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Name: _________________________________ Date: ______________________ Period: __________
Unit Test 1 Review
Paleolithic Era – Before 8000 BCE
Before and near the end of the last ice age.
Hunter gatherers
Societies egalitarian (men and women and other members shared
work equally)
Neolithic Era – 8000 BCE – 600 BCE
Neolithic Revolution – after the last ice age.
- Beginnings of farming and animal domestication
- People started living in communities
- Settled near water for fertile land, fresh water, and ease of
- Food surpluses led to specialization of work (not everyone had to
grow food)
- Specialization led to complex social structures
o Leaders, priests and wealthy at the top
o Nobles, warriors, farmers, artisans, and merchants in the
o Peasants and slaves at the bottom
o Women had fewer rights because they were valuable in
their role of being able to give birth (increase population,
more workers).
- Increase in disease due to people and animals living in close
proximity to each other and poor sanitary conditions
- Led to River Valley Civilizations
First Civilizations
- River valleys near major rivers
o Regular flooding brought new fertile soil on a regular basis
o Mild climates (similar latitudes)
o Fresh water
o Ease of transportation
o More structured civilizations
Yellow River Valley - China
Indus River Valley – India (South Asia)
Mesopotamia – Tigris and Euphrates River Valleys
Nile River Valley - Egypt
Name: _________________________________ Date: ______________________ Period: __________
Classical Era – 600 BCE – 600 CE
– First Monotheistic (one god) religion – Persia
– Similar beliefs to later Judaism and Christianity
Developed around 2000 BCE in present day Israel on
the coast of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
Monotheistic (God with a capital “G”)
Torah – part of Jewish religious documents became
part of Christian Bible
More of a philosophy than a religion
Started in South Asia
Spread east to East (China and Japan) and Southeast
Asia after Hinduism grew in popularity in South Asia
Caste System
o Strict division between castes based on social
o You are born into your caste (hereditary
o Almost impossible to change castes, immoral and
can get you thrown out of the religion (Outcast)
Law Book of Manu
Women subservient to men, had few rights
Developed around 2000 years ago. (Christ born in 0
Monotheistic (God with a capital G)(Jesus not a god,
but a manifestation of God, or God in human form)
Based on the teachings of Jesus
Christians persecuted by Romans, sent to their deaths
against lions in the Roman Coliseum (Jesus crucified
by Romans)
Adopted as the official religion of the Roman Empire
by Emperor Constantine shortly before the empire
was divided into Eastern and Western
Name: _________________________________ Date: ______________________ Period: __________
Ancient Greece
Developed first writing systems
Law Code of Hammurabi
o First known written law code provided consistency
in legal disputes
o Harsher for lower classes (Eye for an Eye)
Emperor Cyrus built thousands of miles of roads and
the first postal system
Provinces paid tribute (taxes) to emperor to show
Vastly increased trade because of protection , roads,
and use of coins instead of bartering
Religion – Zoroastrianism, first monotheistic religion,
similar beliefs to later Judaism and Christianity
Mountainous Terrain (natural borders which
separated citystates)
Rocky soil limited crops to olive trees and grape vines
and domesticated animals to goats and sheep.
