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The University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and
Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) Find Us Online
Graduate Programs Meteorology and Physical Oceanography (MPO)
Applied Marine Physics (AMP)
Master of Professional Science
Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences
at RSMAS: Physical Sciences
Tropical meteorology: hurricanes, clouds, convection
Climate: past, present, future
Regional oceanography: oil spill, coastal processes
Large-scale ocean circulation: observations, modeling
Air-sea interaction: small-scale ,global-scale
Remote Sensing: satellite, radar
What’s new at RSMAS?
Modernized into new departments from June 2014:
•  Department of Atmospheric Sciences
•  Department of Ocean Sciences
New facilities opening in 2014:
•  SUSTAIN wave/surge tank
•  Helicopter Observation Platform
•  Research Diving Facility
Examples of existing facilities:
•  FG Walton Smith Research Vessel
•  High-Performance Computing: one of the largest centralized
academic cyber-infrastructures in the country
•  Satellite Remote Sensing: CSTARS
Information for Prospective Students •  Stipends ($29,136 in 2014-15), tuition waivers, and health
insurance available for Ph.D. and research-based M.S.
•  Many fellowships are available from the University of Miami,
government agencies, and private foundations’
– Learn more here:
•  Teaching assistant opportunities are included
•  Opportunities to attend and present at:
–  Conferences (AMS, AGU, and more)
–  Workshops
–  Summer schools
Information for Prospective Students •  5-year Ph.D. is typical
•  First year: two semesters of coursework
followed by comprehensive exams; begin
preliminary research
•  Third year: Ph.D. qualifying exam
•  A large number of studentships are
available for Fall 2015! (See slides at end of
Core Courses:
•  Intro to Atmospheric Science
•  Intro to Physical Oceanography
•  General Circulation of the
•  Large-Scale Ocean Circulation
•  Geophysical Fluid Dynamics I
•  Geophysical Fluid Dynamics II
Advanced Weather Forecasting
Air-Sea Interaction
Applied Data Analysis
Atmospheric and Oceanic
Atmospheric Boundary Layer
Broadcast Meteorology
Climate Change
Computer Models of Fluid
Cloud Physics and Radiative
Coastal Oceanography
Electives (continued):
•  ENSO Dynamics, Prediction &
•  Hurricanes
•  Intro to Science Policy
•  Mesoscale Meteorology
•  Mesoscale Oceanography
•  Physics of Remote Sensing
•  Predictability
•  Scientific Programming
•  Statistical Analysis of
Geophysical Data
•  Statistical Modeling of
Geophysical Fields
•  Tropical Atmosphere and Ocean
•  Vortex Dynamics
•  Waves and Tides
•  Directed Readings: Climate
•  Directed Readings: Cloud
Application Information Apply online by January 1!
Evaluation is based on:
GRE scores (verbal and quantitative)
GPA, especially mathematics and physics
Letters of recommendation
Personal statement
Research and programming experience
Student Life
•  Most students live in great neighborhoods nearby:
Key Biscayne, Brickell, Coconut Grove, Coral Gables
•  RSMAS is home to a beach, restaurant, and bar called
the Wetlab!
•  Miami is a great place for experiencing nightlife,
sporting events, and marine activities like snorkeling,
SCUBA diving, fishing, sailing, and many more!
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science!
Available Ph.D. Research Assistantships:
Fall 2015
•  The following slides describe 5-year research
assistantships that are available beginning in Fall
•  Please e-mail the professor directly with questions
about their project
•  For questions about the academic programs, e-mail
Sharan Majumdar at [email protected] •  For administrative questions, e-mail the RSMAS
Graduate Studies Office at [email protected] Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science!
Boundary-­‐Layer Studies with the RSMAS Helicopter Observa=on Pla?orm (HOP) and the Ocean-­‐Land-­‐
Atmosphere Model (OLAM) Very-­‐high frequency measurements of atmospheric variables will be collected with the HOP to characterize the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) at various loca=ons and =me in the con=nental US and off-­‐shore. Together with state-­‐of-­‐the-­‐art Large-­‐Eddy Simula=ons (LES) produced with OLAM, these data will be used to improve our understanding of ABL processes. Dr. Roni Avissar, [email protected] Dr. Lisa Beal, [email protected] Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science!
