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The Compelling Science of Atmospheric Chemistry
In Partnership with Dr. Katrine Gorham
By: Joy Nelson
Honors Science
December 17, 2013
Did you know human have the power to change the climate? The Earth’s current environment is
changing based on citizens’ daily decisions. The majority of the population does not realize they
are a factor in environmental conditions. Due to Homo sapiens disturbing the ozone layer, which
is located in the atmosphere. Day-after-day people are injecting harmful chemicals into the air
that harm the environment; they are called fossil fuels which is pollution. Reducing the amount
of pollution that is being pushed out into the atmosphere can help to better improve Earth’s
climate. This is how humans hold a tiny role in Earth’s evolution. Although the alterations in the
ecosystem are small and may not seem important, reducing fossil fuel can really help the earth
for the better.
People who promptly focus on the atmosphere and all of the atmosphere’s possible effects on
earth are called Atmospheric Chemists. This requires precise knowledgeable minds that are
willing to devote their work to the study of atmospheric chemistry. One of these intelligent
minds includes Dr. Katrine Gorham. Many people are like Dr. Gorham and have an interest in
the atmosphere and climate change. The current mission for atmospheric chemists is to help
decline pollution in our beloved atmosphere. With all of the current roaming pollutions we have,
there is a high probability that we could potentially ruin the atmosphere. Not only that, but
possibly damage the environment to a lethal point as well.
Where does all this begin? The growing problem of rising pollution dates back to over 400,000
years ago. In this time humans were finally capable of understanding the true capacity of fire.
They began using fire for cooking, as well as heat making it a necessity so that they could
survive. Over the years as the population increased, so did the need and demand for wood.
Lumbar was a need that scarce, resulting in people finding an alternate resource. Quickly they
found coal to be a better source of energy, for the coal was more abundant and was cheaper.
Making the switch from coal to wood made a turn for the worse, at least for the environment.
Smoke and residue left behind harmed and still is harming the environment, but more
importantly the atmosphere.
Earth’s atmosphere is extremely complex and possesses many factors within. The basic
understanding begins with the four different sections of the atmosphere, which are known as
geo-spheres or the Earth’s spheres. The four geo-spheres are the lithosphere, hydrosphere,
biosphere, and atmosphere. We live in the troposphere, which is the region that is anywhere from
Earth’s surface to 6.2 miles upward. The hydrosphere is all of Earth’s surface waters; this
includes all water on earth such as rivers, lakes, and oceans. Another sphere is the lithosphere
which is the farthest sphere out and
away from Earth. The final sphere
that differs from the rest is the
atmosphere, which can be
considered to be the most complex
of all. The atmosphere is made up
of approximately 78% nitrogen,
21% oxygen, 1% argon, and less
than 1% of other gases. This less >1% make a huge difference
Graph of the Composition of
the Atmosphere in gases
in climate change and greatly affects our atmosphere; one of
the main components is carbon dioxide.
Carbon Dioxide is categorized as a trace gas, which is the less than 1% of all the gases that
make up the atmosphere, as well as a greenhouse gas, which is a radiation absorbing component.
Carbon Dioxide may be small in the
number form, but in all reality it can
really impact the earth and all the living
organisms living here. Co2, which is
another name for carbon dioxide, is a
major problem because it is showing a
positive trend line towards rising. Why
does this even matter you may ask. It
matters not only to researchers but also
to all other organisms living on Earth. If
Carbon Dioxide continues to rise all of
humanity will be affected with serious and fatal health
problems. This can all starts with the melting of
Carbon Dioxide Concentration
showing a positive trend
Permafrost is an ice cap that remains frozen for two or more years, usually the temperature is
anywhere from -9 to -11°C cold and can be up to 650 meters thick. Recently there have been
cases of permafrost thawing out in area much too rapidly. This causes broken roads, building
collapses, and even small numbers of death. These factors are nothing if you consider what will
happen in the long course of time. Inside the permafrost lays another greenhouse gas which is 25
times more powerful than carbon dioxide, this gas is called methane. Methane not only is 25
times stronger but also causes more melting of permafrost, meaning the more methane the less
permafrost, the less permafrost the less humans.
This troubling thought crosses many scientists’ minds regularly, only as a reminder to continue
to find the answer to the question. How do we stop or help the environment from global
warming? The answer for now is quite simple, mentor younger minds to continue their legacy.
With this the future of Atmospheric Chemistry looks bright, and will continue to play an
important role in climate change. Atmospheric chemistry will always be a big part of human
revolution and survival. In the future a Dr. said by the year 2053 there should be a relevant
solution to global warming, and climate change. With all these changes in Earth there is one
unquestionable thing, this Earth is warming. The only question is what can we do to preserve
Works Cited
"Global Warming & Climate Change - Frequently Asked Questions." University Corporation of
Atmospheric Research. University Corporation of Atmospheric Research, n.d. Web. 9 Dec 2013.
Jacobs, Daniel. Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1999.
UCLA Atmospheric Chemistry. N.d. Artical. n.p. Web. 6 Jan 2014.