Surrounded by water and includes many small islands
(Aegean Sea in the Northwest Mediterranean Sea)
o Calm waters, fishing, trading with others in the
region, many stories of sea adventures (Iliad and the
o Military City-State
o Center of government and administration
o Early Democracy – Citizen Assembly
o Women have few rights
Known for the development of the study of philosophy
(Socrates, Plato, Aristotle)
Known for developments in math (Pythagoras and
others) and science (Archimedes (pumps) and others),
and monumental architecture (Parthenon)
Alexander the Great expanded the Greek Empire to its
largest in only 13 years before his death
o Spread Greek culture to most of Europe and as far
east as the Indus River valley
o Effectively ended the Persian Empire
o Conflict between widespread city-states led to fall of
empire after Alexander’s death
Name: _________________________________ Date: ______________________ Period: __________
Rome – Roman Empire
Founded on the Tiber River in central part of Italian
Peninsula by brothers Romulus and Remus (raised by
a she-wolf)
Protected from invasion from the north by the Alps
mountain range
Adopted many of the beliefs, religion, ideas, cultural
traits of the Greeks (including government)
Known for monumental architecture
Developed law code called the Twelve Tables (all
citizens equal under the law)
Language later developed into Italian, French, and
Emperor Constantine adopted Christianity as the
official religion of the empire near the end of the
Financial pressure of the size of the empire, mercenary
(paid but not citizens) army became disloyal, Goths
from the North, Vandals from the South (Africa), and
Huns from the East invaded Rome all causing the final
collapse of the Roman Empire.
Name: _________________________________ Date: ______________________ Period: __________
Unit Test 2 Review
End of the Classical Period in China (600 BCE – 600 CE)
Zhou China
Ended in Civil War because nobles were given land in return for
service to the emperor. Nobles eventually became too powerful for
the emperor to control.
Dynastic Cycle
Confucius sought to bring order to China’s chaotic
social and political life.
Taught obedience and order.
Stressed following traditional ways which would lead
to peace and harmony.
Mandate of Heaven (see above diagram)
There is a natural order or “way” in nature.
Stressed following the “way” of nature rather than
resisting it.
Self Sacrifice is an important belief in Buddhism
Qin (Chin) Dynasty
Shih Huang Ti unified China through conquest
Centralized government power
Began construction of the Great Wall
Name: _________________________________ Date: ______________________ Period: __________
Han Dynasty
Returned to Confucian philosophy
Civil servants were educated and tested before
receiving government jobs
Comparison of the Fall of Han and Roman Empires
Both empires were attacked from outside by hostile
Both empires were divided into separate states
Widespread corruption in the central government led
to chaos
Over taxation of lower classes in order to support vast
armies needed to defend the large territory crippled
Silk Road
Series of trade networks stretching from China to Europe
Conduit for trade and cultural diffusion between:
o Russia / Scandinavia
o China
o South Asia
o Africa
o Middle East
o Europe
The Middle Ages (600 CE – 1450 CE)
Byzantine Empire
Created when the capitol was moved from Rome to Constantinople
(modern Turkey) and the Western part of the former Roman Empire
was cut off from the Eastern Empire.
Eastern Orthodoxy (Eastern Christian Church)
Christianity continued in the Byzantine Empire after
the earlier Roman Empire was split by the later Roman
Beliefs the same as Roman Catholic, but with different
Name: _________________________________ Date: ______________________ Period: __________
Roman Catholic Church
Claimed to represent God’s will on Earth
Largest Landowner in Europe
Main source of education in Europe
St. Augustine
o Wrote The City of God
o Asked why God is letting barbarians destroy the
Christian civilization
o No earthly city can last forever
St. Thomas Aquinas
o Wrote Summa Theologica, a collection of all
Christian beliefs.
o Taught that Christians should trust reason as well as
o Advocated “Natural Law”
o Believed that rulers could be overthrown if they
enacted unjust laws.
Medieval Europe
The fall of the Roman Empire resulted in the division
of Western Europe into a number of small kingdoms.
In later Medieval Europe c. 1215 CE, English nobles
got King John to agree to a set of legal principles, called
the Magna Carta which limited the power of the
English monarch, and set a precedent for limited
monarchies and future democratic-republican
Feudalism is a system where a ruler grants land to a
noble or powerful lord in return for loyalty and the
promise of a contribution of soldiers, arms, and
supplies to the in the event of war.
Serfs were “attached” to the land and served the lord
of the manor.
All economic, cultural, social activities revolved
around the manor house where the Lord of the Manor
Three Field system of crop rotation increased the yield
of farmland by allowing one field per year to recover
and regain nutrients.
