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Grade 9 Final Exam review
Modified True/False
Indicate whether the statement is true or false. If false, change the identified word or phrase to make the statement true.
1. Human body and organ cells each have 23 chromosomes.
2. The DNA that directs all cell activities is contained in the cell cytoplasm.
3. A section of the DNA molecule that codes for a specific protein is called a chromosome.
4. All chromosomes found in a cell are located inside the nucleus of the cell.
5. When a cell gets ready to divide, each strand of coiled DNA coils up and forms into a chromosome.
6. The number of chromosomes in individuals within the same species will vary.
7. Heredity refers to a feature that can vary in size or form from individual to individual.
8. A mutagen is a change in the order of chemicals that make up a gene.
9. Random changes to DNA are called mutagens.
____ 10. The process of asexual reproduction creates offspring that look different than the parent.
____ 11. Fragmentation, budding, and spore formation are all forms of asexual reproduction.
____ 12. The diagram of the cell cycle shows that interphase is the longest stage.
____ 13. During the process of mitosis, the two nuclei are separated into two daughter cells.
____ 14. The stage of the cell cycle in which the cell grows and produces new organelles as needed is called
____ 15. The process in which the contents of a cell’s nucleus divide is called mitosis.
____ 16. During mitosis, each pair of identical DNA molecules joins together to form sister chromatids.
____ 17. New skin cells are produced through the process of mitosis.
____ 18. Budding is a type of vegetative reproduction.
____ 19. Seeds are specialized cells produced in asexual reproduction.
____ 20. Human gametes have 23 chromosomes.
____ 21. When a single cell undergoes meiosis, four gametes are produced.
____ 22. The result of the process of fertilization is a diploid cell called a gamete.
____ 23. The female reproductive organ in a flowering plant is called a stamen.
____ 24. A gamete is a diploid cell.
____ 25. Haploid zygotes form when diploid gametes join.
____ 26. Fertilization can occur only internally in plants and animals.
____ 27. Pollen contains the male gametes produced by flowering plants.
____ 28. Pollination is the transfer of gametes from the female part of a flower to the male part of a flower.
____ 29. Pollen can be transferred between the male part of a flower and the female part of the same flower only.
____ 30. The production of genetically modified foods is an example of gene mutation.
Complete each statement.
31. Each strand of DNA is divided up into functional units called ____________________.
32. Each gene is responsible for producing a particular ____________________.
33. Each chromosome is composed of thousands of ____________________.
34. Each gene contains coded information that produces a particular ____________________.
35. Within the cell, the DNA is found in the ____________________.
36. Mutations of the DNA within the nucleus of a cell can be caused by exposure to ____________________.
37. The process through which traits are passed on from parents to their children is called
____________________. A specific feature, such as the colour of hair that can vary in form from individual
to individual is called a ____________________.
38. DNA is found in the form of long strands called ____________________. Within this strand, there are
particular sections called ____________________ that produce specific ____________________.
39. A change in the specific order of chemicals that make up a particular gene is called a
40. Substances or factors that cause mutations to the DNA of genes are called ____________________.
41. The stages of development in the life of a cell are referred to as the ____________________.
42. In asexual reproduction ____________________ numbers of offspring are produced.
43. The stage of the cell cycle when the duplicated contents of the cell’s nucleus are divided into two equal parts
is called ____________________.
44. The stage of the cell cycle when the two nuclei and the cell contents separate into two daughter cells is called
45. During mitosis, most of the activity occurs in the ____________________ of the cell.
46. During mitosis, the nuclear membrane disappears by the end of ____________________.
47. In the cell cycle, most of the cell’s growth occurs during ____________________.
48. During meiosis, a cell divides ____________________ times to form gametes.
49. Each gamete has ____________________ the number of chromosomes of the parent cells.
50. The stage in complete metamorphosis where the larva changes into the adult is the ____________________.
51. An advantage of ____________________ fertilization is that more offspring survive due to parental care.
52. The process that results in daughter cells with half the number of chromosomes of the parent cells is called
53. In ____________________ two parents are required and the offspring are genetically different from each
other and from either parent.
