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Name __________________________________ Date ______________________ Section _________
Chapter 1 Living Systems: Organisms
MCAS Review Notes Sheet
Living Things and Their Characteristics
Living Things Carry Out Life Processes
Organisms are ________________________________. They carry out certain life processes. They are:
The Cell
Cells are basic units that make up all __________________________. The nucleus ________________
_______________________. The cytoplasm is __________________________________. And the cell
membrane ______________________________.
Cells and Life Processes
If something is unicellular it is ________________________________, like an amoeba. If something is
multicellular, then it is ________________________________, like a human. Plant cells are different
form animal cells because they:
1) ________________________________________________________________
2) ________________________________________________________________
3) ________________________________________________________________
Only animal cells have centrioles, which _________________________________________________.
There are many structures inside cells. They include:
Organisms and Their Environment
Living things are constantly __________________________________, which is called the environment.
For example, animals obtain __________________________________________ from the environment,
while they release _____________________________________. Thus, there is a continual exchange of
Every organism needs __________________________________. Nutrients provide _______________
_____________________. The process of nutrition includes __________________________________.
Digestions is ________________________________________________________________________.
Absorption is ________________________________________________________________________.
Elimination is _______________________________________________________________________.
Nutrition in Plants
Plants are producers because they ____________________________________ through a process called
_____________________________. In this process they convert _______________________________
using energy from the __________ to make ___________________________________. Photosynthesis
happens in __________________________ which are found in _________________________. This
also makes the plants _________________.
Nutrition in Animals
Animals obtain nutrients by _____________________________________. The original source of all
energy is ________________. To maintain _______________________, or balance, an animal must
___________________________________ otherwise they could lose or gain weight, or get a disease.
Water is also a very important nutrient. It is necessary for ____________________________________.
For example blood ___________________________________________. Green plants also need water
_________________________. Life is ________________________________ without water.
Respiration is a process in which ________________________________________________________.
It is almost the opposite of ___________________________.
The formula for photosynthesis: _________________________________________________________.
The formula for respiration: ____________________________________________________________.
Excretion is the process of ___________________________________________. In humans, waste
materials are ___________________________________. After being filtered, they are removed from
our bodies by ________________________________________________________________________.
Regulation is the process that _________________________________. Homeostasis is the process that
____________________________________________________________. A organism must control its
internal environment so that a proper balance of ______________________
______________________________________. Two examples of regulation are: __________________
Reproduction is the process by which ____________________________________________________.
A species is _____________________________________________. The two types of reproduction are
_________________________________. Asexual reproduction involves just ____________________.
Three types of asexual reproduction are: __________________________________________________.
Sexual reproduction __________________________________________________________________.
Fertilization is _______________________________________________________________________.
Growth is ______________________________________. Metamorphosis is _____________________
_____________________ such as ______________________________________. A life cycle refers to
A microorganism is ___________________________________________________________________.
A germ is _____________________________________. __________________ need a host to occupy.
Many microorganisms are ____________________, like bacteria that ___________________________.
Some other examples are ______________________________________________________________.