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1. Explain properties of life…
Biology A Wording
1. Cellular Organization
2. Metabolism
3. Homeostasis
4. Response to stimuli
5. Reproduce/Heredity
6. Growth & Development
7. Evolve
AP Bio Wording
1. Order – All life is organized
from simplest atoms to the
organism. Example:
Bacteria are unicellular and
aren’t as complex as
humans which have tissues
and organs.
1. Explain properties of life…
Biology A Wording
1. Cellular Organization
2. Metabolism
3. Homeostasis
4. Response to stimuli
5. Reproduce
6. Growth & Development
7. Evolve
AP Bio Wording
2. Energy Processing – Energy
is transferred from 1 form to
another form in living things.
Example: Trees do
photosynthesis and convert
light energy to chemical
1. Explain properties of life…
Biology A Wording
1. Cellular Organization
2. Metabolism
3. Homeostasis
4. Response to stimuli
5. Reproduce
6. Growth & Development
7. Evolve
AP Bio Wording
3. Homeostasis– Living things
can maintain internal
conditions. Example: When
hot, dogs sweat to cool
themselves down.
1. Explain properties of life…
Biology A Wording
1. Cellular Organization
2. Metabolism
3. Homeostasis
4. Response to stimuli
5. Reproduce
6. Growth & Development
7. Evolve
AP Bio Wording
4. Response to the
environment– Living things
will respond to stimuli in the
outside world. Example:
Plants will grow toward the
1. Explain properties of life…
Biology A Wording
1. Cellular Organization
2. Metabolism
3. Homeostasis
4. Response to stimuli
5. Reproduce
6. Growth & Development
7. Evolve
AP Bio Wording
5. Reproduction– Living
things are capable of
producing like organisms at
some point in their life cycle.
Example: Birds will lay eggs
that will hatch into baby birds.
1. Explain properties of life…
Biology A Wording
1. Cellular Organization
2. Metabolism
3. Homeostasis
4. Response to stimuli
5. Reproduce
6. Growth & Development
7. Evolve
AP Bio Wording
6. Growth & Development –
Living things grow (increase in
cells) and develop into adults.
Example: Babies get bigger
and become adults.
1. Explain properties of life…
Biology A Wording
1. Cellular Organization
2. Metabolism
3. Homeostasis
4. Response to stimuli
5. Reproduce
6. Growth & Development
7. Evolve
AP Bio Wording
7. Evolutionary Adaptation–
Living things evolve by
adapting to their
environments. Example:
Peppered Moth population
turned more black in color due
to the industrial revolution.
2. Evidence that life had a single origin
• The properties of life
– All life shares these properties which leads us to
the conclusion that there is one common ancestor
for all living things.
3. Timeline and Significance
a. Age of Earth - ~4.6 billion years ago
Significance – Allows scientists to date fossils
b. Chemical Evolution - ~3.8 billion years ago
Significance – Allows proteins and nucleic acids
to form, which is part of life
3. Timeline and Significance
a. Evolution of Cellular Structure and Prokaryote
Cell - ~3.5 billion years ago
Significance – Allowed first reproducing cellular
organisms to form
b. Photosynthesis - ~2.7 billion years ago
Significance – Provided oxygen and allowed life to
move on land
3. Timeline and Significance
a. Appearance of Eukaryotes and
Multicellularity- ~3.5 billion years ago
Significance – Allows specialized cellular
functions to be performed away from the rest of
the cell and
Allowed specialization of tissues
4. Why is classification of living
organisms necessary to understanding
• There are tens of millions of species that exist
on Earth
• Giving each a name allows for organization
and to compare for an evolutionary context.
5. What are the 3 domains? What are
the major groups of eukaryotes?
Groups of Eukaryotes
1. Archaea – unique
2. Bacteria – regular
3. Eukarya - eukaryotes
6. What are the origins of chloroplasts
and mitochondria in eukaryotes?
• They originated by endosymbiosis – when
larger cell’s ingest smaller ones.
– Mitochondria probably evolved from engulfed
prokaryotic organisms
– Chloroplasts probably evolved from engulfed
photosynthetic prokaryotes