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Downloaded from on September 15, 2016 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Genes Involved in Two Caenorhabditis elegans
Cell-signaling Pathways
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
Cell interactions are responsible for many aspects of
animal development (see, e.g., Gurdon 1992). What
are the signals, receptors, and signal transduction molecules that function as cells communicate with each
other during development? Answers to this question
are only beginning to emerge from studies in developmental biology (see, e.g., Greenwald and Rubin 1992;
Hynes and Lander 1992; Jessell and Melton 1992). To
what extent are particular intercellular signaling molecules shared among different sets of interacting cells?
A r e the same signaling molecules and pathways used in
different cell types, at different locations, and at different times during development? Or does each group of
interacting cells use a unique signaling pathway? Answers to these questions would provide fundamental insights into the molecular basis of animal development.
To address these issues, we are analyzing the role of
cell interactions in the development of the nematode
Caenorhabditis elegans. The complete development of
C. elegans has been described at the level of single cells.
For example, the C. elegans cell lineage is known to be
essentially invariant and to generate a total of 959
somatic nuclei in the adult (Sulston and Horvitz 1977;
Kimble and Hirsh 1979; Sulston et al. 1983). The invariance of C. elegans development reflects to a significant extent an invariance in cell interactions that regulate patterns of cell division, cell migration, cell differentiation, and cell death (for review, see Sulston
*Present address: Boyer Center for Molecular Medicine, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06536.
nn t a r l n a
1988; Lambie and Kimble 1991). That reproducible cell
interactions can be studied at the resolution of individual cells has greatly facilitated the analysis of intercellular signaling in C. elegans.
In this paper, we describe studies of how intercellular
signaling controls two distinct aspects of C. elegans
development: the migration of a pair of sex myoblasts
and the induction of the vulva. The roles of individual
cells in these signaling processes have been analyzed
using a laser microbeam to kill specific cells and thereby
reveal the ways in which these cells influence the fates
of other cells. Mutations that perturb sex myoblast
migration or vulval induction have identified genes that
function in these as well as in other C. elegans cell
signaling pathways. A t least one of these genes acts in
both sex myoblast migration and vulval induction.
Genes involved in intercellular signaling in C. elegans
are similar to genes that function during the development of other organisms, as well as to oncogenes associated with neoplastic growth.
Cell Interactions Coordinate the Development
of the Egg-laying System
Sex myoblast migration and vulva induction are involved in the development of the egg-laying system of
the adult C. elegans hermaphrodite. Egg laying by C.
elegans requires the concerted action of the gonad, the
vulva, the vulval and uterine muscles, and a pair of
serotonergic motor neurons known as the hermaphrodite-specific neurons (HSNs) (Fig. 1). Eggs stored in
m n n a r , iacz
Figure 1. The C. elegans egg-laying system.
Left lateral view of the egg-laying system, which
consists of four components: the uterus, which
stores eggs; the vulva, an opening that consists
of specialized hypodermal cells and that connects the uterus to the external environment; the
eight uterine and eight vulval muscles, which
contract to squeeze the uterus and open the
vulva, respectively; and the two HSNs, which
innervate the egg-laying muscles. Only the four
uterine and four vulval muscle cells and the one
HSN neuron located on the left side of the animal are shown. Dorsal is up, and anterior is to
the left. (Based on Sulston and Horvitz [1977]
and White et al. [1986 and pers. comm.].)
u u u,t,l~vu~
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, VolumeLVII.(~) 1992 Cold Spring Harbor LaboratoryPress 0-87969-063-1/92 $3.00
Downloaded from on September 15, 2016 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
the uterus are expelled through the vulva, an opening
in the ventral hypodermis, by the contraction of the 16
uterine and vulval muscles, which squeeze the uterus
and open the vulva. These egg-laying muscles are
stimulated to contract by the HSNs. The proper functioning of all four components of the egg-laying system
is essential for normal egg laying.
A cascade of cell interactions regulates the development of the egg-laying system. Specifically, the developing gonad attracts a pair of migrating myoblasts
and thus determines the positions of the vulval and
uterine muscles derived from these myoblasts (Thomas
et al. 1990). The developing gonad also induces the
formation of the vulva (for review, see Horvitz and
Sternberg 1991). Finally, the developing vulval cells
control the branching and synapse formation of the
HSNs (Li and Chalfie 1990; Thomas et al. 1990; G.
Garriga et al., in prep.). Below, we focus on how
signals from the gonad control the development of the
egg-laying muscles and the vulva.
(a) wild type
L-..-J I
uterine vulval uterine
muscles muscles muscles
(b} wild type, gonad killed
The Gonad Attracts the Migrating
Sex Myoblasts
The 16 vulval and uterine muscles involved in egg
laying are derived from two precursor cells, the sex
myoblasts or SMs (Fig. 2a) (Sulston and Horvitz 1977).
The SMs are generated in the posterior ventral muscle
quadrants during the first larval stage and are bilaterally symmetric in their positions. During the second larval stage, these cells migrate anteriorly to flank the
precise center of the developing gonad. Then, during
the third larval stage, the SMs undergo three rounds of
cell division, and each produces four vulval and four
uterine muscles.
The migration of the SMs is controlled in part by a
signal from the somatic gonad (Thomas et al. 1990). If
cells of the somatic gonad are killed using a laser microbeam, the SMs initiate migration normally but fail
to assume their normal final positions flanking the precise center of the developing gonad; instead, the SMs in
such animals are broadly distributed around their normal termination points (Fig. 2b). Thus, the gonad
specifies the target site of the SM migration. That a
gonadal signal can act at a distance to attract the migrating SMs was revealed by studies of a mutant defective in the gene dig-1 (dig, displaced gonad) (Fig. 2c).
