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BLOCK 1/6 – 1/7
What are the 3 parts of Interphase?
When does the DNA replicate?
What are the four stages of Mitosis?
What is the end result of Mitosis?
What occurs after Mitosis?
Thursday 1/8/2015
• What are somatic cells?
• What are gametes?
• Humans have ___ total chromosomes? ___ pair?
• What are autosomes?
• What do we call a change in an organism’s
chromosome structure?
Friday 1/9
What are 4 ways that genetic variation is achieved
regarding sexual reproduction/meiosis:
What occurs during Anaphase 1 of Meiosis?
What occurs during Anaphase 2 of Meiosis?
Monday 1/12
• In Humans, gametes contain _____ autosome(s)
and ______ sex chromosome(s)
• Alternate versions of a gene or trait (such as eye
color or hair texture) are called _________
• Separation of Homologous Chromosomes occurs
during ____________ of Meiosis ____
• Sister Chromatids separate during _________ of
Meiosis _____
BLOCK 1/13 – 1/14
• How are Chromosomes arranged in a Karyotype?
• What information can we determine from a
• What is nondisjunction?
• When can nondisjunction occur during meiosis?
Friday 1/16
• List 4 things you know about genetics
What is a Punnett Square?
What is it used for?
Block 1/20 – 1/21
• A = Dominant
a = recessive
• Show a Heterozygous genotype:
• Show a Homozygous recessive:
• Show a Homozygous dominant:
• Draw a Punnett Square crossing Aa X Aa:
• What is the Phenotypic Ratio:
• What is the Genotypic Ratio:
Thursday 1/22
• Explain what a Test Cross is and how/why you
would use it:
• Explain Mendel’s Law of Segregation:
• Explain Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment:
• Law of Segregation: the two alleles for a trait
segregate (separate) when gametes are formed
during meiosis
• Bb parent could contribute B or b to gamete
• Law of Independent Assortment: alleles of
different genes separate independently of one
another during gamete formation
• Note: genes must be located on different chromosomes or
far apart from each other on the same chromosome
(due to crossing over)
• Example: plant height isn’t affected by plant’s flower color
Friday 1/23
• What are the possible gamete combinations for an
individual with the following genotype:
________ ________ ________ ________
Remember to use the F-O-I-L method !!
• What are the possible gamete combinations for an
individual with the following genotype:
BLOCK 2/3 – 2/4
• What is the estimated age of Earth?
• How long ago did Dinosaurs become extinct?
• Of all the life forms to ever exist on Earth, what
percentage have gone extinct?
• How many years have humans (Homo sapien) been
on Earth?
Thursday 2/5
• List and “correct” 3 common misconceptions
regarding Evolution:
Friday 2/6
• With the extinction of the Dinosaurs, what class
of animals became dominant?
• Describe Darwin’s idea of “Natural Selection”:
• What were reptile’s main adaptations for life on
• What class of animals did reptiles evolve from?
• What current animals are thought to be the
closest relatives to small Dinosaurs?
Monday 2/9
• The Geologic Times Scale is broken into 4 Era’s.
Name them, oldest to most recent?
• What Era could be termed “The Age of Dinosaurs”?
• List the periods of the Paleozoic, and name one
Evolutionary Milestone that occurred in each one.
• When did the Cenozoic Era begin and end?
BLOCK 2/10 – 2/11
How many Million Years Before Present (MYBP) do we
have evidence of:
 Eukaryotic cells?
 First Bird (Archeopteryx)?
 First flowering plants?
 First insects?
 First fish?
 First dinosaurs?
 T-rex and Velociraptor?
Thursday 2/12
• Paleontologists think that early relatives of whales
were what type of animal?
• What was a key result of the evolution of Bipedal
• Compare a whale’s swimming action to that of a
• Where is Whale Valley located?
• What was that area 40 mya?
Friday 2/13
• Darwin’s travels were 1831-1836. Why did he wait
until 1859 to publish “On the Origin of Species”?
• What was Lamark incorrect about?
• In evolutionary terms, what does “fitness” mean?
• Every population has ______________ .
BLOCK 2/17 – 2/18
List the 5 categories of Evolutionary Evidence along
with a description and/or examples:
Thursday 2/19
• List and describe any animal or plant adaptations
How do they help survive/reproduce??
Friday 2/20
• What are 4 types of Physical Adaptations?
• What are 2 types of Behavioral Adaptations?
