselson and Stahl chose E. coli bacteria as their test subject
They grew E. coli near 15N for many generations
Eventually, all the nitrogen in the bacteria was in the form of 15N
The two scientists repeated this process with 14N
Then, they extracted the DNA from the bacteria and analyzed the DNA samples
The centrifuge stratified the DNA molecules by density
This stratification occurred every 20 minutes
 After every DNA replication, around 50% of the
N molecules had been transferred
into the new DNA molecule
This result confirmed the semi-conservative model of DNA replication
Many enzymes participate in DNA replication
attaches to the
end of the DNA
Helicase unzips
the parent DNA
DNA primase
an RNA
replace the
RNA primase
DNA polymerase
synthesizes the
strand of DNA
DNA ligase
"rezips" the new
DNA fragment to
the parent
Acts as an unzipper
Initiates DNA replication by unwinding the double helix
Forms a replication fork and bubble
Synthesizes new RNA primers
Atttaches these RNA primers to the replicating strands of DNA
DNA polymerase
DNA ligase
Serves as builder and proofreader
Continually adds complementary nucleotides to the daugher
DNA moelcule
Acts as an editor
Removes incorrect nucleotides
Acts as a zipper
Fills in holes in the new DNA molecule backbone with
Science Power Guide | 58
Prokaryotes simultaneously produce new DNA strands on both sides of the parent strand
Eukaryotes have multiple DNA strands
 Thus, DNA replication can occur at multiple places simultaneously
 Mutations
 Mutations occur when DNA fails to replicate accurately
 They occur randomly during the replication process
 Environmental and metabolic factors can increase the probability of a mutation
 Mistakes and faulty repairs lead to damaged DNA and altered genes
 For example, if an erroneous amino acid is added, the protein may cease to function
 Most mutations are inconsequential
 They only affect the non-coding section of DNA
 Some mutations, however, can cause cancer or other diseases
 Other mutations offer benefits
 Certain individuals have a mutation that prevent HIV from binding to T lymphocytes
These people are resistant to AIDS
 Point mutations are the most common type of mutation
 This mutation occurs when a single nucleotide is affected in one of four ways
Scientists classify mutations based on their effect on the amino acid sequence: silent,
missense, nonsense, and frameshift163
One nucleotide
substitutes for
changes the
coded amino acid
produce a stop
One nucleotide is
added or deleted
The codon codes
for the same
amino acid
An example of a silent mutation involves the amino acid
 Four different codons code for proline
 This duplication means that, if the final letter of any
of the four possible codon changes, the codon will
still code for proline
All subsequent
codons are
No one talks about the divergent. –Josephine
Science Power Guide | 59
 Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)
 Stanford biochemist Arthur Kornberg and his NYU mentor Severo Ochoa worked on RNA
 In 1959, they shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
 The prize acknowledged their work on RNA synthesis
 Kornberg’s son Roger won
the 2006 Nobel Prize in
Chemistry for his study of
Double stranded
Single stranded
Ribose backbone
 RNA and DNA have several key
Smaller in size
Larger in size
Has roles in many
Only role is to store
cellular functions
 RNA is a large molecule made
genetic info
up of nucleotides
 This molecule is known as a
 It comprises phosphate, ribose, and four nitrogenous bases
 It comes in three major types
Stands for ribosomal RNA
Made in the nucloeolus
Combines with proteins to form ribosomes
Stands for messenger RNA
Produced by DNA transcription
Carries genetic information to the ribosomses for translation
Stands for transfer RNA
Carries a specific amino acid
Complements the nucleotides in mRNA
The eukaryotic nucleus produces all three types of RNA
 RNA can form two strands if necessary
 tRNA is especially likely to undergo this transformation
 RNA and DNA follow identical base-pairing rules
 Adenine pairs with uracil
 Cytosine pairs with guanine
 Hydrogen bonds connect nitrogenous bases in both DNA and RNA
 RNA stores information for protein synthesis
 In eukaryotes, DNA always remains in the nucleus
 It condenses during cell division
 DNA disperses during gene expression
 Transcription occurs when mRNA transfers the DNA genetic code to ribosomes167
 Eukaryotic and prokaryotic transcription are almost identical
 However, transcription occurs in the nucleus in eukaryotes
Kornberg was quite the accomplished scientist. He was the first to isolate DNA polymerase, the first to synthesize DNA in a test tube,
and the first to replicate virus DNA in vitro.
No daddy issues there, nope.—Josephine
Remember that in RNA, uracil replaces thymine.
Some viruses (including HIV) can transcribe RNA into DNA through reverse transcription
Science Power Guide | 60
Before transcription can occur, the DNA must unzip itself
 Only one strand of DNA serves as a template
Transcription involves three steps
RNA polymerase binds the promoter region
Nucleotides are added to the RNA strand
The RNA strand separates from the DNA template once it reaches a termination factor
In eukaryotes, RNA then undergoes further modification and maturation
 Two extra nucleotides known as a cap and a poly A tail attach to both ends of the
The poly A tail is a long nucleotide consisting of adenine
Both facilitate mRNA transport and prevents degradation of the mRNA molecule
 RNA splicing removes sequences of introns
This process then stiches the exons portions together
Exons can combine in many ways to create a variety of mRNA transcripts and
Thus, cells can produce many more types of proteins than there are genes in the
human genome
 Finally, the RNA molecule detaches and moves into the cytoplasm
 The DNA structure returns to its normal double-stranded shape
 During protein synthesis, tRNA “translates” the genetic code into the language of proteins
 Translation occurs in three stages
mRNA binds to a small ribosomal subunit
The first tRNA carrying methionine binds to the start codon on the
A large ribosomal subunit binds to the smaller to create a P site
The tRNA can then "dock" at this site
The next tRNA docks at the A site
The new amino acid forms a peptide bond with the first amino acid
The first tRNA exits the ribosome
The second tRNA moves from the A site to the P site, allowing the
next tRNA to enter
The translation process ends when a stop codon is encountered
The peptide chain detaches from the ribosome
The ribosomal complex disassembles
Science Power Guide | 61
Some proteins require modification before they are sent to their final destination
through the endomembrane system
 Certain amino acids may be removed
 Any of five types of molecules may be added
Metal ions
 During transcription, RNA splicing removes non-coding regions of RNA
These discarded pieces of RNA have many regulatory roles within the cell
 Ribozyme is involved in post-transcription RNA processing and protein synthesis
It can also splice itself
Thomas Cech and Sidney Altman discovered this molecule
They noticed that RNA could act as an enzyme or catalyst
Cech and Altman won the 1989 Nobel Prize for their studies of RNA’s
catalytic activities
The discovery of ribozyme led to the development of the RNA world hypothesis
According to this theory, RNA was the first genetic material
This theory also explains why RNA can perform multiple cellular tasks
 Micro RNA (miRNA) is a single-stranded discarded product of transcription
 Short interfering RNA (siRNA or RNAi) is produced when enzymes digest doublestranded RNA168
This molecule can regulate gene expression through several methods
Splicing newly
transcribed RNA
Enhancing RNA
Adding methyl
groups to DNA
to activate or
Some forms of miRNA and siRNA are involved in both cancer formation and
defense against DNA and RNA viruses
Other nucleotide-related molecules also contribute to cellular metabolism
 Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the cell’s source of energy
ATP serves as a substrate for cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cyclic AMP)
This molecule is a second messenger in the signaling pathway
 Cells draw energy from guanosine triphosphate (GTP) during protein synthesis
GTP is also vital in the signal transduction pathway
siRNA molecules are as short as it gets for a RNA molecule, as they are usually only 20-25 base pairs in length.
Science Power Guide | 62
Modern Molecular Genetics
 Applications of Genetics
 Biotechnology uses molecular biology to manufacture useful products, improve the
human standard of living and to tackle environmental challenges
 Genetic breakthroughs have revolutionized many fields
Medical practice
 One key development is the recombination of genes and DNA
This is a common process in nature
 In the process of conjugation, one bacterium transfers its DNA to another
The host bacterium integrates the newly transferred DNA into its own genome
 Viruses can also inject their own genes into the host genome to survive and
 However, scientists did not know how this process occurred until the early 1970s
After understanding DNA recombination, scientists next sought to manipulate genes
 Gene manipulation is known as genetic engineering
 Scientists first developed a method of cutting and pasting desired genes into a DNA
 They could then choose to mass produce the gene or to transform an organism
DNA recombination and gene manipulation requires the use of restriction enzymes
 All species possess these enzymes
 They cut DNA between nucleotides in a specific nucleotide pattern
 For example, Hind III cuts between two A’s in the pattern AAGCTT
This cut will produce a stand-alone A and the fragment AGCTT
In the 1950s, Swiss geneticist Werner Arber169 discovered restriction enzymes
 He isolated enzymes that could recognize specific DNA sequences
 However, he could only cut randomly through the DNA
Hamilton Smith of Johns Hopkins University discovered endonuclease R
 This enzyme can cut DNA at specific locations
 Arber, Smith, and Smith's co-researcher Daniel Nathans won the 1978 Nobel Prize in
Physiology or Medicine for their work on restriction enzymes
 Mass production of DNA
 Scientists had to learn to mass produce DNA before developing real-world applications of
recombination DNA technology
 The polymer chain reaction (PCR) is one such process
USAD typo here—Arber’s name is spelled “Werner Aber” on page 70 and 71 of the Science Resource Guide.
Science Power Guide | 63
Kary Mullis170 discovered this process in the 1980s
He won the 1993 Nobel Prize for this achievement
The starting reaction mixture includes genomic DNA, primers, and the four types of nucleotides
This mixture is heated to 95° C
The hydrogen bonds break, separating the two strands of DNA
The mixture is cooled to between 50° and 60°C
The primers bind to their respective complementary sequences on the individual DNA strands
Extension (Elongation)
The mixture is heated to between 72° and 80°C (the optimal temperature for Taq polymerase)
The polymerase is added to the mixture
Primers initiate the continued addition of nucleotides to the DNA strands
PCR works because heat easily breaks the hydrogen bonds between two DNA
Thus, the DNA polymerase must be able to withstand high heat levels
 Thomas Brock discovered the heat-resistant Taq polymerase in the 1960s
These enzymes can be found in thermophilic171 bacteria near hot springs
 PCR requires several ingredients
Double-stranded genomic DNA serves as the template
Chemically-synthesized primers complement the nucleotide sequence at each
end of the DNA strands
Nucleotides serve as building blocks and substrates for the polymerase
 PCR can be repeated many times
Repetition exponentially increases the total amount of DNA
Fewer than 30 cycles can produce over one million copies of DNA
 PCR has been used in diagnosis, research, and forensic science
 Scientists first used recombinant DNA technology to treat diabetes
 In ordinary human adults, the pancreas produces the hormone insulin
 Insulin regulates blood sugar levels
Blood sugar levels must stay relatively constant
 After a person eats, insulin helps transport the increased levels of blood glucose to
body cells
The cells then use glucose to manufacture ATP
 Diabetic patients cannot produce or process insulin
 These patients require frequent insulin injections
The second most famous person to graduate from my high school. (Do you need to ask who the first is?) - Josephine
The Greek word “thermophilic” loosely translates to “heat lover”. These bacteria thrive at temperatures between 113° and 252 °F.
Science Power Guide | 64
Unfortunately, insulin is difficult to synthesize either chemically or biochemically
In addition, human insulin is difficult to obtain172
Insulin from pigs, sheep, or cows can be
used to treat diabetic patients
Type I
Type II
 Their insulin amino acid sequence and
structure is similar to that of humans
 However, the body eventually builds
The pancreas
Body cells do
resistance to the injected insulin
cannot produce
not respond to
The immune system detects
differences between the animal and
human insulin
The body produces antibodies against the animal insulin
Insulin resistance greatly reduces the effectiveness of the insulin injections
Scientists can produce insulin with recombinant DNA technology
 A restriction enzyme cuts through the insulin gene
The gene is then injected into a bacterium plasmid
This process incorporates the gene into the host genome
When the bacterium reproduces, the insulin replicates as well
 This technology is highly cost-effective
Recombinant DNA technology has been used to treat several other diseases
Drug produced
Disease/Disorder treated
Growth hormone
Short stature
 Humans share 99.9% of nucleotide sequences
3.1 million base pair differences make up the final 0.1%
These differences are caused by a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)
 A single point mutation changes just one nucleotide
 Restriction enzymes can recognize and cut these nucleotide differences
When a restriction enzyme cuts the DNA of two individuals, two different DNA
fragments form
The cut DNA fragment will match either the mother’s or the father’s genome
This DNA match is the basic principle of genetic variation and DNA
 DNA fingerprinting has revolutionized the criminal justice system
 Its technical name is restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)
 Law enforcement officers use RFLP to establish physical evidence
 This evidence can convict or exonerate a suspect
 This technique has wide applications
Paternity and
Identification of
Exoneration of
those wrongly
Just thinking about an insulin donation gives me the shivers. Ugh, the needles!—Eric
Recall that in optimal conditions, bacteria can divide every twenty minutes.
Science Power Guide | 65
RFLP uses PCR, restriction enzyme digestion, and agarose gel electrophoresis
 PCR amplifies the DNA sample
Usually, very little DNA remains at a crime scene
Crime scene DNA can come from several sources
In order to analyze DNA fragments, restriction enzymes must first digest the DNA
Then, agarose gel electrophoresis organizes a person’s unique pattern of DNA
Different DNA fragments come from different individuals
The fragments migrate across a chamber filled with gel
This chamber has an electric field
The DNA fragments move towards the field's positive pole
DNA is an acid that donates hydrogen ions174
It will become negatively charged when placed in the electric field
The agarose gel acts as a molecular “sieve” that filters DNA fragments
This gel has a texture175 similar to Jell-O
Smaller pieces of DNA will move faster than larger fragments
Once the gel filters all the DNA, the suspect’s “ladder” pattern can be compared
with DNA recovered at a crime scene
DNA migrates towards
the positive pole of
the electric field
Agarose gel is placed in a
electric field with a buffer
The restrictiondigested DNA
fragments are placed
in a well
A ladder pattern
of DNA bands
 Genetic Modification
 Humans have attempted to genetically modify other species since first domesticating
animals 10,000 years ago
 We have selectively bred animals and plants for many reasons
To increase food
To produce
To provide
To fight wars
Early geneticists practiced genetic modification as well
 Mendel sought special traits in his pea plants for commercial purposes
By definition, an acid is a substance that, when placed in water, increases the water’s concentration of hydrogen ions.
But sadly not taste.