Can We Predict Hurricane Impacts Without the Ocean? If you think you can, think again! Superstorm Sandy (2012) and Hurricane Ike (2008) should wake you up. If not, you need not apply. This project aims to be[er under-­‐
stand and predict hurricane impacts using coupled air-­‐sea observa=ons and a fully coupled atmosphere-­‐
wave-­‐ocean-­‐land model. We study hurricane impacts at landfall, on transport of oil spill, and poten=al impacts with sea-­‐level rises in future climate condi=ons. Ike: Wave/Surge in Texas
Sandy: Surge/Flood in NYC
The UM Coupled Model forecasts of sea surface height and
current (left) and wave height (right) in Superstorm Sandy.
Dr. Shuyi Chen, [email protected], h[p:// Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science!
Air-­‐Sea Interac=on and High-­‐Impact Tropical Weather Systems Air-­‐sea heat, moisture, and momentum fluxes control the energe=cs of the high-­‐impact tropical weather systems such as the Madden-­‐Julian Oscilla=on (MJO) and tropical cyclones (TCs). To be[er understand the air-­‐sea inter-­‐
ac=on and improve tropical weather predic=ons, we use observa=ons from the ASCAT, OSCAT, and QuickSCAT satellites, the DYNAMO field campaign, and a coupled atmosphere-­‐wave-­‐ocean model in this study. It will be done in collabora=on with a team of scien=sts at NASA and other universi=es. Example of ASCAT observed
surface winds of an intense MJO
event during the DYNAMO field
campaign on 24 Nov 2011.
Dr. Shuyi Chen, [email protected], h[p:// Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science!
Predic=ng El Niño from the South? The theory of El Niño/Southern Oscilla=on (ENSO) and its predic=on have focused primarily on the equatorial climate. Recently, we have shown that there are signals that precede ENSO in the extra-­‐
tropical southern hemisphere (see figure). This student project will test whether these signals can be used to rethink ENSO theory and improve predictability. We will analyze observa=ons and perform simula=ons with climate models of a range of complexity to address this issue. Sea surface temperature and winds from models and observa=ons that are precursors to ENSO from Zhang et al. (2013) *2013 Millero Prize for Best Student Paper Dr. Amy Clement, [email protected] Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science!
Can Dust Drive Abrupt Climate Change? The paleoclimate record shows significant changes in dust in both high and low-­‐la=tudes associated with changes in climate. In turn, changes in the amount of dust in the atmosphere can alter the climate through changes in radia=ve forcing and surface buoyancy fluxes. We use a combina=on of climate models, earth system models, and paleoclimate observa=ons to understand how dust-­‐climate interac=ons contribute to abrupt climate change throughout the past. Model simulated increase in dust deposi=on (in g m-­‐2 yr-­‐1) during the last Heinrich Stadial, a =me when the Sahara was a much more ac=ve dust source (Murphy et al., 2014) Dr. Amy Clement, [email protected] Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science!
Observing Waves in the SUSTAIN Laboratory Students needed for:
1)  National Science Foundation study
of turbulence generated by surface
2)  Office of Naval Research study on
new techniques for ocean wave
Dr. Brian Haus, [email protected], Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science!
Uncertainty Quan=fica=on in Oil Spill and Geophysical Models Apply new uncertainty quan=fica=on tools (polynomial chaos and Gaussian Process methods), to propagate input uncertain=es through complex numerical models to es=mate the mean and the uncertainty of the model output, to correct input uncertain=es when observa=ons are available, and to iden=fy the main contributors to uncertain=es. The figure shows the evolu=on of the uncertainty in forecasted sea surface height (cm) caused by ini=al condi=on uncertain=es. Dr. Mohamed Iskandarani, [email protected] Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science!
High-­‐la=tude Circula=on in the Atlan=c Ocean This new 4-­‐year, mul=-­‐na=onal program (OSNAP) studies the connec=on between deep water mass forma=on, meridional circula=on, and climate variability in the subpolar North Atlan=c Ocean. Students par=cipate in research cruises and inves=gate deep currents and large-­‐scale ocean transport processes. Dr. William Johns, [email protected] Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science!
Observing the Atlan=c Meridional Overturning Circula=on Ongoing since 2004, this program con=nuously monitors the thermohaline circula=on and ocean heat transport in the North Atlan=c. Students par=cipate in research cruises and work on problems related to ocean dynamics, heat transport and storage, and decadal climate variability. Dr. William Johns, [email protected] Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science!
Role of Ocean Eddies in Climate Oceanic mesoscale eddies Add image and delete this play an important, but text poorly understood role in climate. Using numerical simula=ons, a student will study this role, with the goal of helping to improve and interpret climate-­‐change projec=ons. Eddies in numerical simula=ons Dr. Igor Kamenkovich, [email protected] Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science!