54. Inherited genetic differences in a species are called ____________________.
55. The diploid cell formed as a result of fertilization is called a ____________________.
Identify the term that best matches each of the descriptions that follow. Some terms may not be used at all.
a. gene
e. trait
b. chromosome
f. mutagen
c. heredity
g. mutation
d. nucleus
____ 56. a structure formed from coils of folded DNA
____ 57. a segment of DNA that codes for a specific protein
____ 58. the passing on of traits from parents to offspring
____ 59. a substance that can change DNA
____ 60. the control centre of a cell
____ 61. a characteristic of an individual of a species that can be passed on to offspring
Match each term with the most appropriate description.
a. anaphase
d. prophase
b. interphase
e. telophase
c. metaphase
____ 62. the nuclear membrane breaks down
____ 63. the protein fibres contract and shorten, pulling the chromatids to opposite poles of the cell
____ 64. the chromosomes line up along the middle of the cell
____ 65. the protein fibres disappear and a nuclear membrane forms around each set of chromosomes
Match each term with the most appropriate description.
a. binary fission
d. spore formation
b. budding
e. vegetative reproduction
c. fragmentation
____ 66. special cells, usually in plant stems and plant roots, divide repeatedly to form structures that will eventually
develop into a new plant
____ 67. an organism is broken into parts with one or more parts developing into a new organism that is identical to the
____ 68. an organism produces a single cell capable of growing into a new individual by mitosis
____ 69. part of an organism pushes outward to form an outgrowth, which pinches off from the parent cell to become a
new cell identical to the parent
____ 70. a single parent cell replicates its genetic material and splits into two identical organisms
Identify each description as a feature of mitosis, meiosis, or both.
a. mitosis
c. both mitosis and meiosis
b. meiosis
____ 71. involves two rounds of cell division
____ 72. results in daughter cells that are identical to the parent cell
____ 73. creates gametes
____ 74. happens only in certain kinds of cells in the body
____ 75. involves replication of DNA
Short Answer
76. The nucleus is often call the brain of a cell. Why is the nucleus the most important organelle within a cell?
77. a) What are genes?
b) Clarify the difference between genes and chromosomes.
78. List one example of a mutation that is caused by
a) a naturally occurring mutagen
b) a human activity
79. Identify three advantages for a species that reproduces asexually.
80. Identify three disadvantages for a species that reproduces asexually.
81. a) Which stage of the cell cycle takes the most time?
b) Why do you think this is the case?
82. Compare asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction in terms of the following factors:
a) variation in offspring
b) amount of energy required
c) parental care
83. List the advantages and disadvantages of external fertilization and internal fertilization.
84. Identify where in your body mitosis takes place, and where meiosis takes place.
85. a) How are meiosis I and mitosis similar? How are they different?
b) How are meiosis II and mitosis similar? How are they different?
Grade 9 Final Exam review
Answer Section
1. ANS: F
Human body and organ cells each have 23 pairs of chromosomes.
2. ANS: F
The DNA that directs all cell activities is contained in the cell nucleus.
3. ANS: F
A section of the DNA molecule that codes for a specific protein is called a gene.
4. ANS: T
5. ANS: T
6. ANS: F
The number of chromosomes in individuals within the same species will remain constant.
7. ANS: F
Trait refers to a feature that can vary in size or form from individual to individual.
8. ANS: F
A gene mutation is a change in the order of chemicals that make up a gene
9. ANS: F
Random changes to DNA are called mutations.
The process of asexual reproduction creates offspring that look identical to the parent.
11. ANS: T
12. ANS: T
13. ANS: F
During the process of cytokinesis, the two nuclei are separated into two daughter cells.
Budding is a type of asexual reproduction.
19. ANS: F
Spores are specialized cells produced in asexual reproduction.
20. ANS: T
21. ANS: T
22. ANS: F
The result of the process of fertilization is a diploid cell called a zygote.
23. ANS: F
The male reproductive organ in a flowering plant is called a stamen.
24. ANS: F
A gamete is a haploid cell.
25. ANS: F
Diploid zygotes form when haploid gametes join.
26. ANS: F
Fertilization can occur internally or externally in plants and animals.
