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Chapter Five
The Renaissance and the
The Italian Renaissance
The word Renaissance means
“rebirth”. It was the rebirth of
ancient Greek and Roman Worlds.
 During this time the Church’s power
declined, society recovered from the
plague and the instability of the
Middle Ages.
The Italian Renaissance
Italy was a largely urban society with
powerful city-states that were
political, economical, and social
 Developed a secular (or worldly)
view because of the desire to collect
material goods from all over.
The Italian Renaissance
Emphasized individual
ability and self worth.
They believed that a
well-rounded person
was capable of any
Upper class citizens
played a big role in the
Renaissance society.
The Italian States
Milan, Venice, and Florence
played important roles in
Italian politics, all three
prospered from trade.
Because of control problems in
Northern Italy, France tried to
take over the area because of
all of Italy’s riches.
Italy asked Spain for help.
France and Spain fought in
Italy for 30 years
He wrote an influential book on
political power called, The Prince.
 It discussed how to get and keep
political power.
 Machiavelli said a Prince should not
act on moral principles but on the
interests of the state
Renaissance Society
Three Social Classes
• Nobles or aristocrats-had to follow a
standard of conduct and were expected to
have talent, character, and grace.
• Townspeople- Patricians (traders, bankers,
and industry), Burghers (shopkeepers,
artisans, and guild workers)
• Peasants- 85-90% of the population, except
in big cities. Serfdom decreased and the
people became citizens
Renaissance Society
To maintain or strengthen the family or
business ties, parents arranged marriage
 Dowry- a sum of money the brides family
paid the groom to marry their daughter
 The father/husband was the center of the
Based on literary works of
ancient Greece and Rome
Studied poetry, moral
philosophy, and History
Petrarch-did the most to
foster humanism’s
development, by finding
forgotten manuscripts.
Many took an interest in
civic life.
Education in the Renaissance
Humanists believed that education
could dramatically change human
 Liberal studies allowed individuals to
reach their full potential- history, moral
philosophy, rhetoric, grammar, logic,
poetry, mathematics, astronomy, and
Education in the Renaissance
Stressed physical education
 Tried to create complete citizens
 Females rarely attended these
Artistic Renaissance
Wanted to imitate nature
in their works
New world perspective
where humans were the
“centers and measure of
all things”
Fresco-a painting done
on wet plaster with water
based paints.
Advances in sculptures,
architecture, and
Northern Artistic Renaissance
The Renaissance moved into
European countries: Belgium,
Luxemburg, Netherlands, and
Christian Humanism
• The Protestant Reformation began with
Martin Luther in the sixteenth century.
• It divided the western church into
Catholic and Protestant groups.
• Italian Humanism spread into northern
Europe creating Christian Humanism.
Christian Humanism
They believed in the ability for
humans to reason and improve
themselves and wanted to reform
the Catholic Church.
 This would happen through inner
piety (religious feeling) based on the
study of the works of Christians.
Before the Reformation
People wanted reform because of
corruption in the Catholic Church.
 Popes failed to meet the Church’s
spiritual needs (1450-1520), more
concerned with the Papal States.
Before the Reformation
Church officials used their offices to
advance their careers and wealth
and some were ignorant of their
spiritual duties.
 All this helped lead people to
Luther’s Reformation.
Martin Luther
He was a monk and professor.
 Through the study of his Bible, he
came to reject the catholic teachings
that were necessary for salvation
(acceptance into heaven).
 God grants salvation through faith
alone not because of human deeds.
Martin Luther
The Reformations chief teachings
were the idea of justification (being
made right for God) by faith alone.
 The Bible, not the church, became
the primary source of religious truth.
 Luther was upset about the practice
of indulgences (pay to be forgiven
for your sins).
Ninety-five Theses
Angered by the practice Luther
posted his Ninety-five Theses on the
door of the Castle Church in
Wittenberg, they attacked abuses in
selling indulgences and printed
thousands of copies.
Luther’s Ideas
In 1520 Luther called for the German
princes to over throw the papacy and
establish a reformed German
 Luther wanted to keep only two
sacraments, Baptism and
Communion, and wanted the clergy
to marry.
Luther’s Ideas
Luther was excommunicated in 1521
and became an outlaw through the Edict
of Worms that ordered him to a
legislative assembly of the Holy Roman
 His local ruler protected him.
 His movement became the Revolution.
Luther’s Ideas
Gaining support from German rulers,
they took control of the Catholic
 Luther replaced the mass with bible
readings, preaching the word of God,
and song which became
Lutheranism, the first Protestant