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AP Biology Reading Guide Ch. 22: Descent with Modification: A Darwinian View of Life
Answer all the questions in complete sentences on a separate piece of paper. Your answers must be
neatly handwritten. Typed responses will NOT be accepted.
A. Reading Guide Questions: As you study this chapter, read several paragraphs at a time to catch the flow of
ideas and understand the reasoning that is being described. In some places, the text describes a narrative or
story of events that led to Darwin’s theory of evolution. Read the narrative to absorb the big picture and then
return to answer the few questions that accompany this material.
1. Define evolution broadly and then give a narrower definition, as discussed in the overview.
2. James Hutton and Charles Lyell were geologists whose ideas strongly influenced Darwin’s thinking. Describe
the ideas each of them contributed.
3. Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck proposed a mechanism for how life changes over time. Explain the two principles of
his mechanism.
4. Charles Darwin proposed that the mechanism of evolution is natural selection and that it explains how
adaptations arise. Explain what adaptations are and give two examples to support your response.
5. It is important to remember that differences in heritable traits can lead to differential reproductive success.
Describe what differential reproductive success means and what it can lead to over time.
6. Define
the following terms and give an example of each:
Homologous structures
Vestigial structures
Analogous structures
B. Chapter 22: Self-Quiz: Answer the questions on pg. 467 of Chapter 22. Answers must be in complete
sentences and contain the letter answer. Refer to the example for the required format:
Given the question:
Q: The best description of natural selection is
a. survival of the fittest.
b. the struggle for existence.
c. the reproductive success of the members of a population best adapted to the
d. the overproduction of offspring in environments with limited natural resources.
e. a change in the proportion of alleles within a population.
Your answer should look like this:
A: The best description of natural selection is the reproductive success of the members of a
population best adapted to the environment (C).
C. Evolutionary tree: Use the tree on pg 464 of your Ch. 22 packet for the following questions:
1. What is indicated by each branch point? What is indicated by the hatch marks? Are crocodiles more
closely related to lizards or to birds? Justify your response and explain how you arrived at your
2. Organisms that are only distantly related can resemble each other. Convergent evolution might be
summarized like this: Similar problem, similar solution. Compose a well-developed paragraph to
include your responses to the following:
a. Define and explain convergent evolution.
b. Describe how analogous structures can arise.
c. Provide two examples of convergent evolution to illustrate your response.
AP Biology Reading Guide Ch. 22: Descent with Modification: A Darwinian View of Life
Observable evolutionary change:
Label the figure. Below the figure, in a well-developed paragraph, describe the work done by John Endler
and explain how his work with guppies demonstrated observable evolutionary change. Staple this
page to your handwritten responses.