In dig-1 animals, the gonad can be displaced anteriorly
and dorsally (Thomas et al. 1990), apparently because
of defects in adhesion between the developing gonad
and its normal attachment site along the ventral hypodermis (M. Basson et al., unpubl.). The SMs in dig-1
animals migrate to the position of the displaced gonad;
if the somatic gonad is killed in a dig-1 animal with a
dorsal gonad, the SMs migrate anteriorly but fail to
migrate to the dorsal side (Fig. 2d) (Thomas et al.
1990). These experiments indicate that a signal from
the somatic gonad attracts the migrating SMs to their
final positions.
gonad killed
Figure 2. Development of the egg-laying muscles. (a) The
vulval and uterine muscles are generated by the two sex
myoblast (SM) cells (Sulston and Horvitz 1977). One SM is
generated on each side of the late first-stage larva. During the
second larval stage, each SM migrates anteriorly until it
reaches a position flanking the center of the developing gonad.
During the third larval stage, each SM undergoes three rounds
of division, generating eight descendants that differentiate
into four vulval and four uterine muscle cells. (b) In wild-type
animals in which the gonad is killed with a laser microbeam,
the SMs migrate anteriorly to a variable position along the
ventral side (Thomas et al. 1990). The dotted line indicates
that there is variability from animal to animal in the final
positions of the SMs, and the bar below the animal indicates
the extent of the variability. (c) In dig-1 mutant animals, the
gonad primordium can be displaced either anteriorly or both
anteriorly and dorsally; the SMs migrate to the position of the
displaced gonad (Thomas et al. 1990). (d) If the gonad is
killed with a laser microbeam in a dig-1 animal with a dorsally
positioned gonad, the SMs do not migrate to a dorsal position,
but rather remain ventral (Thomas et al. 1990). The dotted
line indicates that there is variability from animal to animal in
the final positions of the SMs, and the bar below the animal
indicates the extent of the variability.
Genes Involved in Sex Myoblast Migration
Mutations in the genes egl-15 and egl-17 (egl, egglaying defective) cause the premature termination of
the SM migrations (Stern and Horvitz 1991). These
genes were discovered because egl-15 and egl-17 mutants are defective in egg laying as a consequence of
displaced vulval and uterine muscles, which fail to
make their normal attachments to the uterus, vulva,
Downloaded from on September 15, 2016 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
and hypodermal wall (Trent et al. 1983; Stern and
Horvitz 1991). Killing specific cells of the somatic
gonad in egl-15 and egl-17 mutants with a laser microbeam allows the SMs to migrate further, revealing
that in these mutants, the gonad stops the migration of
the SMs (Stern and Horvitz 1991). The same gonadal
cells that stop the SMs in egl-15 and egl-17 mutants
attract the SMs in wild-type animals. These observations indicate that egl-15 and egl-17 mutations alter
communication between the gonad and the SMs.
The egl-15 gene is needed not only for SM migration,
but also for early larval development (M.J. Stern and
H.R. Horvitz, in prep.): egl-15 mutations that affect
SM migration only partially inactivate the gene, whereas complete loss-of-function egl-15 mutations cause a
general arrest of development at an early larval stage.
The lethal phenotype caused by a temperature-sensitive lethal egl-15 allele can be blocked by mutations in
the gene clr-1 (clr, clear, reflecting the clarity with
which cell boundaries can be observed in these mutants; Hedgecock et al. 1990; M.J. Stern and H.R.
Horvitz, in prep.). Interestingly, not only can clr-1
mutations suppress the lethal phenotype caused by this
egl-15 mutation, but also some egl-15 mutations can
suppress the lethal phenotype caused by clr-1 mutations. This finding suggested that both additional alleles
of egl-15 and alleles of additional genes like egl-15
might be isolated as suppressors of clr-1 mutations.
Such suppressors were obtained and indeed led to the
identification of new egl-15 alleles, as well as of mutations in a number of newly discovered genes, including
sere-5 (sere, sex muscle abnormal) (Clark et al. 1992;
M.J. Stern and H.R. Horvitz, in prep.). Like mutations
in the egl-15 and egl-17 genes, mutations in the sere-5
gene cause the posterior displacement of the sex myoblasts, apparently by perturbing communication between the gonad and the SMs. As discussed below,
sere-5 also functions in the intercellular signaling pathway responsible for induction of the vulval cell
The Gonad Induces Vulva Formation
In addition to controlling sex myoblast migration, the
developing gonad also induces underlying hypodermal
cells to divide and differentiate to form the vulva. If the
gonad is killed with a laser microbeam, no vulva is
formed (Sulston and White 1980). If the gonad is displaced anteriorly, as in dig-1 mutants, the vulva is
formed at a more anterior location (Thomas et al.