Predic=ng the Coming Decades This research project seeks to understand how ocean eddies influence the climate in the coming decades. The research involves using very high resolu=on, state-­‐of-­‐
the-­‐art climate models to examine climate predictability. Dr. Ben Kirtman, [email protected] Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science!
Global Inves=ga=on of Atmospheric Processes Associated with Extreme Rainfall Drawing on a database of extreme rainfall events around the world, we will create ensembles of case studies. Using these, we will a[empt to iden=fy key flow pa[erns, processes, and predictability. A Example: collabora=ng student & professor at CSU will focus on A winter monsoon rain disaster in eastern Vietnam in November, 1999 U.S. domes=c cases. Dr. Brian Mapes, [email protected] Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science!
A New Global Flow Model, with Convec=on Treated as a Linear-­‐Algebra Matrix Δsounding (T , q )
convection s response
The local environmental sensi=vi=es and impacts of convec=ve clouds can be encapsulated in a matrix. A coarse atmosphere model with 1o grid cells, coupled to this matrix, allows us to test hypotheses and map out cleanly the global flow consequences of those local sensi=vi=es and impacts. Dr. Brian Mapes, [email protected] Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science!
The Forward Solu=on to Sea-­‐Surface Temperature Retrieval from MODIS Measurements The two MODIS spectroradiometers on the NASA satellites Terra and Aqua take measurements in the infrared from which sea-­‐surface temperature (SST) can be derived. The limit to the accuracy of the SSTs is how well the effects of the atmosphere can be corrected. In this project we will be exploring novel techniques for the atmospheric correc=on based on atmospheric radia=ve transfer simula=ons and modeled state of the atmosphere. The objec=ve is to provide =me series of global SSTs from satellites to sufficient, and demonstrated, accuracy to be useful for climate research. Dr. Peter Minne[, pminne[ Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science!
Dr. M. Josefina Olascoaga, [email protected], & Dr. F. Javier Beron-­‐Vera Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science!
Understanding the Next Oil Spill Be part of a research team dedicated to predic0ng the fate of oil released into our environment to guide response teams, thereby minimizing damage to human health, the economy, and the environment Dr. Tamay Ozgokmen, [email protected], h[p:// Dr. Roland Romeiser, [email protected] Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science!
Mesoscale Oceanic-­‐Atmospheric Interac=ons Upper Ocean Dynamics Laboratory has a posi=on for a student interested in oceanic-­‐atmospheric interac=ons during both weak or strong forcing (e.g., hurricane Isaac) using a variety of experimental pla?orms (aircrap, land-­‐
based radar) and/or radar remote sensing techniques. Theta-­‐e (K) and oceanic temperature (°C) from a GPS sonde and an oceanic current profiler in top panel. The length of the vectors represent wind/current magnitudes. These data were acquired over and in a warm eddy during Isaac in lower panel. Dr. Lynn K. (Nick) Shay, [email protected] Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science!
Clouds, Circula=on, and Climate Sensi=vity One of the key uncertain=es in projec=ng future climate change is predic=ng the response of clouds to a warming climate. Recent research has shown that the response of clouds (or cloud feedback) is strongly linked to changes in the atmospheric circula=on. This project will unravel the =es between global warming, the atmospheric From Vecchi and Soden, 2007:, Global
circula=on, and cloud feedback. Warming and the weakening of the tropical
Circulation, J. Climate, 20, 4316-4340.
Dr. Brian Soden, [email protected] Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science!
Ini=a=on and Propaga=on of the Madden-­‐Julian Oscilla=on (MJO) The DYNAMO field campaign collected unprecedented observa=ons for studying the MJO. This project uses DYNAMO and other data to study dry and moist processes of the MJO ini=a=on over the tropical Indian Ocean and its propaga=on over the Mari=me Con=nent. DYNAMO Field Campaign (October 2011-March 2012)
Dr. Chidong Zhang, [email protected] Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science!
Tropical Clouds Tropical clouds exhibit a large range of variety. Each cloud type plays a unique role in the tropical weather – climate con=nuum. This project uses ground and satellite observa=ons to study hea=ng and moistening effects of different types of clouds on large-­‐scale phenomena such as the MJO and the ITCZ. Dr. Chidong Zhang, [email protected] Master of Professional Science
The Master of Professional Science (MPS) Program:
•  Prepares students for science careers in industry,
government, and non-profit organizations
•  Degree programs include:
-  Broadcast Meteorology
-  Computational Meteorology and Oceanography
-  Natural Hazard and Catastrophe Analytics
-  Weather, Climate, and Society
-  Weather Forecasting
•  24 course credits and a 3-6 month internship
•  Most students graduate in 15 months or less
Incoming Class of 2014