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Infectious Diseases
Cold – An illness caused by a virus that affects the respiratory system. The symptoms of
a cold include sore throat and runny nose.
Influenza/Flu – A viral infection affecting the respiratory system. The symptoms
include: fever, muscle aches, and a cough. This usually last longer than a cold.
Athlete’s Foot – A fungus infection of the feet. Symptoms include red, scaly, and smelly
feet. This infection affects the skin and integumentary system.
AIDS – A viral infection that attacks the immune system so that one is unable to fight off
microbes that may attack the body. Symptoms include: unexplained weight loss, white
patches in the mouth, fatigue, night sweats and unusual illnesses.
Strep Throat – A bacterial infection that causes a red, sore throat with a fever. The
respiratory system is affected.
Yellow Fever – Yellow fever is caused by a virus that is transmitted by mosquitoes.
Symptoms include headache, muscle aches, fever, jaundice, vomiting with blood, and
bleeding from the mucous membranes.
Non-Infectious Diseases
Diabetes - A disease caused by a person’s inability to produce or properly use insulin.
Diabetes can affect the pancreas, kidneys and the heart.
Parkinson’s Disease – A disease of the nervous system that occurs when certain nerve
cells in the brain quit functioning properly, affecting the muscular system. The major
symptoms are severe shaking and disabilities involving movement.
Skin Cancer – A disease in which skin cells in the outer layers become damaged.
Factors that contribute to skin cancer include UV light from the sun, tanning beds, and
heredity. The integumentary system is affected.
Symptoms include change in moles, in size or color, and sores that do not heal.
Asthma - A disease that affects the airways of the lungs. It causes periodic wheezing
and difficulty breathing. An asthma attack may occur as a result of allergies, exercise,
cold weather. The respiratory system is affected.