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Astronomy Frameworks - Geog 106LRS - Spring 2008
NOTE: Since the writing of the “Frameworks,” Pluto has been reclassified as a “dwarf planet”
along with several other known small bodies of similar size. There are likely to be hundreds
more discovered out beyond Pluto, and it seemed silly to keep expanding the number of
“planets” in the solar system with every discovery of another small lump of rock. The solar
system therefore has eight official planets.
Astronomy Excerpts from the Frameworks for Science Education - Third Grade
STANDARD SET 4. Earth Sciences
Earth sciences standards in grade three center on the concept that objects in the sky
move in regular and predictable patterns. It is important that students know and are
familiar with the patterns and movements of the Sun, Moon, and stars, both as those
bodies actually move and as they appear to move when viewed from Earth. Seasonal
changes correlate with changes in both the amount of daily sunlight and the position of
the Sun in the sky. Seasonal changes are caused by the tilt of Earth’s axis of rotation
and the position of Earth relative to the Sun. Students will also learn about the
relationships between the phases of the Moon and the changes in the positions of the
Sun and Moon. Using models and telescopes may help students grasp the concepts
presented in the standards.
4. Objects in the sky move in regular and predictable patterns. As a basis for understanding this
a. Students know the patterns of stars stay the same, although they appear to move across the
sky nightly, and different stars can be seen in different seasons.
The relative position of stars with respect to each other in the night sky is fixed. The
apparent motion of the stars through the night sky is a function of Earth turning on its
own axis. Starlike objects do move across the fixed pattern of stars in the night sky, but
those “stars” are really planets. Stars appear stationary relative to one another because
they are far outside the solar system. The positions of stars appear to change each
season from a particular point of view on Earth because that point will face
progressively different parts of the universe at night. The stars that are visible in the
summer nighttime sky would be visible in the winter daytime sky if they were bright
enough to outshine the Sun.
4. b. Students know the way in which the Moon’s appearance changes during the four-week
lunar cycle.
Students should be taught to observe the phases of the Moon; recognize the pattern of
changes; and know such terms as the full, quarter, waxing, waning, and crescent Moon.
The reason for this pattern of changes may then be explored. One side of the Moon is
always in sunlight (except in the case of an eclipse). How much of the sunlit surface of
the Moon will be visible from Earth depends on the relative positions of Earth, the Moon,
and the Sun. Earth and the Moon continuously cycle through changes in their positions
relative to the Sun; therefore, the Moon will go through phases from “new” to “full”
depending on how much of its lighted surface is visible from Earth. Models may help in
the teaching of the standard. Students may be shown the rotation of Earth on its axis;
how the day and night cycle works; and why the Moon, like the Sun, appears to rise and
set. Students may also be shown Earth’s position relative to the Sun, the Moon’s
position relative to Earth, and how Earth orbits the Sun once a year. Students can
observe the actual position changes in the Moon and in the background star patterns at
Astronomy Frameworks - Geog 106LRS - Spring 2008
the same time each night, continuing their observations long enough to include a full
lunar cycle. They can be shown how the motion of the Moon around Earth accounts for
those observations.
4. c. Students know telescopes magnify the appearance of some distant objects in the sky,
including the Moon and the planets. The number of stars that can be seen through telescopes is
dramatically greater than the number that can be seen by the unaided eye.
Students are often startled the first time they look at details of the Moon through a
telescope or even through high-quality binoculars. They quickly come to appreciate how
those instruments facilitate the study of very distant objects. With the help of a
telescope or very high-powered binoculars, students can see the rings of Saturn and
some of the details of other planets. Students must never be permitted to look directly or
stare at the Sun with the naked eye through binoculars, telescopes, or any other optical
instruments. There are many pictures taken by powerful telescopes of planets, stars,
and galaxies that students should have the opportunity to study in books.
4. d. Students know that Earth is one of several planets that orbit the Sun and that the Moon
orbits Earth.
The patterns of the stars stay the same relative to one another although they appear to
move because of the rotation of Earth. Several starlike objects move across the sky’s
star patterns. They are planets that shine by light reflected from the Sun. Five planets
can be seen without the aid of a telescope: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.
Three can be seen only with the aid of a telescope: Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Earth
is also a planet and moves about the Sun in a path (orbit) that is similar to that of the
other planets. Nine planets are in the solar system. The Moon orbits Earth. Because
Earth itself is a planet, measuring the orbits of other planets is a complex process. The
process is so complex that scientists took a long time to figure out the different spatial
relationships between the Moon, Earth, other planets, and the Sun.
