Download Protestant Reformation Identify and or define for historical

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Protestant Reformation
Identify and or define for historical significance
Martin Luther
Diet of Worms
95 Thesis
Pope Leo X
Protestant Reformation
Peasant Revolt
Peace of Augsburg
Johannes Guttenberg
Henry V111
How Martin Luther efforts to reform the Catholic Church change European Society
Be able to define and explain with examples the concept of Humanism in relation to Martin Luther
Know the causes which lead to Luther’s’ posting of his 95 Thesis
How did the printing press lead to the expansion of Luther’s popularity
How did Luther’s view of Faith differ from the Catholic church
Know why the there was a peasant revolt and how Luther felt about it
Why did the pope excommunicate Luther and what his reaction was
Know what the Diet of Worms was about, and what Luther meant by his quote “Here I stand for I can do no other.”
Why was Luther “kidnapped” and how did he spend his time under Fredrick’s protection?
10. What would be the ideas Luther came up with for his church that differed from the Catholic Church?
11. What was the Peace of Augsburg?
12. What were the Reforms of the Catholic Reformation
13. What reforms did Luther make to his Church and followers known as Protestants?
14. What were the long term legacy of the Protestant Reformation
15. Explain the cause and effects of Henry the Vlll breaking from the Catholic Church
Renaissance Period
Identify terms and definitions and historical significance
Julius 2nd
Baldassare Castiglione
Niccolò Machiavelli
Leonardo De Vinci
City State
What was the time period of the Renaissance?
Know the origins of the Renaissance: (Crusades, Italy Geography, etc.)What were the ideals of the Renaissance?
Know why the city states of Italy led to beginning of the Renaissance
Explain the ideals of Humanism. Why are these values a departure from that of the Middle Ages?
Be able to explain how the Renaissance marked the transition from medieval times to the early modern world.
Know the concept of humanism and be able to give examples of how it shaped the Renaissance.
Know the importance of banking and credit in leading to the great wealth of the Merchants.
What roles did wealthy Italian Merchants play during the Renaissance?
Know how the values of art shifted from the Middle Ages into the Renaissance
10. Be able to give examples of art from the leading artists and inventors of the day
11. How did classical architecture influence the architecture of the Renaissance? Give examples
12. Know what was unique about the book “The Prince” by Machiavelli” and why it is considered Humanist
13. Be able to describe why science was still very dangerous during the Renaissance
14. What was the Scientific Revolution? Give examples of people, Ideas and inventions during this period
15. Be able to identify works of Michelangelo, Raphael, Leonardo de Vinci, Van Eke and others presented during class.
16. How did architecture change as a result of the Renaissance from the Middle Ages? What was the reason for the change?
17. Know the long lasting legacy of the Renaissance time period