Science Power Guide | 66
Darwin was an expert in artificial selection
He was a pigeon breeder
 Previously, selective breeding required natural
phenotypes and processes
 Genetic engineering rapidly expanded the scope of
selective breeding
 Genes could be isolated, identified, cloned, and
transferred between individuals and species
 Today, genetic engineering has several key applications
 Increase agriculture production
 Increase the production of rare drugs
 Aid in biomedical research
 Genetically modifying an organism is similar to
genetically modifying a gene
 However, in organisms, the desired gene must be
injected into the germ line or fertilized egg
 This injection ensures all of an offspring’s somatic
cells and gametes will express the desired gene
Methods of inserting
foreign genes into an
Microinjecting the cloned DNA or transgene into the pronucleus
of the sperm or oocyte
Transferring the through a virus (retrovirus infection)
Injecting transformed embryoni stem cells into an early embryo
 Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have many uses176
Producing drugs
and vaccines
resistance to
pests and
nutrient content
of crops
Reducing costs
of agriculture
and drug
environmentalresistant crops
 However, much debate surrounds the genetic modification of organisms
However, GMOs may pose risks to human health, other species, and the environment177
 Genetic modifications may cause allergic reactions in humans
 The long-term effects of these modifications on metabolism are still unknown
 New frontiers in genetics
 Epigenetics is the study of environmental and chemical factors that alter gene expression178
 These factors affect the inheritance of traits without altering the DNA sequence
 Scientists have long known that environment can influence individual traits
 Identical twins
share the same genes, but can have different traits
In the SmartArt below, “environmental-resistant” means resistant to environmental stressors such as drought.
Emphasis on the may: there is currently no scientifically accepted evidence against the use of GMOs.
The definition USAD gives in the text itself differs slightly from the glossary entry at the back of the Resource Guide. I’ve gone with
the latter here, as it appears to be in agreement with numerous online sources.
Or if you want to be fancy, monozygotic twins.
Science Power Guide | 67
Daughter cells can inherit environmentally modified genes180
 If the specific gene is found in a germ cell, future generations can also have the trait
 Chemicals influence our genes in two ways
 In DNA methylation, an extra methyl group CH  is added to the DNA backbone
This addition can either activate or inactivate the gene
If the methyl group binds to a nucleotide sequence, transcription my not occur
The methyl group can interfere with proteins
These proteins include the transcription factors that attach to the promoter
region of the gene
 Chemicals can also bind histones more tightly or loosely to DNA
Genes can be turned off or exposed to transcription factors and turned on
A genetic disease may occur if histones are modified in a coding region
 Cancer, diabetes, mental illnesses, and other diseases can be traced to epigenetic changes
 The mechanisms and factors of epigenetics are still little understood
Scientists made numerous genetic breakthroughs in the second half of the 20th century
 Stanford University scientists Paul Berg, Herbert Boyer, and Stanley Norman Cohen
identified, cloned, and sequenced many disease genes
 Many geneticists won Nobel Prizes
 Frederick Sanger won a second Nobel in 1980 for his work on DNA sequencing
The Human Genome Project (HGP) coordinated the efforts of individual geneticists to
sequence the entire human genome
 Scientists sought to map the location of all human genes on chromosomes
 They wanted to create linkage maps that showed all possible inherited traits
The National Institutes of Health and the Department of Energy were its primary funders
 James Watson was appointed the first director of the National Center for Human
Genome Research in 1989183
 The HGP eventually became a joint public-private competition
 Celera Genomics founder J. Craig Venter played a vital role in the project
New techniques such as RFLP, PCR, and synthetic bacterial and yeast chromosomes arose
during the project
 These techniques led to several re-adjustments of research goals and timelines
 The HGP was successfully completed ahead of schedule and below budget
Francis Collins presented a draft with 90% of the completed genome sequence in June 2000
 Collins had directed the sequencing of the cystic fibrosis gene in 1999
 He succeeded Watson as the head of the National Center for Human Genome Research
 Scientists published the entire human sequence in 2003
The HGP has offered scientists a better understanding of the human genome184
Turns out Lamarck may have been on to something after all.
According to “Molecular Signals of Epigenetic States”, a research paper by Robert Bonasio, et al., an epigenetic system should have the
potential to be passed from parents to offspring indefinitely, but should also be reversible. Scientists do not agree on whether histone
modification is a true epigenetic system, as “it is likely that relatively few of these modifications…will be self-perpetuating and inherited.”
If your curiosity has been piqued, check out this article:
This organization was created in 1989 as the National Institutes of Health’s component of the HGP.
USAD states that the Y chromosome is the smallest (pg. 78 of the Resource Guide), but the National Institutes of Health website
points to chromosome 21 as the smallest.
Science Power Guide | 68
The human genome contains about 3.1 billion nucleotides
Humans have about 22,5000 genes
Each gene contains about 3,000 base pairs
All humans carry about 99.9% of the same genome
Half of the human genome consists of repeating non‐coding sequences
The purposes of these sequences are still unknown
Coding regions make up only about 2% of our genome
Mutations occur more often in males
Human chromosomes have randomly distributed "gene rich" and "gene poor" regions
In contrast, most other species have genes that are approximately evenly distributed
Humans, flies, and roundworms share the majority of their gene families
However humans have an expanded gene family and a wider range of proteins
Alternative splicing of mRNA and post‐translational modification allow human intracellular molecules to
perform a variety of functions
Single nucleotide polymorphisms occurs at 1.4 million locations in the human genome
These areas can potentially be used to trace human evolution
They may also help us locate disease genes for new therapies
Chromosome 1 is the largest, with nearly 3,000 genes
The Y chromosome is the smallest, with about 200 genes
 HGP scientists believed the project had
Employers and insurance companies should not use
many ethical, legal, and social
genomic information to discriminate in employment
health care coverage
information should be used and interpreted
 They advocated genetic privacy
 The HGP project has also changed
how diseases are diagnosed and
The benefits of genomic research must be distributed
across all areas of society
 This change affects the use of
pre-implementation and prenatal genomic diagnosis
 The HGP may be only the tip of the iceberg
 Functional genomics and proteomics are the current genetic frontiers
 Functional genomics seeks to understand how proteins interact with DNA
 Proteomics
seeks to understand how proteins interact with other proteins188
Over 2,000 genetic tests for human conditions have been developed as a result of the HGP.
For more information about the HGP’s impact on human life, check out
Proteomics is a blend of the words “protein” and “genome”.
Current research in this field involves mimicking a missing protein or altering the shape of a defective one. Scientists hope to use this
knowledge to develop “personalized” forms of cancer drugs (among other diseases) that will be more effective and have fewer side effects.
Science Power Guide | 69
The field of genetics stretches from Greek philosophers’ first
attempts at analyzing inheritance two thousand years ago to
Mendel’s studies of pea plants, from the modern evolutionary
synthesis to the Human Genome Project.
 According to the USAD outline, 0
questions should come from the
 0 questions come from the Conclusion on
the USAD Science Practice Test.
 The Conclusion covers pg. 81 of the USAD
Science Resource Guide
The USAD Science Guide, in One Page
 Another Brief History of Genetics
 Scientists first hypothesized about the inheritance of traits over two thousand years ago
 However, the scientific study of inheritance did not begin until the early 20 century
 Scientists called this study “genetics”
 Modern biology builds upon Mendelian inheritance and Darwinian evolution
 This era began with the discovery of DNA’s structure and function
 The Human Genome Project, completed in 2003, is one of many recent genetic
 For the first time, scientists understood that all human diseases have genetic roots
 Scientists hope that the completed project will lead to treatments for many diseases
 Genetics in a Nutshell
 Section I reviews the structure and processes of cells
 It details the life cycles of both single cell and multicellular organisms
 It also covers the stages of cell division and gamete production in sexually reproducing
 This section ends with a discussion of cell cycle regulation and malfunction
 Section II breaks down Mendel’s studies and three laws of inheritance
 Mutations, gene location, and differences in gene regulation can affect Mendelian
 Simple trait inheritance is only one of many possible patterns of inheritance
 Scientists study these patterns to broaden their understanding of genetic diseases
They need to understand the origins of these diseases before developing
effective treatments
 Section III analyzes modern trends in the study of genetics
 It details the connection between genetics and evolution
 Genetics provide much of the evidence for evolution
 This section also explains historically important experiments that analyzed the physical
nature of genes and inheritance
 Genetics today has revolutionized agriculture, disease treatment and diagnosis, and the
criminal justice system
 However, modern applications of genetics carry a wide range of ethical, social, and
legal implications
Science Power Guide | 70
All numbers in parentheses refer to the page numbers of the USAD Resource Guide189 where you can find the
original context of the defined term.
Albrecht Kossel (54)
German chemist
Identified the four nitrogenous bases of DNA
Won the 1910 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Worked at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Determined that viruses pass DNA, not proteins, to their
Won the 1969 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Thomas Morgan’s student
Developed the first gene linkage map
Theorized that genes are arranged linearly on
Observed the distance between two linked genes is directly
proportional to the probability of crossing over between
Archibald Edward Garrod (8,
British physician
Discovered the first genetic disease (alkaptonuria) in 1902
Aristotle (6)
Greek philosopher
Published History of Animals and Generation of Animals
Hypothesized that an offspring was the product of the
parents’ co-mingled blood
Biochemist at Stanford University
Won the 1959 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Studied DNA and RNA synthesis
German developmental biologist
First scientist to link meiosis, sexual reproduction, and
genetic variation
Experimented on mice
Disproved pangenesis, blending inheritance, and
Lamarckian inheritance
Developed the germ plasm theory of heredity
Theorized that crossing over during meiosis led to genetic
Alfred Hershey (57)
Alfred Sturtevant (8, 46, 78)
Arthur Kornberg (65)
August Weismann (50, 51)
Some editions may vary, particularly those offered to schools as digital subscriptions.
Science Power Guide | 71
Carl Erich Correns (7, 37)
Colin MacLeod (57)
Daniel Nathans (71)
Edith Rebecca Saunders (45)
Edmund Wilson (8)
Edouard van Beneden (7)
Eduard Strasburger (7)
Edwin Chargaff (58)
Erich von TschermakSeysenegg (7, 37)
German botanist and geneticist
Investigated effect of extra-chromosomal factors on
physical traits
Studied garden peas
Published a 1900 paper referencing Mendel’s law of
segregation and independent assortment
Oswald Avery’s colleague
Demonstrated that Griffith’s “transforming principle” was
DNA, not protein
Worked with Hamilton Smith on restriction enzyme
Shared the 1978 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
with Werner Arber and Hamilton Smith
British botanist and plant geneticist
Conducted dihybrid crosses of sweet peas with William
Bateson and Reginald Punnett
Discovered linked genes
American embryologist
Discovered the difference between male and female sex
Observed that sex-linked traits do not follow Mendel’s law
of independent assortment
Belgian scientist
Developed a technique for staining a cell’s nucleus and
Polish scientist
Developed a technique for staining a cell’s nucleus and
Compared DNA from different organisms
Used paper chromatography and enzymes to analyze the
nucleotide composition of DNA molecules
Discredited Levene’s “tetranucleotide” hypothesis
Developed Chargaff’s rule of base pairing
Austrian scientist
Grandson of Mendel’s biology professor at the University
of Vienna
Confirmed Mendel’s 3:1 phenotype ratio through plant
breeding experiments
Published his research in June 1900
Science Power Guide | 72
Ernst Mayr (54)
Estella Elinor Carothers (9)
Francis Collins (79)
Francis Crick (58-60)
Franklin Stahl (61)
Frederick Griffith (56)
Evolutionary biologist
Proposed the “biological species concept”
Published The Evolutionary Synthesis
First scientist to present cytological evidence for the
independent assortment of chromosomes
Observed cell division in grasshopper testes
Led the 1999 sequencing of the cystic fibrosis gene
Succeeded James Watson as director of the Human
Genome Project
Developed the double helix DNA model and semiconservative model of DNA replication
Shared the 1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
with Watson and Wilkins
Worked at the same research institute as Wilkins and
Molecular biologist
Confirmed the semiconservative model of DNA replication
English microbiologist
Studied the smooth S- and rough R-strain of S.
