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Chemistry B
Course Summary
In this second of two courses that comprise Chemistry, the student will explore the fundamental
concepts of chemistry as he engages in reading and responding exercises, hands-on and virtual lab
experiments, and interdisciplinary problem-solving activities. Throughout the course the student will
analyze the nature of solids, liquids, and gases, investigate the properties of solutions, describe and
calculate the energies of different types of reactions, begin to explore electrochemistry, and continue
to examine the fundamental concepts of nuclear and organic chemistry. The course provides many
opportunities for the student to apply these concepts to real-world situations.
1. Solids, Liquids, and Gases
1. The Nature of Gases
 Describe the assumptions of the kinetic theory as it applies to gases.
 Interpret gas pressure in terms of kinetic theory.
 Define the relationship between Kelvin temperature and average kinetic
2. The Nature of Liquids
 Identify factors that determine physical properties of a liquid.
 Define evaporation in terms of kinetic energy.
 Describe the equilibrium between a liquid and its vapor.
 Identify the conditions at which boiling occurs.
3. The Nature of Solids
 Evaluate how the way particles are organized explains the properties of solids.
 Identify the factors that determine the shape of a crystal.
 Explain how allotropes of an element are different.
4. Changes of State
 Identify the conditions necessary for sublimation.
 Describe how equilibrium conditions are represented in a phase diagram.
5. Properties of Gases
 Explain why gases are easier to compress than solids or liquids are.
 Describe the three factors that affect gas pressure.
6. The Gas Laws
 Describe the relationships among the temperature, pressure, and volume of a
 Use the combined gas law to solve problems.
7. Ideal Gases
 Compute the value of an unknown using the ideal gas law.
 Compare and contrast real and ideal gases.
8. Virtual Lab: Gas Pressure-Volume Relationship
 Investigate the relationship between the pressure and volume of a gas
9. Gases: Mixtures and Movements
 Relate the total pressure of a mixture of gases to the partial pressures of the
component gases.
 Explain how the molar mass of a gas affects the rate at which the gas diffuses
and effuses.
10. Water and Its Properties
 Explain the high surface tension and low vapor pressure of water in terms of
the surface structure of the water molecule and hydrogen bonding.
11. Homogeneous Aqueous Systems
 Distinguish between a solvent and a solute.
 Describe what happens in the solution process.
 Explain why all ionic compounds are electrolytes.
 Demonstrate how the formula for a hydrate is written.
12. Heterogeneous Aqueous Systems
Distinguish between a suspension and a solution.
Identify the distinguishing characteristic of a colloid.
13. Unit Review
 Review the concepts presented in the unit.
14. Unit Test
There are no objectives for this lesson.
2. Solutions, Acids, and Bases
1. Properties of Solutions
 Identify the factors that determine the rate at which a solute dissolves.
 Identify the units usually used to express the solubility of a solute.
 Identify the factors that determine the mass of a solute that will dissolve in a
given mass of solute.
2. Concentrations of Solutions
 Solve problems involving molarity of a solution.
 Describe the effect of dilution on the total moles of solute in solution.
 Define percent by volume and percent by mass solutions.
3. Colligative Properties of Solutions
 Identify three colligative properties of solutions.
 Explain why the vapor pressure, freezing point, and boiling point of a solution
differ from those properties of the pure solvent.
4. Acid-Base Theories
 Define the properties of acids and bases.
 Compare and contrast acids and bases as defined by the theories of Arrhenius,
Bronsted-Lowry, and Lewis.
5. Hydrogen Ions and Acidity
 Describe how [H+] and [OH-] are related in an aqueous solution.
 Classify a solution as neutral, acidic, or basic given the hydrogen-ion or
hydroxide-ion concentrations.
 Convert hydrogen-ion concentrations into pH values and hydroxide-ion
concentrations into pH values.
 Describe the purpose of an acid-base pH indicator.
6. Strength of Acids and Bases
 Define strong acids and weak acids.
 Describe how an acid's strength is related to the value of its acid dissociation
 Calculate an acid dissociation constant (Ka) from concentration and pH
 Order acids by strength according to their acid dissociation constants (Ka).
 Order bases by strength according to their base dissociation constants (Kb).
7. Neutralization Reactions
 Define the products of an acid-base reaction.
 Explain how acid-base titration is sused to calculate the concentration of an
acid or a base.
 Explain the concept of equivalence in neutralization reactions.
 Describe the relationship between equivalence point and the end point of a
8. Virtual Titration Lab
 Define titration
 Titrate an acid and a base
 Calculate the molarity of an acid and a base
9. Kitchen Table Titration Lab
 Titrate an acid
 Calibrate an eye dropper
 Calculate the molarity of an acid
10. Unit Review
 Review the concepts presented in the unit.
11. Unit Test
There are no objectives for this lesson.
3. Heat, Energy, and Reactions
1. The Flow of Energy - Heat and Work
 Explain how energy, heat, and work are related.
 Classify processes as either exothermic or endothermic.
 Identify the units used to measure heat transfer.
 Distinguish between heat capacity and specific heat.
2. Measuring and Expressing Enthalpy Changes
 Describe how calorimeters are used to measure heat flow.
 Construct thermochemical equations.
 Solve for enthalpy changes in chemical reactions by using heats of reaction.
3. Calculating Heats of Reaction
 State Hess's law of heat summation and describe how it is used in chemistry.
 Solve for enthalpy changes by using Hess's law or standard heats of formation.