Thursday 10/16
• Define the following:
– Gamete
– Gene
– Chromatids
– Zygote
– Autosomes
Friday 10/17
• Cell Cycle Diagram and info copied from Board:
Monday 10/20
• What happens during the “S” phase of Interphase?
• Diploid or Haploid?
• Gametes
Somatic Cells
• What are 4 types of mutations that can occur in a
chromosome’s structure?
• What occurs during Anaphase of Mitosis?
Block 10/21 – 10/22
• Human gametes contain ______ autosome(s) and
_______ sex chromosomes.
• If an organism has a diploid number of 2n=36, how
many chromosomes will it’s sex cells have?
• Starting with G1, what is the correct sequence of
the cell cycle?
• Which genes stimulate cell division and which genes
put the “brake” on cell division?
Monday 10/27
• What is Photosynthesis? (Include reactants and
products in your response)
• What is one thing you learned from the article from
BLOCK 10/28 – 10/29
• Write out the balanced equation for Photosynthesis
• Compare Species, Population, and Community
• Show a food chain of 4 organisms and label each
Trophic Level
• How much energy gets transferred from one trophic
level to the next?
Thursday 10/30
• What is the most common sunlight-absorbing
pigment found in chloroplasts?
• What is another name for the “Dark” Reaction or
the “Light Independent” Reaction?
• What two “energy carrying” molecules are formed
in the Light Reaction and used in the Dark
• Compare autotrophs vs. heterotrophs
Friday 10/31
• The H+ concentration gradient leads to the
formation of _________________
• What is produced as a result of the ETC?________
• What are the 3 important end products of the Light
• What happens to water in the Light Reaction?
• What is the end product of the Calvin Cycle?
Thursday 11/6
• What is the purpose of Cellular Respiration?
• Write the balanced equation for Cellular Respiration
• What types of organisms undergo CR?
Friday 11/7
• What are the starting and end products of
• What energy carriers are associated with Cellular
• Where does the Krebs Cycle take place?
• How many ATP are produced in the ETC of Aerobic
Mon 11/10
• What are the end products of the Kreb’s Cycle?
• Compare anaerobic vs. aerobic processes, and give
an example of each:
• What are the 2 types of Fermentation, and what
does each produce?
• One molecule of Glucose will produce a maximum
of ________ ATP via Aerobic Cellular Respiration:
____ in Glycolysis, ____ in Kreb’s, and _____ in ETC
Block 11/12 – 11/13
• Cellular Respiration Learning Goals
• Objective: Understand the importance and processes of Cellular
• I can:
• Trace the steps of Respiration from glucose to the production of
• Understand the importance of NADH and FADH2
• Describe in detail each of the 3 Stages of Aerobic Cellular
• Differentiate and explain the 2 types of Fermentation
• Write the Balanced equation for Aerobic Cellular Respiration
• Compare Aerobic and Anaerobic processes and give examples
• Rubric:
• 4
All above and teach another student
• 3.5 All above
• 3
Four of above
• 2
3 of above
• 1
less than 3 of above
Monday 11/17
• What are the building blocks of DNA called:
• What are the 3 parts of these monomers?
• What 4 bases make up DNA?
• What 4 bases make up RNA?
• What is DNA’s shape?
Thursday 11/20
• List three enzymes involved in DNA Replication and
their functions:
• What does “Semi-Conservative Replication” mean:
• If a sample of DNA has 36% Thymine, what % of the
sample will be Cytosine?
• How did you determine this percentage?
Monday 12/1
• What are the building blocks (monomers) of
• Where in the cell are proteins made?
• What are the 3 differences between RNA and DNA?
• What are the 3 parts of a Nucleotide?
BLOCK 12/2 – 12/3
• Differentiate between Atomic Number and Atomic
• Differentiate between Hydrophobic and
• Differentiate between Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes:
• Differentiate between Active and Passive Transport:
Thursday 12/4
• Differentiate and give examples of Quantitative vs
Qualitative observations
• How does ‘DRY’ and ‘ MIX’ relate to graphing?
• What are the 4 Macromolecules, and examples?
• List the stages of the cell cycle (break down to 8):
Interphase I
I ?
Friday 12/5
• There are _____ amino acids but _______ possible
• Transfer RNA (tRNA) has an _________ _________
at one end and a 3-base ____________ at the
• ____________ are the non-coding segments that
are “snipped out” of the transcribed mRNA.
• The segments that do code for proteins,
__________, are then “glued” together by the
enzyme ligase.
• Translation is the process of decoding the
_________ into a polypeptide chain (a protein).