Believed that the transfer of a “transforming principle”
allowed the R-strain to acquire a heat-resistant substance
from the S-strain
Frederick Sanger (78)
Won his 2nd Nobel Prize (in Chemistry) in 1980 for
developing DNA sequencing techniques
Friedrich Miescher (54)
Swiss biochemist
Discovered nucleic acid in 1869
British mathematician
One of two developers of the Hardy-Weinberg theorem
Austrian monk and founder of genetics
Grew up on a farm
Studied at the University of Vienna with Tschermak’s
Failed the teacher certification examination twice
Became an ordained minister at a Brno monastery in 1847
Observed 30,000 pea plants from 1856 to 1864
Developed the three laws of genetics
Published Experiments on Plant Hybridization in 1868
G.H. Hardy (52)
Gregor Mendel (5, 6, 28, 30,
33, 35, 48, 80, 82)
Science Power Guide | 73
Hamilton Smith (71)
Hippocrates (6)
Hugo de Vries (7, 37)
J.B.S. Haldane (9)
James Watson (58-60, 79)
Joseph Kolreuter (6)
Karl Landsteiner (42)
Kary Mullis (73)
Linus Pauling (59)
Researcher at Johns Hopkins University
Discovered endonuclease R
Shared the 1978 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
with Daniel Nathans and Werner Arber
Greek philosopher
Developed the theory of pangenesis
Dutch botanist and geneticist
Studied the role of mutations in evolution
Developed a plant-breeding program similar to Mendel’s
Acknowledged Mendel’s prior genetics research in a 1900
British evolutionary biologist
Co-founder of population genetics and modern
evolutionary synthesis
Developed the double helix DNA model and semiconservative model of DNA replication
Shared the 1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
with Wilkins and Crick
Worked at the same research institute as Wilkins and
First head of the National Center for Human Genome
Directed the Human Genome Project
First scientist to study genetic crosses
Used tobacco plants to support Hippocrates’s idea of
pangenesis in the 1760s
Austrian scientist
Studied the agglutination patterns of different blood types
Discovered the ABO blood typing system
Won the 1930 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Developed the polymerase chain reaction process in the
Won the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Won the 1954 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his “research
into the nature of the chemical bond and its application
to the elucidation of the structure of complex substances”
Developed a molecular model building technique used by
Watson and Crick
Science Power Guide | 74
Maclyn McCarty (57)
Martha Chase (57)
Matthew Meselson (61)
Maurice Wilkins (60)
Michael Dawson (56)
Nettie Stevens (8)
Oswald Avery (56)
Phoebus Levene (54)
Plato (6)
Oswald Avery’s colleague
Demonstrated that Griffith’s “transforming principle” was
DNA, not protein
Worked at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Alfred Hershey’s assistant
Determined that viruses pass DNA, not proteins, to their
Molecular biologist
Confirmed the semiconservative model of DNA replication
Rosalind Franklin’s colleague
Published a 1953 paper in Nature with Franklin’s X-ray
Shared the 1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
with Watson and Crick
Scientist at Columbia University
Replicated Frederick Griffith’s experiment in a test tube
American embryologist
Discovered the difference between male and female sex
Scientist at Rockefeller University
Studied the chemical composition of S. Pneumoniae
Theorized that the polysaccharides in the bacteria’s
capsule stimulated antibody production in infected
Chemically analyzed the “transforming principle” and
confirmed that it was DNA
Russian-American biochemist
Worked with Albrecht Kossel
Identified deoxyribose as a part of DNA
Concluded that DNA is a long-chain polynucleotide
consisting of sugar, phosphate, and nitrogenous bases
Proposed the erroneous “tetranucleotide” hypothesis
Greek philosopher
Theorized about reproduction, embryonic development,
and heredity
Science Power Guide | 75
Reginald Punnett (8, 40, 45)
Richard Sia (56)
Roger Kornberg (65)
Ronald A. Fisher (9, 53)
Rosalind Franklin (58, 59)
Severo Ochoa (65)
Sewall Wright (9)
Sidney Altman (69)
British geneticist
Conducted dihybrid crosses of sweet peas with William
Bateson and Edith Rebecca Saunders
Discovered linked genes
Creator of the Punnett square
Scientist at Columbia University
Replicated Frederick Griffith’s experiment in a test tube
Researcher at Stanford University
Arthur Kornberg’s son
Won a Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Discovered DNA transcription
British statistician and geneticist
Co-founder of population genetics and modern
evolutionary synthesis
Controversially supported eugenics
Trained in biometry
Statistically analyzed genetic variations within a
Published a revolutionary 1918 paper on the inheritance
of quantitative traits
Maurice Wilkins’s colleague
Worked at the same research institute as Watson and
Studied and refined X-ray crystallography
Produced images of the DNA molecule that Crick and
Watson used in their research
Researcher at New York University
Won the 1959 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Studied DNA and RNA synthesis
Arthur Kornberg’s mentor
American geneticist
Co-founder of population genetics and modern
evolutionary synthesis
Studied the enzymatic and catalytic activities of RNA
Developed the RNA world hypothesis
Shared the 1989 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Thomas
Science Power Guide | 76
Socrates (6)
Theodor Boveri (7)
Theodosius Dobzhansky (54)
Greek philosopher
Theorized about reproduction, embryonic development,
and heredity
German scientist
Observed the segregation of chromosomes during
Theorized that chromosomes transferred genetic material
between generations
Evolutionary biologist
Worked with Morgan in the 1930s
Wrote Genetics and the Origin of Species
Defined evolution as “a change in allele frequency within a
gene pool”
Theorized mutation was the driving force behind
Thomas Brock (73)
Discovered Taq polymerase in the 1960s
Thomas Cech (69)
Studied the enzymatic and catalytic activities of RNA
developed the RNA world hypothesis
Shared the 1989 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Sidney
Confirmed the existence of linked genes
Demonstrated that linked genes existed on the sex
Studied and experimented with fruit flies
Induced fruit flies to produce a new species through the
use of X-rays, temperature, and chemicals
Developed the first gene linkage map
Theorized that genes are linearly arranged on
Won the 1933 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
American scientist
Observed the segregation of chromosomes during
Theorized that chromosomes transferred genetic material
between generations
German scientist
Developed a technique for staining a cell’s nucleus and
First scientist to use the word “mitosis” to describe cell
Thomas Hunt Morgan (8, 9,
37, 45, 46, 51, 54, 78)
Walter Sutton (7)
Walther Flemming (7, 50)
Science Power Guide | 77
Werner Aber (71, 72)
Wilhelm Weinberg (52)
William Bateson (8, 44, 45)
William Castle (52)
Swiss geneticist
Isolated enzymes that could “read” specific DNA
Shared the 1978 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
with Daniel Nathans and Hamilton Smith
German physician
One of two developers of the Hardy-Weinberg theorem
British geneticist
Conducted dihybrid crosses of sweet peas with Edith
Rebecca Saunders and Reginald Punnett
Discovered linked genes
Translated Mendel’s works into English
American geneticist
Theorized that allele frequencies would remain constant if
no natural selection occurred
Thick layer of polysaccharides
Attaches to the cell wall of bacteria
Traps nutrients
Defends bacteria from host immune system
Barrier found outside the plasma membrane
Protects the cell from environmental changes
Made of peptidoglycan (prokaryotes) or cellulose (plants)
Found in plants and certain protists
Acts as a lysosome in single-celled protists
Maintains turgor pressure on cell walls
Stores pigments and wastes
Maintains proper water and salt levels within the cell
Capsule (13, 56)
Cell wall (9, 11, 13, 18, 19,
20, 22)
Central vacuole (16, 18)
Centriole (17, 18)
Anchors the spindle fibers during cell division
Centromere (18, 20-22, 24,
Sister chromatids join together here
Spindle fibers also attach here during cell division
Centrosome (17-19, 21, 22)
Functions as a microtubule organizing center
Consists of many centrioles
Science Power Guide | 78
Chloroplast (17, 29, 47, 49)
Found only in plants and photosynthetic protists
Transforms solar energy into ATP through photosynthesis
Contains chlorophyll pigments
Can self-replicate
Contains its own DNA and ribosomes
Surrounded by a double layer of membranes
Believed to have descended from symbiotic prokaryotes
living within eukaryotic cells
Chromosome (7, 8, 9, 11, 13,
15, 16, 18- 29, 31-33, 36, 37,
39, 45-47, 49- 51, 54, 57, 60,
61, 76-80)
Molecule consisting of DNA, RNA, and proteins
Found within the nucleus
Stores genetic information
Always found in pairs (see homologous chromosomes)
Cilia (17)
Small projections on the plasma membrane
Consist of microtubule bundles
Assist in cell locomotion and surface adhesion
Region of the cell surface
LDL molecule clusters near this region before entering the
cell through endocytosis
Aqueous medium that houses all subcellular organelles
Stores minerals, salts, and vitamins
Location of most cellular activities
System of fibers
Acts as the cell’s muscle and skeleton
Responsible for cell movement, organelle organization,
and cytokinesis
Consists of microtubules, intermediate filaments, and
Coated pit (42)
Cytoplasm (12-20, 22, 24,
25, 67, 68, 80)
Cytoskeleton (15, 17, 67)
Cytosol (12, 14, 16)
Fluid portion of the cytoplasm
Endomembrane system (16,
Responsible for modifying and specializing non-cytosolic
Includes the nuclear envelope, rough and smooth ER,
Golgi apparatus, and transport vesicles
Whip-like structures
Allow the cell to move in aqueous environments
Contain one or two large tails
Found in sperm cells
Consist of microtubule bundles
Flagella (11, 13, 17)
Science Power Guide | 79
Golgi apparatus (16, 20, 68)
Group of membranous sacs
Modifies, packages, and ships proteins to their final
Receives proteins from the rough ER
Also known as the Golgi complex or body
Intermediate filament (15,
Stabilizes and maintains organelle position
Structure resembles the steel cables of suspension bridges
Kinetochore (21, 22, 24, 25)
Protein structure
Only appears during mitosis and meiosis
Spindle fibers attach here to pull sister chromatids apart
Protein molecule
Found on the cell surface
Recognizes and internalizes LDL molecules
Mutations in the LDL receptor gene prevent this protein
from binding and clustering LDL
Digests food particles through endocytosis
Eliminates aged and worn cellular structures through
Only found in animal cells
Thinnest of the three cytoskeletal elements
Plays a key role in many cellular procedures
Largest of three cytoskeletal elements
Provides intracellular support
Transports molecules throughout the cell
Acts as a spindle fiber during cell division
Forms the “backbone” of cilia and flagella
Attached to centrosomes in animal cells
Controls energy production
Used to trace the female lineage
Male mitochondrial DNA is located in the middle of the
sperm and destroyed during fertilization
Found only in animal cells
Produces ATP molecules through cellular respiration
Can self-replicate
Contains its own DNA and ribosomes
Surrounded by a double-layer of membranes
Believed to have descended from symbiotic prokaryotes
living within eukaryotic cells
LDL receptor (42, 64)
Lysosome (16, 20)
Microfilament (15, 17, 22)
Microtubule (15, 17-19, 21,
22, 24)
Mitochondrial DNA (48)
Mitochondrion (17, 29, 47,
Science Power Guide | 80
Nucleoid (10, 12, 13, 32, 60)
Stores prokaryotic genetic material
Houses a single circular DNA molecule
Round, granular structure
Found in the nucleus
Consists of protein and RNA
Produces ribosomal RNA
Nucleus (7, 9-21, 24, 25, 28,
29, 31, 32, 47-49, 54, 60, 6568, 77, 80)
Stores genetic information in eukaryotic cells
Sends mRNA to ribosomes
Location of the nucleolus
Pili (13)
Appendages that surround some bacteria
Shorter and finer than flagella
Allow surface adhesion
Also known as fimbriae
Semi-permeable barrier surrounding the cell
Consists of a double layer of phospholipids
Has protein channels that allow molecules to enter and
exit the cell
Isolated DNA molecule found only in prokaryotes
Can self-replicate
Can carry beneficial foreign genes
Circular in shape
Complex of ribosomal RNA and around 36190 proteins
Serves as the cell’s protein “factory”
Is either cytosolic (free-floating in the cytosol) or attached
to the rough ER
Acronym for rough endoplasmic reticulum
The first destination for non-cytosolic proteins after
Rugged surface texture due to presence of ribosomes
Acronym for smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Contains no ribosomes
Synthesizes lipids, steroids, and carbohydrates
Detoxifies poisons that enter the cell
Nucleolus (16, 20, 22, 24, 65)
Plasma membrane (10, 1317, 19, 29, 42)
Plasmid (13, 75)
Ribosome (13, 14, 16, 17, 60,
61, 65, 67-69, 80)
Rough ER (16)
Smooth ER (16)
USAD says that ribosomes “are composed of more than seventy different types of protein” on page 16 of the Resource Guide.
Science Power Guide | 81
Vesicle (12, 16, 21, 22)
“Pinched off” piece of plasma membrane
Stores and transports proteins
Produced by the endomembrane system
1794 (47)
John Dalton describes colorblindness
1831 (50)
Charles Darwin embarks on his voyage around the world
on the H.M.S. Beagle
1836 (50)
Charles Darwin concludes his voyage around the world on
the H.M.S. Beagle
1854 (30, 31)
Gregor Mendel begins his pea plant experiments
1859 (50)
Charles Darwin publishes On the Origin of Species by
Means of Natural Selection
1865 (31)
Gregor Mendel concludes his pea plant experiments
1866 (7, 36, 48)
Gregor Mendel publishes Experiments on Plant
1868 (37, 42)
Gregor Mendel becomes prelate of the Brno monastery
Karl Landsteiner is born
1869 (54, 65)
Friedrich Miescher discovers nucleic acid
1878 (7, 50)
Walther Flemming observes and describes the behavior of
chromosomes during mitosis
1884 (37)
Gregor Mendel dies
1890 (37)
Hugo de Vries begins to study mutation and plant
1900 (7, 28, 37, 44, 48, 51,
Hugo de Vries, Carl Correns, and Erich Tschermak publish
research papers confirming Mendel’s laws
1902 (7, 9, 38, 52)
Udny Yule discovers that the allele frequencies in a
population will always add to one
Archibald Garrod describes alkaptonuria, the first disease
linked to genes
Walter Sutton and Theodor Boveri develop the
chromosome theory of inheritance
William Castle theorizes that allele frequencies would
remain constant if no natural selection occurred
1903 (52)
Science Power Guide | 82
1910 (45, 54)
1918 (9, 53, 55)
Sex chromosomes are discovered191
Albrecht Kossel wins the Nobel Prize in Chemistry
R.A. Fisher publishes a paper on the inheritance of
quantitative traits
World War I ends
Spanish influenza pandemic begins
1928 (56)
Frederick Griffith describes a substance that can pass traits
from one organism to another as a “transforming
1930s and 1940s (53)
Scientists seek to unify evolution and genetics
1933 (46, 56)
Oswald Avery studies the chemical composition of
Streptococcus pneumoniae
1943 (42, 43)
Barry/Chaplin case is brought to court
1950s (10, 70, 71)
Stanley Miller and Harold Urey show that inorganic
molecules could form organic molecules under early Earth
Werner Arber isolates restriction enzymes
1952 (57, 58)
Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase determine that viruses
transfer DNA, not protein, to their hosts
1953 (58, 60, 65)
James Watson and Francis Crick develop the double helix
DNA model
1958 (61)
Matthew Meselson and Franklin Stahl experimentally
prove the semiconservative model of DNA replication
1960s (73)
Thomas Brock discovers Taq polymerase in thermophilic
1962 (60)
Francis Crick, James Watson, and Maurice Wilkins win the
Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine
1969 (58)
Alfred Hershey and two other scientists win the Nobel
Prize in Physiology or Medicine
1970 (41, 71)
The Southwest Medical Center admits 14-year-old J.D.,
who is suffering from high blood cholesterol levels
1970s (71)
Scientists discover the mechanisms behind bacterial
1980s (73)
Kary Mullis develops the polymer chain reaction process
The article “Sex Chromosomes and Sex Determination” by Ilona Miko asserts that Edmund Wilson first linked sex determination to
the X chromosome (discovered by C.E. McClung in 1901) in 1905. See
Recall that bacteria can transfer genetic material through direct cell-to-cell contact or a bridge-like connection. This process is known
as conjugation.
