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1. Unscramble the words and add them to the article below:
1. ______________ is the branch of science that is concerned with the micro-organisms. Microorganisms - organisms that can’t be seen by human eye, it needs microscope to be seen.
2. ___________ is single cell living organisms that can be found almost anywhere on the planet. It
causes variety of diseases most common sore throat. It can be easily killed outside the body by soaps
and alcohols by dissolving the external wall of the cells, or internally by antibiotics which attack
different organelles (small organs) of the bacterial cells.
3. ___________ was discovered in 1928 by bacteriologist Alexander Fleming when a piece of infected
bread infected with fungi spores dropped by mistake in one of his bacterial colonies.
4. ___________ are unicellular live forms which are characterized by their ability to stay dormant
outside the body for decades waiting to be introduced to certain species of living creatures, in a certain
no (called infection dose) and in a certain state of the immune system to cause the infection. They are
also characterized by their singular chain D.N.A.
5. _______ is multi-cellular organisms which live on dead organic materials, usually needs a very
weak immunity system or peripheral low blood supply place to infect human body. Treatment usually
requires a long term therapy.
6. _______ are either unicellular or multi cellular organisms which also require a weak immune
system or biological property change like (PH dramatic change) to infect human body.
2. Before you listen, guess ten words that are not correct.
Infectious illnesses are caused by microbes. These are small organisms which are invisible with naked
eye and visit your body to get multiplied. The symptoms caused by a cold depend on the location,
nature of the infection and type of organism. The two major types of microbes are the bacteria and the
Viruses are the biggest in size of all the microbes. They are able to attack almost any living organism.
A virus uses another organism, like a human body, as a host. It means that the virus invades a cell of
the body and takes parts of the cell to multiply itself. In this way hundreds of new viruses are
stabilized, which can spread throughout the body. They can also infect new organisms. Viruses can’t
live outside the body of the host for long. They can only survive a few seconds to minute after leaving
the guest.
Bacteria are much smaller than viruses. They live almost everywhere and many of them don’t cause
infection. A bacterium multiplies itself by selection. If the conditions are favourable (atmosphere,
digestion some bacteria can multiply after every 20 minutes. Your stomach contains large number of
bacteria. Normally these organs don’t cause any problem. Actually they are quite helpful in various
ways, like digestion. But if you have weak immunity the balance may become disturbed and
complaints like stomachache, constipation or cramps may occur.
Viruses and some bacteria can cause infections. Locally, an infection causes sickness and swelling.
The tissue may become warm and painful. Common symptoms of a viral or bacterial infection are
headache, fatigue and general malaise. Mostly, viral infection is serious and complaints subside by
themselves. It is difficult to eliminate viruses. Specific medicines have been developed only for certain
microorganisms. Also an infection usually resolves by itself. If this is not the example, the physician
can prescribe antibiotics. An antibiotic is only effective against bacteria, not against a virus. It is
important to avoid the spread of microbes. Good hygiene can play an important role in prevention.
Regularly squeeze your hands and cover your mouth with tissue paper or cloth whenever you talk or
sneeze. Take proper care of little wounds by disinfecting them with iodine or milk.
3. Discuss the questions with your partner:
 What are microbes?
 What are the major types of microbes?
 What do you know about viruses bacteria?
 How can we avoid / treat infection?
4. Match the terms and the definitions:
1. allergy
2. contamination
3. disinfectant
a) a substance that kills insects
b) an agent destructive to viruses
c) a genus of spiral bacteria which are curved or bent rods that resemble
4. focal infection
d) a substance that destroys microorganisms
5. fomite
e) a poisonous substance of plant, animal, bacterial or fungi origin
6. germicide
f) one in which the organisms are originally confined to one area but enter the
blood or lymph vessel and spread to other parts of the body
7. hypersensitivity g) an acquired, abnormal immune response to a substance (allergies) that does
not normally cause a reaction allergy
8. insecticide
h) allergy
i) a chemical or physical agent that kills disease causing microorganisms by
chemical or physical means
9. mutualism
j) a disease affecting the majority of the population of a large region or one
that is epidemic at the same time in many different parts of the world
10. opportunist
k) a chemical or physical agent that kills disease causing microorganisms by
chemical or physical means
11. vibrio
l) an interactive relationship between two organisms in which one is harmed
and the other benefits
12. toxin
m) any inanimate object to which infectious material adheres & can be
13. virucide
n) the act of introducing disease germs or infectious material into an area or
14. pandemic
o) a relationship in which organisms of two different species live in close
association to the mutual benefit of each
15. parasitism
p) bacteria that prefer cold, thriving at temperatures between 0 C and 25 C an
interactive relationship between two organisms in which one is harmed and
the other benefits
16. psychrophile
q) the harmonious action of two or more microorganisms producing on a effect
that neither could produce alone bacteria that prefer cold, thriving at
temperatures between 0 C and 25 C
17. synergism
r) an organism that exists as part of the normal flora but may become
pathogenic under certain conditions
Remember the words. Test your partner.