4. e. Students know the position of the Sun in the sky changes during the course of the day
and from season to season.
During a single day the rotation of Earth causes the position of the Sun to change on
the horizon. It may be helpful for students to keep track of the Sun’s position and watch
how shadows lengthen rapidly as sunset approaches. From season to season the
length of day and the angle of the Sun vary. Students should know that they live in the
Northern Hemisphere, where the Sun at noon is lower and to the south in the sky in the
winter and more directly overhead in the summer. Shorter or longer days and more or
less direct sunlight characterize the seasons. The angle of the Sun in the sky at noon
and the length of the day vary throughout the year because Earth’s axis is tilted in
comparison to the plane of its orbit.
Astronomy Excerpts from the Frameworks for Science Education - Fifth Grade
STANDARD SET 5. Earth Sciences
(The Solar System)
Student knowledge of the solar system includes an understanding of and the ability to
describe the relative motions of the planets. Students already know that Earth orbits the
Astronomy Frameworks - Geog 106LRS - Spring 2008
Sun and the Moon orbits Earth. Students in grade five learn the composition of the Sun
and that the solar system includes small bodies, such as asteroids and comets, as well
as the Sun, nine planets, and their moons. They learn the basic relationship between
gravity and the planetary orbits.
5. The solar system consists of planets and other bodies that orbit the Sun in predictable paths.
As a basis for understanding this concept:
a. Students know the Sun, an average star, is the central and largest body in the solar system
and is composed primarily of hydrogen and helium.
The Sun is about one million times the volume of Earth. Its mass can be calculated from
the shapes of the planetary orbits, which result from the gravitational attraction between
the Sun and its planets. The fusion of hydrogen to helium produces most of the Sun’s
5. b. Students know the solar system includes the planet Earth, the Moon, the Sun, eight other
planets and their satellites, and smaller objects, such as asteroids and comets.
The solar system comprises nine planets, in the following order from the Sun: Mercury,
Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Most of the planets
have moons in orbit about them, but only Earth’s moon is visible to the unaided eye.
Asteroids and comets are small bodies, most of which are in irregular orbits about the
Sun. Many science texts and Web sites provide information and photographs of objects
in the solar system that are collected from NASA’s planetary, comet, and asteroid
missions and from the use of Earth and space telescopes.
5. c. Students know the path of a planet around the Sun is due to the gravitational attraction
between the Sun and the planet.
Planets move in elliptical but nearly circular orbits around the Sun just as the Moon
moves in a nearly circular orbit around Earth. Each object in the solar system would
move in a straight line if it were not pulled or pushed by a force. Gravity causes a pull,
or attraction, between the mass (matter) of each of the planets and the mass (matter) of
the Sun. This pull is what continually deflects a planet’s path toward the Sun and
produces its orbit.
Students may wonder why the pull of gravity does not cause the planets to “fall” into the
Sun or the Moon into Earth. One explanation is that the planets and Moon are in fact
falling, but they are also moving very fast to the side. As the Moon is pulled toward
Earth, it also moves forward creating the curved path of its orbit. Thus the Moon is
constantly falling, but the downward and sideways motions are exactly balanced so that
the Moon never gets closer to or farther away from Earth. In the same way the planets
are maintained in orbits around the Sun. Understanding that gravity exists in outer
space may be made more difficult by the images of astronauts floating “weightless” in
their capsules. When these pictures are taken, the astronauts are in orbit around Earth
and are essentially free-falling (just like the Moon).
Astronomy Excerpts from the Frameworks for Science Education - Eighth Grade
2. g. Students know the role of gravity in forming and maintaining the shapes of planets, stars,
and the solar system.
Astronomy Frameworks - Geog 106LRS - Spring 2008
Earth and other planets, and the atmosphere. Newton asked himself whether the
Gravity, an attractive force between masses, is responsible for forming the Sun, the planets, and
force that causes objects to fall to Earth could extend to the Moon. Newton knew
the moons in the solar system into their spherical shapes and for holding the system together. It is
that the Moon
travel inina the
line (getting
also responsible
for internal
Sun, Earth
and otherfarther
the atmosphere.
Earth) unless a force was acting on it to change its direction into a circular path.
