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Notes- Islam
Name __________________________
Period ___________
The Beginnings of Islam
Lesson Overviews
The religion of __________, based on the teachings of ________________, spread across the
Arabian peninsula and far beyond to become a major world religion.
The Big Picture
Christianity had grown around the ____________ ___________ and spread into North
Africa and Mesopotamia.
Judaism, which had also grown in the ____________ __________________, reached as
far as the oasis towns of western Arabia.
In the same region of ___________, a new religion called Islam was born.
 Islam means “___________ ____ _____ _______ ____ _______” in Arabic, the Arab
 Followers of Islam are called _____________- which translates “ones who submit to
 The stories and teachings of Islam have been written down in the __________, the
most important book of Islam.
The Birth of Muhammad
According to Muslim tradition, a boy named Muhhamad was born in the oasis city of
___________ about A.D. 570.
 Raised by and _________ who was a trader
 In time Muhammad mastered the skill of leading _____________
Muhammad’s skills caught the eye of a wealthy widow and merchant, _____________.
 On her behalf, Muhammad traveled to the ____________ _____________ to trade
 When he returned from his journey, they married
The City of Mecca
His marriage to Khadija is said to have given him __________ and __________in busy
Mecca, where they lived.
Mecca lays on the main ____________ _______ through western Arabia.
Attracted other visitors because of the Kaaba, Mecca’s temple.
 Honored the _______ and _______________worshipped by the people of Mecca
Notes- Islam
Name __________________________
Period ___________
Teachings of Islam
Muhammad often went to a _____________ ________ near Mecca to pray.
 When he was 40, “something” happened that would change the history of Arabia
Muslims believe that Muhammad received a message from __________.
 Allah is the Arabic word for _________
 Over many years, Allah is said to have given other messages to Muhammad
The Prophet Muhammad
Muhammad set out to teach people in ___________ about Allah.
 Over the next three years, his group of followers slowly grew
He criticized the Meccans’ way of life and their belief in __________ gods.
 His disagreement w/ city leaders is said to have caused him and his followers to
___________ Mecca in _______
Muhammad’s Migration
Moved over 200 miles from Mecca to another
oasis town, ____________.
 Muhammad’s hijra- Arabic for
“_______________” – marked a major turning
point in Islamic history
 The year of the hijra, 622, marks the ____________
point of the Islamic calendar
Return to Mecca
In 624 Muhammad led attacks on Meccan caravans, cutting off Mecca’s source
Later, w/ ___________ ______________, he is said to have won Mecca’s surrender.
After his victory in 630, Muhammad ______________ the ___________ of the gods and
goddesses in the Kaaba and proclaimed Mecca a Muslim city.
 It is holy to Muslims to this day
The Sacred Book of Islam
In Islamic belief the Quran contains Allah’s ______________ to Muhammad.
 The most important teaching was that there was only ______ ______ in the universe____________
 Serves as a __________ for Muslims, as the Bible does for Jews and Christians.
 Through its words, Muslims learn about Allah’s _______________
5 Pillars of Islam
Daily confession of faith (shahada)
Daily ritual prayer (salat)
Paying the alms tax (zakat)
Fasting during the month of Ramadan (sawm)
Pilgrimmage to Mecca (hajj)
Notes- Islam
Name __________________________
Period ___________
Muslims Around the World
During the 100 years after the death of Muhammad, the Islamic community ________
 AD 750, followers of Islam could be found from ___________ all the way to the
____________ _____________ (India).
 ___________ became the common language in many Islamic lands.
Muslims Around the World
Islam Today
Around ________million Muslims live in the United States today.
Muslim customs often ________ from one country to another.
 Nearly _______Muslims honor the end of _______________ with a joyful feast.
 People wear new ____________ to celebrate the beginning of the month following the
long ___________.
Islam Today
Millions of Muslims from around the world still make the ______________ to the holy city of
____________ every year.
 Muslims everywhere view the pilgrimage as one of the most important events in theie
At home Muslim ___________ take time to teach their ___________ about the Quran.
 Muslim families have ____________________ when sons or daughters
_________________ large parts of the Quran.
Why it Matters?
The modern city of Mecca, in _______ ____________, is the center of a ___________________ Muslim ______________.
For almost 1,400 years Islam has been anchored in both the ________ of Muhammad and
the ____________ of the Quran.
 The religion of Islam has shaped _________________ and ____________
Notes- Islam
Name __________________________
Period ___________
Main Ideas
According to Muslim belief, Muhammad, the ___________ ____ _________, lived from AD
570 to 632. Muhammad preached that there was only one God- Allah.
Muhammad _____________ from Mecca to Medina to 622. This event is called the hijra.
Muhammad went on to become a powerful ___________in Medina. Later the returned and
proclaimed Mecca a ________ ________.
Muslims believe that the sacred book of Islam, ______ _________, contains holy teaching
that Muhammad __________ _________ __________.
The 5 ________ of Islam from the Quran _________ Muslims about how they should
______ Allah in their lives.