Science Power Guide | 83
1984 (43)
Courtrooms first use DNA fingerprinting
1989 (70, 79)
James Watson heads the National Center for Human
Genome Research
Sidney Altman and Thomas Cech share the Nobel Prize in
1999 (79)
Francis Watson leads the sequencing of the cystic fibrosis
2000 (79)
Scientists reveal a rough draft of the Human Genome
2003 (38, 79, 80)
Scientists complete the Human Genome Project
0 (45)
Number of white-eyed female fruit fly offspring when
Morgan crossed a red-eyed F1 male and red-eyed F1
3 (37)
Maximum number of traits Mendel crossed at the same
4 (11, 12, 20, 23-26, 29, 36,
40, 54, 55, 60, 64, 66, 73)
Number of haploid daughter cells produced by meiosis
Number of ATP molecules required to add one nucleotide
during DNA replication
Number of kingdoms in the Eukarya domain
Number of major types of biological molecules
Number of phases in mitosis
Number of boxes in a monohybrid Punnett square cross
Number of nitrogenous bases in DNA
Number of letters in the genetic code
Number of pea plant traits Mendel selected to investigate
Number of chromosomes in pea plants
7 (30)
8 (43)
Total possible combinations of blood type genotypes
20 (53)
Total number of amino acids
23 (23, 24, 33)
Number of chromosomes in a haploid human cell
34 (30)
Total number of pea plant traits
35 (47)
If a mother is older than this age, the probability of
chromosomal abnormalities in her baby increase
37 (36)
Number of green wrinkled pea plants in the F2 generation
when Mendel crossed pea shape and color
Science Power Guide | 84
46 (23, 24, 33)
Number of chromosomes in a diploid human cell
64 (59)
Maximum number of codons possible
113 (36)
Number of yellow wrinkled pea plants in the F2
generation when Mendel crossed pea shape and color
122 (36)
Number of green round pea plants in the F2 generation
when Mendel crossed pea shape and color
200 (41, 42, 78)
Normal blood cholesterol level for a young adult, in mg/dl
Lower limit of cholesterol levels in J.D.’s family
Number of genes on the Y chromosome
224 (35)
Number of white-flowered (recessive phenotype) pea
plants in the F2 generation when Mendel crossed whiteand purple-flowered pea plants
260 (12, 14, 25-27)
Number of cell types in an adult human
367 (36)
Number of yellow round pea plants in the F2 generation
when Mendel crossed pea shape and color
639 (35)
Number of pea plants Mendel used in his dihybrid cross of
pea shape and color
705 (35)
Number of purple-flowered (dominant phenotype) pea
plants in the F2 generation when Mendel crossed whiteand purple-flowered pea plants
782 (45)
Number of white-eyed male fruit fly offspring when
Morgan crossed a red-eyed F1 male and red-eyed F1
800 (41)
J.D.’s cholesterol exceeded this level, in mg/dl
Upper limit of cholesterol level in J.D.’s family
929 (35)
Number of F1 pea seedlings planted by Mendel when he
crossed white- and purple-flowered pea plants
1,011 (45)
Number of red-eyed male fruit fly offspring when Morgan
crossed a red-eyed F1 male and red-eyed F1 female
2,459 (45)
Number of red-eyed female fruit fly offspring when
Morgan crossed a red-eyed F1 male and red-eyed F1
3,000 (39, 78)
Average number of nucleotides in a single gene
Number of genes on chromosome 1
22,000193 (11, 26, 39, 59)
Number of genes in the human body
30,000 (31)
Total number of pea plants Mendel experimented with
Page 78 of the Resource Guide states that there are “about 22,500 genes” in the human body
Science Power Guide | 85
1 million (26)
Approximate number of eggs in the female ovary
3.1 million (76)
Number of base pairs unique to each human being
50 million (26)
Number of sperm cells produced daily by males
3.1 billion (11, 26, 27, 59, 78)
Number of nucleotides in the human body
50 trillion (9, 23, 25, 27)
Number of somatic cells in an adult human
64 trillion (26)
Total possible combinations of human chromosomes
72 to 80 (72)
Ideal temperature for Taq polymerase during polymerase
chain reaction (PCR)
50 to 60 (72)
Range of temperatures in which primers begin binding to
their complementary DNA sequences during the PCR process
95 (72)
Temperature at which DNA hydrogen bonds break
Developed by Aristotle
Suggested that the blending of the parents’ blood led to
the creation of an offspring in the female womb
Common explanation for inheritance of traits in the 18th
and 19th centuries
Suggested that offspring would have physical traits that
were a blend of the parent’s traits
Rejected by Mendel
Incorrect DNA replication model
Suggested that new DNA molecules consist of two new
Incorrect DNA replication model
Suggested that DNA molecules consist of a mixture of old
and new strands
Proposed by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953
Deoxyribose and phosphate form strands of DNA
Hydrogen bonds hold together complementary
nucleotide pairs
Proposed by Konstantin Mereschkowski in 1905
Mitochondria and chloroplasts evolved from symbiotic
prokaryotes that lived within eukaryotic cells
Aristotelian genetics (6)
Blending inheritance (6, 30,
36, 41)
Conservative replication (62)
Dispersive replication (62)
Double helix model (59, 60)
Endosymbiosis theory (18)
Science Power Guide | 86
Germ-plasm theory of
heredity (51)
Developed by August Weismann
Suggested that only germ plasm controls inheritance
Somatic and germ cells separate early in development and
are not interchangeable
First explanation of the genetics behind evolution
Hardy-Weinberg theorem
Developed by Wilhelm Weinberg and G.H. Hardy in 1908
Claims that a population’s allele frequencies will not
change if Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is reached
Lamarckian inheritance (50,
Developed by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
Suggested that an offspring inherits traits that its parents
acquire during their lifetimes
Pangenesis (6, 50, 51)
Developed by Hippocrates and Darwin
Suggested that offspring formed from the parents’ organ
Explained why offspring shared identical traits with their
Developed by Thomas Cech and Sidney Altman
States RNA was the first genetic material on the early
Proposed by Watson and Crick
Widely accepted DNA replication model
States that DNA molecules consist of one old and one
new strand
The DNA molecule first unzips, then each old strand
serves as a template for a new strand
Erroneous theory developed by Phoebus Levene
Stated that DNA has an equal proportion of the four
nitrogenous bases
Led scientists to believe that DNA only aided the
structural stability of the genetic material
Disproved by Edwin Chargaff
Developed by Charles Darwin in his book On the Origin of
Species by Means of Natural Selection
Suggested that individuals with traits best suited to their
environment will survive and reproduce
Influenced by Darwin’s observations in the Galapagos
RNA world hypothesis (69)
replication (60-63, 80)
Tetranucleotide hypothesis
(55, 58)
Theory of evolution (6. 7. 9.
28, 30, 38, 48, 50, 51, 53, 54,
80, 82)
Science Power Guide | 87
Alfred Russel Wallace (7, 50)
Anton van Leeuwenhoek (9)
Carolus Linnaeus (9)
Charles Darwin (6, 7, 30, 50,
51, 80, 82)
British naturalist
Studied evolution of Australian and Asian species
Presented his ideas to the Linnean Society of London in
First scientist to observe live cells
Analyzed pond water samples through a microscope
Founder of taxonomy
Classified all life into the animal, vegetable, or mineral
British naturalist
Developed the theory of evolution by natural selection
Travelled around the world on the H.M.S. Beagle from
1831 to 1836
Published On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural
Selection in 1859
Struggled to reconcile the differences between evolution
and commonly believed theories about inheritance
Harold Urey (10)
Demonstrated that simple molecules could form organic
molecules through simple chemical processes
J. Craig Venter (79)
Founder of Celera Genomics
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (50)
French naturalist
Theorized that individuals inherit their parents’ acquired
John Dalton (47)
First scientist to describe colorblindness194
Matthias Schleiden (9, 28)
German botanist
Co-founder of the cell theory
Scottish botanist
Discovered the cell nucleus using van Leeuwenhoek’s
Presented his findings to the Linnean Society of London in
First scientist to observe cells
Could only see the cell wall of dried cork cells
Published his observations in Micrographia
Robert Brown (9)
Robert Hooke (9)
Dalton was color-blind as well. Colorblindness is sometimes referred to as Daltonism in his honor.
Science Power Guide | 88
Robert Koch (9)
First scientist to identify anthrax
Theorized that microorganisms cause infectious disease
Rudolf Virchow (9, 28)
Co-founder of the cell theory
Stanley Miller (10)
Demonstrated that simple molecules could form organic
molecules through simple chemical processes
Theodor Schwann (9, 28)
Co-founder of the cell theory
Udny Yule (52)
First scientist to theorize that a population’s allele
frequencies always add to one
Private company founded by J. Craig Venter
Attempted to complete the sequencing of the entire
human genome before the Human Genome Project could
Celera Genomics (79)
Cold Spring Harbor
Laboratory (57)
Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase researched here
Columbia University (56)
Michael Dawson and Richard Sia researched here
Department of Energy (79)
One of two principal funders of the Human Genome
Johns Hopkins University
(71, 72)
Hamilton Smith and Daniel Nathans researched here
Linnean Society of London
(9, 50)
Darwin, Wallace, and Brown presented their scientific
discoveries to this institution
National Center for Human
Genome Research (79)
Directed by James Watson and Francis Collins
Oversaw the Human Genome Project
National Institutes of Health
One of two principal funders of the Human Genome
New York University (65)
Severo Ochoa researched here
Rockefeller University (56)
Oswald Avery researched here
Southwest Medical Center
Located in Dallas
14-year-old J.D. was a patient here
Stanford University (64)
Arthur Kornberg researched here
University of Vienna (30, 33,
Mendel studied here
Erich von Tschermak’s grandfather taught botany here
Science Power Guide | 89
Bacteriophage (57, 58)
E. coli (58, 60, 61, 73)
Fruit flies (8, 45, 51, 78)
Grasshoppers (9, 45)
Pea plant (7, 8, 28, 30, 31,
35, 36, 37, 44-46, 48, 51, 76)
R-strain (56)
S-strain (56)
Virus that infects bacteria
Can reproduce by injecting its own genetic material into
the host’s chromosomes
Subject of Alfred Hershey’s and Martha Chase’s
Meselson and Stahl used this bacteria in their DNA
replication experiments
Used to mass produce insulin for diabetic patients
Latin name is Drosophila melanogaster
Eye color was studied by Thomas Morgan
Beloved by generations of AP Biology students
Studied by Estella Carothers
Testes served the first cytological evidence of Mendel’s
law of independent assortment
Scientists discovered sex chromosomes in 1910 by
studying their chromosomes
Subject of Gregor Mendel’s experiments
Latin name is Pisum sativum
Easy to cultivate
Reproduces quickly
Large flower size
Easy-to-manipulate pollination process
Mendel chose seven out of 34 possible physical traits to
experiment with
Subject of a dihybrid cross by William Bateson, Edith
Saunders, and Reginald Punnett
Has seven chromosomes
A non-virulent strain of Streptococcus pneumoniae
Lacks a polysaccharide capsule that protects the bacteria
from the immune system
A virulent strain of Streptococcus pneumonia
Contains a polysaccharide capsule that protects the
bacteria from the immune system
Streptococcus pneumoniae
(54, 55)
Bacteria responsible for most of the casualties during the
Spanish influenza pandemic
Tobacco plant (6)
Studied by Joseph Kolreuter in the 1760s
Subject of the first systematic genetic crosses
Science Power Guide | 90
Adenine (54, 55, 58)
One of the four nitrogenous bases in DNA
Has a fused double-ring structure
Amino acids (10, 39, 54, 60,
64, 65, 68)
Building block of proteins
20 possible types
Antibody (42-44, 56, 67, 75)
Protein produced by the immune system
Binds and neutralizes a specific antigen
Group of three nucleotides in tRNA
Complements a mRNA codon
Triggers antibody production
In red blood cells, can be either A or B
Acronym for adenosine triphosphate
Cell’s primary energy source
Acts as a substrate for cyclic AMP
Adding a single nucleotide during DNA replication
requires four of these molecules
Carbohydrate (12, 13, 16, 20,
56, 57, 68)
One of the four major types of biological molecules
Provides energy to cells
Cholesterol (41, 42, 64)
A specific type of lipid
Insoluble in blood
Forms part of the plasma membrane
Used to synthesize sex steroids
Can be produced by all body cells in an energy-intensive
Mainly acquired through diet
Packaged with proteins within the liver to produce a LDL
cholesterol molecule
Acronym for cyclic adenosine monophosphate
Used as a second messenger in the neuron transmission
One of the four nitrogenous bases in DNA
Has a fused double-ring structure
Anticodon (68)
Antigen (42, 43, 56)
ATP (14, 17, 26, 70, 75)
Cyclic AMP (56)
Cytosine (54, 55, 58)
For more details on the first and second signaling pathway, check out this link:
Science Power Guide | 91
Acronym for deoxyribonucleic acid
Stores the cell’s genetic information
Genetic material for all organisms except the RNA virus196
Can be inactivated by DNAse
Contains phosphorus but not sulfur
Has the appearance of a “viscous and slightly cloudy
Forms fibrous strands when mixed with ethanol
Hormone produced by the kidneys
Released when the blood has low oxygen levels
Stimulates the production of more blood cells
Can be mass produced using recombinant DNA
Treatment for anemia
Protein with one or more sugar chains attached
Commonly found on the surface of red blood cells
Growth hormone (33, 36, 67,
Treatment for short stature
Can be mass produced using recombinant DNA
GTP (70)
Acronym for guanosine triphosphate
Cell’s energy source during protein synthesis
Part of the signal transduction pathway
One of the four nitrogenous bases in DNA
Has a fused single-ring structure
Protein that wraps around DNA
Can turn the gene on or off if modified
Hormone produced by the pancreas
Regulates blood sugar levels
Does not function correctly in diabetic patients
Protein produced by virus-infected cells
Increases other cells’ resistance to the attacking virus
Can be mass produced using recombinant DNA
Treatment for those undergoing chemo- or radiation
DNA (10-13, 15-20, 24, 2628, 31, 32, 37, 43, 47-49, 54,
55, 57-80, 82)
Erythropoietin (75)
Glycoprotein (42)
Guanine (54, 55, 58)
Histone (77)
Insulin (67, 73-75)
Interferon (75)
As the name suggests, this virus has RNA instead of DNA as its genetic material. RNA viruses cause diseases such as SARS, hepatitis
C, West Nile fever, influenza, polio, and measles.
