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Fall of the Western Roman
Chapter 2 – Section 2
Standard 7.1.2:
To learn and understand that questions still
exist today about how to best govern large
numbers of people spread over a large area.
Problems Threaten the Empire
The empire spread over southern & eastern
Europe, parts of Asia and north Africa.
From Britain to Egypt, from the Atlantic Ocean
to the Persian Gulf
Problems with the Empire
Barbarians (Germanic warriors) in northern
Europe began attacking the empire.
Persian armies began attacking in the east.
Romans fought against invaders for 200
Struggles within empire as well
So many people were needed to fight that no
one was left to work and farm
Germanic people were invited by the Romans
to come and farm on Roman land
These were the same people they were
fighting…does this make sense?
Foreign invasions & war
Internal rebellion
Romans not happy with life in the empire &
looked for new leadership, strong leadership
Division of the Empire
New leader for Rome was strong
Convinced that the empire was too large to
Split the empire & ruled the eastern half
A later emperor, Constantine, reunited the
Also moved the capital of the empire from
Italy to the east
Called it Constantinople
Modeled it after Rome
Change in power
Power now in the east
Back to Foreign Invasion
Germanic tribes/barbarians began attacking the
northern borders of empire
Huns from Asia invaded the empire & fought with
conquered people called the Goths
Hun leader = Attila
Goths could not defend themselves and fled into the
Roman empire
Roman did not want them & fought with them as
The Sack of Rome
Romans fought and even tried to pay the
Goths to not attack Rome!
When the $$$ stopped coming, the Goths
became angry and destroyed Rome!!!
For the first time in a long time, Romans were
The Empire in Chaos
After Rome fell, other groups saw weakness in
the Roman empire & attacked
The Vandals attacked in Spain
The Angles, Saxons, and Jutes attacked
The Franks invaded Gaul (France)
Frankish king = Clovis
The End of the Western Empire
Rome needed strong leadership in order to regain its
strength, but all leaders were weak.
Military leaders began to take over control but were
no better than the emperors (greedy)
In 476 a barbarian general overthrew the last
Roman emperor & declared himself king of Italy
Officially the end of the Western Roman Empire
Factors leading to Rome’s Fall
Barbarian invasion (foreign invasion)
Corruption of government/leaders & morals
Weakening economy
Too much power given to the military
Empire was too large to control
Checking for Understanding!
Causes of Rome’s Collapse
Military leaders
take power
Wealthy citizens
flee Rome