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Review Sheet: DNA, RNA, & Protein Synthesis
1. DNA is a polymer of what molecules? Nucleotide
13. How many mRNA bases code for an amino acid? What is it called?
3, Codon
2. What are the three parts of a nucleotide?
14. The three forms of RNA and their functions are:
Sugar, Phosphate, Nitrogen base
3. What is the sugar in DNA? Deoxyribose
A. mRNA carry information from nucleus to ribosome
4. Which bases are in DNA? RNA? A,T,G,C/ A,U,G,C
B. rRNA makes up the ribosome
5. Which bases bond together? A-T(U), G-C
c. tRNA picks up amino acids to take to ribosome
6. Who discovered DNA. Watson and Crick
15. Describe DNA structure. Double helix (two strands twisted), the sides
7. What type of bond forms between two amino acids? HYDROGEN_
of DNA are alternating phosphate and sugar. The middle are pairs of
8. List several differences between
& DNA.
nitrogen bases held together by hydrogen bonds
16. Describe mutations. Mutation is a change in the DNA which can
change the coding for an amino acid. If you change an amino acid it can
change the shape of the protein and possibly change the function of the
protein. Mutations can be harmful, beneficial or not affect the individual.
a. number of strands
b. bases in each
_ A,U,G,C _
_ A,T,G,C _
9. What is Transcription and where does it take place? It is DNA being
copied to mRNA. This takes place in the nucleus
10. What is Translation and where does it take place? Translation is
mRNA caring the instructions to the ribosome to make proteins (long
chains of amino acids.
11. What is Replication and where does it take place? Replication is DNA
making a copy of itself. The process is semi-conservative (half old, half
new) This is needed before a cell divides. It takes place in the nucleus.
12. Where in the cell do you find DNA in eukaryote? Prokaryote? Nucleus/
free floating called a plasmid
17. If you have a strand of DNA TAGTAGGC what is the complimentary
strand? ATCATCCG
18. Given DNA sequence TTGGTCGAA what would this be transcribed?
19. Some organelles have DNA distinct from the cell’s DNA in the
nucleus. This is true of what organelles? Chloroplast and mitochondria
20. What part of the nucleotide do DNA and RNA have in common?
Study Guide for Cell Division
Identify the structure and function of the following terms:
spindle fibers, centrosomes, centromeres, sister chromatids,
cell plates, cytokinesis, cleavage furrow
Refer to Notes diagrams: Chromosomes Duplicate and
Sexual vs. asexual reproduction- Sexual 2 parents w/ genetic
variety, one parent identical parent.
Differentiate between a normal and abnormal karyotype;
purpose of karyotype and amniocentesis. Normal: 46
chromosomes, 23 homologous pairs (mom & dad) 1-22
pairs body (autosome) chromosomes, 23rd pair sex
chromosomes. Too many or not enough chromosomes may
lead to miscarriage and defects in animals, may benefit
plants. Amniocentesis- taking fluid from pregnant female to
make a karyotype.
Cell Cycle: names and what occurs during each part of cycle:
See notes Cell Cycle and drawing. G1-growth/function; SDNA double, function; G2-growth, function, check to see if
ready to divide; M-nucleus divides into 2, Cytokinesis-rest
of cell divides into 2.
o Order of phases: Prophase, metaphase, anaphase,
and telophase
o What events occur during each phase of mitosis and
interphase: See notes
o For growth, development and repair
o Makes 2 identical cells- clones
o Causes - disruption of cell cycle; due to chemicals,
environment, viruses or genetics
o A large growth of cancer cells is a tumor
o Cyclins regulate the cell cycle
Calculations: If given one of the following numbers can figure
out the rest: chromosomes, haploid number, diploid numberhuman cell 46 chromosomes diploid number, haploid-23,
o Compare and contrast to mitosis at least two ways eachsee notes Venn diagram
o Meiosis Makes 4 haploid (half DNA) cells that are
unique sex cells – gametes- sperm or egg
o Genetic variety –crossing over
o Reproduction
Fertilization: sperm + egg = zygote -> embryo -> fetus