The role of cell interactions in controlling vulval
development has been discussed recently in detail by
Horvitz and Sternberg (1991). In brief, according to
our current model, six cells--P3.p, Pg.p, P5.p, P6.p,
P7.p, P8.p (so-named because they are the posterior
daughters of the cells P3, P4, etc.) - - h a v e the potential
to generate vulval tissue. Each of these six cells can
express any of three distinct fates, called 1~, 2 ~, and 3~
these fates are distinguished by their distinct patterns of
cell divisions and by the progeny cell types they generate (Fig. 3a). A single cell of the somatic gonad, the
anchor cell, normally induces the three closest precursor cells (P5.p, P6.p, and P7.p) to express the 2 ~ 1~
and 2 ~ fates, respectively, which generate the 22 descendants that form the vulva (Fig. 3b). P3.p, P4.p, and
P8.p, which are located further from the anchor cell,
normally are uninduced and express the 3 ~ fate, which
generates nonvulval descendants that fuse with the
hypodermal syncytium that envelops the animal. If the
anchor cell is killed with a laser microbeam, all six of
these cells express the nonvulval 3~ fate (Fig. 3c). If the
anchor cell is displaced with respect to P3.p-P8.p, as in
dig-1 animals, a corresponding shift occurs in which
precursor cells are induced to express vulval cell
lineages (Fig. 3d).
The inductive signal from the anchor cell has been
proposed to function by counteracting a signal from the
adjacent syncytial hypoderm, which inhibits the expression of vulval cell lineages by P3.p-P8.p (Fig. 3b)
(Herman and Hedgecock 1990). If this inhibitory hypodermal signal is defective, all six precursor cells P3.pP8.p express 1~ and 2 ~ fates, leading to the generation
of multiple vulva-like structures (Fig. 3e). Additional
interactions among the induced cells prevent adjacent
P3.p-P8.p cells from both expressing a 1~ lineage (Fig.
3b) (Sternberg 1988).
Genes Required for Vulval Induction
Many mutants have been isolated that display defects
in the vulval cell lineages (Horvitz and Sulston 1980;
Greenwald et al. 1983; Ferguson and Horvitz 1985,
1989). These mutants belong to two general phenotypic
classes: vulvaless (Vul), in which no vulva is formed,
and multivulva (Muv), in which multiple vulva-like
structures are produced. In certain vulvaless mutants,
all six cells P3.p-P8.p express the 3~ cell fate (Fig. 3c).
This phenotype is identical to that of animals lacking
the anchor cell, suggesting that these mutants are defective in the signaling process required for vulval induction. In contrast, in many multivulva mutants,
P3.p-P8.p all express either a 1~ or a 2 ~ cell fate, even
in the absence of the inductive signal from the anchor
cell (Fig. 3e). In these mutants, the inductive pathway
seems to be activated independently of the inductive
signal, presumably either because of a failure in the
signal from the syncytial hypoderm that inhibits P3.pP8.p from expressing vulval fates or because of an
event that overcomes or bypasses this inhibition.
To identify additional genes involved in vulval induction, we and other investigators isolated suppressors of
the multivulva phenotype caused by lin-15 (lin, lineage
abnormal) mutations (Beitel et al. 1990; Han et al.
1990; Aroian and Sternberg 1991; Clark et al. 1992;
S.G. Clark and H.R. Horvitz, in prep.). Since lin-15
mutations cause a multivulva phenotype even in the
absence of an anchor cell, it seemed likely that mutations that prevented expression of the lin-15 mutant
phenotype would not act by blocking synthesis or re-
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(b) wild type
anchor cell intact
(c) vulvaless
anchor cell killed
or Vul mutation
(d) dig-1
anchor cell displaced
(e) multivulva
anchor ceil intact or killed
and Muv mutation
lease of the inducing signal, but rather could act by
blocking the signal transduction pathway that responds
to that signal. Of the lin-15 suppressor mutations we
isolated in this way, some caused a vulvaless phenotype
like that of animals that lack an anchor cell. The genes
defined by these mutations were candidates for functioning in the inductive signaling pathway. Our experiments identified five such suppressor genes: let-23, sem5, let-60, let-341, and lin-45.
Figure 3. Models for vulval induction in wildtype, vulvaless, and multivulva animals. (a)
Each P3.p-P8.p cell expresses one of three cell
lineages, referred to as the 1~ 2~ and 3~ cell
fates. The cells P5.p-P7.p express the 1~ and 2~
cell fates, which generate the 22 descendants
that form the vulva. P3.p, P4.p, and PS.p express the 3~ cell fate, which generates two nonvulval progeny that join the syncytial hypoderm
that envelops the animal. L, T, and N are distinct cell fates expressed by the descendants of
P5.p, P6.p, and P7.p (see Horvitz and Sternberg
1991). (b) A signal (or signals) from the gonadal
anchor cell induces vulval development by the
cells P5.p-P7.p. P3.p, P4.p, and P8.p are uninduced and express the 3~ cell fate. In addition,
interactions among P3.p-P8.p prevent neighboring cells from both expressing the 1~cell fate,
and interactions between the syncytial hypoderm and P3.p-P8.p prevent the uninduced cells
P3.p, P4.p, and P8.p from expressing 1~ and 2~
cell fates. (c) In vulvaless (Vul) animals, all six
cells P3.p-P8.p express the 3~ cell fate, and no
vulva is formed. Wild-type animals in which the
gonadal anchor cell has been killed with a laser
microbeam are vulvaless, as are mutant animals
defective in genes that are needed for the functioning of the inductive signaling pathway (lin-3,
let-23, sem-5, tet-341, let-60, lin-45). (d) In dig-1
animals, the anchor cell is displaced anteriorly,
causing, for example, P4.p-P6.p to be induced
and express the 1~ and 2~ cell fates. (e) In multivulva (Muv) animals, all six cells P3.p-P8.p
express either the 1~ or the 2~ cell fate, and extra
vulva-like structures are formed whether or not
an anchor cell is present. Mutant animals can be
Muv because of any of three defects: a failure in
the signal from the syncytial hypoderm that normally prevents P3.p, P4.p, and P8.p from expressing vulval cell lineages (as in lin-15 mutants
and as depicted in this figure); the constitutive
activation of a gene that functions within the
signal transduction pathway (as in let-60 ras activation mutants); or the inactivation of a gene
that functions within the signal transduction
pathway to prevent the expression of vulval cell
lineages (as in lin-1 mutants). (Adapted from
Beitel et al. [1990] and Horvitz and Sternberg
[1991]; also, see text.)