Science Power Guide | 92
LDL cholesterol (42. 64)
Acronym for low-density lipoprotein cholesterol
Consists of cholesterol molecules and protein
Produced by the liver for transport to cells
Clogs arteries when the LDL receptor mutates
One of the four major types of biological molecules
Nonpolar and hydrophobic
Separates organelles within the cell
Acronym for micro RNA
“Leftover” RNA molecules from non-coding regions of
Produced and discarded during transcription
Involved in cancer formation
Helps defend the cell against DNA and RNA viruses
Acronym for messenger RNA
Carries genetic information in the form of codons from
the nucleus to the ribosome
Adds a poly A tail and cap to both ends after transcription
RNA splicing removes intron regions of this molecule
before the molecule moves to the ribosomes
One of the four major types of biological molecules
Found in the nucleus
Contains genetic information
Discovered in 1869 by Friedrich Miescher
Has a high phosphorus content
Mixture of nucleic acids and chromosomal proteins
First observed by Friedrich Miescher in 1869
Has a high phosphorus content
Nucleotides (10, 11, 15, 20,
26, 32, 39, 58, 60, 62-64, 68,
70, 72, 73, 76, 79, 80)
Building block of DNA and RNA
Consists of phosphate, pentose sugar, and a single
nitrogenous base
Phospholipid (10, 12-14, 17)
Lipid molecule
Forms the plasma membrane of cells
Each molecule has a hydrophilic phosphate “head” and
two hydrophobic fatty acid “tails”
Nucleotide made of adenine
Lipid (12, 16, 20, 39, 42, 57,
miRNA (70)
mRNA (60, 64-68, 70, 79, 80)
Nucleic acid (10, 12, 54, 56,
57, 60, 80)
Nuclein (54, 65)
Poly A tail (68)
Science Power Guide | 93
Primer (62, 63, 73)
Protein (12-14, 16, 17, 21,
22, 27-29, 31, 33, 36, 39, 40,
42, 43, 54, 57, 58, 60-71, 73,
75, 78, 80)
rRNA (13, 16, 20, 65, 66)
Ribozyme (69)
RNA (10, 12, 13, 16, 20, 32,
54, 57, 62, 63, 65-67, 69, 80,
73, 80)
siRNA (70)
Steroid (16, 42, 65)
Thymine (54, 55, 58, 65, 80)
Nucleic acid strand
Complements a specific DNA sequence
Used in DNA replication
Replaced by DNA fragments at the end of DNA replication
One of the four major types of biological molecules
Used in transportation, substance recognition, signal
transmission, and enzymatic reactions
Initially believed to be the genetic material passed from
parent to offspring
Produced by a combination of any of 20 amino acids
Contains sulfur but not phosphorus
Acronym for ribosomal RNA
Produced in the nucleolus
Clumps with proteins to form ribosomes
Holds mRNA and tRNA in the correct position for protein
Involved in post-transcription RNA processing and protein
Can splice itself
Family of nucleic acids
Involved in protein synthesis
Single stranded
Made of ribose sugar
Smaller in size than DNA
Believed to be the first genetic material
Produced in the nucleus
Can form double-stranded structures if necessary
Hydrogen bonds link the nucleotide pairs
Involved in enzymatic and catalytic activities
Acronym for short interfering RNA
Can be abbreviated as RNAi
Produced when enzymes digest double-stranded RNA
Involved in gene expression, cancer formation, and
defense against DNA and RNA viruses
Lipid molecule
Has a ring structure
Primarily functions as a hormone
One of the four nitrogenous bases in DNA
Has a fused single-ring structure
Science Power Guide | 94
tRNA (60, 61, 65, 66, 68, 69,
Uracil (54, 65, 80)
Acronym for transfer RNA
Carries the complementary anticodon to a mRNA codon
Involved in protein synthesis
Often forms double-stranded structures
One of the four nitrogenous bases in RNA (replaces
Has a fused single-ring structure
Adds phosphate into gaps in the phosphate-sugar
Zips up the new DNA strand with the parent DNA strand
Adds complementary nucleotides to the new DNA strands
Taq polymerase is one type of this enzyme
DNA ligase (61)
DNA polymerase (62, 63, 73)
DNAse (57)
Digests DNA
Endonuclease R (71)
Type of restriction enzyme
Can cut DNA at specific sites
Unzips the DNA double helix
Creates a replication fork and bubble at the starting point
of replication
Type of restriction enzyme
Cuts between two adenine bases only in the pattern
Helicase (62, 67, 73)
Hind III (70, 72)
Nuclease (62, 71)
Removes incorrect nucleotides during DNA replication
Primase (62, 63, 73)
Synthesizes and attaches RNA primers to replicating DNA
Restriction enzyme (70-72,
75, 76, 80)
Found in all species
Cuts DNA between specific nucleotides
Studied by Werner Arber, Hamilton Smith, and Daniel
Involved in restriction fragment length polymorphism
Type of DNA polymerase
Can withstand high temperatures
Used in the polymerase chain reaction
Taq polymerase (74)
Science Power Guide | 95
N (61, 62)
N (61, 62)
P (58)
S (58)
Acronym for nitrogen-14
Used as a radioactive tracer in Meselson and Stahl’s E. coli
Also known as the “light isotope”197
Acronym for nitrogen-15
Used as a radioactive tracer in Meselson and Stahl’s E. coli
Also known as the “heavy isotope”
Acronym for phosphorus-32
Injected into bacteriophages as part of the Hershey and
Chase experiment
Only incorporated into DNA
Could be extracted from the host bacteria
Acronym for sulfur-35
Injected into bacteriophages as part of the Hershey and
Chase experiment;
Only incorporated into protein
Remained in the bacteriophage during the experiment
Anaphase (20, 22, 24, 25, 29,
Greek; ana—“up”
Autophagy (16)
Greek, auto—“self”; phagein—“to eat”
Chromosome (7, 8, 12, 16,
18, 19-29, 31-33, 36, 37, 39,
45-47, 49-51, 54, 57, 60, 61,
76, 78-80)
Greek; chromo—“color”; some—“body”
Cytokinesis (19, 20, 22, 24,
25, 27, 29)
Greek; cyto—“cell”; kine—“move”
Epigenetics (5, 77, 81)
Greek, epi—“above, on top of”
Eukaryote (11-16, 19, 20, 22,
24, 29, 32, 58, 60, 62, 66-68)
Greek; eu—“true”; karyo—“nucleus”
Filius (33)
Latin; “son”
In utero (48)
Latin; “in the womb”
There are two stable isotopes of nitrogen, and nitrogen-14 happens to be just a bit lighter than nitrogen-15.
Science Power Guide | 96
Lysosome (16, 20)
Greek; lyse—“split”
Metaphase (20-22, 24-26,
Greek; meta—“in the middle of”
Mitosis (7, 18, 19-24, 27-29,
50, 80)
Greek; “thread”
Pangenesis (6, 50, 51)
Greek for “whole birth”
Pleiotropy (44, 49)
Greek; pleio—“many”; tropic—“affecting”
Prokaryote (10-14, 16, 18,
19, 28, 29, 32, 47, 58, 60- 62,
Greek; pro—“before”; karyo—“nucleus”
Prophase (20-22, 24-26, 29)
Greek; pro—“earlier, before”
Telophase (20, 22, 24, 25,
Greek, telo—“end”
Thermophilic (73)
Greek; thermo—“heat”; philia—“like”
1% (44)
Fewer than one percent of Americans carry the BRCA1 or
BRCA2 genes
5% (11, 78)
Percentage of human genes that actively code for
Percentage of the Human Genome Project budget set
aside for potential ethical, legal, and social issues
Less than ten percent of breast cancer cases occur due to
BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations
Percentage of dividing cells that undergo mitosis at any
point in time
10% (44)
20% (57)
Percentage of adenine and thymine in human DNA
22% (57)
Percentage of adenine and thymine in dog DNA
28% (57)
Percentage of cytosine and guanine in dog DNA
30% (57)
Percentage of cytosine and guanine in human DNA
90% (20, 24, 79)
Percentage of time the cell spends in interphase
Percentage of time prophase I takes up of both meiosis I
and II
Percentage of the HGP published in a 2000 rough draft
USAD mentions that “slightly more than 2% of our entire genome” codes for proteins on page 39.
Science Power Guide | 97
99.9% (75)
Percentage of nucleotides all humans share
Percentage of eukaryotes that have adopted sexual
Constantly undergoes interphase and mitosis
Occurs in areas with frequent cell death, such as the skin,
intestines, and uterus
Only 10% of these cells reproduce at any given time to
ensure smooth and continuous functioning of the human
Either a sperm or egg cell
Passes genetic material from parent to offspring
Originates from germ cells
Sometimes known as a gonadal gamete
Reproductive cell of multicellular organisms
Migrates to the sexual organs in the early embryonic stage
Remains dormant until sexual maturity
Dividing cell (19, 26, 27)
Gamete (22-25, 29, 35-37,
40, 46, 51, 54, 82)
Germ cell (23, 25, 26, 36, 51,
77, 79)
Multipotent cell (26)
Can form a limited range of specialized cell types within a
Non-dividing cell (27)
Permanently exits the cell cycle under normal conditions
Resides in the G0 phase
Operates continuously without any interruptions
Also known as a terminally differentiated cell
Includes nerve cells in the brain, heart muscle cells. and
eye lens cells
Immature female gamete
Undergoes gametogenesis
Can form into any of the 260 types of cells
Cannot produce an entire functional organism
Divided into one of three germ layers
Studied by Karl Landsteiner
Delivers oxygen to cells
Glycoprotein attaches to its surface
Both A and B antigens are expressed on its surface
Oogonia (23, 25)
Pluripotent cell (27)
Red blood cell (39, 42-44,
Science Power Guide | 98
Reproductively dormant cell
Somatic cell (16, 18, 23, 26,
27, 31, 33, 50, 51, 76)
Spermatogonia (23, 25)
Stem cell (11, 26, 29, 77)
Totipotent cell (26)
Normally remains reproductively inactive
Can re-enter the cell cycle under certain conditions
Liver cells are reproductively dormant
Body cell
Contains 46 chromosomes
Can become a pluripotent stem cell
Immature male gamete
Undergoes gametogenesis
Can form any of the 260 types of cells
Replaces dead or non-functioning cells
Can divide infinitely
Can be used to treat Alzheimer’s and heart diseases
Daughter stem cell can remain as a reserve stem cell or
become a specialized cell
Can form any of the 260 types of cells
Can produce an entire functional organism
White blood (53)
Studied by Friedrich Miescher
Zygote (11, 23, 25, 26)
Formed by the fusion of a sperm and egg cell
Divides by mitosis to produce all of an adult human’s
somatic cells
One of several forms of a gene
Usually found in pairs
Can be either dominant or recessive
Used by Mendel to describe the heritable “factor” that
controlled inherited traits
Different forms arise due to mutation and evolutionary
Non-sex eukaryotic chromosome
Describes chromosomes 1-22
Inherits a genetic trait or mutation but does not express it
Has a heterozygous dominant genotype for the trait or
Allele (25, 31-33, 35-37, 39,
40-46, 52-54, 64, 80)
Autosome (32, 33, 45)
Carrier (39, 47, 48, 70, 77)
Science Power Guide | 99
Chromatid (18, 20-22, 24-26,
One copy of a duplicated chromosome produced during
DNA replication
Codon (60, 64, 65)
Group of three nucleotides in mRNA molecules
Codes for a specific amino acid
Comes in 64 possible types
Dihybrid cross (32, 33, 35,
37, 40, 45)
Cross in which parents differ in two traits
Mendel conducted this type of cross with round/wrinkled
and yellow/green peas
Diploid (20, 23-25, 27, 3133, 36)
Cell with a full set of chromosomes (46 in humans)
All somatic cells are diploid
Dominant (30-36, 39-43, 45,
49, 52)
One of two forms of an allele
Determines the phenotype when the organism has a
heterozygous genotype
Written as a capital letter
Regions of DNA that code for proteins
Form part of the mRNA molecule
Sent to the ribosomes for protein synthesis
Follows the P generation
Short for “first filial generation”
Always contains one, never both, traits from the P
Follows the F1 generation
Product of self-fertilization in the F1 generation
Displays a phenotype ratio of 3:1 if a monohybrid cross is
Displays a phenotype ratio of 9:3:3:1 if a dihybrid cross is
Occurs when one nucleotide is added or deleted
All subsequent codons are affected
Could lead to significant changes in the amino acid
Set of nucleotides
Codes for one or more proteins
Process in which genetic information in DNA is converted
to a mRNA molecule, then a protein
Can be regulated by siRNA
Exons (60, 68)
F1 generation (32-36, 40, 45,
F2 generation (32-35)
Frameshift mutation (64)
Gene (everywhere)
Gene expression (67, 70, 81)
Science Power Guide | 100
Genetic code (58, 60, 65, 68,
69, 80)
Relates codons in mRNA to specific amino acids
Consists of four letters (A, T, G, C)
Studied by Thomas Cech and Sidney Altman
Genetic map unit (46)
Distance between any two genes on a chromosome
Genotype (31, 32, 39, 40, 4244, 47, 51-53, 80)
Pair of alleles that determine a particular trait
In a non-evolving population, dominant homozygous,
dominant heterozygous, and recessive homozygous
genotypes appear in a 1:2:1 ratio
Haploid (23-25, 27, 29, 32,
36, 37, 60, 76)
Cell with half a full set of chromosomes (23 in humans)
Hardy-Weinberg equation
(52, 53, 80)
  2     1, with p and q representing the
dominant and recessive alleles for a gene, respectively
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
(52, 53)
Defines the conditions for a non-evolving population
The population must be large to ensure minimal changes
in allele frequency
No immigration or emigration can occur
Population members mate randomly
No new mutations occur
No natural selection occurs
If any of the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium conditions are
not met, the population undergoes microevolution
Heterozygous (31-33, 35, 39,
Describes an individual with two different alleles at a
specific locus on a pair of homologous chromosomes
Homologous chromosomes
(24, 25, 31-33, 35-37)
Pair of chromosomes with the same set of genes
One chromosome in each pair comes from each parent
Homozygous (24, 25,31-33,
Describes an individual with two identical alleles present
on both homologous chromosomes
Human Genome Project (38,
76, 78, 81, 82)
Sequenced the entire human genome
Funded by the National Institutes of Health and the
Department of Energy
Initiated in October 1990
Completed in 2003 ahead of schedule and below budget
Directed by James Watson and Francis Collins
Affected almost all areas of society
Offspring of two parents of different species
Hybrid (7, 30-33, 35, 37, 40,
45, 61, 62)
Science Power Guide | 101
Introns (60, 63, 68)
Non-coding regions of DNA
Locus (31, 32, 36)
Gene’s location in the DNA molecule
Missense mutation (63)
Occurs when a single nucleotide substitution changes the
coded amino acid
Monohybrid cross (32-35,
Cross with parents differing in one trait
Mendel conducted this type of cross with purple- and
white-flowered plants
Mutation (8, 26, 28, 29, 32,
36-39, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 51,
52, 54, 63-65, 76, 77, 79, 80,
Error in DNA replication
Can be inconsequential, beneficial, or harmful
Occurs randomly
Probability of occurrence increased by many
environmental and metabolic factors
Main source of genetic variation
Nonsense mutation (64)
Occurs when a single nucleotide substitution turns an
amino-acid-coding codon into a stop codon
P generation (32, 33)
First generation in an experiment
Consists of purebred organisms
Short for parental generation
Physical trait of an organism
Controlled by one or more genotypes
In a non-evolving population, dominant and recessive
phenotypes will appear in a 3:1 ratio
Phenotype (31-33, 35-38,
40-45, 51, 52, 54, 76)
Polyploidy (54)
Occurs when organisms have more than two homologous
Population genetics (9, 35,
38, 51, 53, 80)
Study of a population’s genes and genotypes
Punnett square (40, 45-48)
Diagram that predicts the probability of an offspring
inheriting a specific genotype
Developed by Reginald Punnett
One of two forms of an allele
Only expressed under homozygous conditions
Indicates the presence of a mutated gene
Written as a lowercase letter
Segregation (8, 32, 35-37,
48, 54)
Separation of alleles during meiosis
Described by Mendel’s law of segregation
Self-fertilization (32, 33, 35)
Fertilization between the sperm and egg of the same
Recessive (8,31-36, 38-43,
47, 49, 52, 64)
Science Power Guide | 102
Sex chromosome (8, 32, 33,
45, 46)
Determines the offspring’s sex
Describes chromosome 23
Contains linked genes
Discovered in grasshopper chromosomes in 1910
Silent mutation (64)
Does not change the amino acid sequence being
SNP (76, 77, 79)
Acronym for single nucleotide polymorphism
Refers to a single point mutation
Differentiates genomes among different human beings
Can be cut by restriction enzymes
Group of three nucleotides
Signals the cell to stop translation
Includes UAA, UAG, and UGA
Group of three nucleotides
Signals the cell to begin translation
Also codes for methionine
Includes AUG
Start codon (60, 68)
Stop codon (60, 64, 68)
Synapse (24)
Point at which two homologous chromosomes attach
during prophase I
Test cross (33, 36, 45)
Cross of a homozygous or heterozygous dominant
individual with a homozygous recessive individual
Tetrad (24)
Group of two pairs of homologous chromosomes
Forms during prophase I of meiosis
Randomly orients during metaphase I
"Tetra" means "four" in Greek
Cross involving two parents with identical genotypes
Produces offspring with identical genotypes as the
Describes the P generation of Mendel’s experiments
One of the two human sex chromosomes
Two X chromosomes create a female offspring
True-breeding (30, 32)
X chromosome (8, 45, 46,
Science Power Guide | 103
Y chromosome199 (46, 47,
One of the two human sex chromosomes
One X and one Y chromosome create a male offspring
Contains fewer than 200 genes
Controls sex determination and male fertility
Carries the SRY gene
Used to trace male lineage
Co-dominance (42-43, 49)
Occurs when multiple alleles can be expressed
Incomplete dominance (4042, 48)
Occurs when no single allele is dominant or recessive
Leads to a blending of the two alleles
Crossing red and white flowers leads to pink offspring
Genes that are located close together on the same
Discovered by William Bateson, Edith Saunders, and
Reginald Punnett
Existence confirmed by Thomas Morgan and Alfred
Do not follow Mendel’s law of independent assortment
Linked genes (8, 37, 44-46,
Pleiotropy (44, 49)
Occurs when a single gene controls multiple traits
Polygenic inheritance (44,
Occurs when multiple genes control a single trait
Usually found in quantitative traits with a range of
continuous values
One of the rules of probability used by Mendel
Also known as the sum rule
If two events are mutually exclusive200, then the probability
of either occurring is the sum of the probabilities of each
occurring individually
Addition rule (33, 35)
USAD states that the Y chromosome is the smallest (pg. 78 of the Resource Guide), but the National Institutes of Health website
points to chromosome 21 as the smallest.