27. ANS: T
28. ANS: F
Pollination is the transfer of gametes from the male part of a flower to the female part of a flower.
29. ANS: F
Pollen can be transferred between the male part of a flower to the female part of any flower.
30. ANS: F
The production of genetically modified foods is an example of genetic engineering.
31. ANS: genes
32. ANS: protein
33. ANS: genes
34. ANS: trait
35. ANS: nucleus
36. ANS: mutagens
37. ANS: heredity, trait
38. ANS: chromosomes, genes, proteins
39. ANS: gene mutation
40. ANS: mutagens
41. ANS: cell cycle
42. ANS: large
43. ANS: mitosis
44. ANS: cytokinesis
45. ANS: nucleus
46. ANS: prophase
47. ANS: interphase
48. ANS: two
49. ANS: half
50. ANS: pupa
51. ANS: internal
52. ANS: meiosis
53. ANS: sexual reproduction
54. ANS: genetic diversity or variation
55. ANS: zygote
66. ANS: E
69. ANS: B
70. ANS: A
76. ANS:
The nucleus contains the genetic material (DNA), which provides the instructions needed to control
everything that happens within the cell.
77. ANS:
a) Genes are small segments of DNA located at specific places on a chromosome. Genes store the information
needed to produce the different proteins used in the cells of your body.
b) Every chromosome carries thousands of genes and therefore contains the information to make thousands of
different proteins.
78. ANS:
a) example such as developing skin cancer from exposure to UV rays.
b)example such as developing lung cancer from smoking.
79. ANS:
Any three (3) of the following:
- Large numbers of offspring are reproduced very quickly from only one parent.
- Large colonies can form that can out-compete other organisms for nutrients and water.
- Large numbers of organisms mean that this species may survive when conditions or the number of
predators change.
- Energy is not required to find a mate.
80. ANS:
- Offspring are genetic copies of each other. A negative mutation can make asexually produced organisms
susceptible to disease and can destroy large numbers of offspring.
- Some methods of asexual reproduction produce offspring that are close together and
compete for food and space.
- Unfavourable conditions, such as extreme temperatures, can wipe out an entire colony.
81. ANS:
a) interphase
b) This is because the cell must duplicate the DNA, produce new organelles, produce more cytoplasm, and
grow larger. All of these activities require time and materials.
82. ANS:
a) variation in
b) amount of energy
c) parental care
Asexual Reproduction
Lesser - Offspring are genetic clones
so they are less likely to survive
disease or other threats.
Lesser - Energy is not required to
find a mate.
Lesser - Little or no parental care is
provided to offspring.
83. ANS:
External fertilization:
- Very little energy is required to find a mate.
Sexual Reproduction
Greater - Offspring have genetic
diversity so they are more likely to
survive diseases or other threats.
Greater - Very little energy is required
to find a mate for external fertilization.
More energy is required to find a mate
for internal fertilization.
Greater - More parental care is
provided to offspring.
- Greater numbers of offspring can repopulate an area after a disaster.
- Gametes, embryos, and offspring are unprotected and are often preyed upon.
Internal fertilization:
- More protection is given to the embryo and more parental care is given to offspring.
- More energy is generally required to find a mate.
- Fewer offspring are produced, so if the number of predators increases, a population will
84. ANS:
Mitosis takes place in body cells in every tissue of the body, while meiosis takes place only in sex cells.
85. ANS:
a) Meiosis I and mitosis:
- The genetic material is duplicated.
- The chromosomes line up at the equator of the cell.
- A single cell divides into two daughter cells following the same general process.
- In mitosis, individual chromotids separate. In meiosis I, pairs of homologous chromosomes separate.
- The cells produced at the end of mitosis are identical to the parent. The cells produced at the end of meiosis I
have half the genetic material on the homologous chromosomes.
b) Meiosis II and mitosis
- The chromosomes line up at the equator of the cell.
- The protein fibers attach and pull chromosomes apart.
- The cell undergoes cytokinesis.
- In mitosis, two daughter cells are produced; both are identical to the parent with the same amount of genetic
material. In meiosis II, four cells are produced, each with half the genetic material of the parent.