U p o n ligand binding, receptor tyrosine kinases are activated to form membrane-associated protein complexes
and to phosphorylate specific tyrosine residues on intracellular proteins (Ullrich and Schlessinger 1990). O n
the basis of its genetic properties and the predicted
structure of its protein product, the let-23 gene probably acts within P 3 . p - P 8 . p and encodes the receptor of
the inductive signal.
sem-5 Encodes a Protein with SH2 and SH3 Domains
let-23 Encodes a Receptor Tyrosine Kinase
O n e of these genes, let-23 (let, lethal; severe mutations cause a larval lethal phenotype), was previously
k n o w n to be required for vulval induction (Ferguson et
al. 1987; A r o i a n and Sternberg 1991). let-23 encodes a
receptor tyrosine kinase similar to the epidermal
growth factor ( E G F ) receptor (Aroian et al. 1990).
A second gene, sem-5, acts not only in vulval induction, but also, as described above, in the regulation of
sex myoblast migration (Clark et al. 1992). Of the six
sem-5 alleles, three were isolated as lin-15 suppressors
and, like let-23 mutations, cause a noninduced, vulvaless phenotype (all six cells P 3 . p - P 8 . p express a 3 ~ cell
fate). Also like let-23 mutations, these sere-5 mutations
Downloaded from on September 15, 2016 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Table I. sere-5 and clr-1 Gene Interactions
clr-l(e1745); sem-5(n2019)
The clr-l(e1745ts) mutationpartiallysuppressesthe vulvaless(Vul)
phenotype but not the larvallethal (Lethal) phenotypecaused by the
sem-5(n2019) mutation, since the frequencyof phenotypicallywildtype individuals is greatly increased by the presence of the clr-1
mutation. The clr-l(e1745ts) mutationalso suppresses the Vul phenotype caused by the sem-5(nl619) mutation (M.J. Stern and H.R.
Horvitz, in prep.). (Lethal) Animals that arrested during larval
development and died as rod-like L1 or early L2 larvae; (Vul)
vulvaless animals, which lacked a functionalvulva; (Wild type) animals that had a functional vulva. For the experiments involving
sem-5(n2019) and clr-l(e1745ts); sem-5(n2019) animals,332 and 404
individualswere scored, respectively. Animalswere raised at 20~
result in an incompletely penetrant rod-like larval lethal phenotype characteristic of many mutants defective
in vulval induction. These sere-5 mutations also cause a
posterior displacement of the final positions of the sex
myoblasts and suppress the clear and sterile phenotype
of clr-1 mutants. In contrast, the three sem-5 mutations
isolated as clr-1 suppressors in the search for genes
involved in sex myoblast migration do not result in
larval lethality and cause only minimal defects in vulval
induction. It appears that the search for lin-15 suppressors, which was performed in a manner that allowed for
the recovery of lethal mutations, led to the isolation of
more severe sere-5 alleles than did the search for clr-1
suppressors. The clr-l(e1745ts) mutation also partially
suppresses the vulvaless (but not the larval lethal) phenotype caused by sere-5 mutations (Table 1). Although
clr-I mutations do not cause vulval defects, this observation suggests that clr-1 might function in vulval induction as well as in the regulation of sex myoblast migration.
The sere-5 gene is predicted to encode a 228-aminoacid protein that consists almost entirely of one SH2
and two SH3 domains in the order SH3-SH2-SH3
(Clark et al. 1992). SH2 and SH3 src homology regions, first observed in the src family of protein tyrosine
kinases (Sadowski et al. 1986), are present in many
signaling proteins regulated by receptor and nonreceptor tyrosine kinases (Koch et al. 1991). Several SH2
domains are known to interact with phosphotyrosine-
containing proteins (Moran et al. 1990; Koch et al.
1991; Matsuda et al. 1991). SH3 domains are suspected
to mediate association with the cytoskeleton and cell
membrane (Rodaway et al. 1989; Koch et al. 1991).
Thus, sere-5 might interact with phosphotyrosinecontaining proteins to effect signal transduction. A recently identified human protein, GRB2 (growth factor
receptor-bound protein 2), shows striking similarity to
the Sem-5 protein (J. Schlessinger, pers. comm.).
GRB2 associates with the intracellular domain of the
activated E G F receptor, which supports the hypothesis
that Sem-5 interacts directly with the Let-23 receptor
tyrosine kinase.
Of the six sere-5 mutations, one alters a highly conserved proline in the amino-terminal SH3 domain and
another alters a highly conserved glycine in the carboxy-terminal SH3 domain (Fig. 4). The observations
that mutations in either SH3 domain can decrease sem5 activity and that the two SH3 domains differ considerably in sequence indicate that these two domains are
not redundant and that each is essential for normal
function. Two other sem-5 mutations alter adjacent
codons in the SH2 domain, indicating that this domain
is also needed for sem-5 function, presumably for binding to phospfiotyrosine-containing proteins.
let-60 E n c o d e s a R a s Protein
A third gene identified by suppressors of the lin-15
multivulva phenotype, let-60, acts as a genetic switch in
the vulval inductive pathway (Beitel et al. 1990; Han et
al. 1990). Mutations that decrease let-60 activity confer
a vulvaless phenotype, whereas mutations that increase
let-60 activity cause a multivulva phenotype. Thus, the
activity of let-60 specifies the state of the vulval inductive pathway: When let-60 is active, the inductive pathway is active and a P3.p-P8.p cell will express a vulval
1~ or 2~ fate; when let-60 is inactive, the inductive
pathway is inactive and a P3.p-P8.p cell will express
the nonvulval 3~ fate. Presumably, in normal development, the anchor cell inductive signal activates let-60.
