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Fish Systematics:
How does this stuff work??
Study of fish diversity and the evolutionary
relationships among populations, species and
higher taxa
Chapter 2
(Helfman, Collette & Facey)
Why Systematics?
Basis for identification
Understanding relationships
Common language!
• Understand patterns of diversity
– How? the context of evolutionary and
ecological theory.
– trends in where fish groups are found (spatial
– trends in emergence/extinction of evolutionary
• Sample questions:
• What has favored/allowed greater diversity of fishes
on coral reefs than in lakes?
• What has allowed/favored cypriniforms, siluriforms
and characiforms to become so diverse?
• What factors have allowed/favored the persistence
of ancient taxa in the Mississippi River basin
(bowfin, gar, paddlefish, etc.)?
• What is the evolutionary (phylogenetic) relationship
between salmon and pike?
Subdisciplines in Systematics
• Taxonomy - the theory and practice of describing,
identifying and classifying taxa (groups of
phylogenetically related organisms)
– Taxonomy can be predictive!!
• Nomenclature - the naming of taxonomic groups
• Classification - organizing taxa into like groupings
What is a Species?
• C. Tate. Regan (1926) (20th Century)
“A community, or a number of related
communities whose distinctive
morphologyical characters are, in the
opinion of a competent systematist,
sufficiently definite to entitle it, or them to a
specific name.”
Focus of Systematics on Species
• Historically, understanding species* most
*group of organisms that can reproduce and generate
viable offspring
• Today, emphasis is below species level (why?)
– Endangered Species Act:
• applies to distinct population segment of a species which
interbreeds when mature
Species Concepts
• Morphological (Linnaeus): the smallest
group of individuals that look different from
each other.
– can misclassify based on differences that can be
maintained within an interbreeding group
– depends only on observable morphological
Species Concepts
• Biological (Mayr): group of populations of
individuals that are similar in form and
function and that are reproductively isolated
from other populations
conventional definition until late 1980’s
includes genetic information
ignores hybridization
dependent on geographic isolation to achieve
species status
Species Concepts
• Evolutionary (Wiley): a population or
group of populations that shares a common
evolutionary fate and historical tendencies
– recognizes more than just genetic and
morphological differences
– difficult to determine “evolutionary fate”
– how much diversity is allowed within a
common evolutionary fate?
– Nelson 1999 Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries
Species Concepts
• Phylogenetic: the smallest biological unit
appropriate for phylogenetic analysis
(process that rates traits as ancestral
(plesiomorphes) or derived (apomorphies)
and then looks for groupings based on
similarities (shared, synapomorphies)
– does not infer modes of speciation
– nothing is arbitrary
– depends on thorough phylogenetic analysis first
Species Concepts
• Usefulness of each concept depends on the
use - for Endangered Species Act, use as
much evidence as possible:
morphological, physiological, behavioral
life history & development
habitat & feeding ecology
evolutionary fate
Determining Relationships
Between Taxa
• Traditional: examine and list primitive to
advanced, link groups based on a few
arbitrary traits, generate lineage model
based on these limited data
Determining Relationships
Between Taxa
• Phenetics: multivariate statistical approach:
– assemble list of traits
– determine degree of similarity among groups
based on number of similar traits
– ignores evolutionary linkage of groups
(convergence could put evolutionarily distinct
lines into a single taxon)
Determining Relationships
Between Taxa
• Phylogenetic (cladistic):
– assemble a list of traits
– classify each taxonomic group on basis of
presence or absence of each trait
– determine degree of similarity among groups
based on shared and unique traits:
Determining Relationships
Between Taxa
• Phylogenetic (cladistic), continued:
– determine degree of similarity among groups
based on shared and unique traits:
1. shared traits = plesiomorphic traits (ancestral)
2. unique traits = apomorphic traits (derived)
3. shared unique traits = synapomorphic traits
– monophyletic group of taxa (common origin) =
• Phylogenetic relationships expressed in
cladograms - branching representation of
the evolutionary relationships among taxa
based on shared common traits and shared
unique traits
Constructing a Cladogram
Listing of traits
Coding of each taxon by presence/absence of each trait
Assemble groupings based on trait conditions
Use the simplest branching structure possible: principle
of parsimony
More on traits...
• Meritic-count it!
• Morphometric-measurable shape
fin length
eye shape
ratios between such measures...
anatomical characteristics
molecular characteristics
head length
Which traits do I use?
• How do populations become distinct
species? - the process whereby gene flow is
reduced sufficiently between sister
populations to allow each to become
different evolutionary lineages
– Allopatric (with geographic isolation)
– Non-allopatric (without geographic isolation)
• Allopatric (with geographic isolation)
– Vicariant - large populations geographically
isolated (little inbreeding) (United States)
– Founder - small population becomes
geographically isolated and then reproductively
isolated via inbreeding, selection, drift
(Gilligan’s Island)
– Reinforcement - early isolation followed by
sympatry, but selection against hybrids
• Non-allopatric (without geographic
– Sympatric - sister species evolve within the
dispersal range of each other, but adapt to
different habitats - habitat-dependent assortive
mating (tribes)
– Parapatric - sister species evolve in segregated
habitats across a narrow contact zone - little
mixing in spite of proximity
Final synthesis on “species”
• Groupings that are different from each
– morphology, behavior, physiology, ecology
• Reproduction is isolated in practice
• Mating systems and mate-recognition
systems are important enforcers of isolation