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Biology Summer Session 2 Final Exam Review
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. The main function of contour feathers is to
2. The structure of a bird’s heart ensures that
3. If some of the xylem of a young oak tree were destroyed, it would most likely interfere with the tree’s ability
4. A four-chambered heart is found in
5. One method snakes use to locate prey is to flick their tongue in the air and then draw their tongue across the
roof of their mouth. In this method, the function of the tongue is to
6. The water vascular system of echinoderms is involved with what function of an echinoderm?
7. A plant is a(an)
8. Unlike lytic viruses, lysogenic viruses do NOT
9. What are reasons for the evolutionary success of insects?
____ 10. Oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse in and out of a leaf through the
____ 11. The only places on Earth where most reptiles cannot live are very
____ 12. Bacteria are sometimes called nature’s recyclers because they
____ 13. The branch of biology dealing with interactions among organisms and between organisms and their
environment is called
____ 14. Angiosperms produce seeds inside protective structures called
____ 15. Because bryophytes do not have vascular tissue, they
____ 16. Some products derived from algae include
____ 17. The human disease ringworm is caused by
____ 18. Which of the following should a student examine under a compound microscope to observe cell reproduction?
____ 19. Living on land required that plants
____ 20. A true digestive tract is found in
____ 21. In chordates, the long supporting rod that runs through the body is called the
____ 22. What includes a plant embryo, a food supply, and a protective covering?
____ 23. Cephalization refers to the
____ 24. Only 10 percent of the energy stored in an organism can be passed on to the next trophic level. Of the
remaining energy, some is used for the organism’s life processes, and the rest is
____ 25. In earthworms, food is ground into small pieces in the
____ 26. The symbiotic relationship between a flower and the insect that feeds on its nectar is an example of
____ 27. The body of an insect is divided into a
____ 28. Without gas exchange, a plant would be unable to
____ 29. The tangled mass that makes up the body of a fungus is the
____ 30. Which substances allow algae to harvest and use the energy from sunlight?
____ 31. Which statement about Penicillium is correct?
____ 32. The easiest way to tell whether an arthropod is an insect or a spider is to
____ 33. Which part of a mammal’s brain contains a well-developed cerebral cortex—the center of thinking?
____ 34. Bread rises because fermentation by yeast produces
____ 35. When individuals in a population reproduce at a constant rate, it is called
____ 36. Blood flows through the body of a fish in a
____ 37. Unlike a dicot, a monocot has
____ 38. The sporozoan Plasmodium causes the disease known as
____ 39. Aquatic animals that strain floating plants and animals from the water they take in are
____ 40. Primary succession can begin after
____ 41. A biotic or an abiotic resource in the environment that causes population size to decrease is a
____ 42. Why don’t most parasitic flatworms need a complex digestive system?
____ 43. An animal that has distinct left and right sides shows
____ 44. Which organ is used by a cow to feed her newborn calf?
____ 45. The organ that adjusts the buoyancy of many bony fishes is the
____ 46. Bacilli, cocci, and spirilla are
____ 47. What is a way that bacteria cause disease?
____ 48. Which of the following statements about a vertebrate’s skeleton is INCORRECT?
a. It supports and protects the body.
b. It is an endoskeleton.
c. It grows as the animal grows.
d. It is made entirely of nonliving material.
____ 49. Based on their names, you know that the baboons Papio annubis and Papio cynocephalus do NOT belong to
the same
____ 50. Bryophytes need standing water to
____ 51. In a frog, the cavity through which digestive wastes, urine, and eggs or sperm leave the body is the
____ 52. The upper or back side of an organism is its
____ 53. The gametophytes of gymnosperms live inside reproductive structures called
____ 54. When an animal’s environment changes, sexual reproduction improves a species’ ability to
____ 55. List all the limiting factors that control a population
____ 56. Water will move higher in a narrow glass tube than in a wide glass tube because of
____ 57. Vascular tissue in plants consists of
____ 58. Dark fuzz that grows on bread is an example of
____ 59. A vertebrate is any chordate that has a
____ 60. In what way is the body plan of a snake different from that of a typical reptile?
____ 61. An endotherm is an animal that
____ 62. In an earthworm, the dorsal blood vessel functions like a heart because it
____ 63. Xylem tissue is important to ferns because it
____ 64. Mollusks have
____ 65. What does molting enable arthropods to do?
____ 66. The work of funguslike protists and other decomposers is important in improving the quality of
____ 67. Which of the following is a function of an excretory system?
____ 68. In fishes with gills, oxygen-rich water enters through the
____ 69. The nerve cells of cnidarians make up a(an)
____ 70. People can be infected with roundworms by
____ 71. The skeleton of an echinoderm is an
____ 72. In an amoeba, a small cavity within the cytoplasm that stores food is called a
____ 73. All reptiles reproduce by
____ 74. What are the simplest animals to have body symmetry?
____ 75. One of the main functions of stems is to
____ 76. List the characteristic of all birds.
____ 77. Seed-bearing plants differ from all other plants in that
____ 78. The mammalian circulatory system consists of
____ 79. Bacteria that cause disease are called
____ 80. What does the range of a population tell you that density does not?
____ 81. Which of the following diseases is NOT caused by a bacterium?
a. tooth decay
b. tuberculosis
d. Salmonella food poisoning
____ 82. A bird’s respiratory system is more efficient than that of other land vertebrates because
____ 83. Fungi that absorb food from decaying organic matter are
____ 84. Over time, nutrients at the center of a large underground mycelium become depleted, causing new mushrooms
to sprout only
____ 85. Many small aquatic organisms move oxygen and carbon dioxide through their skin by the process of
____ 86. A carrot is what kind of root?
____ 87. The difference between reptilian eggs and amphibian eggs is that reptilian eggs
____ 88. Mammals are characterized by
____ 89. Why is an open circulatory system adequate for a bivalve, such as a clam, but not for a cephalopod, such as a
____ 90. Describe the roles bacteria play in the environment?
Figure 30-1
____ 91. The amphibian in Figure 30-1 is a
____ 92. Which statement refers to sexual reproduction?
a. All offspring are genetically identical to the parent.
b. Offspring are produced from the fusion of male and female gametes.
c. An organism breaks into pieces that grow into new individuals.
d. New individuals are produced from outgrowths of the parent’s body wall.