Mutations that completely inactivate let-60 result in a
recessive rod-like larval lethal phenotype like that
caused by severe let-23 and sem-5 mutations. Some
let-60 mutations, known as dominant-negative alleles,
inactivate let-60 and also antagonize wild-type let-60
sem-5 N
sem-5 C
I It
II fill
Figure 4. sem-5 SH3 domains. The amino (N)- and carboxy (C)-terminal SH3 domains of the Sem-5 protein differ in 28 of 49
positions (Clark et al. 1992). The mutation n1619 causes a substitution of leucine for proline in the amino-terminal SH3 domain,
and the mutation n2195 causes a substitution of arginine for glycine in the carboxy-terminal SH3 domain. Vertical lines indicate
amino acids that are identical in the two SH3 domains. The gap indicates that the amino-terminal domain has one extra amino acid
in this region.
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function in a m u t a n t / + heterozygote, causing a dominant vulvaless as well as a recessive larval lethal phenotype.
Molecular analysis indicated that let-60 encodes a
Ras protein in which 136 of its first 164 amino acids are
identical to those encoded by the human N-ras gene
(Han and Sternberg 1990). Ras proteins bind GDP and
GTP, hydrolyze GTP, and act as switches in signal
transduction pathways in yeast and mammalian cells
(Barbacid 1987) as well as in insects (Simon et al.
1991). Mutations that activate ras in mammalian cells
are oncogenic (Barbacid 1987).
All five of the independently isolated mutations that
increase let-60 activity and result in a multivulva phenotype cause a substitution of glutamic acid for glycine at
codon 13 (Beitel et al. 1990). Codon 13 is a site altered
in some oncogenic ras genes in mammals (Bos et al.
1985; Barbacid 1987). The dominant-negative let-60
mutations alter residues in the GTP-binding region of
the Let-60 Ras protein, and presumably for this reason
eliminate let-60 function and result in the recessive
larval lethal phenotype; the dominant vulvaless phenotype caused by these mutations has been proposed to
be a consequence of a competition by the inactive
mutant Let-60 Ras protein for a positive activator
needed for the function of the wild-type protein (Han
and Sternberg 1991). Mutations that decrease let-60 ras
activity and cause a recessive vulvaless phenotype can
affect any of a number of codons (Beitel et al. 1990).
Interestingly, mutations equivalent to some of these
let-60 ras mutations do not affect the transforming activity of the mutationally activated v-Ha-ras oncogene
(Sigal et al. 1986). For this reason, we proposed that
the amino acids affected by these mutations might be
important for the normal activation of Ras proteins but
not for the function of Ras proteins once they have
been activated (Beitel et al. 1990). This hypothesis has
recently been tested by L. Howe et al. (pers. comm.),
who constructed both c-Ha-ras and v-Ha-ras variants
with mutations equivalent to those found in the C.
elegans let-60 gene. These researchers showed that substitutions at codon 66 like those in certain let-60 mutants prevent the transforming activity of high concentrations of c-Ha-ras (which requires activation) but not
that of v-Ha-ras (which is constitutively activated), supporting the idea that codon 66 of the Ras protein
defines a site of interaction with a Ras-activating factor.
let-341 and 1in-45 Are Also Required for
Vulval Induction
Two other genes identified in our screen for lin-15
suppressors are let-341 and lin-45 (S.G. Clark and H.R.
Horvitz, in prep.). The let-341 gene had been defined
previously in screens for essential genes located on the
left arm of chromosome V by mutations that can cause
a rod-like larval lethal phenotype similar to that caused
by mutations in let-23, let-60, and sere-5 (Johnsen and
Baillie 1988,1991; Rosenbluth et al. 1988). The let-341
mutations recovered in our screen are less severe and
cause an incompletely penetrant larval lethal phenotype. Many of the surviving let-341 animals develop
into vulvaless adults in which the P3.p-P8.p cells are
uninduced, indicating that this gene acts in vulval induction. Another mutation we found that results in an
incompletely penetrant rod-like larval lethal and vulvaless phenotype is allelic to a mutation identified in a
similar screen by Han et al. (1990). Together, these
mutations define an additional gene required for vulval
induction, lin-45.
A Genetic Pathway for Vulval Induction
Since vulvaless and multivulva mutants can have opposite effects on the process of vulval induction, double
mutant combinations can be used to help order the
genes defined by these mutants into a genetic pathway
(Ferguson et al. 1987). For example, such a vulvalessmultivulva double mutant should be vulvaless if the
process of inductive signaling is blocked by the vulvaless mutation after the point at which the pathway is
activated by the multivulva mutation. Conversely, the
double mutant should be multivulva if the block precedes the step that is activated.