4. Virtual Lab: Heat of Combustion
 Measure the heat of combustion of sugar
5. Rates of Reactions
 Describe how to express the rate of a chemical reaction.
 Identify four factors that influence the rate of a chemical reaction.
6. Factors that Affect the Rate of a Reaction
 Design an experiment
 Test factors that affect the rate of a reaction
 Record observations
 Draw conclusions based on direct observations
7. Reversible Reactions and Equilibrium
 Describe how the amounts of reactants and products change in a chemical
system at equilibrium.
 Identify three stresses that can change the equilibrium position of a chemical
 Explain what the value of Keq indicates about the position of equilibrium.
8. Entropy and Free Energy
 Identify two characteristics of spontaneous reactions.
 Describe the role of entropy in chemical reactions.
 Identify two factors that determine the spontaneity of a reaction.
 Define Gibbs free-energy change.
9. Unit Review
 Review the concepts presented in the unit.
10. Unit Test
There are no objectives for this lesson.
4. Electrochemistry
1. The Meaning of Oxidation and Reduction
 Define oxidation and reduction in terms of the loss or gain of oxygen and the
loss or gain of electrons.
 State the characteristics of a redox reaction and identify the oxidizing and
reducing agent.
 Describe what happens to iron when it corrodes.
2. Oxidation Numbers
Determine the oxidation number of an atom of any element in a pure
 Define oxidation and reduction in terms of a change in oxidation number and
identify atoms being oxidized or reduced in redox reactions.
Balancing Redox Reactions
 Describe how oxidation numbers are used to identify redox reactions.
 Balance a redox equation using the oxidation-number-change method.
 Balancea redox equatio by breaking the equation into oxidation and reduction
half-reactions, and then using the half-reaction method.
Virtual Lab: Redox Titrations
 Determine the percent composition of iron in a sample using an oxidationreduction titration with potassium permanganate
Electrochemical Cells
 Interpret an activity series and identify the elements that are most easily
oxidized and those that are least easily oxidized.
 Name the types of reactions involved in electrochemical processes.
 Describe how a voltaic cell produces electrical energy.
 Describe current technologies that use electrochemical processes to produce
Electrolytic Cells
 Distinguish between electrolytic and voltaic cells.
 Identify the products of the electrolysis of water.
 Describe the chemical changes that take place during the electrolysis of brine.
 Name three ways that electrolysis is used in metal processing.
Unit Review
 Review the concepts presented in the unit.
Unit Test
There are no objectives for this lesson.
5. Organic Chemistry
1. Hydrocarbons
 Describe the relationship between the number of valence electrons and
bonding in carbon.
 Define and describe alkanes.
 Relate the polarity of hydrocarbons to their solubility.
2. Unsaturated Hydrocarbons and Isomers
 Describe the difference between unsaturated and saturated hydrocarbons.
 Distinguish between the structures of alkenes and alkynes.
 Explain why structural isomers have different properties.
 Describe the conditions under which geometric isomerism are possible.
 Identify optical isomers.
3. Hydrocarbon Rings
 Identify cyclic ring structures.
 Describe bonding in benzene.
4. Hydrocarbons from Earth
 Identify three important fossil fuels and describe their origins.
 Describe the composition of natural gas, petroleum, and coal.
 Describe what happens when petroleum is refined.
5. Introduction to Functional Groups
 Explain how organic compounds are classified.
 Identify halocarbons and the IUPAC rules for naming halocarbons.
 Describe how halocarbons can be prepared.
6. Alcohols and Ethers
 Identify how alcohols are classified and named.
Predict how the solubility of an alcohol varies with the length of its carbon
 Name the reactions of alkenes that may be used to introduce functional
 Construct the general structure of an ether and describe how ethers are
Carbonyl Compounds
 Identify the structure of a carbonyl group as found in aldehydes and ketones.
 Construct the general formula for carboxylic acids and explain how they are
 Describe an ester.
 Explain how dehydrogenation is an oxidation reaction.
Amino Acids and Their Polymers
 Diagram the structure of an amino acid.
 Describe how peptide bonds form and identify what determines the properties
of peptides and proteins.
 Describe how enzymes affect biochemical reactions.
Properties of Plastics
 Identify some of common plastics and their uses
 Compare and contrast the properties of different plastics and make inferences
from those comparisons
 Identify products that different plastics can become through recycling
Unit Review
 Review the concepts presented in the unit.
Unit Test
There are no objectives for this lesson.
6. Nuclear Chemistry
1. Nuclear Radiation
 Explain how an unstable nucleus releases energy.
 Describe the three types of nuclear radiation.
2. Nuclear Transformations
 Describe the type of decay a radioisotope undergoes.
 Solve problems that involve half-life.
 Identify the two ways transmutation can occur.
3. Fission and Fusion of Atomic Nuclei
 Describe what happens in a nuclear chain reaction.
 Explain the role of water in the storage of spent fuel rods.
 Distinguish fission reactions from fusion reactions.
4. Radiation in Your Life
 Identify three devices that are used to detect radiation.
 Describe how radioisotopes are used in medicine.
5. Unit Review
 Review the concepts presented in the unit.
6. Unit Test
There are no objectives for this lesson.
7. Final Review and Exam
1. Chemistry B Final Review
 Identify strategies that you will use to prepare for your exam
 Organize your time and study materials
 Review your notes, answers to lesson questions and assessments, and key
vocabulary terms
2. Chemistry B Final Exam
There are no objectives for this lesson.