Two events are mutually exclusive if they cannot occur at the same time. For example, flipping a coin will result in either heads or
tails, but not both. Mathematically speaking, if A and B represent two events, then P (A and B) = 0
Science Power Guide | 104
Algebraic theorem
Describes the expansion of algebraic expressions with the
form   
Mendel used this equation with n=2, in the form
      2  
Developed by Edwin Chargaff
States that adenine and guanine always pair with thymine
and cytosine, respectively
States that, if two purebred parents are crossed, only one
form of the parent’s traits will appear in the offspring
Developed by Mendel
States that alleles of different traits are distributed to sex
cells independently of one another
Developed by Mendel
States that pairs of alleles separate and recombine during
Developed by Mendel
One of the rules of probability used by Mendel
Also known as the product rule
If two events are independent201, then the probability of
both occurring is the product of the probabilities of each
occurring individually
Experiments on Plant
Hybridization (36)
Published by Mendel in 1866
Described the results of his pea plant experiments
Genetics and the Origin of
Species (54)
Published by Theodosius Dobzhansky
On the Origin of Species by
Means of Natural Selection
Published by Charles Darwin in 1859
Describes Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection
The Evolutionary Synthesis
Published by Ernst Mayr
Described the importance of synthesizing Mendelian
genetics and evolution
Explained the connection between genetic variation and
evolutionary change
Binomial theorem (33-35)
Chargaff’s rule (58)
Law of dominance (35, 36,
Law of independent
assortment (8, 36, 37, 45, 48)
Law of segregation (8, 3537, 48)
Multiplication rule (33, 36)
Two events are independent if the occurrence of one does not affect the probability of another. For example, rolling a 6 on the first
roll of a die does not affect the likelihood that you will roll a 6 the next time.
Science Power Guide | 105
Agglutination (42)
Asexual reproduction (19,
20, 22, 24, 29)
Clumping of red blood cells
Occurs when antibodies attack antigens of the same
blood type
Leads to red blood cell destruction
Involves only one parent
Does not require gamete fusion
Usually produces genetically identical offspring
Autophagy (16)
Process in which lysosomes destroy and recycle the cell’s
worn structures
Binary fission (19, 20, 29)
Prokaryotic reproduction process
Parent clones itself to create a genetically identical
daughter cell
Form of asexual reproduction
Budding (20)
One form of eukaryotic asexual reproduction
Cell cycle (19, 20, 27-29, 73,
78, 82)
Series of events in all eukaryotic cells
Produces two daughter cells from one parent cell
Divided into interphase and mitosis
Requires 20 to 24 hours to complete
Cellular respiration (17)
Process in which cells break down food molecules and
transform them into energy
Cleavage (22)
Final splitting of the cell membrane during cytokinesis
Contraction of microfilaments and microtubules
Forms a cleavage furrow
Conjugation (71)
Transfer of DNA from one bacterium to another
DNA methylation (77)
Addition of a methyl group to the DNA phosphate-sugar
May turn the gene on or off
Prevents transcription from occurring properly if added to
a nucleotide
Process in which solid and liquid particles enter the cell
Cell completely engulfs the particle
Fertilization (23, 25, 26, 29,
30, 32, 35, 36, 48)
Fusion of a haploid sperm and egg cell
Produces a diploid zygote with half its genome from each
Fission (19, 20, 29)
One form of eukaryotic asexual reproduction
Endocytosis (16, 42)
Science Power Guide | 106
Gametogenesis (23, 29)
Histone modification (78)
Meiosis (23-27, 29, 32, 36,
37, 40, 45, 50, 80
Mitosis (7, 18-24, 27-29, 50,
Phagocytosis (17)
Photosynthesis (11, 17)
Pinocytosis (17)
Regeneration (20)
Sexual reproduction (19, 20,
22, 24, 29, 50, 60)
Transcription (16, 65, 66-70,
78, 80)
Process in which spermatogonia and oogonia mature to
become gametes
One step in this process is meiosis
Caused by external environmental or chemical factors
Can turn the gene on or off by binding the histones
tighter or looser around DNA
Reproductive process of germ cells in multicellular
Based on Mendel’s law of segregation
One parent cell produces four daughter cells
Eukaryotic asexual reproduction
More complex than binary fission due to presence of a
nuclear envelope and subcellular organelles
Four major phases are prophase, metaphase, anaphase,
and telophase
Process in which cells ingest solid particles
Specific form of endocytosis
Process in which visible light synthesizes energy molecules
such as ATP and glucose
Occurs only in plants and certain bacteria
Process in which cells ingest liquid particles
Specific form of endocytosis
One form of eukaryotic asexual reproduction
Cell division produces a new body or body parts
Form of reproduction involving the fusion of two haploid
Produces genetically diverse offspring
Encourages the spread of beneficial traits that ensure a
species’ survival
Transmission of genetic information from the DNA to a
mRNA molecule
Involves the three steps of initiation, elongation, and
Science Power Guide | 107
Translation (16, 60, 65, 68,
70, 71, 79, 80)
Another name for protein synthesis
Final step in gene expression
tRNA “translates” the DNA/RNA language into the
language of proteins
Includes the three steps of initiation, elongation, and
Once complete, proteins are delivered to their final
destination or modified further in the endomembrane
One of the four major steps of mitosis
Sister chromatids separate into individual chromosomes
Kinetochore microtubules pull chromosomes towards
opposite poles until the poles have an equal number of
Polar microtubules elongate the cell
One of the four steps in meiosis I
Homologous chromosomes separate
Spindle microtubules pull the chromosomes towards the
Sister chromatids remain attached at the centromere and
move as a whole unit
Final step of mitosis
In animal cells, the plasma membrane breaks into two
through cleavage
In plant cells, membrane-bound vesicles containing
cellulose align and fuse to form a new cell wall
One of two steps in prophase
Involves the condensation of sister chromatids and
nucleoli disassembly
Spindle microtubules push centrosomes toward opposite
Resting state
Exists outside of the cell cycle
Cells in this phase remain reproductively inactive
Non-dividing and reproductively dormant cells are usually
found in this phase
Anaphase (20, 22, 24, 25, 29,
Anaphase I (24, 37)
Cytokinesis (19, 20, 22, 24,
25, 27, 29)
Early prophase (20)
G0 phase (27)
Science Power Guide | 108
G1 phase (20, 27, 29)
G2 phase (20, 24, 27, 29)
Interphase (20, 24, 27-29)
Late prophase (20, 21)
Meiosis II (24)
Metaphase (20-22, 24-26,
Metaphase I (24, 26)
Prophase (20-22, 24-26, 29)
One of three phases in interphase
All cytoplasmic organelles replicate
RNA and protein synthesis occurs frequently
One of three phases in interphase
Replicated subcellular organelles assemble
Consists of 90% of the cell cycle
Includes the G1, S, and G2 phases
Involves the synthesis and assembly of all non-genetic
organelles, molecules, and structures
One of the four major steps of mitosis
Also known as prometaphase
Nuclear envelope disassembles into vesicles
Chromatids produce a kinetochore complex near the
Kinetochore microtubules separate the sister chromatids
Polar microtubules elongate the cell and push the
centrosomes to the poles
Involves four major stages (prophase II, metaphase II,
anaphase II, and telophase II)
Almost identical to mitosis, but involves non-identical
sister chromatids
Produces four haploid cells
One of the four major steps of mitosis
Chromosomes align along the center of the cell
Kinetochore microtubules drag the chromatids to the
metaphase plate
Polar microtubules elongate the cell
One of the four steps in meiosis I
Tetrads randomly orient at the metaphase plate
Random and independent chromosome shuffling fosters
increased genetic diversity
One of the four major steps of mitosis
Divided into early and late prophase
Science Power Guide | 109
Prophase I (24)
S phase (20, 24, 60, 73)
Telophase (20, 22, 24, 29)
Telophase I (24)
One of the four steps in meiosis I
Mitosis and meiosis are identical except for the events of
this phase
Pairs of homologous chromosomes form tetrads
Non-sister chromatids cross over to form synapses
Maternal and paternal alleles exchange genetic
information at random locations on the chromatids
Longest phase of meiosis
Takes 90% of the total time for meiosis I and II
One of three phases in interphase
Acronym for synthesis phase
The parent cell genome replicates
Individual chromosomes divide into two sister chromatids
linked by a centromere
One of the four major steps of mitosis
Almost the complete opposite of prophase
New chromosomes begin to disperse
Nuclear envelope reforms
Spindle microtubules and centrosomes disintegrate
One of the four steps in meiosis I
All 23 chromosomes migrate to the location of the
daughter cell’s future nucleus
Cytokinesis occurs briefly before meiosis II begins
Allopatric speciation (53)
Formation of a new species through geographic isolation
Gene shuffling (22)
Exchange of genetic material between different cells or
First occurred 2 billion years ago
Genetic drift (54)
Random change in a population’s allele frequency
Microevolution (53, 54, 64,
Occurs when a population’s allele frequency changes
Speciation (53, 64)
Process leading to the creation of a new species
Also known as macroevolution
Formation of a new species when both the old and new
species share the same geographic region
Occurs in plants
Can be caused by polyploidy or meiotic errors
Sympatric speciation (54)
Science Power Guide | 110
Albinism (44)
Occurs when a gene that codes for a melanin-producing
enzyme mutates
Example of pleiotropy
Also known as black urine disease
Discovered by Dr. Archibald Garrod in 1902
First disease linked to genes
Occurs when a gene that codes for an amino acid
metabolism enzyme mutates
Leads to excessive metabolite202 in the blood and urine
Damages cartilage, heart valves, and kidneys
Garrod called this disease an “inborn error of metabolism”
Urine of patients with this disease turns dark brown upon
exposure to oxygen
Individuals that carry BRCA1 or BRCA2 are at increased
risk for this disease
Individuals with two or more close relatives that suffered
from this disease are also at risk
Cancer (5, 27-29, 44, 49, 64,
70, 78)
Disease caused by abnormally rapid cell growth
Results when oncogenes or other cell-cycle related genes
Colorblindness (47, 49)
Example of polygenic inheritance
First described by John Dalton in 1794
Most common form is red-green
Caused by a recessive allele on the X-chromosome
Affects more males than females (10:1 ratio)
Most common deadly genetic disease affecting
Caucasians in the United States
Affects one in 2,500 people with Northern or Central
European ancestry
Occurs when a gene that codes for a protein channel on
the cell surface mutates
Leads to mucus accumulation in the lungs and digestive
Can cause infections and digestion problems
Dr. Francis Collins directed the project that sequenced the
gene controlling this disease in 1999
Alkaptonuria (38)
Breast cancer (44)
Cystic fibrosis (39, 48, 79)
More specifically, homogentisic acid and alkapton
Science Power Guide | 111
FH (41)
Acronym for "familial hypercholesterolemia"
Occurs when the bloodstream contains unusually high
cholesterol levels
Inherited as an autosomal dominant trait
Leads to heart attacks in people as young as 20
Causes heart disease and hypertension later in life
Afflicts 1 in 500 Americans, including 14-year old J.D.