The results of such genetic studies are summarized in
Table 2. Vulvaless mutations in let-23, sere-5, let-341,
let-60, and lin-45 suppress the lin-15 multivulva phenotype, consistent with the hypothesis that tin-15 precedes
these vulvaless genes in a genetic pathway for vulval
induction. In contrast, tin-15 multivulva mutations suppress vulvaless mutations in the gene lin-3. The lin-3
gene is required for vulval induction, and mutations in
this gene can cause an early rod-like larval lethal phenotype (Sulston and Horvitz 1981; Ferguson and Horvitz 1985; Ferguson et al. 1987). On the basis of the
gene interaction data, lin-15 does not precede lin-3 in
the pathway of vulval induction (see below for further
discussion of this point).
let-60 multivulva mutations also distinguish between
two classes of vulvaless mutations: lin-45 mutations
completely block the multivulva phenotype caused by
the genetic activation of the let-60 gene, whereas let-23,
let-341, and sere-5 mutations do not. In addition, animals carrying multiple copies of the wild-type let-60
gene have a multivulva phenotype that is expressed
even in the presence of vulvaless mutations in lin-3 or
let-23, indicating that an increase in let-60 activity bypasses or reduces the need for lin-3 and let-23 in the
vulval inductive pathway (Han and Sternberg 1990). In
addition, an allele of lin-45 that results in lethality
causes lethality even in the presence of a let-60 multivulva mutation (K. Kornfeld and H.R. Horvitz, unpuN.). Taken together, these observations suggest that
lin-3, let-23, sere-5, and let-341 act before let-60 and
lin-45 might act after let-60.
Vulvaless mutations in all six of the genes lin-3,
let-23, let-60, sere-5, let-341, and lin-45 are suppressed
by multivulva mutations in the gene lin-1. Since lin-1
loss-of-function mutations cause all six of the cells
P3.p-P8.p to express vulval cell lineages even in the
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C. E L E G A N S C E L L - S I G N A L I N G G E N E S
Genes Involved in Vulval Induction Act in
Other Intercellular Signaling Pathways
Table 2. Muv-Vul Double Mutant Phenotypes
Muv mutants
Vul mutants
Double mutants containing a vulvaless and a multivulva mutation
were constructed and examined using a dissecting microscope. The
phenotypes of double mutants carrying lin-3 and lin-15, lin-3 and
lin-l, and let-23 and lin-1 were described by Ferguson et al. (1987).
The interaction between lin-3 and let-60 is based upon studies of a
strain carrying a lin-3 vulvaless mutation and an extrachromosomal
array with multiple copies of the wild-type allele of let-60; the
multivulva phenotype caused by this array suppresses the Lin-3
vulvaless phenotype, as reported by Han and Sternberg (1990).
Although the let-23(n1045cs) and lin-15(n309) double mutant described previously (Ferguson et al. 1987) expresses aspects of both the
vulvaless and multivulva phenotypes, a let-23(n2020) and lin15(n765ts) double mutant is vulvaless; since let-23(n2020) causes a
greater loss of gene function than does let-23(n1045cs) and since the
lin-15(n309) and lin-15(n765) mutations seem to be equally severe
under the conditions tested (S. Clark and R. Horvitz, unpubl.), we
believe that this more recent experiment is more reliable. The other
double mutant strains that were analyzed are: let-23(mn23) and
let-60(nlO46gf), sem-5(n1619) and lin-15(n765), sem-5(n1619) and
let-60(n1046gf), sem-5(n1619) and lin-l(e1275), let-341(n1613) and
lin-15(n765), let-341(n1613) and let-60(n1849gf), let-341(n1613) and
lin-1(e1275), let-60(n18761f) and lin-15(n765), let-60(n18761f) and lin1(e1275), lin-45(n2018) and lin-15(n765), lin-45(n2018) and let60(n1046gf), and lin-45(n2018) and lin-l(e1275) (S.G. Clark and
H.R. Horvitz, in prep.), where "gf'" is a gain-of-function allele and
"lf" is a loss-of-function allele. Both multivulva (activation; gf) and
vulvaless (inactivation; If) alleles of let-60 exist; no systematic analysis
of let-60 multivulva-vulvaless double mutants has been performed.
(Muv) Multivulva phenotype; (Vul) vulvaless phenotype; (non-Muv)
nonmultivulva phenotype in which animals had a nearly normal vulva
but were often egg-laying-defective,a trait caused by weak vulvaless
mutations (Ferguson et al. 1987).
absence of the inductive signal, lin-1 normally acts to
p r e v e n t the expression of vulval cell fates. Thus, these
six vulvaless genes and the entire vulval inductive pathway act to prevent lin-1 function.
A genetic pathway based on the phenotypes of double mutants is shown in Figure 5 (top). It should be
n o t e d that these gene interaction studies exclude rather
than define orders of gene action. For example, the
observation that a double mutant with a lin-3 vulvaless
and a lin-15 multivulva mutation is multivulva implies
that lin-3 cannot act after lin-15 in a linear pathway;
lin-3 could act before lin-15 or, alternatively, lin-3 and
lin-15 could act in parallel, as components of two ind e p e n d e n t pathways. The simplest way to depict the
results of gene interaction studies is by the type of
formal genetic pathway shown in Figure 5 (top), although it is important to note that any two apparently
consecutive steps could function in parallel, rather than
in series. These considerations are particularly relevant
to the orders of action of lin-3 and lin-15 and of let-60
and lin-45, as discussed below.
T h e genes involved in the signaling pathway required
for vulval induction also function in other intercellular
signaling processes. The fates of two cells near the tail,
P l l and P12, are controlled by cell interactions (Sulston and White 1980). In some let-23 mutants, P12
expresses the fate normally expressed by P l l , and in
lin-15 mutants, P l l expresses the fate normally expressed by P12 (Fixsen et al. 1985; A r o i a n and Sternberg 1991). Thus, as in vulval induction, in the control
of P l l and P12 cell fates, the let-23 and lin-15 genes
have opposite roles. In addition, at a low frequency,
let-341, let-60, and sem-5 mutations cause P12 to express a P l l - l i k e fate, suggesting that much if not all of
the vulval inductive pathway might function in an intercellular signaling system that specifies the fates of these
cells (S.G. Clark and H . R . Horvitz, in prep.).