Grammar – Comparative
- we use comparative to compare two things
She is not as clever as she think.
as good as
Peter is smarter than her.
bigger than
1) one syllable word –ER
two syllables ending Y
cheap - cheaper / hot - hotter / high – higher
happy - happier / funny – funnier
2) more syllables MORE
interesting - more interesting / difficult - more difficult
3) Irregular
good – better / bad – worse / little – less / many – more / far – further
Complete the sentences with comparative form
English wine is good but French wine is ______ . (good)
English cooking is bad but Scottish cooking is ______ . (bad)
It's a long way from London to Moscow but London to Sydney is even ______ . (long)
I've got two daughters. Sophie is the younger one and Kathryn is the ______ one. (old)
My job is getting harder and ______ . I cannot cope. (hard)
The earlier we leave, the ______ we'll arrive. (soon)
Do it when you can but the sooner it's done, the ______ . (good)
You're even ______ in real life than in photos. (beautiful)
Teacher’s notes / key
1. 1. microbiology
2. Bacteria
3. penicillin
5. fungi
6. Protoza
Infectious illnesses (diseases) are caused by microbes. These are small organisms which are invisible
with naked eye and visit (invade) your body to get multiplied. The symptoms caused by a cold
(infection) depend on the location, nature of the infection and type of organism (microbe). The two
major types of microbes are the bacteria and the cell (virus).
Viruses are the biggest (smallest) in size of all the microbes. They are able to attack almost any living
organism. A virus uses another organism, like a human body (being), as a host. It means that the virus
invades a cell of the body and takes (uses) parts of the cell to multiply itself. In this way hundreds of
new viruses are stabilized (produced), which can spread throughout the body. They can also infect
new organisms. Viruses can’t live (survive) outside the body of the host for long. They can only
survive a few second to minute after leaving the guest (host).
Bacteria are much smaller (larger) than viruses. They live almost everywhere and many of them don’t
cause infection. A bacterium multiplies itself by selection (division). If the conditions are favourable
(temperature, nutrition) some bacteria can multiply after every 20 minutes. Your stomach contains
large number of bacteria. Normally these organs (bacteria) don’t cause any problem. Actually they are
quite helpful (useful) in various ways, like digestion. But if you have weak immunity the balance may
become disturbed and complaints like stomachache (diarrhoea), constipation or cramps may occur.
Viruses and some bacteria can cause infections. Locally, an infection causes sickness (redness) and
swelling. The tissue may become warm and painful. Common symptoms of a viral or bacterial
infection are headache (fever), fatigue and general malaise. Mostly, viral infection is serious (simple)
and complaints subside by themselves. It is difficult to eliminate viruses. Specific medicines have been
developed only for certain microorganisms (viruses). Also an infection usually resolves by itself. If
this is not the example (case), the physician can prescribe antibiotics. An antibiotic is only effective
against bacteria, not against a virus. It is important to avoid (prevent) the spread of microbes. Good
hygiene can play an important in prevention. Regularly squeeze (wash) your hands and cover your
mouth with tissue paper or cloth whenever you talk (cough) or sneeze. Take proper care of little
wounds by disinfecting them with iodine or milk (alcohol).
4. 1g 2m 3j 4f 5l 6d 7h 8a 9n 10q 11c 12e 13b 14i 15k 6o 17p
1. Allergy
an acquired, abnormal immune response to a substance (allergies) that does not
normally cause a reaction
2. contamination the act of introducing disease germs or infectious material into an area or
3. disinfectant
a chemical or physical agent that kills disease causing microorganisms by
chemical or physical means
4. focal infection
one in which the organisms are originally confined to one area but enter the
blood or lymph vessel and spread to other parts of the body
5. fomite
any inanimate object to which infectious material adheres & can be transmitted
6. germicide
a substance that destroys microorganisms
7. hypersensitivity allergy
8. insecticide
a substance that kills insects
9. mutualism
a relationship in which organisms of two different species live in close
association to the mutual benefit of each
10. opportunist
an organism that exists as part of the normal flora but may become pathogenic
15. parasitism
16. psychrophile
17. synergism
under certain conditions
a genus of spiral bacteria which are curved or bent rods that resemble commas
a poisonous substance of plant, animal, bacterial or fungi origin
an agent destructive to viruses
a disease affecting the majority of the population of a large region or one that
is epidemic at the same time in many different parts of the world
an interactive relationship between two organisms in which one is harmed and
the other benefits
bacteria that prefer cold, thriving at temperatures between 0 C and 25 C
the harmonious action of two or more microorganisms producing on a effect
that neither could produce alone
- Microbial smog -
- Genetics for dummies -
- Overview of microbiology, animated – 12min
- Bacteria – 18min -
- 18 Things You Should Know About Genetics – 3min
- What is DNA, subtitles (Stated clearly) – 5min -
- Topilova, Vera. Medical English. Tobiáš, Havličkův Brod. 3 vydání. 2001. ISBN 80 7311
001 6. 272stran, strana 18.
- Macmillian School Dictionary, Bloomsburry Publishing plc 2004. Dostupné z:
Freedigital photos, medical instruments – [online]. (c)2010 [cit. 2013-20-12]. Dostupné na
www: <>.
Healthchannel TV. Bacteria a viruses - [online]. (c)2012 [cit. 2013-08-12]. Dostupné na
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