____ 93. The tough outer layer of a seed is called the
____ 94. True or false: Fungi do NOT carry on photosynthesis.
____ 95. A protist is any organism that is not a plant, an animal, a fungus, or a(an)
____ 96. Why are algae considered one of the most important groups of organisms on our planet?
____ 97. Organisms that spend their entire adult lives attached to one spot are said to be
____ 98. One way an ectotherm can warm its body is to
____ 99. An endoskeleton is a
____ 100. Which type of plant lives the longest?
____ 101. Most amphibians exist as
a. aquatic larvae that breathe with gills and as terrestrial adults that breathe using lungs and
b. aquatic larvae that breathe using lungs and skin and as terrestrial adults that breathe with
c. terrestrial larvae that breathe with gills and as aquatic adults that breathe using lungs and
d. terrestrial larvae that breathe with gills and lungs and as aquatic adults that breathe using
____ 102. What might a thin tree ring indicate?
____ 103. To release heat from their bodies when necessary, some mammals use their
____ 104. A frog’s tympanic membranes would be most useful for
____ 105. An organism’s niche is
____ 106. A bird stalks, kills, and then eats an insect. Based on its behavior, which ecological terms describe the bird?
____ 107. In mammals, the amount of water in the body is controlled mainly by the
____ 108. The most general and largest category in Linnaeus’s system is
____ 109. What is the original source of almost all the energy in most ecosystems?
____ 110. In which part of a bird’s digestive system is food stored and moistened before it enters the stomach?
____ 111. When organisms move out of the population, this is known as
____ 112. A bloom is
____ 113. What is the basic structure of a virus?
____ 114. In an open circulatory system, blood
____ 115. Gases diffuse most efficiently across a respiratory membrane if the membrane is
____ 116. The population of small, photosynthetic organisms found near the surface of the ocean is called
____ 117. If a species of fish reproduces through external fertilization, that species must be
____ 118. The instructions for making new copies of a virus are
____ 119. Food stored in a refrigerator will keep longer because the bacteria that spoil food
____ 120. Many flatworms can detect changes in the amount of light in their environment using groups of cells called
____ 121. An example of an animal with a marsupium is a(n)
____ 122. Stinkhorns, which mimic the odor of rotting meat, have spores that are dispersed by
____ 123. Most lizards have all of the following EXCEPT
a. clawed toes.
b. a third eye.
c. movable eyelids.
d. external ears.
____ 124. Which of the following descriptions about the organization of an ecosystem is correct?
____ 125. The function of a placenta is to
____ 126. Roundworms have a
____ 127. A genus is composed of a number of related
____ 128. To determine whether a vertebrate is a bird or a mammal, it would be useful to know if it
____ 129. In angiosperms, reproduction takes place in
____ 130. A person who comes down with malaria can infer that he or she contracted it from
____ 131. Most of the photosynthetic activity in plants takes place in the
Figure 3-1
____ 132. The algae at the beginning of the food chain in Figure 3-1 are
____ 133. Which observation supports the statement that birds are reptilelike animals?
____ 134. The dorsal part of a turtle’s shell is called the
____ 135. The egg-laying mammals are called
____ 136. An organism that uses energy to produce its own food supply from inorganic compounds is called a(an)
____ 137. An animal is each of the following EXCEPT
____ 138. What is the only tissue that produces new plant cells?
____ 139. In the circulatory system of an adult amphibian, one loop carries
____ 140. In most fishes, the structures that are most important for obtaining oxygen from water are the
Biology Summer Session 2 Possible Essays
Short Answer
Figure 3-1
1. Describe the role of algae illustrated in Figure 3-1.
2. Describe the graph of exponential growth.
3. How do you know that the groups Ursus maritimus and Ursus arctos are closely related?
4. Describe two roles that bacteria have in the environment.
5. What is bilateral symmetry?
6. List three features that are present in the body plan of arthropods.
7. List the four characteristics of chordates.
8. How do birds heat their bodies?
9. What are two ways in which mammals maintain homeostasis?
Figure 20-2
10. Interpreting Graphics What is the serious human disease whose pathway of infection is illustrated in Figure
Figure 21-4
11. Interpreting Graphics According to Figure 21-4, what does the structure of the below-ground portion of the
mycelium have in common with the structure of the fruiting body?
Predicting Mushrooms sometimes grow from the trunks of trees. Which structure shown in Figure 21-4
would probably be embedded in the tree’s bark?
Parallel veins
Parts in
of three
Parts in
multiples of
four or five
in stems
Arranged in
a ring
One seed leaf
Two seed
re 22-4
12. Using Tables and Graphs A corn seed is a monocot. According to the table in Figure 22-4, does a corn seed
have one or two seed leaves?
Classifying Is the maple leaf in Figure 22-4 a monocot or a dicot? How do you know?
Using Tables and Graphs How are the vascular bundles in the stem of the corn plant in Figure 22-4
Figure 23-6
16. Interpreting Graphics What do the arrows in Figure 23-6 represent?
17. How are leeches used in the practice of medicine?