F u r t h e r m o r e , as noted above, severe mutations in
lin-3, let-23, sere-5, let-341, let-60, and lin-45 all cause a
characteristic rod-like larval lethality, suggesting that
these genes act in a c o m m o n process necessary for
larval d e v e l o p m e n t . A n activated let-60 ras mutation
prevents the lethality conferred by mutations in at least
the genes let-23, sere-5, and let-341, indicating that the
activation of this ras gene bypasses the requirement of
these genes for larval d e v e l o p m e n t as well as for vulval
induction ( H a n et al. 1990; S.G. Clark and H . R . Horvitz, in prep.). These observations suggest that the
larval lethality caused by let-23, sem-5, and let-341 mutations also results from a defect in an intercellular
signaling pathway controlled by these genes.
A Molecular Pathway for Vulval Induction
K n o w l e d g e of mutant phenotypes, the molecular
structures, and the sites of expression and function of
the genes involved in vulval induction can be combined
with the results of gene interaction experiments to
provide the basis for a m o d e l of the molecular pathway
for vulval induction (Fig. 5, bottom). Recent studies
have indicated that the Lin-3 protein is similar to the
m a m m a l i a n growth factors E G F and transforming
growth f a c t o r - a ( T G F - ~ ) , is expressed by the gonadal
anchor cell, and seems likely to act as the inducing
signal for vulval d e v e l o p m e n t (R.J. Hill and P.W. Sternberg, in prep.; also see Sternberg et al., this volume).
Since lin-3 acts before let-23, which encodes a receptor
tyrosine kinase similar to the E G F receptor (Aroian et
al. 1990; R.J. Hill and P.W. Sternberg, in prep.), it
seems likely that the lin-3 gene encodes an inducing
signal that is released by the gonadal anchor cell and
activates the Let-23 receptor on the surface of the
responding P 3 . p - P 8 . p cells.
T h e role of lin-15 is less clear. Preliminary data
concerning the sequence of the lin-15 gene have not
revealed any clues concerning its molecular function
( S . G . Clark and H. R. Horvitz, unpubl.; L. H u a n g et
al., pers. comm.). Because lin-15 loss-of-function mu-
Downloaded from on September 15, 2016 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
i n-3
> let-60
> fin-45
Cell Fates
I I in-1
~-~ Nonvulval
Cell Fates
aoc.oro~ 11
J ~ ~ 2 3 ~
vulval cell fate
precursor cell
Figure 5. Models for genetic and molecular pathways for vulval induction. (Top) Gene interaction studies define three categories
of genes that can mutate to a multivulva phenotype (lin-15,let-60,lin-1) and four categories of genes that can mutate to a vulvaless
phenotype (lin-3, let-23/sem-5/let-341,let-60, lin-45) (see Table 2). As discussed in the text, these data can be most simply
represented by the formal genetic pathway shown. (Bottom) The genetic and molecular data are consistent with the molecular
model shown (see text).
tants are multivulva, the normal function of lin-15 presumably is to prevent the activity of the inductive signaling pathway in uninduced precursor cells. Since the
lin-15 mulitvulva phenotype is expressed even after the
gonad has been killed by a laser microbeam, lin-15
cannot function (exclusively) in the gonad (Ferguson et
al. 1987). Genetic mosaic studies confirm that lin-15
acts outside the gonad and further indicate that this
gene also acts outside P3.p-P8.p, leading to the hypothesis that lin-15 functions in the syncytial hypoderm
that envelops the animal (Herman and Hedgecock
1990). On the basis of these observations, Herman and
Hedgecock (1990) proposed that (1) the syncytial
hypoderm prevents P3.p-P8.p from expressing vulval
cell lineages, (2) lin-15 is needed for this inhibitory
signal, and (3) the inductive signal from the anchor cell
counteracts this inhibition. For these reasons, in the
model in Figure 5 (bottom), we place lin-15 function in
the syncytial hypoderm acting in parallel to the signal
specified by lin-3 in the anchor cell. As discussed
above, this pathway is consistent with the gene interaction data. A number of genes have been identified
that can interact with lin-15 in preventing expression of
vulval cell lineages (Ferguson and Horvitz 1985, 1989),
and future molecular characterization of these genes
might help to reveal how lin-15 functions.
The sites of synthesis and function of let-23, sem-5,
let-341, let-60, lin-45, and Iin-I are unknown. The simplest hypothesis is that all of these genes are expressed
in and function in P3.p-P8.p. The order of action of
let-23, sem-5, let-341 also is unknown. The molecular
structures of let-23 and sem-5 and the observation that
the mammalian GRB2 protein binds to the mammalian
E G F receptor suggest that the SH2 domain of the
Sem-5 protein binds a tyrosine-phosphorylated form of
the Let-23 receptor tyrosine kinase to effect signal
transduction. If so, one possibility is that let-341 acts
after sem-5 in the pathway of let-60 activation. We have
recently begun experiments to clone the let-341 gene (J.
