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7th Chapter 14 Notes – Infectious Diseases
Lesson One
Infectious Disease
Is an illness that is caused by microorganisms
Microorganisms – very small things that are
found everywhere
Contagious Diseases
Spread directly or indirectly from one person
to another
How Diseases Spread
Touching, Coughing or Sneezing, Sharing,
Sexual Contact
Very simple single-celled microorganisms that
are found everywhere. Reproduce very
Strep Throat
Caused by a type of bacterium called
streptococcus. Pain when you swallow, fever.
Throat Culture
A test in which a doctor uses a cotton swab to
wipe the back of the throat
Rheumatic Fever
Caused when strep throat infections are not
treated properly. Can affect your heart valves
and large joints.
Spaces located within the front of the skull
Many have small tubes that drain fluid down
into the nose or throat, if tube gets blocked,
the sinuses become clogged and become
Inflammation of a sinus
Usually not contagious. Symptoms of
Sinusitis: congestion, runny nose, fever,
Lesson Two
Serious disease caused by a slow-growing
Symptoms of TB
Very tired, have a fever, night sweats, cough.
Few or no symptoms. Can pass to disease to
Kills about 3 million people worldwide a year.
All cases must be reported to the health
Avoiding Bacterial Infections
Limit contact with people who have bacterial
infection, avoid sharing food or drink with
others, wash hands frequently, take warm
showers, eat properly and get enough sleep.
A drug that can kill bacteria or slow the
growth of bacteria.
Penicillin - first antibiotic, discovered by
accident 1928. Alexander Fleming – bacteria
in a Petri Dish were dying where mold was
1940s – became available to many people
One of the smallest and simplest diseasecausing agents. They are EVERWHERE.
Responsible for many diseases, some deadly.
Not considered to be living things. Cannot
reproduce on its own. Must reproduce by
invading a living thing
Genetic Material
Chemical information that is passed on during
How Viruses Can be Passed
Touching living or nonliving objects, coughing,
sneezing, insect bites, blood, sexual contact.
Lesson Three
Common Cold
Most common viral infection. Caused by
many different kinds of viruses.
On average, person gets about 2 colds a year.
Spread by coughing, sneezing, touching.
Congestion, runny nose, sore throat,
sneezing, and coughing.
Medicines available. Drink lots of fluids and
get rest.
“Flu” – viral infection that is very common in
winter months.
Spread by coughing, sneezing, touching.
Body aches, headaches, high fever, chills,
congestion, cough, sore throat.
HIGH FEVER – main difference between cold
and flu
Substance that helps the body build
resistance to a certain disease. Cannot
completely stop the spread of a virus.
Mono or “kissing disease” is caused by a virus
called EBV.
Common in older teens and young adults.
Spread by coughing, sneezing, kissing or
sharing food and drink.
Make you tired for weeks, bad sore throat,
fever, swollen spleen, swollen lymph nodes
(small oval structures located throughout
body that help remove harmful substances
from fluids surrounding cells).
Symptoms of Cold
Ways to Prevent Viral Infections
Best ways to prevent viral diseases are
Students are legally required to get vaccines
before they are allowed to go to school
Lesson Four
Sexually Transmitted Disease
Any disease that can be passed from person
to person by any form of sexual contact.
Caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites
1 in 4 newly infected people is a teenager
Millions of new cases each year
Symptoms vary. Brain damage, paralysis, and
Inability to produce children
Sexual Abstinence
Refusal to take part in sexual activity
Common STDs
TABLE 2 – pg. 311 look at and discuss.
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome –
deadly disease. Caused by HIV, an infectious
Virus that attacks the immune system, which
is the group of cells and tissues that defends
your body against disease.
Slowly destroys the person’s ability to fight
Symptoms of AIDS
Fever, weight loss, sores covering body.
Gradually becomes more ill and eventually
How HIV is Spread
Sexual Contact, Mother to Child, Drug Use,
Blood Transfusion
First reported in 1981, since spread
Lesson Five
Preventing Spread of Infectious
Keep Clean – practice good hygiene, avoid
infection, protect others – cover mouth when
you sneeze or cough