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The Lorax
By: Mrs. Perlowski
Mr Bronico
• All of the organisms living in an area
together with their Physical Environment.
• Examples: Coral Reef, oak forest, Vacant
The components of an ecosystem
 Biotic Factors
Living &/or once living
parts of an ecosystem.
Examples include:
 Plants
 Animals
 Dead parts of
 Waste products from
 Abiotic Factors
Non-living parts of an
Examples include:
 Air
 Water
 Rocks
 Sand
 Light
 Temperature
• The place an organism lives.
• Every habitat has specific biotic and
abiotic factors; if any of these factors
change then the habitat changes.
Levels of an Ecosystem
 Organism
 Species
 Population
 Community
• An individual living thing.
• A group of organisms that can mate to
produce fertile offspring.
• All members of the same species that live
in a particular location at the same time.
• A group of various species that lives in
the same place and interact with each
Video Time
• Ecosystems
• Biotic & Abiotic
• In 1850, English naturalist Charles Darwin
observed that organisms in a population
differ slightly from each other in form,
function, & behavior.”
• Darwin’s theory of Natural Selection:
Survival of the Fittest
• Evolution: A change in genetic
characteristics of a population from one
generation to the next.
• An Inherited variation that increases an
organisms chance of survival and
Evolution can take place through
two means:
• Artificial Selection
Natural Selection
 The environment exerts a strong
influence over which individuals
survive to produce offspring.
 Some individuals, b/c of certain
traits, are more likely to survive
and reproduce than other
 Natural Selection over many
generations causes the
characteristics of a population to
 Nature selects for certain traits –
more likely to survive and
reproduce. As the population of a
given species change, so does the
Artificial Selection
 The selective breeding of
organisms by humans for specific
 Ex: dog breeding, fruits, grains,
 Selecting for traits such as size
and sweetness, farmers create
evolution of crops.
Terms to Know:
 Adaptation: An inherited trait that increases an
organism’s chance of survival and reproduction
in a certain environment.
 Coevolution: The process of 2 species
evolving in response to long term interactions
with each other. Ex. Bird and flower
 Resistance: The ability of one or more
organisms to tolerate a particular chemical
designed to kill it. Ex. Pesticide with corn and
The Diversity of Living Things?
Archaebacteria (Monera)
• bacteria-like organisms that live in
extremely harsh anaerobic environments
such as hot springs, deep ocean volcanic
vents, sewage treatment plants, and
swamp sediments
• The true bacteria
• are complex and single celled. Most bacteria
are in the EUBACTERIA kingdom. They are the
kinds found everywhere and are the ones
people are most familiar with.
• Mushrooms, mold and mildew are all
examples of organisms in the kingdom
• Most fungi are multicellular and consists
of many complex cells.
• Slime molds and algae are protists.
• Called the odds and ends kingdom because
its members are so different from one
another. Protists include all microscopic
organisms that are not bacteria, not animals,
not plants and not fungi.
• Plants are all multicellular and consist of
complex cells.
• The plant kingdom is the second largest
• Without plants, life on Earth would not
exist! Plants feed almost all the
heterotrophs (organisms that eat other
organisms) on Earth
• The animal kingdom is the largest
kingdom with over 1 million known
• All animals consist of many complex cells.