Ovarian cancer (44)
Individuals that carry BRCA1 or BRCA2 are at increased
risk for this disease
Sickle-cell anemia (39, 48,
49, 64)
Most common genetic disease in the United States
Affects one in 400 African Americans
Occurs when a single nucleotide substitution adds the
wrong amino acid to hemoglobin
Red blood cells become sickle-shaped and cannot fit
through the capillaries
Can lead to multiple organ failure
Affects one in 3,500 Ashkenazi Jews
Occurs when a single gene mutation alters a lipid
metabolism enzyme
Neural impulses cannot be transmitted correctly
Leads to paralysis, blindness, deafness, and other
neurological disorders
Occurs when an individual’s pancreas cannot produce
Treated with insulin injections
Occurs when an individual’s body cells do not respond to
Treated with insulin injections
Example of a co-dominant trait
Both alleles are expressed simultaneously
The gene that controls this trait codes for glycoproteins
on the red blood cell surface
Tay-Sachs disease (39)
Type I diabetes (75)
Type II diabetes (75)
Blood type (42, 43)
Earlobe attachment (38)
Example of a human trait controlled by one gene
Flower color (33, 34, 45, 51,
One of seven traits Mendel investigated in pea plants
One of two traits investigated by Edith Saunders, Reginald
Punnett, and William Bateson
Science Power Guide | 112
Flower position (30)
One of seven traits Mendel investigated in pea plants
Fruit fly eye color (45, 46)
Thomas Morgan studied this trait in fruit flies
Can be either red or white
Alleles for this trait are linked to the offspring’s sex
An X-chromosome mutation triggers white eye color
Hitchhiker’s thumb (38)
Example of a human trait controlled by one gene
Human eye color (47)
Example of polygenic inheritance
Human height (44)
Example of polygenic inheritance
Can be influenced by nutrition, hormone levels, and other
environmental factors
Human skin color (44)
Example of polygenic inheritance
Pea shape (30)
One of seven traits Mendel investigated in pea plants
Pea color (30)
One of seven traits Mendel investigated in pea plants
Pea pod color (30)
One of seven traits Mendel investigated in pea plants
Pea pod shape (30)
One of seven traits Mendel investigated in pea plants
Pea pollen grain shape (44)
One of two traits investigated by Edith Saunders, Reginald
Punnett, and William Bateson
Plant height (30, 33)
One of seven traits Mendel investigated in pea plants
Rh factor (43, 44)
Antigen found on the red blood cell surface
Used as a form of blood typing
First identified in the Rhesus monkey
Can be either positive (+) or negative (-)
Rh positive dominates over Rh negative
Determined by the presence of the Y chromosome and
the SRY gene in humans
Determined by the number of X chromosomes in fruit flies
Example of a human trait controlled by one gene
Occurs when individuals have two A alleles or one A and
one O allele
Has A antigens on red blood cells
Blood produces anti-B antibodies
Can accept type A and AB blood
Can donate blood to type A and O individuals
Sex (46)
Widow’s peak (38, 43)
A (42, 43)
Science Power Guide | 113
AB (43)
B (42, 43)
O (43)
Occurs when individuals have one A and one B allele
Has both A and B antigens on red blood cells
Blood produces no antibodies
Can accept any type of blood
Can donate blood to type AB individuals
Example of co-dominance
Occurs when individuals have two B alleles or one B and
one O allele
Has B antigens on red blood cells
Blood produces anti-A antibodies
Can accept type B and AB blood
Can donate blood to type B and O individuals
Occurs when individuals have two O alleles
Has no antigens on red blood cells
Blood produces anti-A and anti-B antibodies
Can accept type O blood
Can donate to anybody
Rh- (43)
Individuals with this blood type do not have the Rh factor
expressed on the red blood cell surface
Rh+ (43)
Individuals with this blood type have the Rh factor
expressed on the red blood cell surface
ABO blood typing (42, 43,
Agarose gel electrophoresis
(75, 76)
Amniocentesis (48)
Discovered by Karl Landsteiner
Most common form of blood typing
Used to identify phenotypes in paternity legal cases until
Rejected as courtroom evidence in the 1943 Barry/Chaplin
Technique used to separate DNA fragments
Forms a pattern of DNA fragments unique to each
Used in RFLP
One of two ways doctors can perform a karyotyping on a
Uses a needle to extract fetal cells within the fluid part of
the fetal membrane
Science Power Guide | 114
Biotechnology (71, 75)
Use of molecular biology to manufacture useful products,
improve human life and tackle environmental challenges
CVS (48)
Acronym for chorionic villus sampling
One of two ways doctors can perform a karyotyping on a
Doctors directly remove part of the fetal membrane
More invasive than amniocentesis
Epigenetics (5, 77, 81)
Study of chemical and environmental factors that affect
Functional genomics (80)
Study of the biological functions of genes and gene
Investigates how DNA and proteins interact
Acronym for genetically modified organisms
Used to increase crop quality and production and facilitate
biomedical research
Can pose risks to human health, other species, and the
Chromosomal analysis test
Can identify the genetic disorders of offspring in utero
Doctors extract fetal cells
Acronym for polymer chain reaction
Method of mass-producing DNA
One of the most commonly used molecular biology
Developed by Kary Mullis in the 1980s
Involves the three steps of denaturation, annealing, and
Requires genomic DNA, primers, Taq polymerase, and four
types of nitrogenous bases
Used in RFLP
GMOs (76, 77)
Karyotyping (48)
PCR (73, 76, 79)
Pedigree (48)
Diagram that traces a phenotype over many generations
RFLP (75)
Acronym for restriction fragment length polymorphism
Standard law enforcement procedure for establishing
evidence needed to convict or exonerate criminal suspects
Also known as DNA fingerprinting
Involves PCR, restriction enzyme digestion, and agarose
gel electrophoresis
Used in paternity and maternity disputes
Used to identify individuals
Science Power Guide | 115
Transgene (77)
Gene transferred from one species to another through
recombinant DNA techniques
Endometrium (44)
Inner epithelial lining of the uterus
Fallopian tubes (17)
Lined with ciliated204 cells
Kidneys (39)
Produces erythropoietin when blood oxygen levels are low
Ovaries (23, 26, 47)
Female reproductive organ
Pancreas (73)
Produces insulin in humans
Petiole (44)
Stalk that attaches the leaf to the plant stem
Placenta (44)
Organ found in pregnant female animals
Nourishes the fetus and eliminates fetal waste
Male reproductive organ
Gonadal germ cells mature into gametes in this organ
Also known as the windpipe
Lined with ciliated cells
Acronym for breast cancer 1 and breast cancer 2
Having this gene increases the risk of breast and ovarian
Found in less than one percent of humans
Causes less than 10% of breast cancer cases
Gene that stimulates cell proliferation
Cancer results when this gene mutates or activates
Acronym for sex reversal Y
Activates the development of testes and other male
If this gene is not present, female sex hormones activate
the production of ovaries
Testis (9, 23, 47)
Trachea (17)
BRCA1/BRCA2 (44)
Oncogene (28)
SRY (47)
Not just human organs, of course
Ciliated cells are cells that have cilia projecting from the cell body.
Science Power Guide | 116
Centrifugation (58, 61)
Paper chromatography (58)
X-ray crystallography (58)
The process of spinning a sample around an axis at high
Separates a sample’s contents based on size, density, and
Used by Hershey/Chase and Meselson/Stahl
Separates and isolates substances in a mixture based on
their physical and chemical properties
Used by Edwin Chargaff
Uses X-rays to determine a crystallized molecule’s
Used by Rosalind Franklin
10 hours (19)
Time required for one bacterium to produce 1 billion bacteria
20 minutes (19, 61, 62, 75)
Time required for a bacterium to produce two daughter cells
20 to 24 hours (20)
Time required for one complete cell cycle
Two months (47)
Length of human gestation before sex differentiation begins
In this technique, an X-ray beam is shot at a molecular crystal. The resulting diffraction pattern can be used to reconstruct the electron
density, allowing scientists to build a model of the molecular structure.
Science Power Guide | 117
The Development of Pre-Mendelian Genetics
5th century B.C.
Hippocrates develops the pangenesis theory
350 B.C.
Aristotle publishes History of Animals and Generation of Animals
Robert Hooke publishes his observations of cells in Micrographia and uses the word “cell”
for the first time to describe the structure of cork
Anton von Leeuwenhoek studies microbiological specimens through microscopes
Nicolaas Hartsoeker illustrates “homunculus” in a sperm cell
Carolus Linneaus develops the first taxonomic system
Joseph Kolreuter is the first to systematically study genetic crosses (using tobacco plants)
John Dalton describes red-green colorblindness
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck proposes his theory of the inheritance of acquired traits
Robert Brown is the first to describe and name the nucleus
Matthias Schleiden theorizes that the nucleus plays a role in cellular reproduction
Matthias Schleiden, Theodor Schwann, and Rudolf Virchow develop the cell theory
Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace present their ideas on evolution by natural
selection to the Linnean Society of London
Charles Darwin publishes On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection
The Life of Gregor Mendel
Mendel is ordained as a minister and begins work at a monastery in Brno
Mendel begins his experiments with pea plants
Mendel concludes his experiments with pea plants
Mendel publishes Experiments on Plant Hybridization
Mendel is elected to the position of prelate
Mendel dies
Modern Genetics
Friedrich Miescher discovers nucleic acid in white blood cells
Robert Koch links microorganisms and infectious disease
Walther Flemming observes and describes chromosomal behavior during mitosis
Science Power Guide | 118
August Weismann proposes the germ-plasm theory of heredity
Hugo de Vries theorizes that “pangenes” are responsible for passing traits from one
generation to the next
Carl Correns, Hugo de Vries, and Erich von Tschermak independently rediscover and confirm
Mendel’s laws of inheritance
Karl Landsteiner discovers the ABO blood typing system
Albrecht Kossel identifies the five nucleotides in DNA and RNA
Udny Yule and William Castle observe and analyze the constant allele frequency in nonevolving populations
Archibald Garrod discovers the first genetic disease (alkaptonuria)
Walter Sutton and Theodor Boveri propose the chromosome theory of inheritance after
observing chromosomal segregation during meiosis
Konstantin Mereschkowki proposes the endosymbiosis theory
Edmund Wilson discovers the arrangement of human sex chromosomes Wilson and Nettie
Stevens determine the differences between male and female sex chromosomes
William Bateson discovers linked genes first uses the word “genetics”
G.H. Hardy and Wilhelm Weinberg independently develop the Hardy-Weinberg theorem
Thomas Hunt Morgan conducts his studies of fruit flies and proposes that certain traits are
linked to sex chromosomes confirms the chromosome theory of inheritance
Alfred Sturtevant and Thomas Morgan create the first gene linkage map
Estella Carothers provides cytological evidence of the independent assortment of
chromosomes through her observations of grasshopper testis
R.A. Fisher, Sewall Wright, and J.B.S. Haldane launch the modern synthesis of evolution with
their work, “The Correlation between Relatives on the Supposition of Mendelian Genetics”
Phoebus Levene identifies deoxyribose in DNA molecules
Frederick Griffith conducts studies of virulent and non-virulent strains of bacteria and coins
the term “transforming principle”
Theodosius Dobzhanksy unites genetics and evolutionary biology with his work “Genetics and
the Origin of Species”
G. Ledyard Stebbins proposes polyploidy as a method of sympatric speciation
Ernst Mayr proposes the “biological species concept”
Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty demonstrate DNA as the genetic material
Werner Aber discovers restriction enzymes
Erwin Chargaff proposes the base pairing rules that bear his name
Rosalind Franklin uses X-ray diffraction to capture images of DNA molecules
Science Power Guide | 119
Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase disprove the idea that proteins carried genetic material
Francis Crick and James Watson discover the double helix structure of DNA
Stanley Miller and Harold Urey demonstrate the formation of organic molecules from nonorganic molecules present on the early Earth
Matthew Meselson and Frank Stahl prove the semiconservative model of DNA replication
Arthur Kornberg and Severo Ochoa isolate DNA polymerase I from E. coli
Thomas Brock discovers thermophlic bacteria in Yellowstone National Park, which leads to the
discovery of Taq polymerase used in PCR
Kary Mullis is the first to describe the polymerase chain reaction
The Human Genome Project begins
Scientists sequence the cystic fibrosis gene
The results of the Human Genome Project are published
RNA Molecules
Nucleic acid that clusters with proteins to form ribosomes
Nucleic acid that carries genetic information from the nucleus to ribosomes
Nucleic acid that is involved in protein synthesis
Self-splicing nucleic acid; involved in protein synthesis and post-transcription RNA processing
Leftover products spliced from mRNA after transcription; can defend against DNA/RNA
viruses and may be involved in cancer formation
Leftover products after enzymes digest certain double-stranded RNA molecules
2  2  2  1
      ∗ 
Addition rule
       
   ∗     2  2  2
USAD states the HGP was launched in 1988 in the timeline, but that it “officially launched in October 1990” on page 78.
Science Power Guide | 120
Cell Basics
Characteristics of All Cells
Surrounded by a plasma
Produce carbohydrates,
lipids, proteins, and
nucleic acids
Contain genetic material
Contain subcellular
structures with distinct
Domains of Life
Cell Theory
Cells are the
basic units of
Cells make up
all living
All cells come
from preexisting cells
Functions of
Signal transmission
Enzymatic reactions
Cell Organelles
c reticulum
Science Power Guide | 121
Act as the cell s skeletal system and
provide intracellular support
Transport molecules within the cell
Serve as spindle fibers during meiosis
Ease cellular movement by acting as cilia
and flagella
Largest of the cytoskeletal elements
Support and
maintain cell
Ease cellular
Roles of the
Cage-like filaments
Stabilize and maintain the position of
Molecular configuration is similar to the
steel cables of suspension bridges
Resemble strings of beads
Provide strength, mobility, and shape to the
Involved in phagocytosis (cell eating),
pinocytosis (cell drinking), muscle
contraction, and cell movement
Thinnest of the cytoskeletal elements
Ease protein
within the
Interact with
Small projections
from the cell's
One or two tails
Used by cells in
the trachea and
fallopian tubes
Move by lashing
back and forth
Used by sperm
Mitochondria and
independently and
survive on their own
Found in animal cells
Found in plant and
photosynthetic protist
Contain their own
circular DNA separate
from the nucleus
Contain chlorophyll
Produce adenosine
triphosphate (ATP)
through cellular
Contain prokaryotic-like
Enclosed by a doublelayered membrane
Transform solar energy
into ATP
Science Power Guide | 122
Support the cell
Eliminate excess
Maintain cellular
Vacuole Jobs
Ensure balanced
levels of salt in
Store wastes,
toxins, and
Cellular Reproduction
Tasks of subcellular organelles during cellular reproduction
DNA replication
Organelle duplication
Relocation of
duplicated organelles
Distribution of
duplicated organelles
Science Power Guide | 123
Binary Fission
DNA replication creates two DNA loops
The loops attach to the plasma membrane
The cell expands and elongates
The plasma membrane pinches and splits
Two identical daughter cells are formed
Simple cytoplasmic structure
Absence of membrane enclosing DNA
Single DNA molecule
Binary fission is
Presence of multiple chromosomes
Presence of nuclear envelope surrounding
What makes eukaryotic cell division
Larger number of subcellular organelles
Creation of a new cell wall in some organisms
Methods of eukaryotic asexual reproduction
Science Power Guide | 124
Chromatin condensation
Nucleoli disappearance
Cellular processes in meiosis prophase I
Nuclear envelope fragmentation
Spindle fibers
form and
attach to
Prophase II
Metaphase II
align at the
Spindle fiber formation
towards the
Anaphase II
Telophase II
Meiosis II ends
with four
daugher cells
Science Power Guide | 125
Early Prophase
Late Prophase
The dispersed sister chromatids condense
The nuclei disassembles
rRNA production stops
The centrosomes migrate towards the poles
Spindle microtubules from the microtubule organizing center push
away the two centrosomes
The nuclear envelope breaks into vesicles
Spindle microtubules interact with the chromosomes
Each sister chromatid builds a kinetochore near the centromere
The kinetochore microtubules separate the sister chromatids
Polar (or non-kinetochore) microtubules begin to elongate the
cell and push the centrosomes to the opposite ends of the cell
All chromosomes line up in the metaphase plate in the middle
of the cell
The kinetochore microtubules pull the sister chromatids
towards the cell's center
Polar microtubules continue to elongate the cell
"Adhesive proteins bonding the sister chromatids turn off
The centromere splits in two, and the chromatids are now two
individual chromosomes
The kinetochore microtubules pull the chromosomes towards
the poles
Polar microtubules continue to elongate the cell
The cell seeks to return to equilibrium
Chromosomes unwind and disperse
The nucleolus and nuclear envelope reassembles
The spindle microtubules and centrosomes break down
Science Power Guide | 126
One nucleotide
substitutes for
The codon codes
for the same
amino acid
changes the coded
amino acid
produce a stop
One nucleotide is
added or deleted
All subsequent
codons are
Science Power Guide | 127
Types of
Types of Cells
Science Power Guide | 128
Dividing cells
Non-dividing cells
Skin cells
Nerve cells in the brain
Intestinal epithelial cells
Hair cells in the ear
Uterine endometrial cells
Heart muscle cells
Reproductively dormant
Liver cells
Lens cells in the eye
The Cell Cycle
G1 phase
G2 phase
M phase
Cell Size
Cell size
Spindle fiber
attachment to
DNA replication
DNA damage
Science Power Guide | 129
Mendel's Experiments
Pod shape
Easy to grow
Reproduce quickly
Flower color
Pod color
Why pea plants?