Direction of force of
mutual gravitational
attraction of Earth
and the Moon
The Moon's
path with no
Orbital path of the Moon
Fig.1. Effect of Gravity on the Moon’s Path
He worked out the mathematics that convinced him that the force between all
Newton asked himself whether the force that causes objects to fall to Earth could extend to the
massive objects is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely
Moon. Newton knew that the Moon should travel in a straight line (getting farther and farther
the square
of the
This relationship
from proportional
Earth and othertoplanets,
and the
the force that
to explain
the motion
of Earth
and other
about should
the Sun.
fall to Earth
could extend
to the Moon.
knew planets
that the Moon
of light
such as
travel in aInitially,
straight line
and farther
Earth) unless
a force
was acting
on itand
lithium, distributed in space. The attraction of every particle of matter for every
the force
to the possible
product of
stars proportional
to form, making
of and
inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers. This relationship was
universe. As gravity is the fundamental force responsible for the formation and mothen extended to explain the motion of Earth and other planets about the Sun. Initially, the
of stars and
of the
of as
called galaxies,
it controls
size andinshape
of light
helium, and
lithium, the
The attraction of every particle of matter for every other particle of matter caused the stars to
form, making possible the “stuff” of the universe. As gravity is the fundamental force responsible
for the formation and motion of STANDARD
stars and of the clusters
called galaxies,
it controls the
of Matter
size and shape of the universe.
There is no disagreement about the importance of underSTANDARD SET 4. Earth in the Solar System (Earth Sciences)
standing the structure of matter. Richard Feynman, a
Students in grade eight are ready to tackle the larger picture of galaxies and astronomical
Nobel prize-winning
distances. They are ready to study
stars compared
with and contrasted
to thehas
and to learn in
greater detail about the planets and other objects in the solar system. High school studies of earth
If, inofsome
scientific knowledge
to be
sciences will include the dimension
time cataclysm,
along withall
in the
study of
destroyed and only one sentence passed on to the next generation of creatures, what
statement would contain the most information in the fewest words? I believe it is the
atomic hypothesis
(or atomic
or whatever
wish from
to callstudying
it) that all
4. The structure
and composition
of thefact,
can beyou
and are
galaxies made
and their
evolution. Asparticles
a basis for
concept:motion attracting
of atoms—little
move around this
in perpetual
a. Students
each other when they are a little distance apart, but repelling
being squeezed
Stars are into
not uniformly
distributed throughout the universe but are clustered by the billions in
one another.
galaxies. Some of the fuzzy points of light in the sky that were originally thought to be stars are
now known
to be distant
clusters of
assess Galaxies
prior totoform
by vast
the atomic theory of matter may be very challenging to them. Students are expected
sizes and shapes. The most common shapes are spiral, elliptical, and irregular. Beautiful, fullto recall terms and definitions from earlier introductions to the concepts of atoms,
color photographs of astronomical objects are available on the Internet, in library books, and in
molecules, and elements. Instruction should provide empirical evidence for the
atomic theory, which will be useful for understanding science and crucial to the
study of chemistry.
Focus on
Astronomy Frameworks - Geog 106LRS - Spring 2008
popular and professional journals. It may also interest students to know that astronomers have
inferred the existence of planets orbiting some stars.
4. b. Students know that the Sun is one of many stars in the Milky Way galaxy and that stars
may differ in size, temperature, and color.
The Sun is a star located on the rim of a typical spiral galaxy called the Milky Way and orbits the
galactic center. In similar spiral galaxies this galactic center appears as a bulge of stars in the
heart of the disk. The bright band of stars cutting across the night sky is the edge of the Milky
Way as seen from the perspective of Earth, which lies within the disk of the galaxy. Stars vary
greatly in size, temperature, and color. For the most part those variations are related to the stars’
life cycles. Light from the Sun and other stars indicates that the Sun is a fairly typical star. It has
a mass of about 2 × 1030 kg and an energy output, or luminosity, of about 4 × 1026 joules/sec.
The surface temperature of the Sun is approximately 5,500 degrees Celsius, and the radius of the
Sun is about 700 million meters. The surface temperature determines the yellow color of the light
shining from the Sun. Red stars have cooler surface temperatures, and blue stars have hotter
surface temperatures. To connect the surface temperature to the color of the Sun or of other stars,
teachers should obtain a “black-body” temperature spectrum chart, which is typically found in
high school and college textbooks.
4. c. Students know how to use astronomical units and light years as measures of distance
between the Sun, stars, and Earth.