Thomas and H.R. Horvitz, unpubl.). One plausible
function for this gene, which is needed for the activation of the Let-60 Ras protein, is to encode a guanine
nucleotide exchange factor; such exchange factors can
convert an inactive GDP-bound form of Ras to an
active GTP-bound form (West et al. 1990; Wolfman
and Macara 1990; Jones et al. 1991). The signal transduction pathway involving let-23, sere-5, and let-341
activates the let-60 ras gene, but where in this pathway
lin-45 acts is less clear. Although lin-45 mutations completely block the multivulva phenotype caused by an
activated let-60 ras mutation, this result could reflect a
function for lin-45 either downstream from or in parallel to let-60, as discussed above. Thus, one possibility is
that lin-45 mediates ras action. The entire pathway for
Downloaded from on September 15, 2016 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
vulval induction acts to prevent the inhibition of the
expression of vulval cell fates by lin-1. The molecular
cloning and characterization of both lin-45 and lin-1 are
currently under way (A. Golden et al., pers. comm.; G.
Beitel and H.R. Horvitz, unpubl.).
The Molecular Biology of Signal Transduction
Is Highly Conserved
The molecular pathway of vulval induction involves a
series of proteins similar to those involved in signal
transduction in mammalian cells: Growth factors, receptor tyrosine kinases, SH2- and SH3-containing proteins, and Ras proteins have all been found to act in
mammalian signal transduction pathways, as well as in
oncogenic processes (for review, see Cantley et al.
1991). A receptor tyrosine kinase and a Ras protein, as
well as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor and a
GTPase-activating protein (both also associated with
mammalian signal transduction; Bourne et al. 1990),
have been identified in the signaling pathway that controls eye development in Drosophila melanogaster
(Simon et al. 1991; also see Zipursky et al.; Simon et
al.; both this volume).
It seems very likely that findings from each of these
experimental systems are likely to he relevant to
others. For example, we expect that regulators of other
Ras proteins, such as a guanine nucleotide exchange
factor and a GTPase-activating protein, also will be
found to regulate the Let-60 Ras protein in the pathway
for vulval induction. Conversely, proteins like Sem-5,
such as the GRB2 protein (J. Schlessinger, pers.
comm.), seem likely to function in mammalian and
insect signal transduction and to transduce information
between other receptor tyrosine kinases and Ras proteins. More generally, we hope that continued characterization of the pathways that regulate C. elegans sex
myoblast migration and vulval induction will lead to the
discovery of additional classes of molecules that function in signal transduction. Such molecules should include both those involved in transmitting information
from the cell surface to regulatory proteins like Ras and
those that are targets of Ras and other regulatory proteins and hence responsible for controlling and executing the cellular events that occur in response to intercellular signals.
Individual Proteins Can Act in Biologically and
Molecularly Distinct Signal Transduction Pathways
Our studies of C. elegans sex myoblast migration and
vulval induction reveal that individual proteins can act
in distinct signal transduction pathways that control
strikingly different biological processes. For example,
the Sem-5 protein functions in both cell migration and
inductive signaling. As discussed above, the Clr-1 protein might also act in both of these signal transduction
pathways. In contrast, most of the molecules required
for vulval induction do not seem to function in the
control of sex myoblast migration (Fig. 6). Mutations
Sex Myoblast
Figure 6. Genes involved in the control of sex myoblast migration and vulval induction define two partially overlapping
sets. lin-3, let-23, let-341, let-60, and lin-45 mutations cause
defects in vulval induction (Ferguson et al. 1987; Beitel et al.
1990; Han et al. 1990; Aroian and Sternberg 1991; S.G. Clark
and H.R. Horvitz, in prep.) but not in sex myoblast (SM)
migration (M.J. Stern and H.R. Horvitz, in prep.), egl-15 and
egl-17 mutations cause defects in SM migration but not in
vulval induction (Stern and Horvitz 1991 and in prep.), sem-5
mutations cause defects both in vulval induction and in SM
migration (Clark et al. 1992). clr-1 mutations partially suppress both the SM migration defects and the vulval induction
defects caused by sern-5 mutations (see Table 1; Clark et al.
1992; M.J. Stern and H.R. Horvitz, in prep.), suggesting that
clr-1 functions in both signal transduction pathways.
in the genes lin-3, let-23, let-341, let-60, and lin-45 do
not affect sex myoblast migration, nor do mutations in
the genes egl-15 and egl-17, which function in sex
myoblast migration, affect vulval induction. Thus, it
seems that two partially overlapping sets of genes act to
control the signal transduction processes responsible
for sex myoblast migration and vulval induction. Certain proteins, such as the product of the sere-5 gene,
apparently can function as intermediates within otherwise distinct signal transduetion pathways. Since the
Let-23 receptor tyrosine kinase and the Let-60 Ras
protein do not appear to function in sex myoblast migration, the Sem-5 protein seems likely to transduce
information not only between these two molecules, but
also between an unidentified receptor tyrosine kinase
and an unidentified effector protein. The nature of the
unknown molecules involved in sex myoblast migration
and vulval induction and the degree to which these and
other signal transduction pathways overlap are problems we hope to address in our future studies.
We are grateful to Michael Basson, Greg Beitel, Erik
Jorgensen, Josh Kaplan, Kerry Kornfeld, and Jeff
Thomas for suggestions concerning this manuscript and
to Erik Jorgensen for preparing Figure 1. This work
was supported by U.S. Public Health Service research
grants GM-24663 and GM-24943 and by the Howard
Hughes Medical Institute. M.J.S. was supported by a
postdoctoral fellowship from the American Cancer
Society and by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
H.R.H. is an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
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Genes Involved in Two Caenorhabditis elegans
Cell-signaling Pathways
S.G. Clark, M.J. Stern and H.R. Horvitz
Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol 1992 57: 363-373
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