Flower position
Easy to manipulate
Easy to describe and
distinguish traits
Plant height
Pea shape
Pea Plant
Multiplication Rule
If two events are independent, then the probability that
they both occur is the product of the probabilities of each
•     ∗ 
Addition Rule
If two events are mutually exclusive, then the probability
of either event occuring is the sum of the individual
•    
Binomial Theorem
•    ∗       2   
Pea color
Science Power Guide | 130
Mendelian Genetics
Two main categories of chromosomes
Non-sex chromosomes (autosomes)
Sex chromosome
Chromosomes 1-22
Chromosome 23
During gamete
separate during
anaphase I
Alleles are split
Spem and egg cells
become haploid
Genetic Diseases
A gene that codes for a channel protein on the cell surface mutates
The protein channel ceases to function
Thick and sticky mucus lines the lungs and digestive system
Lung infections and digestive problems result
Science Power Guide | 131
Point mutation occurs
Protein in the hemoglobin molecule folds incorrectly
Red blood cell distorted from a donut into a sickle shape
Red blood cells can no longer squeeze th rough capillaries
Lack of oxygen leads to multiple organ failure
Single gene mutation alters a lipid metabolism enzyme
Abnormal lipid coats surround brain cells
The brain cannot transmit neural impulses correctly
Paralysis, blindness, and deafness can result
Diversity in the Pattern of Inheritance
AA or AO
BB or BO
Antigens in
Red Blood Cell
A and B
in Serum
Anti-A and
Social Structure
Factors that influence
an embryo's gender
Can Donate
Blood To
A, B, AB, O207
This is why people with type O blood are known as “universal donors”
Can Receive
Blood From
A, O
B, O
Science Power Guide | 132
Excess offspring in each
Natural selection of
favorable variations
Descent with
Blending Inheritance
Lamarck's theory
Characteristics of a Non-Evolving Population
Characteristics of a Non-Evolving Population
Few physical
Large population
No migration or
random events
Random mating
No migration
Conditions for
No natural
No new
The Hardy-Weinberg Equation
      208
What does it describe?
the frequency of the homozygous dominant phenotype
the frequency of the heterozygous dominant phenotype
the frequency of the homozygous recessive phenotype
Look familiar? The Hardy-Weinberg equation is identical to the one Mendel used to find the genotype ratio of his pea plants.
Science Power Guide | 133
defined evolution as a change in allele frequency within a
gene pool
suggested that mutation was the main force behind
evolution by natural selection
Dobshansky helped
shape the modern
synthesis of evolution
both male
and female
of a species
are viable
and fertile
Natural selection
Genetic Drift
Causes of
Genetic Material
Components of
Nitrogenous Bases in
Nucleic Acid
Pentose sugar
Four nitrogenous
Genetic Code
Science Power Guide | 134
The new DNA molecule consists of two
new strands
The new DNA molecule consists of one old
and one new strand
The new DNA moelcule consists of a mix
of old and new strands
Enzymes involves in DNA Replication
Acts as an unzipper
Initiates DNA replication by unwinding the double helix
Forms a replication fork and bubble
Synthesizes new RNA primers
Atttaches these RNA primers to the replicating strands of DNA
DNA polymerase
DNA ligase
Serves as builder and proofreader
Continually adds complementary nucleotides to the daugher DNA
Acts as an editor
Removes incorrect nucleotides
Acts as a zipper
Fills in holes in the new DNA molecule backbone with phosphate
Science Power Guide | 135
attaches to the
end of the DNA
Helicase unzips
the parent DNA
DNA primase
synthesizes an
RNA primase
replace the
RNA primase
DNA polymerase
synthesizes the
strand of DNA
DNA ligase "rezips"
the new DNA
fragment to the
Double stranded
Single stranded
Ribose backbone
Larger in size
Has roles in many
cellular functions
Only role is to
store genetic info
Smaller in size
Stands for ribosomal RNA
Made in the nucloeolus
Combines with proteins to form ribosomes
Stands for messenger RNA
Produced by DNA transcription
Carries genetic information to the ribosomses for translation
Stands for transfer RNA
Carries a specific amino acid
Complements the nucleotides in mRNA
Science Power Guide | 136
Three Phrases of Transcription
RNA polymerase binds the promoter region
Nucleotides are added to the RNA strand
The RNA strand separates from the DNA template once it reaches a termination factor
Three phases of translation
mRNA binds to a small ribosomal subunit
The first tRNA carrying methionine binds to the start codon on the mRNA
A large ribosomal subnit binds to the smaller to create a P site
The tRNA can then "dock" at this site
The next tRNA docks at the A site
The new amino acid forms a peptide bond with the first amino acid
The first tRNA exits the ribosome
The second tRNA moves from the A site to the P site, allowing the next tRNA to enter
The translation process ends when a stop codon is encounters
The peptide chain detaches from the ribosome
The ribosomal complex disassembles
Science Power Guide | 137
Modern Molecular Genetics
Science Power Guide | 138
Polymerase Chain Reaction
The starting reaction mixture includes genomic DNA, primers, and the four types of nucleotides
This mixture is heated to 95° C
The hydrogen bonds break, separating the two strands of DNA
The mixture is cooled to between 50° and 60°C
The primers bind to their respective complementary sequences on the individual DNA strands
Extension (Elongation)
The mixture is heated to between 72° and 80°C (the optimal temperature for Taq polymerase)
The polymerase is added to the mixture
Primers initiate the continued addition of nucleotides to the DNA strands
Agarose gel is placed in a
electric field with a buffer
The restriction-digested DNA
fragments are placed in a well
DNA migrates towards the
positive pole of the electric field
A ladder pattern of DNA bands
Science Power Guide | 139
To benefit the most from this analysis, please make sure that you’ve taken the USAD Science Practice test before
you proceed. The following will be a section-by-section breakdown of the test.
The cell cycle, the cell cycle, the cell cycle. USAD really drives home the process of cellular reproduction when
testing knowledge from Section I. It’s important to know the key events that occur during each phase of the cell
cycle—the subject of questions 2, 3, 20, and 49. These are simple recall questions that you should know and
expect to be tested on at all levels of competition. Section I questions also examine key contrasts between plant
and animal cells (question 4) and between prokaryotes and eukaryotes (questions 9 and 31). Be on the lookout
for places in the resource guide where USAD emphasizes the similarities and differences in structure and processes
of two different types of cells. In general, section I questions strike a balance between testing the big ideas and the
specifics, with no question standing out as especially difficult.
As expected, Section II tests the basic concepts of genetics, especially the different patterns of inheritance and key
terms (homozygous and heterozygous, dominant and recessive, among others). Be able to link these patterns of
inheritance with the examples USAD gives in the resource guide (co-dominance and ABO blood typing were
tested in two separate questions, for instance). Many of these questions are a paragraph long, describing real-world
context (questions 25, 30, 46, 47). Don’t let the specific details of the paragraph confuse you—just pay attention
to what the question is asking for, which is usually a basic principle of Mendelian genetics. Other questions only
ask for a definition (questions 34 and 41). Question 8 is one of the trickier Section II questions, as answer choice
(e) immediately draws the attention of most Decathletes. However, remember that humans have 22 autosomes
plus a pair of sex chromosomes (XX or XY), making (d) the correct answer. Question 16 is another stumper, as
USAD does not explicitly state the correct answer in the resource guide. You can, however, deduce the correct
answer by recalling that women have two X chromosomes and men have one X and one Y chromosome. The
mom has to provide an X chromosome to the baby, so it’s up to the dad to provide either an X (making the baby
a girl) or a Y (making the baby a boy). Fully understanding Section II is vital to scoring high on this year’s science
test—it’s the common thread that links all three of the sections together.
Questions on Section III emphasized DNA, RNA, and applications of genetics, with questions covering
epigenetics, GMOs, and various characteristics about DNA and RNA. The Hardy-Weinberg theorem and
equation appear to be important topics, as USAD devoted questions 11 and 12 to them. Questions about types
of mutations could be especially tough, as they are pure memory-based questions—make sure to emphasize
remembering the differences between these types in the days leading up to the competition. The Practice Test
noticeably neglected the numerous scientists that were involved in the modern evolutionary synthesis and the
discovery of DNA (except question 37, which tested Watson and Crick as the discoverers of DNA’s double helix
model)—expect to see more of these questions at the actual competition.
Overall, the USAD Science Practice Test seemed to emphasize knowledge recall much more than critical thinking
or synthesis of concepts. I expect to see fewer such questions on future tests, with more compare/contrast questions
(DNA and RNA, anyone?), problem-solving questions that ask you to draw Punnett squares and find certain
probabilities, and questions about the various geneticists and other scientists, especially the post-Mendel ones.
Without doubt, USAD makes clear that there are several key subject areas that you need to know forwards,
backwards, and upside-down. These include cellular structures and the cell cycle, the basic principles of Mendelian
genetics, including Mendel’s three laws, and the list of genetics terms found on page 33 of the Resource Guide.
Science Power Guide | 140
Applications of
Cell cycle
Inheritance patterns
Inheritance patterns
Cell structure
Applications of
Applications of
Cell structure
Mendelian genetics
Cell structure
Human genome
Mendelian genetics
Cell structure
Mendelian genetics
Modern synthesis
Mendelian genetics
Modern synthesis
Mendelian genetics
Mendelian genetics
Mendelian genetics
Protein synthesis
Protein synthesis
Human genome
Cell cycle
Human genome
Mendelian genetics
Human genome
Inheritance patterns
Human genome
Protein synthesis
Inheritance patterns
Mendelian genetics
Mendelian genetics
Applications of
Mendelian genetics
Protein synthesis
Modern synthesis
Protein synthesis
Applications of
Science Power Guide | 141
Eric Yang fits the typical Honors decathlete mold quite well.
Well, maybe not so much.
He joined Academic Decathlon as a freshman after he came to the
difficult realization that he wasn’t quite up-to-par while competing
the track-and-field decathlon. Ever since then, he’s been hooked by
the combination of late-night discussions on The Grapes of Wrath,
debates about the impact of European imperialism, and the
consumption of ramen noodles out of a coffee maker. This year, Eric
will be a senior at The Colony High School, hoping to bring lasting
glory and fame to his AcDec team and school once and for all.
His Honors mentality extends to the rest of his lifestyle, where he
meticulously keeps a multicolored pen and half a dozen sharpened
pencils with him at all times, he uses the philosophy of Locke and Hobbes to argue about the relative merits
of school lunch, and he constantly plays Civilization IV in order to prove that the Ottoman Empire could
have (and should have) conquered Vienna in 1683, quite possibly changing the fate of Western civilization
He has spent nearly his whole life in the Dallas suburb of The Colony. Though he desires to see the world,
deep down inside he misses sweet tea, 100+ degrees summer weather, and the frequent use of “y’all” that
were a part of his childhood.
When he’s not persuading his friends to become fellow Decathletes or conducting science experiments (i.e.
tossing lithium into local waterways), Eric can be found watching The Big Bang Theory or Arrested
Development, doing Pilates in an effort to improve his infamous inflexibility, and playing jazz piano. You
usually won’t be able to find him at home, though, as he has a slight obsession with hiking and mountain
biking (though in one embarrassing incident he did sprain his ankle by just getting off a bike).
Eric hopes to become the next Ms. Frizzle of Magic School Bus (or, as in the above photo, its lesser-known
4WD cousin, the Magic School Jeep) fame, sharing his passion for science with his next-door neighbor, the
barista at the local coffee shop, and the Tibetan yak-herder halfway around the world.
If you would like more random biographical facts, need a lab partner for that ever-so-challenging organic
chemistry class, or simply have a good science joke to share, feel free to contact Eric at
[email protected].
Vital Stats
Competed with The Colony High School at the Region and State competitions in 2011-13
Earned the highest score at the 2013 Texas Medium School State competition with 8,893.3 points209
Decathlon philosophy in a phrase: “It’s not just any competition. It’s a way of life.”
Joined DemiDec in May 2011
Yes, those three-tenths of a point are oh-so important.
Science Power Guide | 142
Josephine Richstad is the Editorial Director at DemiDec. She competed in
Academic Decathlon exactly once in her hometown of Columbia, South Carolina
and does not remember what her score was, although she does remember that it
was the highest in the state—out of both competing high schools.
After this pinnacle of academic achievement, she earned a BA in English with
honors from Columbia University and a Ph.D. in English from UCLA. Her
published writing ranges from Writing Everyday English Emails to “Genre in
Amber: Preserving the Fashionable Novel for a Victorian Decade, Catherine
Gore’s Hamiltons (1830 and 1848)” (Modern Philology, February 2014). She
wrote her first DemiDec resource in 2008 and is currently deciding to which
position she'll promote herself next year.
Josephine now lives in the bucolic college town of Ithaca, New York where she’s earning her Ph.T. at Cornell
Law School. She has a dog, a cat, and a three-year-old daughter, who nearly decapitated a rather large stuffed
alpaca at the 2012 World Scholar's Cup Tournament of Champions.
She is very sorry.
When Josephine is not checking her DemiDec email at 3 in the morning, she can be found making jam,
knitting, watching BBC procedurals, and losing at Dominion. To discuss AlpacaGate, college towns,
nineteenth-century novels, or Dominion strategies, you can contact her at [email protected]. You can
also follow her on Twitter @jrichstad, where she currently averages eight tweets per year.