Distances between astronomical objects are enormous. Measurement units such as centimeters,
meters, and kilometers used in the laboratory or on field trips are not useful for expressing those
distances. Consequently, astronomers use other units to describe large distances. The
astronomical unit (AU) is defined to be equal to the average distance from Earth to the Sun: 1
AU = 1.496 × 1011 meters. Distances between planets of the solar system are usually expressed
in AU. For distances between stars and galaxies, even that large unit of length is not sufficient.
Interstellar and intergalactic distances are expressed in terms of how far light travels in one year,
the light year (ly): 1 ly = 9.462 × 1015 meters, or approximately 6 trillion miles. The most
distant objects observed in the universe are estimated to be 10 to 15 billion light years from the
solar system. Teachers need to help students become familiar with AUs by expressing the
distance from the Sun to the planets in AUs instead of meters or miles. A good way to become
familiar with the relative distances of the planets from the Sun is to lay out the solar system to
scale on a length of cash register tape.
4. d. Students know that stars are the source of light for all bright objects
in outer space and that the Moon and planets shine by reflected sunlight, not by their own light.
The energy from the Sun and other stars, seen as visible light, is caused by nuclear fusion
reactions that occur deep inside the stars’ cores. By carefully analyzing the spectrum of light
from stars, scientists know that most stars are composed primarily of hydrogen, a smaller amount
of helium, and much smaller amounts of all the other chemical elements. Most stars are born
from the gravitational compression and heating of hydrogen gas. A fusion reaction results when
hydrogen nuclei combine to form helium nuclei. This event releases energy and establishes a
balance between the inward pull of gravity and the outward pressure of the fusion reaction
Ancient peoples observed that some objects in the night sky wandered about while other objects
maintained fixed positions in relation to one another (i.e., the constellations). Those “wanderers”
Astronomy Frameworks - Geog 106LRS - Spring 2008
are the planets. Through careful observations of the planets’ movements, scientists found that
planets travel in nearly circular (slightly elliptical) orbits about the Sun.
Planets (and the Moon) do not generate the light that makes them visible, a fact that is
demonstrated during eclipses of the Moon or by observation of the phases of the Moon and
planets when a portion is shaded from the direct light of the Sun.
Various types of exploratory missions have yielded much information about the reflectivity,
structure, and composition of the Moon and the planets. Those missions have included spacecraft
flying by and orbiting those bodies, the soft landing of spacecraft fitted with instruments, and, of
course, the visits of astronauts to the Moon.
4. e. Students know the appearance, general composition, relative position and size, and
motion of objects in the solar system, including planets, planetary satellites, comets, and
Nine planets are currently known in the solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. They vary greatly in size and appearance. For example, the
mass of Earth is 6 × 1024 kg and the radius is 6.4 × 106 m. Jupiter has more than 300 times the
mass of Earth, and the radius is ten times larger. The planets also drastically vary in their distance
from the Sun, period of revolution about the Sun, period of rotation about their own axis, tilt of
their axis, composition, and appearance. The inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars)
tend to be relatively small and are composed primarily of rock. The outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, and Neptune) are generally much larger and are composed primarily of gas. Pluto is
composed primarily of rock and is the smallest planet in the solar system.
All the planets are much smaller than the Sun. All objects are attracted toward one another
gravitationally, and the strength of the gravitational force between them depends on their masses
and the distance that separates them from one another and from the Sun. Before Newton
formulated his laws of motion and the law of universal gravitational attraction, German
astronomer Johannes Kepler deduced from astronomical observations three laws (Kepler’s laws)
that describe the motions of the planets.
Planets have smaller objects orbiting them called satellites or moons. Earth has one moon that
completes an orbit once every 28 days (approximately). Mercury and Venus have no moons, but
Jupiter and Saturn have many moons. Very small objects composed mostly of rock (asteroids) or
the ice from condensed gases (comets) or both also orbit the Sun. The orbits of many asteroids
are relatively circular and lie between the orbital paths of Mars and Jupiter (the asteroid belt).
Some asteroids and all comets have highly elliptical orbits, causing them to range great distances
from very close to the Sun to well beyond the orbit of Pluto.
Teachers should look for field trip opportunities for students to observe the night sky from an
astronomical observatory or with the aid of a local astronomical society. A visit to a planetarium
would be another way of observing the sky. If feasible, teachers should have students observe the
motion of Jupiter’s inner moons as well as the phases of Venus. Using resources in the librarymedia center, students can research related topics of interest.