Name: _________________________________ Date: ______________________ Period: __________
The Crusades
Causes for the Crusades
Rise of Roman Catholic Christianity in Europe after the
Fall of the Roman Empire provided a unifying force in
a time of chaos
Spread of Islam from India in the East into Spain in
southwest Europe led to fear of the encirclement of
Takeover and destruction of Christian holy places
and relics in Palestine by Muslim forces
All of these lead to an impassioned plea to the nobles
of Europe, by Pope Urban II, to drive out the Muslims
and re-conquer the “Holy Places”
Pope promised salvation for those who went on
Crusade to the Holy Lands
Demonstrated the tremendous influence of the
Roman Catholic Church in Medieval Europe
Results of the Crusades for Europe
New Products
New Ideas (intellectual and cultural)
New Architecture
Increased the wealth of the Church
Increased the wealth of European nobles
Late Middle Ages
Social (Europe)
The deaths of nearly 1/3 of the population of Europe,
as a result of The Black Death, resulted in a labor
shortage across Europe.
This labor shortage effectively ended
feudalism/manorialism in medieval Europe since
workers were in high demand and had many new
employment opportunities.
Development of Islam
By 1050 Islam had spread from Spain to the Indus
River Valley in South Asia
Two main factions developed:
o Sunni – believed that a Caliph could be anyone
o Shiite – believed that to be a Caliph, one must be
directly descended from Muhammad
Made advancements in math, science, and medicine
Developed advanced map making skills
Name: _________________________________ Date: ______________________ Period: __________
Gold and Salt Trade
Gold, Salt, and Slaves were traded across the TransSaharan camel routes from North Africa to West
Powerful Kingdoms developed along these trade
routes by taxing and controlling the flow of gold and
New ideas, goods, and culture spread along these trade
Islam spread to West Africa as a result of the Gold and
Salt Trade.
West African Kingdoms
Used Iron technology to make weapons and gain
control of trade routes
Taxed trade routes to gain wealth and power
Fell when conquered by Muslim invaders from North
Rulers converted to Islam, most citizens did not
Mansa Musa – Muslim convert – ruler:
o Expanded kingdom’s size greatly
o Travelled to Mecca and Cairo Egypt
o Built giant Mosque in Timbuktu which became a
center of culture and education
Sultan Sunni Ali captured Timbuktu
Created an elaborate system of taxation
Defeated by North Africans from Morrocco who used
gunpowder and muskets to defeat the Songhai who
used spears and arrows.
Muslim, Christian, Jewish Interactions
Most interactions in between European Christians and Muslims
between 1095 CE and about 1300 CE were marked by violent conflict
(The Crusades).
Results of the Crusades for Muslim lands
Shrinking of the size of the Islamic “Empire”
Had little negative effect on the spread of Islam to
other regions
Europeans left behind “castle” technology
Name: _________________________________ Date: ______________________ Period: __________
Islamic Spain
The Alhambra – Elaborate palace, a center of Muslim
culture and learning
Cordoba – Great Mosque, Great city of Culture and
Ottoman Empire and its Impact on Global Trade
Nomadic Turkish people
Greatest power in Eastern Europe and the Eastern
Land routes between Europe and Asia shorter and
more direct through their empire
Safavid Empire
Also members of a Turkish tribe
Shiite Muslims
Ruled empire in what is modern day Iran
Impact of Islam on India
Islam Spread rapidly in the poorer part Eastern India
due to the fact that Islam did not recognize the Caste
system, but encouraged social mobility.
Tang and Song Dynasties
Conquered Manchuria, Korea, and parts of Central
Completed Grand Canal, Standardized Coins, and
developed Paper Money
Developed new technologies such as:
o Block printing
o Crossbow
o Gunpowder
o Abacus (used for arithmetic)
o Compass (used for navigation)
Intricate artwork on scrolls, court poetry, and glazed